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Intermediate Paper

Marc Jurdak, r0922889


In the ever-evolving tapestry of urban development, the documentary "En

Construcción/Work in Progress" intricately captures the nuances of transformation in the Raval area
of Barcelona. This reflection paper seeks to weave the threads of this visual narrative into the
theoretical fabric explored in the course "Beyond Urban Projects." As we delve into the multiple
definitions, contemporary understandings of urbanity, scale translations, and external perspectives,
the documentary serves as a compelling lens through which to scrutinize the complexities inherent
in urban interventions.

1. Multiple Definitions, Multiple Approaches

As we traverse the landscape of "En Construcción," the myriad definitions and approaches to
urban transformation come to life. The Raval area, in its state of perpetual evolution, mirrors the
multi-scalar and strategic complexity discussed in our first course session. The documentary
becomes a canvas on which the diverse stakeholders, functions, and contextual relations are vividly
painted. The construction sites echo the transdisciplinary nature of Urban Projects, embodying not
just bricks and mortar but the intricate interplay of societal, cultural, political, and economic forces.

Within the construction zones, we witness a microcosm of the challenges and opportunities
present in Urban Projects. The interactions between builders, architects, and residents mirror the
collaborative co-authorship emphasized in our course, where unlocking formal and informal uses of
space is not merely a design principle but a societal negotiation. The documentary raises questions
about the temporality of urban projects, inviting us to reflect on the timeframe and historic relations
embedded in these endeavours.

In essence, "En Construcción" becomes a visual dialogue with the theoretical underpinnings
introduced in the course. The construction cranes sway in rhythm with the complexities outlined in
our theoretical framework. As we reflect upon the documentary, the notion of "Urban Projects"
transcends the physical structures we see on screen, becoming an evolving narrative deeply
embedded in the socio-cultural fabric of the Raval area.

2. Updated Understanding of Urbanity: Concepts and References

"En Construcción" artfully unfolds as a cinematic exploration of the updated understanding

of urbanity, a theme extensively probed in our second course session. The documentary becomes a
living archive of Barcelona's Raval area, capturing not only the physical alterations but also the
essence of the community's journey through time. The buildings, streets, and public spaces morph
into more than physical structures; they become repositories of cultural references and historical

In the course, we grappled with the challenge of embracing the contemporary while
acknowledging the historical context of urban spaces. "En Construcción" emerges as a visual
discourse on this dilemma, presenting the viewer with a canvas where the strokes of the old
seamlessly blend with the strokes of the new. The preservation of historical elements within the
evolving urban landscape prompts contemplation on the delicate balance between progress and

Moreover, the documentary acts as a visual reference library, challenging our notions of
architectural permanence. It invites us to consider how the built environment, as depicted in the
film, is a dynamic and evolving entity. Structures are not frozen in time; they are fluid, adapting to
the shifting demands of society and culture. The narrative embedded in the Raval area serves as a
microcosm of the broader postmodern approach to urbanity, where the city is not merely a stage for
architectural performance but an evolving script in which each generation leaves its mark.

3. Scale Translations & Activism: Beyond "Global to Local"

"En Construcción" serves as a poignant visual testament to the course discussions on scale
translations and activism, taking us beyond the conventional boundaries of the "global to local"
dichotomy. The film presents the Raval area as a melting pot where global influences are translated
into the vernacular of the local context, challenging us to reevaluate our perceptions of scale.

The documentary becomes a canvas where the brushstrokes of global trends merge with the
fine details of local nuances. Our exploration of scale translations in the course finds resonance in
the physical transformations witnessed in the film. The juxtaposition of international architectural
trends with the distinct character of Raval underscores the complex dance between global forces
and local identity.

Moreover, "En Construcción" sheds light on the activism embedded in the community's
response to urban transformation. The lively scenes of protests, community gatherings, and
grassroots initiatives align with our discussions on the multifaceted engagement inherent in Urban
Projects. It becomes evident that the Raval community is not a passive recipient of change but an
active participant, shaping the trajectory of its own urban narrative.

As we reflect on the documentary's portrayal of scale translations and activism, it prompts a

deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between global narratives and local landscapes.
The film challenges us to consider the role of activism as a catalyst for positive change, urging us to
critically evaluate the social, cultural, and political dimensions of urban projects.

4. Seminars and External Perspectives

As the course extended its gaze beyond the classroom, seminars brought forth external
perspectives, offering insightful lenses into real-world urban challenges. The captivating narratives
from Fragile Waterfronts in New York, Infrastructure and Transformation in Lahore, and the LGBTQ+
Centre for Brussels served as windows into the multifaceted nature of urban interventions. In
tandem, "En Construcción" emerges as a bridge that seamlessly connects these external
perspectives with the dynamic transformation witnessed in the Raval area.

In the seminar on Fragile Waterfronts, our discourse delved into the delicate equilibrium
between urban development and environmental sustainability. The sprawling landscapes of
construction within "En Construcción" mirror the discourse on ecological considerations in urban
planning. The film serves as a visual representation of the complexities involved in reshaping urban
environments while contemplating the ecological impact of such endeavors.

Similarly, the seminar on Infrastructure and Transformation in Lahore provided a nuanced

exploration of the symbiotic relationship between urban infrastructure and societal change. "En
Construcción" offers a complementary narrative, where the construction sites in Raval not only
reshape physical infrastructure but also act as catalysts for social, cultural, and economic
transformations. The documentary becomes a visual journey through the intersections of
infrastructure and societal progress.

The LGBTQ+ Centre for Brussels, examined in another seminar, highlighted the
transformative power of inclusive spaces in urban planning. "En Construcción" resonates with this
perspective, portraying not just the physical construction of buildings but also the construction of
identity and community. The documentary prompts contemplation on how urban projects can serve
as agents of social inclusivity and empowerment, aligning with the societal engagement witnessed in
the Raval area.

5. Review of Urban Projects

As we approach the concluding chapters of our course, dedicated to the review of specific
urban projects, "En Construcción" becomes a poignant case study that parallels the scrutiny applied
to projects like The Barbican in London. Much like The Barbican's impact on London's urban fabric,
the documentary invites us to dissect the challenges and triumphs inherent in the ongoing
transformation of Raval.

In the examination of Territory Cases in Vietnam and Ecuador, and the deep dive into the
intricacies of Urban Infrastructures, "En Construcción" acts as a comparative lens. The film
encourages us to consider how the lessons learned from global projects can inform local
interventions. The review sessions in the course and the documentary converge in their exploration
of complexity, offering rich insights into the layers of urban development.

The session dedicated to The Barbican, with its nuanced exploration of spatial and cultural
considerations, resonates with the documentary's portrayal of Raval's metamorphosis. The parallels
between global projects dissected in the course and the local intervention depicted in "En
Construcción" underscore the universality of urban challenges and the importance of understanding
local contexts.

As we reflect on these urban projects, both in the course and in "En Construcción," the
complexities revealed become a shared narrative. The course equips us with analytical tools to
scrutinize, discuss, and reflect upon these intricacies, and the documentary enriches our theoretical
understanding by providing a tangible, visual case study.

6. Reflections on Urban Complexity

As we navigate the labyrinth of theoretical discussions, external perspectives, and project

reviews, "En Construcción" emerges not merely as a documentary but as a canvas upon which the
complexities of urban development are painted. The film encapsulates the essence of our course,
offering a visual narrative that transcends the boundaries of theoretical discourse.
The interplay between the construction sites and the daily life in Raval serves as a living
metaphor for the theoretical complexities dissected in our course. The vibrant streets, the
conversations among residents, and the ever-present hum of construction machinery become
threads weaving together the intricate fabric of urban existence. "En Construcción" captures the
pulsating heartbeat of a community in flux, mirroring the theoretical heartbeat we've explored
throughout the semester.

In the lens of the documentary, the construction cranes cease to be mere instruments of
physical change; they become symbols of societal transformation. The course discussions on societal
engagement in Urban Projects find a tangible representation in the activism depicted in "En
Construcción." The protests, the community gatherings, and the grassroots initiatives become visual
echoes of the multidimensional societal engagement that defines urban interventions.

Moreover, the documentary invites us to engage not just with the physical structures but
with the stories embedded within them. It prompts reflection on the narratives of displacement,
resilience, and adaptation. The faces and voices of the Raval community become storytellers, their
narratives interwoven with the theoretical tapestry we've explored in class.

7. Lessons Learned and Future Urban Narratives

As we draw our reflections to a close, the symbiosis between our theoretical explorations
and the visual narrative of "En Construcción" becomes apparent. The lessons learned from the
course find resonance in the unfolding story of Raval's transformation. The documentary becomes a
testament to the interconnectedness of theory and practice in the realm of Urban Projects.

One of the overarching lessons gleaned from both the course and the documentary is the
importance of a nuanced understanding of urban complexity. Urban Projects, as we've come to
appreciate, are not linear endeavors. They are dynamic, multifaceted processes that demand a
holistic perspective. "En Construcción" serves as a visual reminder that successful urban
interventions necessitate an appreciation for the intricacies of societal, cultural, and economic

Looking forward, the documentary encourages us to ponder the future narratives of urban
development. The unfinished structures in Raval, caught in a perpetual state of becoming, provoke
contemplation on the ongoing nature of Urban Projects. The course has equipped us with the
theoretical tools to contribute meaningfully to these narratives, emphasizing the need for
transdisciplinarity, co-authorship, and an understanding of both formal and informal uses of space.

In conclusion, "En Construcción/Work in Progress" transcends its role as a documentary; it

becomes a visual companion to our theoretical journey through Urban Projects. The Raval area, in its
state of perpetual becoming, becomes a microcosm of the urban complexities we've navigated in
the classroom. As we bid farewell to both the course and the documentary, we carry forward not
just theoretical insights but a profound appreciation for the dynamic, evolving narratives that define
the urban landscape.

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