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Q1: To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use??

a <select>

b None

c <input type="dropdown">

d all of above

e <list>

f None

Q2: How can we find the process name from its process id? Assume the Proccess ID is 1?

a find 1

b ps –p 1

c get 1

d None

e None

f top 1

Q3: How can the result set of Mysql be handled in PHP??

a The result set can be handled using mysqli_get_array

b The result set can be handled using mysqli_fetch_array, mysqli_fetch_assoc,

mysqli_fetch_object or mysqli_fetch_row.

c None

d None

e None

f None

Q4: Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following??

The correct Answer is: None

b None of the above

c Kubelet

d Etcd

The correct Answer is: None

f Kube-apiserver

Q5: What do you mean by “Rolling Update”??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e Rolling updates helps the user to replace the node pool to a newer one

f Rolling updates helps the user to replace an existing replica controller to newer

Q6: A Docker container is an instance of an image with a specific configuration.?

a False

b None

c None

d True

e None

f None

Q7: Can you insert multiple rows with only one INSERT query??

a None

b It's possible but only with newer MySQL versions

c Yes but these inserts cause data corruption

d None

e False

f True

Q8: Which of the following is not a pair tag??

a None

b <img>

c <p>


e <i>

f None

Q9: Which of the following are true for etcd??

a etcd is a distributed key-value store

b To encrypt cluster data and send it to a secrets manager

c etcd is the primary datastore of Kubernetes; storing and replicating all Kubernetes
cluster state

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f To validate cluster nodes

Q10: Which of the below symbols is a newline character??

a \n

b None

c None

d /r
e \r

f /n

Q11: In what case we cannot recommend WordPress to a client??

a If a site wants complex or innovative e-commerce

b Sites are requiring custom scripting solutions.

c If the client wants to create a website for puppies or any kind of animals

d If the client wants to create a quick e-commerce website

e If the client is working on a non-CMS base project

f None

Q12: Which command is used to create a Kubernetes service??

a None

b kubectl set service

c kubectl create service

d None

e kubectl deploy service

f kubectl expose

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