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Instruction: Answer all questions
1. Stress can be defined as ______ (a) extra power or energy given to a
particular syllable in a word or to a particular word in a sentence
(b) extra power or energy given to a particular syllable (c) extra
power or energy given to a particular word
2. _________ are types of stress (a) primary stress and simple stress
(b) primary stress and secondary stress (c) secondary stress and
verb stress
3. _________ is a sentence with one independent or main clause and
one or more dependent or subordinate clause (a) compound
sentence (b) simple sentence (c) complex sentence
4. The boy kicked the ball because _______ began to cry (a) the man
(b) they boy (c) the woman
5. The teacher flogged him because he jumped _________ (a) he
crossed the road (b) the fence (c) the hole
6. This is the man who danced ________ at the party (a) small (b)
much (c) very well
7. The woman killed her ______ and buried it so that nobody would
know (a) child (b) sister (c) uncle
8. Rosemary is reading downstairs is an example of ________ (a)
adverb (b) verb (c) adjuncts
9. I know ________ that he was drunk (a) then (b) thens (c) then’s
10. We washed all the _______ when we got home (a) mates (b) clothes
(c) shoes
11. _______ is placed at the end of a declarative sentence, statement is
known as (a) full stop (b) comma (c) question mark
12. _______ is called question mark (a) , (b) ; (c) ?
13. The above sign is called exclamation point (a) , (b) ! (c) –
14. _______ is the sign of comma (a) , (b) : (c) ?
15. _______ is the sign of semi – colon (a) : (b) . (c) ;
16. The sign below is colon – (a) ! (b) : (c) “
17. Apostrophe (‘) is used to indicate the _________ of a letter or letters
(a) omission (b) divide (c) separate
18. One of the following marks is quotation marks (a) ‘ (b) “ “ (c) :
19. This is ______ car (a) Miriam’s (b) Maryam’s (c) Mary’s
20. _______ blouse is outside (a) mummy (b) mum (c) mum’s
Answer two (2) questions only
1a. What is Health?
b. Mention five (5) words that associated with health
c. Explain two out of five
2a. Define Stress
b. List the types of stress you know
c. Write five words that have three syllables indicate
3. Write a Narrative Essay on a title: How Pama became a town
4a. What is Adjunct?
b. Give three (3) examples of adjuncts

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