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Fuzzy Set

The set theory of classical is the subset of Fuzzy set theory. Fuzzy logic is based on this theory, which
is a generalisation of the classical theory of set (i.e., crisp set) introduced by Zadeh in 1965.

A fuzzy set is a collection of values which exist between 0 and 1. Fuzzy sets are denoted or
represented by the tilde (~) character. The sets of Fuzzy theory were introduced in 1965 by Lofti A.
Zadeh and Dieter Klaua. In the fuzzy set, the partial membership also exists. This theory released as
an extension of classical set theory.

This theory is denoted mathematically asA fuzzy set (Ã) is a pair of U and M, where U is the Universe
of discourse and M is the membership function which takes on values in the interval [ 0, 1 ]. The
universe of discourse (U) is also denoted by Ω or X.

Operations on Fuzzy Set

Given à and B are the two fuzzy sets, and X be the universe of discourse with the following
respective member functions:

The operations of Fuzzy set are as follows:

1. Union Operation: The union operation of a fuzzy set is defined by:

μA∪B(x) = max (μA(x), μB(x))

Let's suppose A is a set which contains following elements:

A = {( X1, 0.6 ), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 1), (X4, 0.4)}

And, B is a set which contains following elements:

B = {( X1, 0.1), (X2, 0.8), (X3, 0), (X4, 0.9)}


AUB = {( X1, 0.6), (X2, 0.8), (X3, 1), (X4, 0.9)}

Because, according to this operation

For X1

μA∪B(X1) = max (μA(X1), μB(X1))

μA∪B(X1) = max (0.6, 0.1)
μA∪B(X1) = 0.6

For X2

μA∪B(X2) = max (μA(X2), μB(X2))

μA∪B(X2) = max (0.2, 0.8)
μA∪B(X2) = 0.8

For X3

μA∪B(X3) = max (μA(X3), μB(X3))

μA∪B(X3) = max (1, 0)
μA∪B(X3) = 1

For X4

μA∪B(X4) = max (μA(X4), μB(X4))

μA∪B(X4) = max (0.4, 0.9)
μA∪B(X4) = 0.9

2. Intersection Operation:The intersection operation of fuzzy set is defined by:

μA∩B(x) = min (μA(x), μB(x))


Let's suppose A is a set which contains following elements:

A = {( X1, 0.3 ), (X2, 0.7), (X3, 0.5), (X4, 0.1)}

And, B is a set which contains following elements:

B = {( X1, 0.8), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 0.4), (X4, 0.9)}


A∩B = {( X1, 0.3), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 0.4), (X4, 0.1)}

Because, according to this operation

For X1
μA∩B(X1) = min (μA(X1), μB(X1))
μA∩B(X1) = min (0.3, 0.8)
μA∩B(X1) = 0.3

For X2

μA∩B(X2) = min (μA(X2), μB(X2))

μA∩B(X2) = min (0.7, 0.2)
μA∩B(X2) = 0.2

For X3

μA∩B(X3) = min (μA(X3), μB(X3))

μA∩B(X3) = min (0.5, 0.4)
μA∩B(X3) = 0.4

For X4

μA∩B(X4) = min (μA(X4), μB(X4))

μA∩B(X4) = min (0.1, 0.9)
μA∩B(X4) = 0.1

3. Complement Operation: The complement operation of fuzzy set is defined by:

μĀ(x) = 1-μA(x),


Let's suppose A is a set which contains following elements:

A = {( X1, 0.3 ), (X2, 0.8), (X3, 0.5), (X4, 0.1)}


Ā= {( X1, 0.7 ), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 0.5), (X4, 0.9)}

Because, according to this operation

For X1

μĀ(X1) = 1-μA(X1)
μĀ(X1) = 1 - 0.3
μĀ(X1) = 0.7

For X2

μĀ(X2) = 1-μA(X2)
μĀ(X2) = 1 - 0.8
μĀ(X2) = 0.2

For X3

μĀ(X3) = 1-μA(X3)
μĀ(X3) = 1 - 0.5
μĀ(X3) = 0.5

For X4
μĀ(X4) = 1-μA(X4)
μĀ(X4) = 1 - 0.1
μĀ(X4) = 0.9

Alpha cut:

The α-cut of a fuzzy set A is a crisp set defined by Aα = { x | μA(x) ≥ α }

Strong α-cut of a fuzzy set A is a crisp set defined by Aα+ = { x | μA(x) > α }

Numerical 1: Compute the value of adding the following two fuzzy integers :
A = {(0.3, 1), (0.6, 2), (1, 3), (0.7, 4), (0.2, 5)}
B = {(0.5, 11), (1, 12), (0.5, 13)}
Where fuzzy addition is defined as
μA+B (z) = max x + y = z(min (μA(x), μB(x)))
Then, f (A + B) is equal to
(A) {(0.5, 12), (0.6, 13), (1, 14), (0.7, 15), (0.7, 16), (1, 17), (1, 18)}
(B) {(0.5, 12), (0.6, 13), (1, 14), (1, 15), (1, 16), (1, 17), (1, 18)}
(C) {(0.3, 12), (0.5, 13), (0.5, 14), (1, 15), (0.7, 16), (0.5, 17), (0.2, 18)}
(D) {(0.3, 12), (0.5, 13), (0.6, 14), (1, 15), (0.7, 16), (0.5, 17), (0.2, 18)}

Answer: (D)

Explanation: According to question:

A={(0.3, 1), (0.6, 2), (1, 3), (0.7, 4), (0.2, 5)}
B={(0.5,11), (1, 12), (0.5, 13)}
first add the numbers(x + y = z) and write the min membership value since function is
min((μA(x),μB(x)) u will get following 15 terms:
{(0.3, 12), (0.3, 13), (0.3, 14), (0.5, 13), (0.6, 14), (0.5, 15), (0.5, 14), (1, 15), (0.5, 16), (0.5, 15), (0.7,
16), (0.5, 17), (0.2, 16), (0.2, 17), (0.2, 18)
f(A + B) is equal to {(0.3, 12), (0.5, 13), (0.6, 14), (1, 15), (0.7, 16), (0.5, 17), (0.2, 18)}
So, option (D) is correct.

Numerical 2: Consider a fuzzy set old as defined below

Old = {(20, 0.1), (30, 0.2), (40, 0.4), (50, 0.6), (60, 0.8), (70, 1), (80, 1)}

Then the alpha-cut for alpha = 0.4 for the set old will be
{50, 60, 70, 80}
{(20, 0.1), (30, 0.2)}
{(20, 0), (30, 0), (40, 1), (50,1), (60, 1), (70, 1), (80, 1)}
Answer: (d).{(20, 0), (30, 0), (40, 1), (50,1), (60, 1), (70, 1), (80, 1)}

Numerical 3: If two fuzzy sets A and B are given with membership functions μA(x) = {0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.5,
0.1} μB(x) = {0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3, 0.2} Then the value of μ complement of A∩B
(A) {0.9, 0.7, 0.4, 0.8, 0.9}
(B) {0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2}
(C) {0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3, 0.1}
(D) {0.7, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.7}
Explanation:- The fuzzy intersection of two fuzzy sets A and B on universe of discourse X: μA∩B(x) =
min [μA(x), μB(x)] , where x∈XBut here in the question, they are asking for complement of A
intersection B and so the answer would be 1-min[A(x),B(x)].
The minimum of 0.2 and 0.1 will be 0.1, and 1-0.1 will be 0.9
The second value is min(0.4,0.3)=0.3 and 1-0.3=0.7
The third value is min(0.8,0.6)=0.6 and 1-0.6=0.4
The fourth value is min(0.5,0.3)=0.3 and 1-0.3=0.7
The last value is min(0.1,0.2)=0.1 and 1-0.1=0.9
The only option which has got the values 0.9,0.7,0.4,0.7 and 0.9, although the fourth value is given as
0.8 instead of 0.7 is option A.
So the answer is option A.

Numerical 4: Consider a fuzzy set A defined on the interval x=[0,10] of integers by the membership
µA(x) = x / x+ 2
α cut corresponding to α = 0.5 will be
(A) { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
(B) {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
(C) {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
(D) { }
Ans:- C
In the fundamentals, refer to the answer given for question no. 6 regarding α-cut.
α-cut of a fuzzy set A denoted as Aα, is the crisp set comprised of the elements x of a universe of
discourse X for which the membership function of A is greater than or equal to α.
Given, x = In the range [0,10]
Membership function = x/x+2
Calculate the value of membership function for the interval from 0 to 10, substituting in the formula
µA(0) = 0 / 0+ 2 = 0

µA(1) = 1 / 1+ 2 = 0.33

µA(2) = 2 / 2+ 2 = 0.5

µA(3) = 3 / 3+ 2 = 0.6

µA(4) = 4 / 4+ 2 = 0.66
µA(5) = 5 / 5+ 2 = 0.71

µA(6) = 6 / 6+ 2 = 0.75

µA(7) = 7 / 7+ 2 = 0.77

µA(8) = 8 / 8+ 2 = 0.8

µA(9) = 9 / 9+ 2 = 0.81

µA(10) = 10 / 10+ 2 = 0.83

α= 0.5. We have to find the corresponding α-cut,

That will be a crisp set, having those values of x, for which the membership function is returning a
value of 0.5 or above.

µA(2) = 0.5 and all the values of x above 2 is getting a value greater than 0.5. So the crisp set will
contain the following values.

{ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.

So the correct answer is C.

Numerical 5: If A and B are two fuzzy sets with membership functions μA(x) = {0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.1, 0.9}
μB(x) = {0.1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8} Then the value of μA ∩B

will be

(A) {0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9}

(B) {0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8}

(C) {0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.1, 0.8}

(D) {0.1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8}



Intersection of two fuzzy sets

µA ∩B (x) = µA(x) ^ µB(x) = min(µA(x), µB(x))

μA(x) = {0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.1, 0.9}

μB(x) = {0.1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8}

μA ∩B={0.1,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.8}

So, the correct answer is D.

Numerical 6: The height h(A) of a fuzzy set A is defined as h(A) =sup A(x) where x belongs to A. Then
the fuzzy set A is called normal when





Ans:- C


Explanation:- The height of a fuzzy set is the highest membership value of the membership function:
Height(A) = max µA(xi)

A fuzzy set with height 1 is called a normal fuzzy set.

In contrast, a fuzzy set whose height is less than 1 is called a subnormal fuzzy set. So, according to
the above rule, the fuzzy set A is called normal when h(A)=1.

So, the correct answer is 1.

Numerical 7: If A and B are two fuzzy sets with membership functions μA(x) = {0.6, 0.5, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8}
μB(x) = {0.9, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5}

Then the value of μ Complement A∪B(x) will be

(A) {0.9, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8}

(B) {0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.5}

(C) {0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2}


Ans:- C

Union of two fuzzy sets

µAUB(x) = µA(x) V µB(x) = max(µA(x), µB(x))

μA(x) = {0.6, 0.5, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8}

μB(x) = {0.9, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5}

µAUB(x) = {0.9,0.5,0.6,0.8,0.8}

Complement of µAUB(x)={0.1,0.5,0.4,0.2,0.2}

So, the correct answer is C.

Numerical 8: Given U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} A = {(3, 0.7), (5, 1), (6, 0.8)} then

~ A will be : (where ~ →complement)

(A) {(4, 0.7), (2, 1), (1, 0.8)}

(B) {(4, 0.3), (5, 0), (6, 0.2) }

(C) {(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 0.3), (4, 1), (6, 0.2), (7, 1)}

(D) {(3, 0.3), (6.0.2)}

Ans:- C


Complement of a fuzzy set

The complement of a fuzzy set A is a new fuzzy set A Complement, containing all the elements which
are in the universe of discourse but not in A, with the membership function

Complement of µA(x) = 1 – µA(x)

Complement of a fuzzy set A is a new fuzzy set A complement. Since it is a fuzzy set, there will be two
members in a singleton. The first member will be all the elements which are in the universe of
discourse but not in A. The membership function will be 1- µA(x).

So, the complement of A will be


The first is (1,1). The first 1 is in U but not in A, so it should be added in the complement. The second
1 is because the membership function is 1- µA(x). 1-0=1.

The same reason why you get (2,1).

The third one (3,0.3) because it is (3,1-0.7)=(3,0.3).

Same reason why you have (4,1) and (7,1).

The member (5,0) is not included because , a singleton whose membership to a fuzzy set is 0, can be
excluded .

Numerical 9: Consider a fuzzy set old as defined below

old={(20,0),(30,0.2),(40,0.4),(50,0.6),(60,0.8),(70,1),(80,1)}. Then the alpha-cut for alpha=0.4 for the

set old will be (A){(40,0.3)}






alpha-cut of a fuzzy set A will contain those elements where the membership function value is equal
to or greater than alpha.

Here, alpha is given a value 0.4. Starting from (40,0.4) all the members have membership function
equal or greater than 0.4. so, except

(20,0) and (30,0.2) all the menbers are included in the alpha-cut of the fuzzy set. The only option
which has 40,50,60,70, and 80 included is option D. It has

(20,0) and (30,0) too. But it is already noted that any singleton where the membership function is 0
can be considered not included. So basically these two members are not part of the alpha-cut of the
fuzzy set A. So the correct option is D.

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