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Review of Microbiology and Biochemistry a.

Monosaccharides are simple sugars, the most common of which is

Biochemical Engineering is a branch of chemical and biological glucose. (mono- = “one”; sacchar- = “sugar”) are simple sugars, the
engineering that deals with the study of designing and developing the most common of which is glucose. Monosaccharides have a formula
units that come in direct contact with people. Involving molecules of (CH2O)n and they typically contain three to seven carbon atoms.
(bioreactors) and other biological organisms, these professionals are Most monosaccharide names end with the suffix -ose.
trained to use and implement their scientific knowledge and engineering Most of the oxygen atoms in monosaccharides are found in
principles to create products such as medicines, processed foods, oil, hydroxyl (OH) groups, but one of them is part of a carbonyl (C=O)
paints, cosmetics, paper, plastic amongst others. group. The position of the carbonyl (C=O) group can be used to
categorize the sugars:
Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be ● If the sugar has an aldehyde group, meaning that the
visible with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, carbonyl C is the last one in the chain, it is known as an
prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as 'microbes'. These aldose.
microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, ● If the carbonyl C is internal to the chain, so that there
biodegradation/biodeterioration, climate change, food spoilage, the cause are other carbons on both sides of it, it forms a ketone
and control of disease, and biotechnology. Thanks to their versatility, group and the sugar is called a ketose.
microbes can be put to work in many ways: making life-saving drugs, the ● Depending on the number of carbon atoms in the sugar,
manufacture of biofuels, cleaning up pollution, and producing/processing they may be known as trioses (three carbon atoms),
food and drink. pentoses (five carbon atoms), and hexoses (six carbon
MACROMOLECULES b. Disaccharides form when two monosaccharides undergo a
History and Introduction dehydration reaction (a reaction in which the removal of a
The term macromolecule (macro + molecule) was coined by Nobel water molecule occurs). During this process, the hydroxyl
laureate Hermann in the 1920’s. group (–OH) of one monosaccharide combines with a
The large molecules necessary for life that are built from smaller organic hydrogen atom of another monosaccharide, releasing a
molecules are called biological macromolecules. These macromolecules molecule of water (H2O) and forming a covalent bond between
may consist of thousands of covalently bonded atoms, some with mass atoms in the two sugar molecules. Common disaccharides
greater than 100,000 daltons. include lactose, maltose, and sucrose.
Four major classes of biological macromolecules c. A long chain of monosaccharides linked by covalent bonds is
● Carbohydrates known as a polysaccharide. The chain may be branched or
● Lipids unbranched, and it may contain different types of
● Proteins monosaccharides. Polysaccharides may be very large
● Nucleic acids molecules. The molecular weight of a polysaccharide can be
quite high, reaching 100,000 daltons or more if enough
and each is an important component of the cell and performs a wide monomers are joined. Starch, glycogen, cellulose, and chitin
array of functions. are some major examples of polysaccharides important in
living organisms.
Combined, these molecules make up the majority of a cell’s mass.
Biological macromolecules are organic, meaning that they contain Lipids
carbon. In addition, they may contain hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, Fats are just one type of lipid, a category of molecules united by their
phosphorus, sulfur, and additional minor elements. Biochemists have inability to mix well with water. Lipids tend to be hydrophobic, nonpolar,
determined the detailed structures of many macromolecules, which and made up mostly of hydrocarbon chains, though there are some
exhibit unique emergent properties arising from the orderly arrangement variations on this, which we'll explore below. The different varieties of
of their atoms. lipids have different structures, and correspondingly diverse roles in
Carbohydrates organisms. For instance, lipids store energy, provide insulation, make up
Macromolecules with which most consumers are somewhat familiar. cell membranes, form water-repellent layers on leaves, and provide
Carbohydrates provide energy to the body, particularly through glucose, building blocks for hormones like testosterone.
a simple sugar. Carbohydrates also have other important functions in
humans, animals, and plants. Fats and Oils
General names for carbohydrates include sugars, starches, saccharides,A fat molecule consists of two kinds of parts: a glycerol backbone and
and polysaccharides. The term saccharide is derived from the Latin three fatty acid tails. Glycerol is a small organic molecule with three
word “sacchararum” which means the sweet taste of sugars. The name hydroxyl (OH) groups, while a fatty acid consists of a long hydrocarbon
“carbohydrate” means a “hydrate of carbon” which was given to it due chain attached to a carboxyl group. A typical fatty acid contains 12–18
to its composition. carbons, though some may have as few as 4 or as many as 36.
Carbohydrates can be represented by the formula (CH2O)n, where n is Fat molecules are also called triacylglycerols, or, in bloodwork done by
the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. In other words, the ratio of
your doctor, triglycerides. In the human body, triglycerides are primarily
carbon to hydrogen to oxygen is 1:2:1 in carbohydrate molecules. stored in specialized fat cells, called adipocytes, which make up a tissue
The simplest carbohydrates are monosaccharides, or simple sugars. known as adipose tissue. While many fatty acids are found in fat
Carbohydrates are the most abundant class of organic compounds found molecules, some are also free in the body, and they are considered a type
in living organisms. They originate as products of photosynthesis, an of lipid in their own right.
endothermic reductive condensation of carbon dioxide requiring light Omega Fatty Acids
energy and the pigment chlorophyll. Another class of fatty acids that deserves mention includes the omega-3
n CO2 + nH2O + energy CnH2nOn + nO2 and omega-6 fatty acids. There are different types of omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids, but all of them are made from two basic precursor
Carbohydrates are classified into three subtypes: monosaccharides,
forms: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) for omega-3s and linoleic acid (LA)
disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
for omega-6s.
The human body needs these molecules (and their derivatives), but can't Many steroids also have an –OH functional group attached at a particular
synthesize either ALA or LA itself. Accordingly, ALA and LA are site, as shown for cholesterol below; such steroids are also classified as
classified as essential fatty acids and must be obtained from a person’s alcohols, and are thus called sterols.
diet. Some fish, such as salmon, and some seeds, such as chia and flax,
are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Cholesterol, the most common steroid, is mainly synthesized in the liver
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have at least two cis-unsaturated and is the precursor to many steroid hormones. These include the sex
bonds, which gives them a curved shape. hormones testosterone and estradiol, which are secreted by the gonads
(testes and ovaries). Cholesterol also serves as the starting material for
Role of Fats other important molecules in the body, including vitamin D and bile
Fats have received a lot of bad publicity, and it’s true that eating large acids, which aid in the digestion and absorption of fats from dietary
amounts of fried foods and other “fatty” foods can lead to weight gain sources. It’s also a key component of cell membranes, altering their
and cause health problems. However, fats are essential to the body and fluidity and dynamics.
have a number of important functions. Of course, cholesterol is also found in the bloodstream, and blood levels
For instance, many vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning that they must be of cholesterol are what we often hear about at the doctor’s office or in
associated with fat molecules in order to be effectively absorbed by the news reports. Cholesterol in the blood can have both protective effects
body. Fats also provide an efficient way to store energy over long time (in its high-density, or HDL, form) and negative effects (in its low-
periods, since they contain over twice as much energy per gram as density, or LDL, form) on cardiovascular health.
carbohydrates, and they additionally provide insulation for the body.
Like all the other large biological molecules, fats in the right amounts are Proteins
necessary to keep your body (and the bodies of other organisms) Proteins are one of the most abundant organic molecules in living
functioning correctly. systems and have the most diverse range of functions of all
macromolecules. Proteins may be structural, regulatory, contractile, or
Waxes protective; they may serve in transport, storage, or membranes; or they
Waxes are another biologically important category of lipids. Wax covers may be toxins or enzymes.
the feathers of some aquatic birds and the leaf surfaces of some plants, Proteins can function as enzymes or hormones:
where its hydrophobic (water-repelling) properties prevent water from Enzymes - are produced by living cells, are catalysts in biochemical
sticking to, or soaking into, the surface. This is why water beads up on reactions (like digestion) and are usually proteins. Each enzyme is
the leaves of many plants, and why birds don’t get soaked through when specific for the substrate (a reactant that binds to an enzyme) upon which
it rains. These are just some role of wax besides the many industrial it acts.
products that are made out of it. Hormones - are chemical signaling molecules, usually proteins or
steroids, secreted by an endocrine gland or group of endocrine cells that
Phospholipids act to control or regulate specific physiological processes, including
Cells are surrounded by a structure called the plasma membrane, which growth, development, metabolism, and reproduction.
serves as a barrier between the inside of the cell and its surroundings.
Specialized lipids called phospholipids are major components of the Amino acids are the monomers that make up proteins. Each amino acid
plasma membrane. Like fats, they are typically composed of fatty acid has the same fundamental structure, which consists of a central carbon
chains attached to a backbone of glycerol. Instead having three fatty acid atom bonded to an amino group (–NH2), a carboxyl group (–COOH),
tails, however, phospholipids generally have just two, and the third and a hydrogen atom.
carbon of the glycerol backbone is occupied by a modified phosphate
group. Different phospholipids have different modifiers on the phosphate Peptide Bonds
group, with choline (a nitrogen-containing compound) and serine (an Each amino acid is attached to another amino acid by a covalent bond,
amino acid) being common examples. Different modifiers give known as a peptide bond, which is formed by a dehydration reaction. The
phospholipids different properties and roles in a cell. carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of a second
amino acid combine, releasing a water molecule. The resulting bond is
A phospholipid is an amphipathic molecule, meaning it has a the peptide bond. The products formed by such a linkage are called
hydrophobic part and a hydrophilic part. The fatty acid chains are polypeptides.
hydrophobic and do not interact with water, whereas the phosphate-
containing group is hydrophilic (because of its charge) and interacts Each protein has its own unique sequence and shape held together by
readily with water. In a membrane, phospholipids are arranged into a chemical interactions. If the protein is subject to changes in temperature,
structure called a bilayer, with their phosphate heads facing the water and pH, or exposure to chemicals, the protein structure may change, losing
their tails pointing towards the inside (above). This organization prevents its shape in what is known as denaturation.
the hydrophobic tails from coming into contact with the water, making it
a low-energy, stable arrangement. Nucleic Acids
If a drop of phospholipids is placed in water, it may spontaneously form The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide is programmed by a unit of
a sphere-shaped structure known as a micelle, in which the hydrophilic inheritance known as a gene. A gene consists of DNA, a polymer known
phosphate heads face the outside and the fatty acids face the interior of as a nucleic acid. Nucleic acids are key macromolecules in the continuity
this structure. Formation of micelle is an energetically favored because it of life. They carry the genetic blueprint of a cell and carry instructions
sequesters the hydrophobic fatty acid tails, allowing the hydrophilic for the functioning of the cell.
phosphate head group to instead interact with the surrounding water The two main types of nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
and ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA is the genetic material found in all
Steroids living organisms, ranging from single-celled bacteria to multicellular
Steroids are another class of lipid molecules, identifiable by their mammals. RNA is a molecule that is present in the majority of living
structure of four fused rings. Although they do not resemble the other organisms and viruses. RNA and DNA are the molecules that enable
lipids structurally, steroids are included in the lipid category because they living organisms to reproduce their complex components from generation
are also hydrophobic and insoluble in water. All steroids have four linked to generation.
carbon rings and several of them, like cholesterol, also have a short tail.
DNA and RNA are made up of monomers known as nucleotides. The plasma membrane and containing a membrane-bound nucleus
nucleotides combine with each other to form a polynucleotide, DNA or and organelles. Unlike the eukaryotic cells of plants and
RNA. Each nucleotide is made up of three components: a nitrogenous fungi, animal cells do not have a cell wall. This feature was
base, a pentose (five-carbon) sugar, and a phosphate group . Each lost in the distant past by the single-celled organisms that
nitrogenous base in a nucleotide is attached to a sugar molecule, which is gave rise to the kingdom Animalia. Most cells, both animal
attached to a phosphate group. and plant, range in size between 1 and 100 micrometers and
are thus visible only with the aid of a microscope.
What are the key differences between DNA and RNA?
We can identify five key categories where DNA and RNA differ: THE CELL STRUCTURE
● Function Cells serve as the fundamental building blocks of all living
● Sugar beings, ranging from enormous creatures like blue whales to tiny
● Bases archaebacteria residing in volcanoes. They come in various shapes and
● Structure sizes, with examples like giant squid nerve cells stretching up to 12
● Location meters, while human eggs are a mere 0.1 millimeters in diameter. Plant
What are the three types of RNA? cells have cellulose-based protective walls, akin to celery strings, while
1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) copies portions of genetic code, a fungal cells resemble lobster shells in structure. Despite these
process called transcription, and transports these copies to differences, all these cells share essential machinery.
ribosomes, which are the cellular factories that facilitate the There are two primary cell types: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
production of proteins from this code. Prokaryotes, including single-celled organisms in Bacteria and Archaea,
2. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is responsible for bringing amino acids, lack a true nucleus, while eukaryotes, encompassing animals, plants,
basic protein building blocks, to these protein factories, in fungi, and protists, possess eukaryotic cells. Nonetheless, some
response to the coded instructions introduced by the mRNA. prokaryotes can coexist with eukaryotic cells, as seen in humans.
This protein-building process is called translation.
3. Finally, Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a component of the Prokaryotic Cells or Prokaryotes
ribosome factory itself without which protein production would Prokaryotes are simple, single-celled organisms lacking a nucleus and
not occur membrane-bound organelles. They have no internal compartments
separated by membranes, consisting instead of an open space. These cells
Cells are typically much smaller than eukaryotic cells, ranging from 0.1 to 5.0
micrometers in diameter.
Characteristics Of Biochemical Process: Prokaryotes, including extremophiles, thrive in various extreme
Industrial applications of biochemical processes are to use living cells or environments such as hydrothermal vents, hot springs, swamps, and even
cellular components to effect the desired physical or chemical changes. within the digestive tracts of humans and animals. They display
remarkable adaptability, existing virtually everywhere, including on
Biological Agents human skin, within the body, and on everyday objects in the
Biological agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi, other microorganisms environment.
and their associated toxins. They have the ability to adversely affect In terms of complexity, prokaryotic cells are less intricate than
human health in a variety of ways, ranging from relatively mild, allergic eukaryotic cells, as they lack a true nucleus, with DNA coiled in a region
reactions to serious medical conditions—even death. Biotechnological called the nucleoid. Prokaryotic organisms exhibit diverse cell shapes,
reactions are usually categorized as whole cell-mediated processes or with spherical, rod-shaped, and spiral forms being the most common.
enzyme catalyzed reactions. The biological agents used for biochemical Taking bacteria as an example of prokaryotes, the following structures
processes are: and organelles are typically found in bacterial cells:
1. Capsule: Some bacterial cells possess this outer covering,
COMMON AGENTS: which offers additional protection when the cell is engulfed by
● Microbial Cells (such as bacteria and fungi) - a pathogenic other organisms. It also helps in retaining moisture and aids the
bacterium, which falls under the category of microbial cells, is a cell in adhering to surfaces and nutrients.
tiny living organism that cannot be observed without the aid of a 2. Cell Wall: The cell wall acts as an outer shield, safeguarding
microscope. The term "microbial cells" is a broad one, the bacterial cell and giving it its shape.
encompassing a wide variety of life forms such as bacteria, archaea, 3. Cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is a gel-like substance primarily
fungi, and protists, each of which exhibits distinct sizes and composed of water. It also contains enzymes, salts, cellular
characteristics. components, and various organic molecules.
○ Enzymes (usually from a bacteria and fungi) - Enzymes are 4. Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane: Surrounding the
proteins that help speed up metabolism, or the chemical cytoplasm, the cell membrane regulates the passage of
reactions in our bodies. They build some substances and break substances into and out of the cell.
others down. All living things have enzymes. Our bodies 5. Pili (Pilus singular): Hair-like structures on the cell surface that
naturally produce enzymes. But enzymes are also in facilitate attachment to other bacterial cells. Shorter versions
manufactured products and food. called fimbriae assist in bacterial adherence to surfaces.
● LIMITED APPLICABILITY: 6. Flagella: Flagella are elongated, whip-like projections that
○ Plant Cells (production of secondary metabolites) - Plants are contribute to cellular movement.
unique among the eukaryotes, organisms whose cells have 7. Ribosomes: These cell structures are responsible for
membrane-enclosed nuclei and organelles, because they can synthesizing proteins.
manufacture their own food. Chlorophyll, which gives plants 8. Plasmids: Plasmids are circular DNA structures carrying genes
their green color, enables them to use sunlight to convert but are not involved in reproduction.
water and carbon dioxide into sugars and carbohydrates, 9. Nucleoid Region: This area within the cytoplasm houses the
chemicals the cell uses for fuel. single bacterial DNA molecule.
○ Animal Cells (production of injectable polio vaccine) -
Animal cells are typical of the eukaryotic cell, enclosed by a
Prokaryotic cells lack organelles commonly found in eukaryotic cells, 2. Chloroplasts - The most important characteristic of plants is their
like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticula, and Golgi complexes. The ability to photosynthesize, in effect, to make their own food by
Endosymbiotic Theory suggests that eukaryotic organelles may have converting light energy into chemical energy. This process is carried
originated from prokaryotic cells that formed mutualistic relationships. out in specialized organelles called chloroplasts.
Bacteria, similar to plant cells, have a cell wall, and some have an 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum - The endoplasmic reticulum is a network
additional polysaccharide capsule layer. This layer facilitates the of sacs that manufactures, processes, and transports chemical
production of biofilm, a slimy substance that aids bacterial colonies in compounds for use inside and outside of the cell. It is connected to
adhering to surfaces and offers protection against antibiotics and the double-layered nuclear envelope, providing a pipeline between
chemicals. the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In plants, the endoplasmic reticulum
Furthermore, certain prokaryotes possess photosynthetic pigments, akin also connects between cells via the plasmodesmata.
to plants and algae, enabling them to derive nutrients from sunlight 4. Golgi Apparatus - The Golgi apparatus is the distribution and
through photosynthesis. shipping department for the cell's chemical products. It modifies
proteins and fats built in the endoplasmic reticulum and prepares
● Bacteria them for export as outside of the cell.
Bacteria exhibit a diverse array of shapes and characteristics, and not all 5. Microfilaments - Microfilaments are solid rods made of globular
bacteria possess every feature depicted in the diagram. Nevertheless, proteins called actin. These filaments are primarily structural in
most bacteria have a robust cell wall made of peptidoglycan, a polymer function and are an important component of the cytoskeleton.
comprising carbohydrates and small proteins. This cell wall offers 6. Microtubules - These straight, hollow cylinders are found
protection, maintains structural integrity, and prevents dehydration. throughout the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells (prokaryotes don't
Many bacteria also possess an outer carbohydrate layer called a capsule, have them) and carry out a variety of functions, ranging from
which aids in surface adhesion. transport to structural support.
Certain bacteria have specialized surface structures that assist in 7. Mitochondria - Mitochondria are oblong shaped organelles found
mobility, adhesion, or genetic material exchange. Flagella act as whip- in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells. In plant cells, they break
like rotary motors for movement, while fimbriae are hair-like appendages down carbohydrate and sugar molecules to provide energy,
used for attaching to host cells and surfaces. Some bacteria also have particularly when light isn't available for the chloroplasts to produce
rod-like pili with various functions, such as DNA transfer or facilitating energy.
bacterial motion. 8. Nucleus - The nucleus is a highly specialized organelle that serves
Archaea may possess similar surface features, but their versions of these as the information processing and administrative center of the cell.
characteristics typically differ from those in bacteria. For instance, This organelle has two major functions: it stores the cell's hereditary
archaea's cell wall lacks peptidoglycan but contains carbohydrates and material, or DNA, and it coordinates the cell's activities, which
proteins. include growth, intermediary metabolism, protein synthesis, and
reproduction (cell division).
● Eukaryotic cell or Eukaryotes 9. Peroxisomes - Microbodies are a diverse group of organelles that
Eukaryotic cells, featuring enclosed membrane-bound structures, form are found in the cytoplasm, roughly spherical and bound by a single
the basis of all multicellular life, encompassing animals, plants, humans, membrane. There are several types of microbodies but peroxisomes
and even certain unicellular organisms like protozoa. are the most common.
Within these cells, specialized subunits known as organelles perform 10. Plasmodesmata - Plasmodesmata are small tubes that connect plant
specific functions. The nucleus, enveloped by the nuclear membrane, cells to each other, providing living bridges between cells.
safeguards genetic material, with nuclear pores regulating substance 11. Plasma Membrane - All living cells have a plasma membrane that
passage. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), in two forms (rough and encloses their contents. In prokaryotes and plants, the membrane is
smooth), plays roles in protein and lipid/steroid synthesis, respectively. the inner layer of protection surrounded by a rigid cell wall. These
The Golgi apparatus, connected to the rough ER, modifies and packages membranes also regulate the passage of molecules in and out of the
proteins, while mitochondria are pivotal for energy production. Various cells.
eukaryotic cells may also possess additional organelles, varying in 12. Ribosomes - All living cells contain ribosomes, tiny organelles
proportion according to their unique functions. composed of approximately 60 percent RNA and 40 percent protein.
In eukaryotes, ribosomes are made of four strands of RNA. In
● Plant Cell Parts, Function and Cell Cultivation prokaryotes, they consist of three strands of RNA.
Plants possess a unique distinction among eukaryotic organisms due to 13. Vacuole - Each plant cell has a large, single vacuole that stores
their ability to self-generate nourishment through chlorophyll, using compounds, helps in plant growth, and plays an important structural
sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into essential sugars and role for the plant.
carbohydrates. ■ Plant Cell Cultivation
Similar to fungi, another eukaryotic group, plant cells have retained the Plant Tissue Culture, or micropropagation, is a technique for cultivating
protective cell wall structure from their prokaryotic ancestors. Although new plants under controlled conditions, allowing rapid production of
the fundamental structure of plant cells resembles typical eukaryotic uniform specimens. It has diverse applications, including boosting crop
cells, they lack certain components like centrioles, lysosomes, yields in developing regions, ensuring consistent quality for home
intermediate filaments, cilia, or flagella, which are present in animal growers, and enabling businesses to profit from producing identical plant
cells. Conversely, plant cells feature specialized structures including a copies.
robust cell wall, central vacuole, plasmodesmata, and chloroplasts. Successful tissue culture hinges on factors like maintaining sterility and
Although plants and their cells are generally immobile, certain species using the right growing medium. Once plants are propagated, they can be
produce gametes with flagella, enabling movement. transferred to more natural environments like nurseries or greenhouses
for rapid growth. While it offers numerous benefits, tissue culture also
● Plant Cell Parts and its Function comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
1. Cell Wall - Like their prokaryotic ancestors, plant cells have a rigid There are several benefits associated with the tissue culture method.
wall surrounding the plasma membrane. It is a far more complex Beyond its effectiveness in assisting developing nations with food
structure, however, and serves a variety of functions, from production, here are some other advantages that may be of interest:
protecting the cell to regulating the life cycle of the plant organism.
❖ Rapid Growth: New plantlets can be cultivated in a considerably into complete plants. Instead of sterilizing individual embryos, this
short time. method sterilizes the organ (such as ovule, seed, or fruit) from
❖ Minimal Initial Material: Only a small amount of initial plant tissue which the embryos originate and uses it in the culture process.
is needed. ★ Ovary Culture: Ovary culture is a technique where fertilized or
❖ Reduced Risk of Diseases: The resulting plantlets and plants are unfertilized plant ovaries are cultured in a suitable environment to
more likely to be free from viruses and diseases. facilitate their development into complete plants. This method, also
❖ Year-Round Availability: The process is not reliant on seasonal known as gynogenesis, is primarily used to overcome pre- and post-
conditions and can be conducted throughout the year. fertilization barriers and has been employed for interspecific
❖ Space Efficiency: It requires relatively little space to perform the hybridization.
process, allowing for the cultivation of ten times the number of ★ Anther/Pollen Culture: Pollen/anther culture is a plant
plants in just one-tenth of the area. biotechnology technique that isolates and cultures pollen grains or
❖ Diverse Supply: On a larger scale, tissue culture aids in supplying anthers (the male reproductive parts of flowers) in a nutrient-rich
the consumer market with new subspecies and varieties. medium. This method facilitates the development and regeneration
❖ Success with Challenging Plants: Individuals attempting to grow of haploid plants or callus tissues from the cultured pollen or anther
difficult plants, such as specific orchid breeds, often achieve greater cells. It is widely applied in plant breeding and genetic research to
success with tissue culture compared to traditional soil-based create new plant varieties and study plant cell behavior in controlled
methods. environments.

Disadvantages of Plant Tissue Culture Tissue culture is a valuable method with numerous practical uses. It can
❖ Tissue culture can entail increased labor and higher costs associated significantly boost plant yields in a short time and allow genetic
with constructing the facility and outfitting the laboratory with modification for disease resistance and specific traits. This is
necessary instruments and chemicals. advantageous for businesses seeking profitability and individuals with
❖ There is a risk that the propagated plants may exhibit reduced personal preferences. Additionally, tissue culture supports the
resilience to diseases when grown outdoors due to the controlled preservation of rare or endangered plants. The technique relies on the
environment in which they were cultivated. plant's rapid cell rejuvenation, resulting in cloned copies.
❖ Before undergoing the culture process, it is crucial to thoroughly
screen the plant material; overlooking any abnormalities could result ● Animal Cell Parts, Function and Cell Cultivation
in the new plants becoming infected. Animal cells, typical of eukaryotic cells, have a plasma membrane, a
❖ Success in tissue culture is not guaranteed, emphasizing the nucleus enclosed by a membrane, and organelles. Unlike plant and fungal
importance of precise protocols, which can be labor-intensive to cells, they lack a cell wall, a trait lost in the evolutionary history of
develop independently. single-celled organisms that gave rise to the Animalia kingdom. These
❖ Contamination is a substantial concern, as plants can be vulnerable cells vary in size but are generally microscopic.
to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections in tissue culture settings. The absence of a rigid cell wall in animal cells allows for diverse cell
❖ Tissue culture is an advanced technique, requiring a solid types, tissues, and organs to develop, enabling mobility through
foundation of knowledge and practice for individuals looking to specialized nerve and muscle cells, a unique characteristic of the animal
enter this field. kingdom. Some animals like sponges lack differentiated tissues, while
protozoans move through nonvascular means like cilia, flagella, and
Tissue culture is a method that involves taking healthy tissues What distinguishes the animal kingdom is the use of collagen, a triple
from living organisms. In plant tissue culture, this can include leaves or helix protein, to bind most tissues together in an extracellular matrix.
other plant parts, depending on the specific protocol. This sets animals apart from other eukaryotes, like plants and fungi,
The classification of tissue culture types is based on the which use different molecules for cell binding. The presence of collagen
explant, which is the initial material or plant tissue used for growing suggests a common unicellular ancestor for all animals, and when the
plants. collagen-containing matrix calcifies, it forms structures like bones,
★ Callus Culture: Callus is a collection of undifferentiated plant cells shells, and spicules.
that possess the remarkable ability to give rise to various plant parts.
When stimulated in a laboratory environment, plant tissues from any ● Animal Cell Parts and its Function
organ can develop into callus, which can further differentiate into 1. Centrioles - Centrioles are self-replicating organelles comprising
different plant organs like roots and shoots. nine microtubule bundles and are exclusive to animal cells. They
★ Seed Culture: appear to assist in organizing cell division but are not crucial for the
★ Protoplast Culture: Protoplasts are plant cells lacking a cell wall. In process.
this method, the plant cell wall is removed through mechanical or 2. Cilia and Flagella - In single-celled eukaryotes, cilia and flagella are
enzymatic processes. The resulting protoplasts are purified and then, essential for individual organism locomotion. In multicellular
under controlled conditions, the cell wall is regenerated before organisms, cilia move fluid or materials past immobile cells and can
transferring them to appropriate media for further development into propel a cell or group of cells.
complete plants. 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum - The endoplasmic reticulum, a sac
★ Meristem Culture: Meristem culture entails isolating the network, manufactures, processes, and transports chemical
meristematic region, such as shoot tips, from plants and placing compounds within and outside the cell. It is connected to the nuclear
them in a growth medium containing nutrients, vitamins, and plant envelope, forming a link between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
hormones. This technique stimulates cell division and tissue 4. Endosomes and Endocytosis - Endosomes, membrane-bound
differentiation in the cultured cells. Meristem culture has various vesicles, form through a process called endocytosis, found in nearly
applications, including disease-free plant production, whole plant every animal cell's cytoplasm. Endocytosis involves the inward
regeneration, generation of transgenic and haploid plants, crop folding of the cell's plasma membrane to encircle macromolecules
improvement, and germplasm preservation. or extracellular matter.
★ Embryo Culture: Embryo culture involves isolating and cultivating
either immature or mature plant embryos to support their growth
5. Golgi Apparatus - The Golgi apparatus serves as the cell's different laboratories. Additionally, certain cell types are not available as
distribution and shipping department. It modifies proteins and fats continuous cell lines.
from the endoplasmic reticulum for export outside the cell. ❖ Finite cell culture
6. Intermediate Filaments - Intermediate filaments are a diverse group Finite cell cultures are established through the first subculturing of a
of fibrous proteins with structural and functional roles in the primary cell culture. These cultures can replicate for a limited number of
cytoskeleton. They provide tension-bearing support to maintain cell cell divisions before entering a senescent state. Some human finite cell
shape and rigidity. cultures can extend their proliferative potential by introducing viral
7. Lysosomes - Lysosomes primarily function in cellular digestion, transforming genes like the SV40 transforming-antigen genes. These
breaking down waste and debris into simple compounds for reuse in cultures have an intermediate phenotype, between finite and continuous
the cytoplasm. cultures. They can proliferate for an extended period but eventually stop
8. Microfilaments - Microfilaments, composed of actin proteins, have dividing, akin to senescent primary cells. Using these cells can be more
a primarily structural role and contribute to the cytoskeleton. convenient than primary cell cultures, particularly for creating stably
9. Microtubules - Straight, hollow cylinders found throughout transfected clones.
eukaryotic cell cytoplasm, microtubules serve various functions, ❖ Continuous cell culture
including transport and structural support. Finite cell cultures will either decline with time or undergo a stable,
10. Mitochondria - Mitochondria, oblong-shaped organelles in heritable mutation that transforms them into continuous cell lines with
eukaryotic cells, act as the primary power generators, converting unlimited growth potential, often linked to tumorigenicity. Rodent
oxygen and nutrients into energy. primary cell cultures can easily transition into continuous cell lines,
11. Nucleus - The nucleus is a specialized organelle serving as the cell's sometimes spontaneously or after exposure to mutagenic agents. In
information processing and administrative center. It stores DNA and contrast, human primary cell cultures rarely become immortal in this
coordinates cell activities, including growth, metabolism, protein manner and often require additional genetic manipulation. However, cell
synthesis, and reproduction. cultures from human tumors tend to exhibit immortality. Continuous cell
12. Peroxisomes - Peroxisomes are a common type of microbody lines are more convenient to work with than primary or finite cell
organelle found in the cytoplasm, responsible for various metabolic cultures, but it's important to remember that they have genetic alterations,
functions. and their behavior in vitro may not fully represent the in vivo context.
13. Plasma Membrane - All living cells possess a plasma membrane that
encloses their contents, regulating the passage of molecules in and ANIMAL CELL COMMONLY USED IN CULTURE
out of the cell. In prokaryotes, it is surrounded by a rigid cell wall. ❖ Lymphocytes - A type of white blood cell in the vertebrate immune
14. Ribosomes - Ribosomes, present in all cells, are tiny organelles system. Play an important role in the body's defenses.
composed mainly of RNA and protein, with variations in eukaryotes ❖ Epithelial cell - Cell composing the epithelium. Epithelium is the
and prokaryotes. They play a crucial role in protein synthesis. tissue that lines the cavities and surfaces of the structures throughout
the body.
● Animal Cell Cultivation ❖ Fibroblast cell - Most common cells of connective tissue. Play an
Depending on their source, animal cells can be cultured in two important role in wound healing.
ways: as adherent monolayers or in suspension.
● Adherent cells are reliant on a surface for attachment and grow as a I. Enzyme & Enzyme Kinetics
single layer connected to the culture vessel. This attachment is
crucial for their growth. Many adherent cell cultures will stop Enzymes
growing when they cover the entire surface (reach confluence), and An enzyme is a protein that serves as a natural catalyst within living
some may die if left in this state for too long. Most tissue-derived organisms. Catalysts are substances that quicken chemical reactions
cells fall into this category. without undergoing any change or depletion in the process. Enzymes
● Suspension cells, on the other hand, can thrive and multiply without play a pivotal role in numerous metabolic processes, facilitating these
attaching to a substrate. Hematopoietic cells (derived from blood, processes to occur at a significantly accelerated pace compared to their
spleen, or bone marrow), certain transformed cell lines, and cells natural rate in the absence of enzymes.
from malignant tumors can be cultured in suspension.
Enzymes possess several distinctive attributes:
Primary cells, finite cultures, and continuous cell lines exhibit varying
proliferative capacities. Different cell types have diverse growth Specificity: Enzymes are highly specialized in their function, typically
characteristics and nutrient requirements. To ensure cells are healthy and catalyzing a specific type of chemical reaction or a limited range of
suitable for downstream applications, it's essential to optimize cell closely related reactions. This unique specialization is commonly
culture conditions. referred to as the enzyme's "substrate specificity."
❖ Primary cell culture
Primary cell cultures originate from cells migrating from tissue Efficiency: Enzymes have the remarkable ability to greatly hasten the
fragments or through disaggregation using enzymes, chemicals, or rate of a chemical reaction, rendering many vital biological processes
mechanical methods. These cultures consist of surviving cells that adhere feasible under the relatively mild conditions found in living organisms.
to the culture vessel and begin to multiply. Without enzymes, numerous reactions would occur too slowly to sustain
Primary cells closely resemble the parent tissue in morphology but have life.
limited cell division capacity, eventually entering a non-proliferative
stage called senescence. Adherent primary cells are sensitive to contact Reusability: Enzymes are not depleted or altered during the reactions
inhibition, ceasing growth when confluent but maintaining normal they facilitate. Once an enzyme has facilitated a reaction, it remains
characteristics at lower densities. Primary cell culture is generally more available to catalyze many more similar reactions.
challenging than working with continuous cell lines.
Researchers prefer primary cell cultures over continuous cell lines Regulation: Enzyme activity can be controlled through various
because they closely mimic in vivo cell physiology. Continuous cell lines mechanisms, including the presence of specific molecules that either
can undergo changes over time, leading to inconsistencies in data across enhance or inhibit their function. This regulatory capability enables cells
to manage and coordinate metabolic pathways.
Enzymes participate in a wide array of biological processes, a. Oxidoreductases: These enzymes facilitate oxidation-reduction
encompassing digestion (e.g., the digestive enzymes in the stomach and reactions, where electrons are transferred between molecules. Examples
small intestine), energy production (e.g., enzymes in cellular respiration), include dehydrogenases and oxidases.
DNA replication and repair (e.g., DNA polymerases), and numerous
other vital functions in living organisms. Enzymes are indispensable for b. Transferases: Transferases assist in the movement of functional
life and are often likened to the diligent "workers" of biochemical groups (like methyl, phosphate, or amino groups) from one molecule to
reactions. another. Kinases, methyltransferases, and transaminases are instances.

Composition of Enzyme c. Hydrolases: Hydrolases expedite the breaking of chemical bonds

Enzymes consist primarily of proteins, which are extensive molecules through the addition of water molecules. Lipases, proteases, and
comprising chains of amino acids. Enzyme composition primarily nucleases are illustrative.
involves proteins, but it can also encompass non-protein constituents
referred to as cofactors or coenzymes. These supplementary elements can d. Lyases: Lyases initiate reactions that either add or remove functional
be essential for the enzyme's operational effectiveness and purpose. groups from substrates without involving hydrolysis or oxidation.
Decarboxylases and synthases are examples.
The fundamental makeup of enzymes can be summarized as follows:
e. Isomerases: Isomerases cause rearrangements of atoms within a
Protein: Enzymes are primarily constructed from proteins, which are molecule, transforming it into its isomeric form. Cis-trans isomerases and
macromolecules structured with amino acid sequences. The precise racemases fall into this category.
sequence and organization of amino acids within the protein establish the
enzyme's three-dimensional structure, influencing its purpose and f. Ligases or Synthetases: Ligases bond two molecules together by
selectivity. forming covalent bonds, often utilizing energy from ATP. DNA ligase is
an example.
Cofactors: Certain enzymes necessitate non-protein substances or ions,
known as cofactors, for complete functionality. Cofactors can comprise Classification Based on Reaction Type:
either inorganic ions (like metallic ions such as zinc or magnesium) or Enzymes are often sorted according to the specific chemical
organic compounds recognized as coenzymes. Coenzymes often perform reactions they catalyze, including:
a crucial role in expediting the enzyme's catalytic function by conveying
or transferring chemical groups during the reaction. a. Nomenclature-Based Classification:
Enzymes are frequently named systematically, reflecting the
Active Site: Inside the enzyme's three-dimensional configuration, there reactions they catalyze, followed by "–ase." For instance, lactase
usually exists a specialized area known as the active site. This is where catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose, while DNA polymerase is involved in
the enzyme interacts with its substrates, the molecules it acts upon in a DNA polymerization.
chemical reaction. The shape and chemical properties of the active site
are pivotal for the enzyme's specificity and catalytic operation. b. Enzyme Commission (EC) Number-Based Classification:

Allosteric Sites: Some enzymes incorporate allosteric sites, which are The Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers offer a structured classification
distinct from the active site. Binding at these sites by particular system through a hierarchical numbering scheme. Each enzyme receives
molecules can either enhance or hinder the enzyme's operation, providing a unique EC number that signifies the type of reaction it catalyzes. The
a means of regulation. EC number is composed of four levels, representing the enzyme's class,
subclass, sub-subclass, and a specific identifier. For instance, the enzyme
Substrate Binding Site: Enzymes possess a distinct region designated catalase bears the EC number, where:
for the binding of their substrates. This binding site is compatible in
terms of shape and chemical characteristics with the substrate, enabling Class 1 signifies oxidoreductases.
the enzyme to recognize and attach to the substrates with a high level of Subclass 11 indicates activity involving peroxide as an acceptor.
specificity. Sub-subclass 1 denotes catalase activity.
The specific identifier is 6.
Quaternary Structure (in some cases): In specific instances, enzymes
may be composed of multiple protein subunits, forming a quaternary EC 1. Oxidoreductases
structure. The arrangement of these subunits can influence the enzyme's EC 2. Transferases
functionality and regulatory mechanisms. EC 3. Hydrolases
EC 4. Lyases
In summary, the composition of enzymes is principally rooted EC 5. Isomerases
in proteins, but their activity can be influenced by supplementary EC 6. Ligases
constituents like cofactors and coenzymes. The specific amalgamation of
protein structure, active site properties, and any associated cofactors or These classification methods are essential for researchers and scientists
coenzymes determines the enzyme's capacity to expedite particular to comprehend the diverse roles of enzymes and their contributions to
chemical reactions within living organisms. various biochemical processes within living organisms.

B. Classification Enzyme Inhibition

Enzymes can be categorized using various criteria, which Enzyme kinetics also explores the effects of inhibitors on enzymatic
encompass their role, the specific reactions they catalyze, and the way reactions. Inhibitors can be competitive (compete with substrates for the
they are named. The primary methods for classifying enzymes include: active site), non-competitive (bind to an allosteric site and inhibit enzyme
activity), or uncompetitive (bind to the enzyme-substrate complex).
Categorization by Function:
Enzyme inhibitor - compounds that bind to enzyme and reduce their ● Turnover number ( Kcat ) - maximum number of molecules
activity of substrate that an enzyme can convert to product per catalytic
site per unit time and can be calculated as follows:
Types of Reversible Inhibition
Kcat =
a. Competitive Inhibition - Inhibitor usually a substrate analog which ET
competes for the active site of the enzyme.
Enzyme Kinetics Applications
b. Non-Competitive Inhibition - inhibitor is not a substrate analog ● Enzyme kinetics is crucial in various fields, including biochemistry,
but bind on sites other than the active site which reduces affinity of pharmacology, and medicine. It is used to study drug interactions,
enzyme to substrate enzyme inhibition by pharmaceuticals, and the kinetics of metabolic
c. Uncompetitive Inhibition - inhibitor binds to the ES complex only ● Understanding enzyme kinetics is essential for comprehending the
and has no affinity for the enzyme itself . intricacies of biochemical reactions and for designing experiments,
optimizing enzymatic processes, and developing therapies in various
Allosteric Inhibition - is when a molecule stops the activity of an scientific and medical disciplines.
enzyme by entering a secondary site (an allosteric site) which changes
the shape of the active site blocking access for the substrate.

C. Enzyme Kinetics II. Immobilized Enzyme

Enzyme kinetics is the study of the rates at which enzymes
catalyze chemical reactions. It involves the investigation of several key ENZYME IMMOBILIZATION
parameters and principles that help scientists understand how enzymes - restricts the mobility of an enzyme or protein and fixes the enzyme
function and how their activity is regulated. Enzyme kinetics provides into a state without disturbing its functional ability. It can also
valuable insights into the mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. reduce the sensitivity of a native enzyme hence increasing the
Here are some fundamental aspects of enzyme kinetics: functional efficiency of the enzyme.
- Confining the enzyme molecules to a distinct phase from the one in
Theories on Enzyme-Substrate Complex which the substrates and the products are present.
1. Emil Fischer’s Lock and Key Model - It is the process of attachment of an enzyme to a solid matrix so that
● This model assumes that the active site of the enzyme and the it cannot escape but can still act on its substrate.
substrate fit perfectly into one another. -
● The lock is the enzyme and the key is the substrate. The history of enzyme immobilization can be divided into three
● Enzymes catalyze the chemical reaction to take place, which can developmental stages regarding immobilized enzyme technology.
either be a synthesis reaction (favors bond formation) or a
decomposition reaction (favors bond breakage). ❖ In the initial stage, around 1815, immobilized enzymes found
empirical applications in industrial processes, such as the
2. Koshland’s Induced Fit Hypothesis manufacture of acetic acid and wastewater purification.
❖ In the second stage, which unfolded during the 1960s, a pioneering
● The catalytic site of the enzyme is not complementary to substrate. single enzyme immobilization system emerged. This system found
● This model propose that enzyme undergoes conformational change application in various processes, including the production of L-
to accommodate the substrate and form a stronger bond. amino acids and glucose isomerization.
❖ In the third stage, spanning from 1970 to 1995, a range of enzyme
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics immobilization techniques emerged, encompassing co-factor
The Michaelis-Menten equation is a fundamental concept in regeneration and cell immobilization methods.
enzyme kinetics. It describes the relationship between the initial reaction
rate (V₀), substrate concentration ([S]), and enzyme parameters (Km and COMPONENTS OF ENZYME IMMOBILIZATION
Vmax). The equation is given as: The fundamental elements of enzyme immobilization
Vmax [S] encompass the enzyme itself, a supporting matrix, and the method
Vo= employed to affix the catalyst to the carrier.
Km +[ S] A. Enzyme - can be defined as biomolecules that function as
biocatalysts, facilitating numerous biochemical reactions by
V₀: Initial reaction rate. mediating the conversion of substrates into products, without
Vmax: Maximum reaction rate (when all enzyme active sites being consumed or depleted in the process.
are saturated with substrate). B. Support Matrix - a substance designed to enable the
[S]: Substrate concentration. immobilization of an enzyme
Km (Michaelis constant): A measure of the substrate
concentration at which the reaction rate is half of Vmax. It
reflects the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate.
● Synthetic Polymers: These matrices offer high chemical and
Organic matrices used for enzyme immobilization can be categorized mechanical stability. Some examples of synthetic polymers
into natural and synthetic polymers. used for enzyme immobilization are polystyrene, polyacrylate,
● Natural Polymers: These materials exhibit excellent polyacrylamide, and polyamides.
compatibility with proteins. Examples include polysaccharides
such as cellulose, dextran, agar, agarose, chitin, and alginate, as Inorganic matrices for enzyme immobilization can be further classified
well as proteins like collagen and albumin, along with carbon- into two categories: natural minerals and processed materials.
based materials.
● Natural Minerals: Examples of natural minerals used as - The matrix used in this method is water soluble, and nature varies
matrices include bentonite, celite, centolite, silica, and with different enzymes. It can be polyacrylamide gels, cellulose
charcoal. triacetate, agar, gelatine, alginate etc.

● Processed Materials: Processed materials used for enzyme Methods of enzyme entrapment encompass the incorporation of enzymes
immobilization include porous glass, metals, and metal oxides. into various matrices, which can include:
a. Gels - This method entails entrapping the enzyme within a gel
C. Mode of Attachment - Various modes of attachment between the matrix, where the enzyme is held in place within the gel structure.
enzyme and the support matrix are elucidated in the methods of enzyme b. Fibers - Enzyme entrapment can also occur within a fiber matrix,
immobilization, which typically encompass both physical and chemical where the enzyme is trapped and distributed within the
approaches. fibers.
c. Microoapsules - In this approach, enzymes are entrapped within
METHODS OF ENZYME IMMOBILIZATION microcapsules, which are small, encapsulated structures that provide
Enzyme immobilization is classified into physical and a controlled environment for the enzymes.
chemical processes based on their binding properties.
Advantages of Entrapment Method:
1. ADSORPTION ● Its enzyme loading capacity is high.
- the enzyme attaches to the surface of a water-insoluble carrier ● It’s a rapid method.
matrix ● The enzyme distortion is low.
- the bond between enzymes and the carrier matrix is typically strong ● It is easy to practice.
but can be weakened by factors such as the addition of a substrate or Disadvantages of Entrapment Method:
changes in pH or ionic strength.
- The binding is nonspecific and can involve interactions such as ● The diffusion of substrate and product create difficulties.
electrostatic or hydrophobic affinities with various ligands. ● It causes leakage of low molecular weight enzymes.
- the bonding is non-permanent and accomplished by the weak bonds, ● There might some chances of microbial contamination.
mainly like hydrogen bond and Vander Waal forces. ● It also causes enzyme inactivation and sometimes loss of enzyme
- the matrix employed should have small particle sizes within the activity.
range of 500Å to 1mm in diameter. ● It has limited industrial use.
- various carrier materials are utilized in this type, including mineral
supports like aluminum oxide and clay, organic supports such as 3. ENCAPSULATION
starch, as well as modified sepharose and ion exchange resins. - This method involves membrane confinement, where an enzyme is
enclosed within the semipermeable membrane of a capsule
Methods of Immobilization by Adsorption: submerged in an aqueous solution.
a. Static Method: This method is efficient but time-consuming. It - This arrangement permits the exchange of the surrounding medium,
immobilizes the enzyme and carrier molecule without agitation. including substrates and products, while retaining the enzyme
b. Dynamic Process: In this approach, the enzyme is mixed with the within the capsule.
carrier under constant agitation, facilitating immobilization. - The matrix used here is a capsule which is made of a semi-
c. Reactor Loading: This method involves transferring both the permeable membrane, and it can be polymeric, lipoid, non-ionic etc.
enzyme and carrier into a reactor with continuous agitation. It is in nature. It includes nitrocellulose, nylon semi-permeable matrix
commonly employed in the commercial production of immobilized etc.
d. Electro-Deposition: In this technique, a carrier is placed near an Encapsulation methods can be achieved through various approaches:
electrode within an enzyme bath, and an electric current is passed a. Encapsulation in a Reaction Vessel: This method divides a
through it. This results in the enzyme moving towards the carrier chamber using a semipermeable membrane, with one chamber
and ultimately depositing on its surface. containing enzymes and the other containing substrates and
Advantages of Adsorption: b. Encapsulation by Hollow Fiber Membrane: In this technique,
● It has no pore diffusion limitation. enzymes are entrapped within a semipermeable matrix, such as
● It is a simple and economical method to conduct. cellulose or triacetate, within the matrix's confined space.
● No reagents are required in this method. c. Microencapsulation: Enzyme molecules are enclosed within
● There is a limited loss of enzyme activity. microcapsules through chemical polymerization, typically utilizing
● It causes less disruption to an enzyme. 1-6-diaminohexane.
● It requires minimum activation steps. d. Encapsulation by Liposomes: Here, enzymes are bound to the
● The adsorped enzyme can be recycled, regenerated and reused. concentric lipoidal membrane of liposomes using phospholipids as
● It has a high loading efficiency of an enzyme. the binding agent.

Disadvantages of Adsorption: Advantages of Encapsulation:

● It provides low surface area for the enzyme binding. ● No enzyme leakage
● Desorption of an enzyme from the carrier usually occurs. ● Preservation of Enzyme Activity
● Also, the yield is low. ● Simplicity
● High Loading Efficiency
2. ENTRAPMENT Disadvantages of Encapsulation:
- enzymes are confined within the pores of a porous polymer or gel ● Pore Size Limitation
matrix, which is also referred to as lattice entrapment ● Cost- Effectiveness
- The interaction between the enzyme and the matrix can involve
either covalent or non-covalent bonding. 4. COVALENT BONDING
- a widely employed enzyme immobilization method 5. CROSS LINKING
- an enzyme molecule forms a robust covalent bond with the carrier, - often referred to as "Copolymerization" or "Cross-Linking." In this
resulting in a stable and complex interaction approach, immobilized enzymes form covalent links with various
- there is no enzyme loss in this process functional groups of the enzyme itself using polyfunctional reagents.
- it occurs between the enzyme’s active site, represented byt its Notably, it does not require a support matrix.
functional group and the carrier molecule. - This cross-linking process results in the formation of three-dimensional
- The reactivity of functional groups in the binding process is influenced crosslinked enzyme aggregates
by their charged status. In general, the order of reactivity, from highest to - Commonly used polyfunctional agents for this purpose include
lowest, is as follows: glutaraldehyde and diazonium salts, among others
● -S– (Thiolate) Advantages of the Cross-Linking Method
● -SH (Thiol) ● Minimal Enzyme Leakage
● -O– (Alkoxide) ● High Enzyme Stability
● -NH2 (Amine) ● Simplicity and Cost-Efficiency
● -COO– (Carboxylate) ● Wide Applicability
● -OH (Hydroxyl) Disadvantages of the Cross-Linking Method
● -NH3+ (Ammonium) ● Enzyme Inactivation
● Enzyme Denaturation
- The more negatively charged or electron-rich functional groups tend to ● Cost-Effectiveness
exhibit higher reactivity in covalent binding interactions with the carrier. Advantages of Enzyme Immobilization:
- Examples of polymeric carriers commonly used in covalent binding for
enzyme immobilization includes :Carboxylic Acid and Related Groups of ● Enzymes can undergo multiple uses.
Polyglutamic Acid, Amide Groups of Polypeptides, Amino and Related ● Immobilization reduces labor requirements.
Groups of Polysaccharides ● It enhances the enzyme-to-substrate ratio.
Some of the most frequently used polymers in this context are ● Minimum activation time is needed.
polysaccharides like celluloses, agarose, and sepharose, as well as
polyvinyl alcohol, silica, and porous glasses. These polymers provide Disadvantages of Enzyme Immobilization:
functional groups that enable the formation of stable covalent bonds with
enzymes during the immobilization process. ● Limited industrial applicability.
● Enzymes may experience diminished catalytic activity and
Methods Used for Covalent Bonding: stability.
a. Diazotation - involves bonding between the amino group of the ● Heat generation can lead to enzyme inactivation.
matrix and either the tyrosyl or histidyl group of an enzyme. This ● The method can be costly to implement.
bonding occurs through a reaction with sodium nitrite (NaNO2) and
hydrochloric acid (HCl). This process results in the formation of Applications of Enzyme Immobilization:
covalent bonds between the enzyme and the matrix, facilitating
enzyme immobilization. ● Industrial Applications: Such as the manufacturing of antibiotics,
b. By Peptide Bond - entails the formation of bonds between either amino acids, and other industrial processes.
the amino or carboxyl group of the matrix and the corresponding ● Biomedical Applications: Including enzyme usage for treatment,
carboxyl or amino group of an enzyme. In this process, the matrix is diagnosis, and drug delivery in the field of medicine.
chemically treated to facilitate the binding with the enzyme's active ● Food Industry: For instance, in the production of jams, jellies,
functional group, resulting in covalent bonds that enable enzyme syrups, and other food products.
immobilization. ● Sewage and Wastewater Treatment: Utilized in the treatment of
c. Cyanogen Bromide Activation - involves the binding of glycol sewage and industrial effluents to manage and purify wastewater.
groups present on a matrix to an enzyme. This binding is achieved ● Detergent Industry: Enzyme immobilization, particularly for
by activating the matrix with cyanogen bromide (CNBr), which lipases, aids in breaking down lipids found in stains and dirt in
allows for the formation of covalent bonds between the glycol detergents.
groups and the enzyme, thereby facilitating enzyme immobilization. ● Textile Industry: Encompassing processes like scouring and bio-
d. By Polyfunctional Reagents - entails the formation of bonds polishing for fabric treatment and improvement.
between the amino group of the matrix and the amino group of an
enzyme. An example of a reagent commonly used for this purpose is The immobilization process is extensively applied across various
glutaraldehyde, which is a bi-functional reagent. Glutaraldehyde domains, allowing enzymes to be securely attached to specific phases,
facilitates the cross-linking of amino groups from both the matrix thus enabling their reuse and stabilization for multiple reactions.
and the enzyme, resulting in covalent bonds that enable enzyme
● Adds to the cost.
Advantages of Covalent Bonding ● Adversely affects stability and/or activity of the enzyme.
● High Bonding Strength ● Substrate cannot diffuse efficiently to reach the enzyme.
● No Enzyme Leakage
● Simplicilty and Widely Used Microbial Growth
● pH and Ionic Strength Insensitivity While growth for multicellular organisms is typically measured
in terms of the increase in size of a single organism, microbial growth is
Disadvantages of Covalent Bonding measured by the increase in population, either by measuring the increase
● Enzyme Denaturation in cell number or the increase in overall mass.
● Limited Immobilization Capacity
● Cost-Effectiveness Two Types of Asexual Reproduction in Microbes:
● Binary Fission
Bacterial reproduction occurs through fission, a primitive form of cell ● Certain trace elements – ex. copper, iron, zinc, sodium, chloride,
division that does not employ a spindle fiber apparatus. [A spindle fiber potassium, calcium, etc.; often serve as cofactors in enzymatic
apparatus made of protein filaments is responsible for moving the reactions.
chromosomes around during cell division (mitosis & meiosis) in most
eukaryotic cells. Bacteria do not have these structures.] The bacterial Growth Curve - refers to a graphical representation of changes in
cell doubles in size and replicates its chromosome. Following DNA comparable situations. Since bacteria are easy to grow in the lab, their
replication, the two chromosomes attach to separate sites on the plasma growth has been studied extensively. It has been determined that in a
membrane, and the cell wall is laid down between them, producing two closed system or batch culture (no food added, no wastes removed)
daughter cells. bacteria will grow in a predictable pattern, resulting in a growth curve
● Budding composed of four distinct phases of growth: the lag phase, the
A few bacteria and some eukaryotes (including yeasts) may also replicate exponential or log phase, the stationary phase, and the death or decline
by budding, forming a bubble-like growth that enlarges and separates phase. Additionally, this growth curve can yield generation time for a
from the parent cell. particular organism – the amount of time it takes for the population to
Growth Factors - Microbes can exist in a great many environments
because they are small, easily dispersed, need only small quantities of 1. Lag Phase
nutrients, and are diverse in their nutritional requirements. ➔ Period of adjustment to new conditions
➔ Little or no cell division occurs, population size doesn’t increase
A. Physical Factors ➔ Phase of intense metabolic activity, in which individual organisms
● pH – bacteria can classified as: grow in size
➔ acidophiles (acid-loving) – grow best at a pH of 1 to 5.4; Ex. ➔ May last from one hour to several days.
Lactobacillus (ferments milk) 2. Log Phase (exponential growth)
➔ neutrophiles – exist from pH to 5.4 to 8.5; most bacteria that cause ➔ Cells begin to divide and generation time reaches a constant
human disease are in this category. minimum
➔ alkaliphiles (base loving) – exist from pH to 7.0 to 11.5; ex. Vibrio ➔ Period of most rapid growth. Number of cells produced > Number
cholerae (causes cholera) of cells dying
➔ Cells are at highest metabolic activity
● Temperature – bacteria can be classified as: ➔ Cells are most susceptible to adverse environmental factors at this
➔ psychrophiles (cold-loving) 15oC to 20oC; some can grow at 0oC. stage.
➔ mesophiles - grow best between 25oC and 40 C; human body temp 3. Stationary Phase
is 37oC. ➔ Population size begins to stabilize. Number if cells produced =
➔ hermophiles (heat-loving) – 50oC to 60oC; found in compost heaps Number of cells dying
and in boiling hot springs. ➔ Overall cell number does not increase
➔ Cell division begins to slow down
● Moisture – only the spores of sport-forming bacteria can exist in a 4. Death Phase
dormant state in a dry environment. ➔ Population size begins to decrease. Number of cells dying >
Number of cells produced
B. Oxygen Requirements ➔ Cell number decreases at a logarithmic rate
● Strict or obligate anaerobes – oxygen kills the bacteria; ex. ➔ Cells lose their ability to divide
Clostridium tetani ➔ A few cells may remain alive for a long period of time
● Strict or obligate aerobes – lack of oxygen kills the bacteria; ex.
Pserdomonas Measuring Microbial Growth
● Facultative anaerobes – can shift their metabolism (anaerobic if Direct Method - can be done, visually, and by various types of
oxygen is absent or aerobic if oxygen is present); ex. E. coli, electronic particle counters.
Staphylococcus 1. Plate Count
● Aerotolerant – the bacteria don’t use oxygen, but oxygen doesn’t ➔ Most frequently used method of measuring bacterial populations
harm them; ex. Lactobacillus ➔ Inoculate plate with a sample and count number of colonies
● Microaerophiles – like low oxygen concentrations and higher The sample is like water, food or soil that contains millions of bacteria
carbon dioxide concentrations; ex. Campylobacter and hence it is practically impossible to count them. For such samples,
we first perform dilution methods. To dilute the bacterial number, the
C. Nutritional (Biochemical) Factors sample is serially diluted 10 times and it is plated in appropriate medium.
● Carbon – carbon containing compounds are needed as an energy
source (ex. glucose) and for building blocks. 2. Filtration
● Nitrogen - needed for amino acids and nucleotides; some can ➔ Known for sterilization of heat labile or sensitive material.
synthesize all 20 amino acids; others have to have some provided in ➔ The filter used are made of inert material like acetate, cellulose
their medium. nitrate, polyamide, polycarbonate, polypropylene or
● Sulfur – needed for amino acids, coenzymes, polytetrafluoroethylene.
● Phosphorus – needed for ATP, phospholipids, and nucleotides ➔ This method is employed for measuring bacteria of broth
● Vitamins – a vitamin is an organic substance that an organism culture. Under sterile conditions, the liquid culture is poured
requires in small amounts and that is typically used as a coenzyme; through the filter, the pore size of the filter is 0.2 to 0.45
many bacteria make their own, but some are required in the micrometer.
medium; microbes living in the human intestine manufacture ➔ The bacteria that are larger than the pore size will retain in the
vitamin K, needed for blood clotting, and some of the B vitamins, filter.
thus benefiting their host. 3. Most Probable Number (MPN)
➔ It is used to estimate the concentration of viable microorganisms in
a sample by means of replicating liquid broth growth in ten-fold
➔ Commonly used in estimating microbial populations in soils, waters,
and agricultural products.
MPN is most commonly applied for quality testing of water i.e to ensure
whether the water is safe or not in terms of bacteria present in it. A group
of bacteria commonly referred to as fecal coliforms act as an indicator of
fecal contamination of water. The presence of very few fecal coliform
bacteria would indicate that water probably contains no disease-causing
organisms, while the presence of large numbers of fecal coliform bacteria
would indicate a very high probability that the water could contain
disease-producing organisms making the water unsafe for consumption.
4. Direct Microscopic Count
➔ Require the use of a specialized slide called the Petroff-Hausser
counting chamber, in which an aliquot of a eukaryotic cell
suspension is counted and the total number of cells is determined
➔ The Petroff-Hausser counting chamber is a thick glass microscope
slide with a chamber 0.02 mm (1/50 mm) deep in the center.

Indirect Method - can be performed by using a spectrophotometer and

measuring the turbidity (absorbance or Optical Density) of the sample.
1. Turbidity
➔ Turbidity can be measured by Calorimeter or spectrophotometer
which works on the principle of Beer Lambert’s Law which states
the concentration of solutes or cells is directly proportional to the
absorbance. It means higher the absorbance, higher is the cell
2. Metabolic Activity
➔ The metabolic activity of living cells means anabolic (synthesis) and
catabolic activity occurring inside the cell.
➔ During metabolic activity, there could be oxygen consumption, acid
and gas production, nutrient utilization, change in pH and waste
production and accumulation.
➔ As bacteria multiply in media, they produce certain products:
carbon dioxide and acids
3. Dry Weight
➔ Cells growing in liquid medium are collected by centrifugation,
washed, dried in an oven, and weighed.
➔ The bacterial suspension must be free from extraneous matter for
accurate results.
➔ The drawback of this method is that we may not be sure if the dry
weight is only of bacterial cells.
➔ It also cannot distinguish between live and dead cells.

Characteristic of Matrix
1. Low cost
2. Inertness
3. Physical strength
4. Mechanical Strength
5. Stability
6. Regenerability after the useful lifetime of the immobilized enzyme,
7. Enhancement of enzyme specificity
8. Maintain optimum pH
9. Reduction in product inhibition
10. A shift in the pH optimum for enzyme action to a desired value for
the process
11.Reduction in microbial contamination and non specific adsorption
12. Hydrophilic Character
13. Mean Particle Size

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