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the power of gratitude 31

know this
Gratitude is an attitude of thankfulness and appreciation. When we practice an
attitude of gratitude, we give attention to and celebrate all that is good in our
life. This raises our level of happiness and peace, both about our circumstances
and about ourselves.

Troy felt like he was stuck in a rut. He hated getting out of bed in the morning to hear his
parents nagging him to do his chores. He hated sitting through classes, listening to boring
teachers. He hated going to work after school, stocking shelves and having to be nice to
customers he didn’t even know. He hated sitting in his room at night, pretending to do
homework he didn’t care about. The only time Troy felt happy was when he was with his
girlfriend, Carly. But lately even Carly couldn’t get him out of his bad mood.
“I’m getting tired of this,” Carly told him. “All you do is talk about what’s bad. I don’t
want to hear any more about your awful parents, your awful classes, or your awful job.
Your life isn’t that terrible, Troy. You just don’t appreciate what you’ve got. And I don’t
think you appreciate me anymore, either. Maybe we shouldn’t hang out together so much.”
“Wait,” said Troy. “I’m sorry I’m so down. I just can’t find any reason to feel happy. I
don’t want to lose you, but I don’t know how to change my life.”
“You don’t have to change your life,” said Carly. “You just have to change your attitude.
Instead of complaining, start being grateful. Focus on the good. Be glad you even have
parents—you could be an orphan. Be glad you’re healthy and can go to school—there’s a
kid in a hospital somewhere right now who would give anything to sit in one of your boring
classes. Be glad you have a job so you can put gas in your car and go to the mall and the
“You’re right,” said Troy. “When you put it like that, I realize I do have a lot to be
grateful for. I wish I could keep that attitude.”
“Just continue to focus on all the good in your life,” said Carly. “You’ll feel happier, and
you’ll be a lot nicer to be around.”

activity 31 Q the power of gratitude

try this
Like Troy, many of us take a lot for granted. We forget about what we are fortunate to
have. There are many people who don’t have the things listed below. Think about what
it would be like without any of these, and circle those you are grateful for.

sense of sight place to live food in the refrigerator

friends sense of hearing bed to sleep in

ability to speak freedom of speech sense of taste

family ability to read education

functioning brain ability to love ability to breathe on your own

Finish the following sentences:

I am grateful for

I feel lucky because

One thing I really appreciate is

Something I will always be thankful for is


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