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What does it mean to truly be happy?

How do you acquire such a level of ecstasy?

I often ask those questions to myself

Happiness is a word that people often don’t put as much thought especially these

Many theories or beliefs explain how happiness is supposed to be acquired like

virtue theory. Virtue theory is famously held by philosophers such as Plato,
Aristotle, and the Stoics, it explains that happiness is acquired by cultivating
virtues. A happy person must be sufficiently virtuous. To be happy in Virtue
theory you must cultivate both moral and intellectual but this theory is
questionable such as; Are Immoral people always unhappy? No. Many immoral
people seem to be happy despite their evil deeds. Other than the virtue theory
there is the Desire satisfaction theory and Hedonism theory.
According to some research, the desire satisfaction theory is achieving happiness
through getting whatever you want/desire. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to
be that since there are a lot of people who are wealthy enough to get whatever
they desire yet for some reason they often felt empty and depressed. As per
hedonism, happiness is achieved supposedly by experiencing pleasure. To
hedonism, to be happy you just need to feel good. To be precise that belief means
there are no differences between feeling happy and being happy. Lastly beliefs
and theories about Happiness, there is the Life satisfaction theory. Through this
theory happiness, happiness consists of one being satisfied with their life. A happy
person has a positive view of their life which means in general, they may not be
happy in every aspect of their life cause of their rocky situations in those
experiences but despite that, they learned how to be content with it. The
problem with this theory is that people often have difficulties distinguishing what
they feel at the moment from how they feel overall about their lives.

Understanding what happiness is should allow you to become happier. Basically,

happiness can be viewed depending on the person. I guess it mostly can be
acquired through self-acceptance and self-validation.

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