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aeroanes 1ose (POF) Review Mechanic oper ec arom psmuraschgsinrtpunteatn22180247 Revow Mechanal papers of card tow sine ums 156 (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea ee | Review Mechanical properties of ice and snow J. J, PETROVIC Materials Seionce and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, Naw Moxica 87545 Email: pottovieDlant gov ‘The mechanical properties of ce and snow are reviewed, The tensile strength of ica varios {rom 0.7-3.1 MPa and the camprestve strength varies from 5-25 MPa over the tempera range “10°C to ~20°C. The ie compressive strength increases with decreasing temperature and inereasing strain rats, but ice tansilastsnath is relatvely insensitive to these varables. The tensile strength of ee decreases with inreasing ies grain sie. The svength of le deer ‘The tracture toughness of ie is the range of 80-150 kPa! and the facture-intiating {law sie is similar tothe grain size leesoll compasite mixtures are both stronger ana tougher than ie alone. Snow is 3 open cellular form of ee. Both the strength and fracture toughness of snow are substantaly lower than those of ie, Fracture-niating Haw sizes in ‘snow appear to correla to the snow eel size, © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers 1. Introduction 2.3, leo tensile ancl compressive strength ‘The mechaiel properies of ce and snow ae ims ‘Theatengh fe hasbeen atl yay aan to ti of vane apc Tac aca of aalauber of tvenigns (25, 12h There usslogy segues auc norman i order re elaely wie range of eae of ten ent, Sie movement a eakapof pace ovr ane fron 0)) Mao 1 MPs, The weg ee stengh {HL These proper ar of hy knprnce forthe ofc ea pulbedivenigatons ie 18 Main folision an ats of valance bancts [2] te temperature ange ~10 to 20°C. Over th The pagent fhe eto sae nanade sue" persue rang, he smpenve sgh of kenge ‘ures scold eins requ flora sn mectan. Fewer 79 MPa eengh een ea ‘ea properties (3, Paly, ead atowike se elvofeoperte tine esd volume ane ‘ues ae tone 1o be the fay consents of pn sue Tee dependencies wll ao be dacs. fotetole (8). The pupowe of the even review ‘Slosummaize and eerie ormaon BAO 7.3.4, feet of temperature ‘alexa on te mecha propre of wh Ger meng x ease nh ering sno Ta empit wil be on fewer ead pen bother pmurassengnatpunestn27180247 Review Mechanic propria of card sow ane ums 156 (PF) Rew Mecha pete ea Fechada St aPS an Sas A ET > Setar topereureenertes 2 cyl acre Sumas Tia ace ae Eee MSO ath ine strane uma to ite a se ‘abet pes. le ele ad Tomed by yi tanpoare- dope Ganage eco ‘apr depotiion sow teeta. tea (5, The much ce ned tyre depen Stes acommovatng mechan te ips ofensle 22, leo elastic modulus oe ‘The cme mocale and Poison’ ri of peer {alice bas een nurs by sebjoaig plete {Shun bending (6 At tnperaue of “10°C for 2.2.2. Effect of strain rate ‘etsurencison ie pest mee 0. min diate, Pig 2 sows the fet of st a oo be tens ad ‘he You's moc of ee weep Ise fnge compressive sent of ke 3, While te somesine {1972112 Gand Poso's ao ws 02002. Sten is afte ease te ease ug 22-2461 200 Rin Aoi Pabihes 1 ge Ye cig ie ac et paras retpunesin27180247 Review Mechanical proprio card sow ane Sind Tele esr cures ext ie ‘ediste ang high ai nes, Compressive tessa Sere dunng tie eepseS 13, 1), 2.33. Etec of grains ‘Tete enghot ce desresscs whining ise rn dante (8) shown in Fg 8 These date Welldscebed by a HalsPeh pe of lanai athe w her te expnen = =1/2 The d~” depndence Sopp tha he tense engi oc ecole ‘fate concent roses A pose proces ‘Sueaon pep aia pain Boman (6 2.3.4. Effects of volume “The tele stent of ce decrees with nceasng ‘essjecnen volume (5, 16} ashen Fi. Wr tie ees on te seagate materials ae w= fly deseted by « Well stash! aston a (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea ES] =] os Ie Swekestnk” theory of tre In he Weal ‘hey he probably of atre ven by Pat -eml-ueiaa") a whew P= probaly of ctr,» —appbed sense ‘ics ohidhiseanmedto ewan oer te weed Selume of the materia), oa conan reed ome, aid yr= Well mols. Tas expression Jens fo he faoing exes fer he vole de- pendence fhe seeih i eal 3) enjor = fe" ° oe eee dana Hg 6 wa fs {ror 5 Touro, se tie ‘Web mod fo kv ha eve ben put ford. thesia seater in te ease act ste 2.4, Fracture toughness ‘he tact tougess ole Das sen cel ented ‘nvesigation (1, 1-25, Cte. be fete tou= ‘em ofc enh ange of 50-10 KPa By way ‘st compari, he ate toughest as 9p Selly 700-1060 Pam! (26 Tae as oughly ‘ett he act ughets fae. 25, Fracureintiting feet size (nema sae rene ale fe care szengtband fracaretoopnest fet sbainan pponinste alae parang retpuntestn27180247 Review Mechanal proper of csr sow eros tose (P27 Rovew Wecaneal aeincte SEGA it AEN RE IS om 1128 0%" « ie icin aw deter os erage tr tng defect? eam Tivo in he ange ‘ppl gn ameter forsee 2.6, Thermal shock ‘he heals fc ba on wept 28) {Seip 23 mim dane nee co a Oost en apc nee {Gite Raha tnd enh tal aes St cxnibel Theta ck Hate pe Sobewes tober wa tepemnae seeec of tn he The hermes ct oad bel trope va Cah wr penal mage Sought conpcly aed pc) an we et Cane wt ome perl ict. es ‘Sherr exo oat er er ek Sisk ir fee i eg ae 27. leesoll minutes 2 ena er shave Ben cance co ‘.Soilme 905), The mer sey Sense compate mul er nd Thee "he brenphan tne apc of ees yates anon ef temper esa (Se nrengh an face ope oc ow at Selena mires cfs sgn ‘he face tougoes of ei showe a ane sin a terperse 2 24,25 3 oe ects ‘eaphnest apes 0 Be lay weak fonction of tempecce Tae regan of easton ‘towing te [20 22,25 sshowesn Fig. 6. ea psmurasschgielpunestn22718247 view Necianl proper of card sow sine ums 156 (POF) Review Mechanic oper ec arom etree rete $d Schl [20] ave sagged hat STOSTICR Fp fe is i of ge toughening retuniareny Be operative ine ee es] Lee] oe ee) carinii sincinctim, Pp Sento oman aa sect ios apposite reeronal otk the Ire farts thane aloe, ha een rete ety as Bred a ella model for snow, ored [20] ta th eng ot femal auntscs fe 4 oel he ees eloped ling the micros errs lnthincesineaing te Avakeefai Ma tales of snows rmacrnconeteleaengh Isindcnted at high saa Is (i del sg ny sen arse, thr ahape andthe numberof paises ‘ewig prise, The oto a rover undoes ofthe sheng soe 2. new EBs ot now aoa eet carom soudeLunuat eopediainearted SELASSIE ACAI | 42, Face ogines oro {nba csed cel frm esp fan) etn os ec ey se fe i fom cg pce, Som i fees Aceagy lb ppimay 33 et Riese mnlemienne Ste orate enor oan ES census Fearn fae etn ina Saarinen gt Peletinatos ay Aewiewees Scan Metal Ta eet SeeUMatamy sels ues we nee cs pmurasnchgi tps 80247 view Mechanal propria of csr sow on (Binet asic Stet aay Site som est The Webel eo ‘Sout oe apoed oe he ge O16 ian te sor deta oe 0 hestomfce 4 (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea hese mal wl be popoonl to the dn Sno 2 power." . 3.4. Fracture-intiating defect sizes in snow romttereaielstengtapd frre eghoes a Sey eee |e ‘There fereces in mechanical propery level a aod eencerin the stam bonding pee teas compared 0 atomic nding In tain Fa ‘Eepent sudes sang eee ay De sil Interest ee soph ee eae enmtve trp and i ae, whe com Foesvestength depen on thee varies. Fo ferme materi, sich werent ses iy often nd compose sept o tee a tei tpl ot atered ncn, ter bth teal in compresive cram stent ie ompe tte aad sa te wie. o bth ee Te neha in compat ese ecb ‘rami mater Adolesc reed 0 oe cmpeleasively dese te efonnatin et. ‘tira to nse hat the meng and actors tougher of sol mires ae ges ta one pmurasnchgretpunestn27180247 Review Mechanal propria of card sow [wetincne ] [toes lumeterof snow auton of ow des ston nig It resting ot a the ow rasta ave sis re sonnel lowe an tre a ie {77 mobi fr eect a ie ove ey" Tis would suggest tell atte of Eo hata fe onthe fa ie forte race Int there fw se comes sed with thee az of the nv cell The sl dune {eof maw ous cal ea uiction of ow dow: ferakidoabedr [3] so tha he cel at eke Sees en (2 Te compari of now tre a ‘Eumetero wow cll dmeer i town io Big 1A, oo comespndene crit cna lower sam emsiyy At snow derses Slvr to tha of ee, one Suldexpectarastonfrmeel aie rac pran ‘este wih an iseae afta ae, Towevee no daaexson ath ow sng and ae ‘are tapes forthe ihe no erty ein. 4, Conclusions ‘The mechaied havo of fe exis «snr {0 the mecha havin of rite sri Hs cetacean tone pesmuranechgsinratpunteain27180247 Revew Mechanal paper (PF) Rew Mecha pete ea Seto hoe Wil athe aood tee rental The epee of eon co fos etellps okey ve te ER tae tapes non fer oman ected tei fra, Nery te nteration Go the mecca ropes fo eX, analost 0 work as een ae swith mechanical eit key sow icrosiucaralvrble Mioactare groper Tenshi being developed fr ear mtr may oie wg a ee oo Reterences EAT ashi ‘nt er ese aeroanes 1ose (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea Bah Meee ot entre) BH EN ME mon A iltetovielanmercaracoeasiaqtninn tagag tn 2 coef Gowns toenk cee eee LR ath ata earn Se reat tt ON TI CGLOY ats 0 HOV Amc Nght Stl hanna} ps ~ ‘ean anal Ue og Seana ma 2 FLOLOY A iota mu ngacoun mats sam Cepct hana so Peete a Cop 21 non malt WENN, Jowmaf Clt Repos Rec 1 May Tree need gut 002 psmuraschgsinrtpunteatn22180247 Revow Mechanal papers of card tow ane ums 156 (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea ES] a] = ra dae oa asin Tue ey eet “mit eaten ra nrg mac ert nd ere a nero spr Seiceiedireeeemned Sm hor s ‘oSLEtT ar sakang arte sang sehon mur may engi va psmurasschgiretpunesin27180247 Review Mechanical proper of csr How sai aerones 1ose (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea ea a dO Xana Pepto Cone modning wih Poi an atten] Svat cto Yang Zong CA. Merg riot poral Bone Repnon crcl aig ako Seca i alee Dea ype Meat 0 steraainra Perk Map na Fa Ci He Fm niece pats Syed edn (seis vie Rab See Rap pesmurasschginrtpunteatn2280247 Revow Mechanal propre of card tow ni usm 186 (PF) Rew Mecha pete ea a igh it tangs nd ag np ‘eM vnunet maa ba fsa lan eu es pate tan in Ran Ha hgh paras retpunesin27180247 Review Mechanical proprio card sow aeroanes 1ose (POF) Rew Mecha pete ea gat 21 ume Cag arate Iban. seg en os ms ons sr esr ea red Case ‘Santana an inst machial pape eae a enpece ibang tte Was} Staunton wea We Ant 0D 2s ates mene du pebiay sone mee eAagesromr cree CI a ad See oR mitan sortie iaream eatrgiak soba cena pesmurasechginretpuneatn22780247 Revow Mechanal propre of car tow sai usm 188 (POF) Review Neca opera ce nso penn tai

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