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Course ELEC0047 “Power system dynamics, control and stability” HOMEWORK # 2 - October 17, 2017

HOMEWORK # 2 - October 17, 2017

Exercise 1

Consider a synchronous machine in steady state.

Its stator resistance Ra is neglected, for simplicity.

We know that the following phasor equation holds true :

Ēq = V̄ + jXd I¯d + jXq I¯q (1)

Show that the phasor:

Ē1 = V̄ + jXq I¯ (2)
is aligned along the q axis of the machine.

This provides an easy way to locate the q axis and, hence, the rotor position θro ,
for given values of V̄ and I¯.

Course ELEC0047 “Power system dynamics, control and stability” HOMEWORK # 2 - October 17, 2017

Exercise 2. Saturation in the synchronous machine

Consider a synchronous machine in steady state, rotating at nominal speed.

The stator resistance Ra is neglected, for simplicity.
Saturation is taken into account.

Step 1

Consider the model in slide # 30 of the lecture “Dynamics of the sync. machine”

Show that the following equations can be derived (per unit EMFL system):

ψd = L` id + ψad ψq = L` iq + ψaq
ψad = Md (id + if ) ψaq = Mq iq
Mu Mqu
Md = q d n Mq = q n
1+m 2 + ψ2
ψad 2 + ψ2
aq 1+m ψad aq
vd = −ψq vq = ψd

Course ELEC0047 “Power system dynamics, control and stability” HOMEWORK # 2 - October 17, 2017

Step 2

Show that : q
2 + ψ2 = V
ψad aq `

where V` is the magnitude of the voltage “behind leakage reactance” :

V̄` = V̄ + jX` I¯ with X` = ωL` = L`

This provides an easy way to determine the saturation, for given values of V̄ and I¯.

Course ELEC0047 “Power system dynamics, control and stability” HOMEWORK # 2 - October 17, 2017

Step 3

Consider that the machine operating with a terminal voltage V , producing an

active power P and a reactive power Q (all in per unit).

Starting from (V , P, Q), provide the detailed step-by-step procedure to determine

the field current if (in per unit EMFL system) taking saturation into account.

Use Step 2 to determine the saturation, and hence the saturated reactances
Xd = ωLdd = Ldd and Xq = ωLqq = Lqq
Use Exercise 1 to determine the rotor position θro . Xd and Xq in (1, 2) are
saturated values !
Use slide # 36 of the lecture “The synchronous machine” to compute the
Park components of the voltage and the current (in per unit).

Step 4

Write down a MATLAB script that implements the procedure of Step 3.

Course ELEC0047 “Power system dynamics, control and stability” HOMEWORK # 2 - October 17, 2017

Step 5

Use that script to answer the following question.

When the machine operates with the stator open (I¯ = 0), under its nominal
voltage (V = 1 pu) and nominal speed (ω = 1 pu), the field current is ifo .

What is the ratio if /ifo when the machine operates under: its nominal speed, its
nominal stator current, and the voltage V and the power P specified below ?

.be .it .es
V (pu) 1.05 0.95 1.02
P (pu) 0.95 0.90 0.925
X` (pu) 0.15 0.15 0.20
Xdu (pu) 2.2 1.1 1.5 unsaturated reactance
Xqu (pu) 2.0 0.7 0.9 unsaturated reactance
m 0.10 0.08 0.06
n 6. 6.5 7.


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