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Student Name: Gracie Jones

Production Equipment List

# What do you need? Where will you get it? Can you think of any issues that mean you won’t be If YES, what is your back up
able to use this equipment? equipment?
1 Camera At my house No I will probably use my mums old

phone which can be used as a


2 E.g. Photoshop At the colleges computers It depends on which computers allows photoshop to Capcut or photopea

work because some computers photoshop doesn’t


3 Capcut On my mobile phone No I have it on my phone and I have used capcut Photoshop

multiple times

4 Computer At the college I will use the ones that work Do it on my phone or get the

home laptop

5 Window At my house No Use another window in my house

6 Mobile phone and my From Freya ( as the phone is Freya is fine with her phone in the film as mine is Borrow my mums phone and my
phone hers ) going to be in it as well . brothers

7 A person From a friend Freya doesn’t mind being in the video Get my brother in the video

8 A book At my house No Use a notepad

9 Table/chair In my garden no Use dining table

10 2 sets of mugs In my kitchen no Use plastic cups

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