Fereral Poly Technique 2015 Writing Assignment

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Federal Poly Technique Institiute Athlete Kenenisa College Basic Writing Skill

Assignment for Department of Manufacturing 20%. Instructor Mulugeta Chala

Part I Identify the type of Sentence Simple , compound , complex and compound complex

1. Minlik II , who conquered Italy invaders in the battle of Adewa , died in 1913 G.C.
Type of Sentence ___________________________
2. The heart is a muscle, and it pumps blood.
Type of sentence______________________________________
3. Taking overmuch is assign of vanity.
Type of sentence_________________________
4. The scientist knew that his experiment would succeed, but he avoided publicity until the final
test was completed.
Type of sentence________________________________
5. The officer who appeared in court was charged of embezzlement.
Type of sentences_____________________________________

6. Although I like to go camping, I haven’t had the time to go lately, and I haven’t found any one
to go with.

Type of sentence________________________________________________

Part II Identify the Errors of sentence and rewrite the correct

Fragment, misplace modifier, Run-on , non-parallel , dangling modifier , faulty parallel ,

redundancy, choppy sentence, comma splices Grammar .
6. Terrorized by the Kenya, Type of error ___________________

The correct one __________________________________________-

7 .I watched the helicopter slowly decedent from my bed room window. Type of error


8. While sailing, a shark broke close to our boat. Type of error____________

Correct ____________________________________________

9. He enjoyed the beach last summer he is not going again.

Type of error ________________

Correct _________________________________________

10. The women were shouting, laughing, insulting each other and they quarreled with each other.
Type of error_______________________


11. Aberash is my sister whom you saw with me this morning.

Type of error ___________________

Correct _________________________________________________

12. After the break out of the war the native people, migrated to the neighboring war free zones.
Type of error __________________


13. Can you keep this secret confidently?

Type of error ______________

Correct ____________________________________________

14. Sunday is a good day for sleeping late, eating a good breakfast, and to spend hours reading
fiction. Type of error ______________________

Correct ____________________________________________________

15. If I were him I, would marry him that girl. The type of error __________________-

Correct _____________________________________________________________

16. I have been knowing him since 2009. Type of error ________________

Correct _______________________________________________________

17. He takes down lecture notes. He writes them at home. He develops them by reading
reference. He studies them. He asks his teacher what he does not understand. He notes down
questions. He does this when the class is over . Or he goes to his instructor’s office.

Type of error _____________________________


18. Lying on the beach ,the sun felt hot . The type of error _______________________

Correct _____________________________________________________________

19.Seifu as well as his wives are listening country music . Type of Error ________________

Correct ____________________________________________________________________

20. He made the decisio9n because he had to. Type of error ________________________

Correct ________________________________________________

21. They agreed him to work cooperatively. Type of error _________________________

Correct __________________________________________________________________

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