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NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF NIGERIA (Established by Nursing & MUdwiferyRegtsteaton ete, Ac, Cap. No 143 Lanes of the Federation of Nero, 2000) FORMAT FOR WRITING AND SCORING RESEARCH PROJECTS FOR SCHOOLS- REVISED FEBRUARY 2018 A | The preliminary pages of the Research Project should be numbered using the Rom numerals as follows: Cover Page T ‘The coyer page should contain the following: itle of Project- Not more than 22 words. Name in full, surname first and (fg mark) | ‘of the requirement of Nursing (Uamark) il of Nigeria for the award of ny other Certificate”, Ty mark) NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF NIGERIA {Catechol by Nursing & Mdofery Registration, Act Cap Na Mi Lane ofthe Fleton of Niet, 200 FORMAT FOR WRITING AND SCORING RESEARCH PROJECTS FOR SCHOOLS- REVISED FEBRUARY 2018 A | The preliminary” pages of the Research Project should be numbered using the Roman ‘fumerals as follows: 1. | Cover Page + Tho cover page should contain the following: * Title of Project Not more than 22 words © Student’s Name - Name in full, surname first and then other names TT, * Name of Institution 1 * Date ~ Month and year of examination (at the Cf mark) bottom). i [Title Page # Title of project 4 Name of student + Name of Institution ; © In partial fulfitment of the requirement of Nursing Ca marky and Midwifery Couneil of Nigeria for the award of “Registered Nurse/any other Centifieats”, + Date at the bottom. iit, | Declaration Page — This is to declare that this research project titled, ark) ‘was carried out by - is solely the result of my work except where acknowledged as being derived from other person(s) or resources. Examination Number: Inthe (DepartmenvSchool) = has been examined and upproved for the award of Signature, Name: (Project Supervisor) Signature Name. (Head of Department/tlead of School) Signature Name. (Chief Examiner) Date: Date: iv. ‘Abstract (5 marks) Maximum of 300 words in continuous prose, mage up of the following: © Intioduetion '® Ainv/Purpose of the Study ‘* Methodology © Results © Conclusion/Recommend ations © Pour to six keywords (1 mark) (a mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (Ca mark) Dedication (Optional) Acknowledgement - maximum of | page Camark) Table of content (Cmark) (smack) List of Tables (4 mark) List of Figures (Total marks = 8) B. | CHAPTER ONE. Introduction ‘Background to the stu |__| of key issues under investigation Statement of problem Ob idy - (Broad explanation | CHAPTER TAREE Methodology Design’ —_ {a marky Setting - geographical location and characteristics (2 marks) | | Target population (mark) (1 mark) (3 marks) @ marks (1 mark) (2 marks) mark) (3 marks) ~~ marks) (Total ama ~— @marks) | Amari) Ss | @ maarks) r (mark) (mark) (mark) (2 marks) (I mark) (Total >a — (mark) (mark) (G marks) (your), 64. Clark (2017), tates tha, fand the your shald bs in bruckat A author surname, then (yeary, PAvie ind ey Pabrarde rah N Aftics: Does absence of ad, 949), 713-116.

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