Intimate Style

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Intimate Style:

[Scene: A cozy living room. Autumn and Autumn’s Mother, are sitting on a couch.]

Mother: Autumn, I've noticed something lately. I feel like Facebook has been taking up so much
of your time.

Autumn: Yeah, I know Mom. I just can't seem to stay away from it.

Mother: It's just that I'm worried about you. You used to enjoy so many other things, but now
it's like Facebook has become your world.

Autumn: I guess you're right Mom. It's just hard to disconnect.

Mother: I understand, but I care about you, and I'm here for you. Maybe we can find ways to
help you reduce your screen time together?

Casual Style:

[Scene: A coffee shop. Autumn and Gavin are chatting over cups of coffee.]

Gavin: Hey, Autumn, I've noticed you're always on Facebook. Everything alright?

Autumn: Yeah, I'm just scrolling through stuff, you know.

Gavin: It's cool, but don't you feel like it's eating up your time?

Autumn: Maybe a bit. But it's addictive, you know?

Gavin: Totally get it! I was there too. Found some ways to balance it. Happy to share if you're

Consultative Style:

[Scene: A workplace. Emily a manager, is having a discussion with her team member, Autumn.]

Emily: Autumn, Can I talk to you?

Autumn: Sure Ma’am Emily

Emily: Autumn, I've observed you spending a lot of time on social media during work hour. Any
challenges you're facing that might be causing this?
Autumn: I guess I'm hooked on Facebook Ma’am Emily. It's just hard to focus sometimes.

Emily: I understand. Maybe we can set some goals together to manage your time better? I'm
here to support you in finding a healthier balance.

Autumn: That would be great Ma’am Emily. I appreciate your guidance.

Formal Style:

[Scene: A formal meeting room. Dr. Thompson, a psychologist, is speaking to a patient,


Dr. Thompson: Autumn, our discussions have revealed an excessive engagement with social
media, particularly Facebook. This behavior may impact your daily life and mental well-being.

Autumn: I never thought it was that serious, Doctor.

Dr. Thompson: It's crucial to address this addiction systematically. I propose a structured plan
involving behavioral interventions and monitored reduction of screen time.

Autumn: I'm willing to work on this. Please guide me through the process.

Frozen Style:

[Scene: An office setting. Mark, the HR manager, is speaking with an employee, Autumn , in a
formal and detached manner.]

Mark: Autumn, it has come to our attention that your excessive use of social media during work
hours, specifically Facebook, violates company policy.

Autumn: I... I understand, sir.

Mark: Immediate action is necessary to rectify this behavior. I advise strict adherence to
company guidelines regarding internet usage.

Autumn: Understood, I will comply.

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