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From electric light to self driving cars, Technology has shaped the way we

live, now it's shaping the way we learn. Think back to just 20 years ago and
how limited our knowledge of everything was, ultimately now our life is
more ef cient, simpler and faster thanks to the the smartphone craze and
unlimited high speed internet. Well Internet has provided so many people
with knowledge that used to actually cost money. It has exposed us to the
ocean of unlimited information. From believing the earth to be at to nd-
ing a black hole which is 1000 of light years away , has shown how we as
human beings have evolved scienti cally and technologically. The past in-
ventions of our ancestors say the same; The invention of printing press in
1440 allowed literacy to expand from taking the percentage of literate
people from 30% to 62% in just over the course of 200 years , The invention
of electric bulb which forever separated light from re, Thanks to comput-
ers, space exploration came true, new designs of vehicles and other trans-
portation were made, medical science made more cures for diseases, etc.
Technology has made us more literate, we are writing and reading more
than ever with texts, emails, tweets etc. It is creating a different type of liter-
acy in video, image, data and soon 3-D printing and giving us ways to ex-
press ourselves richer. Alternate education techniques have helped chil-
dren with special needs learn differently and more ef ciently and has made
them equipped with knowledge more than ever. Arti cial intelligence
holds the capability of natural language processing which can be used to
tailor classes to individual students, for example, adjusting for their level of
understanding and measuring their progress. It can also signi cantly re-
duce administrative burdens on teachers, freeing up time for interaction
with students. Technology has actually been proven to help with studying
and school work when used correctly. Technology has completely integrat-
ed itself into society to the point where it not affects only our lives but the
way we think, well how ironical it is to state that- “in the past our advanced
intelligence created technology now intelligence is dependent on technol-
ogy”. We all as human beings have evolved so much from being amphib-
ians to be the most sophisticated animal on this planet to now exploring
and paving our paths to other planets. The future awaits for us with more
technological discoveries and inventions.

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