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Alphabets, which were blown away

with the Wind

Joannes Richter

1: Flinders Petrie's Periodic Table in the Greek alphabet (1912)

Source: The formation of the alphabet (Petrie, W. M. Flinders) (1912)

Most studies of the alphabets concentrate on the 1-dimensional structured lists.
• Usually the European alphabets are ABeCeDaRia, in which the letters may be interpreted as
“unsorted” in the 1-dimensional displays. Places of articulation (for example: lingual, labial,
guttural, dental, palatal). This concept is clearly described in the Sefer Yetzirah.
• Other sorting methods are found in the Indian (Sanskrit and its derived) signaries, which
usually are sorted according the letters' categories (segmented as vowels, consonants and
conjuncts). In India medieval serpentine charts on pillars contain 5x5-patterns, in which the
structures are ordered according to the Places of articulation. The consonants are sorted
following the points of articulation - from the back to the front-side in the vocal traject:
Gutturals, Palatals, Cerebrals, Dentals and Labials.
• A third concept is found in the Old Persian cuneiform signary, which is structured in triads,
which have been sorted, as follows: the Vowels (( Ā), Ī, Ū), Velar/Guttural (K, X, G), Palatal
(C, Ç, J), Alveolar (T, Θ, D) , Labial (P, F, B), Nasals (N & M), Semi-vowels (Y, V, R), L ,
Sibilants (S, Z, Ś) and a Glottal (H ).
These three categories of signaries are based on 5-categorized 2-dimensional structures. The Places
of articulation are the sources of the human phonemes. The 5 categories seem to have been
standards, in which important 5-letter words originally had to represent each one of the 5 Places of
articulation. These 5-letter words are studied, analyzed and listed in the following circa 60 essays.

The standard alphabets

In Europe we interpret the alphabets as 1-dimensional arrays, which are known as ABCeDeria and
the signaries Futhark and Ogham.
In the Indian languages (Sanskrit, Devanagari) the signaries may contain 2-dimensional 5 x 5
arrays, which are based on the Places of articulation (lingual, labial, guttural, dental, palatal).

3 Detail of the remarkable 5 x 5 magic

2 Tabular serpentine chart square array
Source: Ganesha Vidya (1968) Source: Ganesha Vidya (1968) by L.S.
by L.S. Wakankar Wakankar

Alphabets, which were blown away with the Wind

In the west the common standard alphabets are listed as 1-dimensional rows, in which the letters
represent the 5 mixed sources of Places of articulation (lingual, labial, guttural, dental, palatal).
The order of the letters in the European alphabets seemed to be structured in some of a few of the 5
categories, which for example also included vowels, nasal, and sibilants.
Flinders Petrie's Periodic Table in the Greek alphabet (1912) is a typical example for a 2-
dimensional table. Flinders Petrie also mentioned the 2-dimensional patterns of the hornbooks,
which were used to teach the children reading and writing.

Fig. 4 Ivory hornbook, 18th century, English, Gift of Leonard Kebler, 1959.
Library of Congress Control Number 2007700155 (
The loss of the 2-dimensional alphabetical arrays
Together the ancient 2-dimensional structures of the Indian alphabets, the hornbook patterns and
Flinders Petrie's Periodic Tables represent an evidence for the 2-dimensional patterns for the ancient
Additionally we may identify the 5-letter words for Father, Mother, the sky-gods Dyaus, Dieus,
Dious, Tiwas, Tiews, Tivar and a respectable list of pentagrammatons as evidence for the prominent
5-letter words. This theory will be described in the following chapters of this essay.
The parental labels for the sky-god
Often the ancient sky-god is labeled with standard words for the parents: father and mother.
Language Formula Interpretation theonym 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sanskrit Dyauṣpitar DYAUṢ-PITAR D Y A U Ṣ P I T A R
Luwian Tatis Tiwaz Tiwaz-Father TIWAZ-TATIS T I W A Z T A T I Z
Greek Ζεῦς πατήρ Zeus-Father (Δ)ΖΕΎΣ - PATĒR Δ Z E Y S P A T Ē R
(Zeus Patēr)
Latin Diouspiter DIOUS-PITER D I O U S P I T E R
Latin Liber pater LīBER PATER L Ī B E R P A T E R
Latin Dives Pater DĪVES-PATER D Ī V E S P A T E R
Lithuanian Žemyna Earth Mother ŽEMYNA Ž E M Y N - - - - -
Lithuanian Žemepatis Earth Lord ŽEME-PATIS Ž E M - - P A T I S
Latvian Dieva māte Dievs' spouse DIEVA-MĀTE D I E V S M A T - -
Table 1 An overview of various PIE-Decagrammatons

The three languages

Most studies of the alphabets concentrate on the 1-dimensional structured lists.
• Usually the European alphabets are ABeCeDaRia, in which the letters may be interpreted as
“unsorted” in the 1-dimensional displays. In fact the sorting concept is included in the 2-
dimensional structured displays, in which the 5 columns or 5 rows are sorted according to
their Places of articulation (for example: lingual, labial, guttural, dental, palatal). This
concept is clearly based on the same basic definition of the Sefer Yetzirah.
• Other sorting methods are found in the Indian (Sanskrit and its derived) signaries, which
usually are sorted according the letters' categories (segmented as vowels, consonants and
conjuncts). The consonants are sorted following the points of articulation - from the back to
the front-side in the vocal traject: Gutturals, Palatals, Cerebrals, Dentals and Labials.
Addirtional sections are Half-vowels (ya, ra, la, va), Sibilants (śa, ṣa, sa) and The Uvula
(ha). In India medieval pillars contain 5x5-patterns, in which the structures are ordered
according to the Places of articulation. The tabular serpentine chart, engraved in a Paramar
pillar at Dhar, Una, Ujjain. The following tabular serpentine chart may have included a
remarkable 5 x 5 magic square array, with 25 symbols, which may be related to the 5x5
magic consonant square in the Sanskrit alphabet. 1
• A third concept is found in the Old Persian cuneiform signary, which is structured in triads,
which may be sorted, e.g. as the Vowels (A,I,U), Labials, Dentals/Alveolars, Palatals, Velars
and Glottals. Old Persian is close to both Avestan and the language of the Rig Veda, the
oldest form of the Sanskrit language. The script encodes three vowels, a, i, u, and twenty-
two consonants, k, x, g, c, ç, j, t, θ, d, p, f, b, n, m, y, v, r, l, s, z, š, and h.

1 Such tabular serpentine charts are engraved in a Paramar pillar at Dhar, Una, Ujjain. I found detailed explanations
to this topics in the documentation of the inscriptions in (PDF) Samskrtam grammar charts, Varṇanāga-kṛipāṇikā.
Details: A Reconstructed Screenplay for the Discovery of the 5-Letter Word-Compositions
The Ugaritic Alphabet
The Ugaritic alphabet seems to be a fundamental concept:
Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
of the Ugaritic 30 ʾa b g ḫ d h w z ḥ ṭ y k š l mḏ n ẓ s ʿ p ṣ q r s ġ t ʾi ʾu s2

Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Hebrew 22
‫ג ב א‬ ‫כ י טח ז ו הד‬ ‫מל‬ ‫נ‬ ‫שרק צ פ ע ס‬ ‫ת‬

Old-Greek 21 A B Γ Δ Ε Υ Ζ ΗΘ Ι Κ ΛΜ Ν ΟΠ s q Ρ Σ Τ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-26
C Ϝ I V,U,W,
Latin 26 A B DE Z H Þ K LM N O P s QR S T
G V J X,Y, Z
Table 2 Ugaritic abecedaria (1) of the "Northern Semitic order" (27-30 letters)
(categorized according to the comments of Rabbi Saadia Gaon's commentary)

The Hebrew alphabet

The Hebrew alphabet based on Rabbi Saadia Gaon's Judeo-Arabic commentary on “Sefer Yetzirah”
may be listed in an 2-dimensional table with 5 columns and 5 rows.
In the 2nd row the table displays the theonyms I10-Ε5-V6 and T9-I10-Ε5-V6-S15 of the Hebrew
lingual palatal guttural labial dental
5 Taw T22 Shin S21
4 Nun N14 Qoph K19 Ayin Gh16 Pe Ph17 Resh R20
3 Lamedh L12 Kaph Ch11 Heth H8 Mem M13 Tsade Ts18
2 Teth T9 Yodh I10 He Ε5 Waw V6 Samekh S15
1 Dalet D4 Gimel G3 Aleph Æ1 Bet B2 Zayin Z7
Table 3 The display of the theonyms I10-Ε5-V6 and T9-I10-Ε5-V6-S15 in the Hebrew alphabetThe
following mapping table allows to the corresponding correlations between the letters of the the
Ugaritic, various Greek and Latin alphabets:
The Runic Signaries
The basic concept of the 5 Places of articulation in the PIE-alphabets, the Indian and Old-Persian
signaries is shared by the Hebrew alphabet, the Futharc runic and the Ogham signaries2.

The Futhark runes-alphabet

If the letter Y may be interpreted as a palatal I, the initial letters FYThAR of the Futhark may be
identified as a pentagram, which introduced as to Futhark-alphabet.
If we man interpret F as a labial W, the pentagram FYThAR may contain the same letters (T, I, W,
A, R), which may be found in the divine names of the sky-gods and the “inventors” or “importers”
TIW and WIT :
1. [TIW] : the divine name *TĪWAZ, including the TIWAS and TIÆWS, was the Germanic
sky-god, abbreviated TIW. Tiw is also the god of justice. TEIWAZ (respectively TIWAZ) is
the first rune (ᛏ) of the third Aett. The rune (ᛏ) represents the god Týr.
2. [WIT] : the divine names WITAN of GIWOD, resp. the name (G)WODIN (the name of the
inventor of the runes and the Germanic patron of the wisdom) with an Friesian abbreviation
Similar pentagram patterns ***** may be identified in some of the words for parents VADER &
MŒDER, which in archaic languages and old spellings contain pentagrams as: VIDAR, VADIR,
PITAR, respectively MŒDIR). Maybe the runic alphabet started with the keyword “father” (spelled
like → FYThAR).

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Elder ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛟ ᛞ
Futhark F U Þ A R K G W HN I J Æ P Z S T B E M L Ŋ O D
ætts "Freyr's ætt" "Hagal's ætt" Tyr's ('Mars') ætt
Table 4 The categorization and sequence of the Elder Futhark signary (24 symbols)
The runic alphabet may be transformed to the following 2-dimensional table:
# lingual palatal labial guttural dental
6 D M
5 Ŋ (Ng) B O
4 L J P E
3 T I [W] Ï or Æ S
2 N G U H Z
1 Þ K [F] A R
Table 5 2-Dimensional table of the runic alphabet on the Kylver Stone
(on the third row the alphabet displays the theonyms TĪW and TĪWÆS)

2 The 2-dimensional Alphabets' Compendium

The 3 keywords in the Futhark signary3
The 3 keywords in the elder Futhark are quite stable, which may be caused by their relatively late
introduction and relatively scarce usage. Also the samples for the Elder Futhark signary are well
known and reliable.
The Futhark signary may be ordered to display the three anagrams TÆIWS, WITÆS and TIWÆS at
the third rows of the 2-dimensional table:
Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Elder ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛟ ᛞ
Futhark F U Þ A R K G W HN I J Æ P Z S T B E M L Ŋ O D
ætts "Freyr's ætt" "Hagal's ætt" Tyr's ('Mars') ætt
Table 6 The categorization and sequence of the Elder Futhark signary (24 symbols)
The runic alphabet may be transformed to the following 2-dimensional table. The following three
anagrams for the 2-dimensional futhark-table displays the three anagrams at the third rows:
• TÆIWS, or TEIWS, as the word “god” in the Gothic language
• WITÆS, WIT or WITES (for wisdom)
• TIWÆS, TIW or TIWES (for justice).
The 2-dimensional tables for the runic alphabets are filled (from the bottom to the top) in the correct
column with all letter-symbols in the order of the alphabet. As a sample the first 5 letters F, U, Þ, A,
R, K are filled as follows:

2 U
1 Þ A K F R

Table 7 Filling the first row of the Futhark 2-dimensional table with the letters F, U, Þ, A, R, K

The complete triad of the pentagrams TÆIWS, WITÆS and TIWÆS displays the names of the sky
god and the virtues in the 3rd row of the Futhark 2-dimensional table (filled with 24 letters).

Sky-god Virtue “wisdom” Virtue “justice”

# Lin- Guttu Pala Labi Den Labi Pala Ling Guttu Den Ling Pala Labi Guttu Den
gual ral tal al tal al tal ual ral tal ual tal al ral tal
6 D M M D D M
5 Ŋ O B B Ŋ O Ŋ B O
4 L E J P P J L E L J P E
3 T Æ I W S W I T Æ S T I W Æ S
2 N H G U Z U G N H Z N G U H Z
1 Þ A K F R F K Þ A R Þ K F A R

Table 8 2-Dimensional table of the runic alphabet on the Kylver Stone

(on the third row the alphabet displays the pentagrams TÆIWS, WITÆS and TIWÆS)

3 Source: Why Wotan is Related to Metis and Minerva

The runes
According to the ternary concepts in the communication theory the theoretically most efficient
languages are based on 15 letter-symbols, for instance in the Hälsinglander or Staveless runes.
In practice the 15-16 symbols seemed to be insufficient, which did lead to a support for the
inexperienced readers with some minor symbols (such as the “Mothers of Reading” or
In a web-page “Staveless runes” the authors claim that the development of the runic scripture
reached a climax of simplification in the Staveless runes ofwel Hälsinge runes (15 runes, 7e – 9e
1. Elder Futhark (24 runes, 2nd century)
2. Younger Futhark (16 runes, 7th century)
3. Staveless runes or Hälsinge runes (15 runes, 7th – 9th century)
4. and the additional punctuated runes (with dot markers) in the Nordic runes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 Symbol [ᚠ] ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ [ᚹ] ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛈ ᛇ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ
2 Elder Futhark [F] U Þ A R K G [W] H N I J P Ï Z S T B E M L Ŋ D O
3 Younger Futhark F U Þ A R K H N I Æ S T B M L R
4 Staveless runes F U Þ R K H N I A S T B M L R
Table 9 The Futhark runic alphabets
More or less the phonetic sounds seem to be distributed ad lib over the 5 independent
communications channels, e.g. in de Staveless runes: F, U, B, M, K, I, H, A, Þ, N, T, L, R, S, R.
The Latin alphabet also spreads the letters on “wildly chosen” locations: as the linguals: D, Þ L, N,
T, the palatals: C, G, I, J, K, Q, X, the gutturals: A, Ε, H, O, Y, the labials: B, ϝ6 - V, M, P, U, W and the
dentals: Z, S, R. The categorization of several letters can not be determined clearly, e.g. in the case:
Y (I), Y (Ei) or Y (U).

4 In de 12e eeuw hadden zich uit de Noordse runen de gepuncteerde runen (met puntjes) ontwikkeld. Deze waren
beter bruikbaar, want 16 tekens bleek onvoldoende te zijn.
5 The Staveless runes were the climax of the simplification process in the evolution of runic alphabets that had started
when the Elder Futhark was superseded by the Younger Futhark.[1] (Source (Wikipedia): Hälsinge runes)
6 Digamma (ϝ) - an archaic letter of the Greek alphabet , may be exchanged by /W/, /F/, /U/, /V/
The 2-dimensional pattern of the Younger ϝYÞAR-signary
The Younger ϝYÞAR(k) signary is an abbreviated version of the elder Futhark. In contrast to the
standard Futhark signaries the Younger ϝYÞAR(k) display the theonym (ϝYÞAR) at the first row of the
2-dimensional table. This feature allows the alphabetical designers to modify the signary from the
6th character. From the 6th letter all letters may be removed or replaced at lib. We may compare the
following 4 runic signaries:
1. Elder Futhark (24 Runes, 2e century AD)
2. Younger Futhark (16 Runes, 7e century AD)
3. Staveless Runes or Hälsinger Runes (15 Runes, 7e – 9e century AD)7
4. the dotted symbols in the nordic Runes.
5. The Anglo-Saxon runes (34 Runes, 5th through 11th centuries AD)
In the Staveless Runes (15 letters) we may identify the missing of the letter A, which disturbs the
theonym's pattern.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 Symbol ᚠᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛈ ᛇ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ
2 Elder Futhark F U ÞARKGWH N I J P Ï Z S T B E M L Ŋ D O
3 Younger Futhark F U ÞARK H N I Æ S T B M L R
4 Staveless Runes F U Þ RK H N I A S T B M L R
5 Younger ϝYÞAR(k) F Y ÞARK H N I Æ S T B M L R
Table 10 The Futhark Signaries
The abbreviation of the Elder (24 symbols) to the Younger ϝYÞAR(k) signary (16 symbols) does
not disturb the theonym ϝYÞAR. The distribution of the 16 symbols over the categories is optimal
in the Younger ϝYÞAR(k) signary. Four of the 5 categories are equipped with 3 symbols. Only the
principal lingual category is filled with 4 symbols. The tongue is the most important Place of
In the Younger ϝYÞAR(k) signary the last symbol ᛦ {R} is the terminal Yr-rune (Algiz).8

# labial palatal lingual guttural dental

4 L
3 M I T Æ R
2 B K N H S
1 F Y Þ A R
Table 11 2-Dimensional table of the runic, ϝYÞAR signary of the younger Futhark
(on the first row the signary displays the theonyms ϝYÞ and ϝYÞAR)

7 The Staveless runes were the climax of the simplification process in the evolution of runic alphabets that had started
when the Elder Futhark was superseded by the Younger Futhark.[1] (bron (Wikipedia): Hälsinge runes)
8 The Yr rune ᛦ is a rune of the Younger Futhark. Its common transliteration is a small capital ʀ. The shape of the Yr
rune in the Younger Futhark is the inverted shape of the Elder Futhark rune (ᛉ). Its name yr ("yew") is taken from
the name of the Elder Futhark Eihwaz rune.
The integrated words for Father & Mother
In a reordered Younger ϝYÞAR(k) signary we may display two words for ϝAÞYR (“Father”) and
MÆTIR (“Mother”).
• The first row displays ϝAÞYR, which may represent the Old-Irish “ϝAÞIR” or old-Nordic
FAÐIR (Father)9.
• The third row displays MÆTIR, which may represent the Old-Irish “MAÞIR” or old-Nordic
MOÐIR (Mother)10.

# labial guttural lingual palatal dental

4 L
3 M Æ T I R
2 B H N K S
1 F A Þ Y R
Table 12 2-Dimensional table of the runic, ϝAÞYR signary of the younger Futhark
(on the first and third row the signary displays the theonyms ϝAÞYR respectively MÆTIR)

The symmetry for “father” & “mother” is a impressive. Both ϝAÞYR (“Father”) and MÆTIR
(“Mother”) seem to be integrated in the 2-dimensional table of the Younger Futhark

The 2-dimensional pattern of the Anglo-Saxon ϝYÞOR(c)-signary
The Futhorc (sometimes written "fuþorc") are an extended alphabet, consisting of 29, and later 33
characters. The only stabil section is found in the first 5 or 6 characters ϝYÞOR(c).
Anglo-Saxon runes (Old English: rūna ᚱᚢᚾᚪ) are runes used by the early Anglo-Saxons
as an alphabet in their writing system. The characters are known collectively as the
futhorc (ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ FUÞORC) (→ ϝYÞOR(c)) from the Old English sound values of the
first six runes. The futhorc was a development from the 24-character Elder Futhark.
Since the futhorc runes are thought to have first been used in Frisia before the Anglo-
Saxon settlement of Britain, they have also been called Anglo-Frisian runes.[2] They
were likely to have been used from the 5th century onward, recording Old English and
Old Frisian11.

The letter sequence and letter inventory of futhorc, along with the actual sounds
indicated by those letters, could vary depending on location and time. That being so, an
authentic and unified list of runes is not possible. 12

In the ϜYÞOR the first two characters may both interpret Digammas, in which the first one may be a
labial consonant (F or V) and the other a palatal vowel (I or Y).
• The shape of the first rune (Fehu) is likely based on Etruscan v, like Greek Digamma Ϝ and
Latin F ultimately from Phoenician waw (Y).
• The reconstructed u rune ᚢ is *Ūruz meaning "wild ox"[1] or *Ūrą "water".
One of the Anglo-Saxon's rune poem gives the following characters and names in the row 1...6.
Extra runes are listed in row 7 outside of the rune poem. In the first row the 5 categories are
identified. The other symbols in row 2...7 seem to have been distributed ad lib without traces of any
order of the characterization.
section 1 2 3 4 5
7 KkkGcƿst k kk G cƿ st
6 ÆYeaia ᚫ æsc (ash) ᚣ yr (ȳr) ᛡ ior ᛠ Ear (ea, æa)
5 LŊŒDA ᛚ lagu ᛝ ing ᛟ (œ) oedil ᛞ dæg ᚪ ac (āc)
4 STBEM ᛋ sygil ᛏ ti (Tīw) ᛒ berc ᛖ eh ᛗ mon
3 IJeoPX ᛁ is (īs) ᛄ gær ᛇ eoh ih (īw) (ï) ᛈ peord ᛉ ilcs (eolh?)
2 CȜǷHN ᚳ cen ᚷ gyfu (G) ᚹ wyn (W) ᚻ hægil ᚾ næd
1 ϝYÞOR ᚠ feoh ᚢ ur ᚦ thorn (Th) ᚩ Ōs ᚱ Rad

Table 13 The Anglo-Saxon runes

(34 symbols, 5 labials, 6 linguals, 11 palatals, 8 gutturals and 4 dentals)
The early ϝYÞOR(c) was nearly identical to the Elder Futhark, except for the split of ᚨ a into three
variants ᚪ ac (āc), ᚫ æsc (ash) and ᚩ Ōs, resulting in 26 runes. In the later 34-symbols version of
the ϝYÞOR(c) -signary the ᚩ Ōs is identified in the 4th symbol of row 1. The two variants ᚪ ac (āc)
and ᚫ æsc (ash) are found in the 5th and 6th rows.

11 Source: Runes
12 Source: Anglo-Saxon runes
The Ogham alphabet
The Ogham alphabet displays the name of the sky-god TIΕU at the forth row of the 2-dimensional
table of the alphabet13.
The incomplete pentagram “TIEU” of the Gaulish language may have been imported as the sky-god
“DII ĒU” to the French language. Therefore the name “TIEU” and the Gaulish alphabet may be
inherited from the Gaulish territory.
Geoffroy Tory (1480-1533) describes the inventor of the Ogham alphabet as a Gaulish Hercules14.
In this case the Ogham alphabet might be dated around the year 51 B.C.
Another importer may be the bishop Palladius, the first bishop of the Christians in Ireland,
preceding Saint Patrick. Palladius was a deacon and member of one of the prominent families in
Gaul. Pope Celestine I consecrated him a bishop and sent him in AD 431 to Ireland "to the Scotti
believing in Christ"15. The second origin of the Ogham may be dated around AD 431.
The motivation of the druids may be identified in their own god (“TIEU” ?).
Also the Gauls knew the Roman sky-god Jupiter, which had been derived from the original “father”
god (DJOUS PITER), which matches “DII ĒU”, but had been deteriorated to “II U”.
The druid, who personified the Gaulish Hercules, guessed the name “II U” would not be accepted as
a sky-god. Probably the Ogham alphabet had to display the French “TIEU” in their new alphabet,
which had to be interpreted as a “bundle of furrows”:

Orders Aicme Beithe Aicme hÚatha Aicme Muine Aicme Ailme

Goidelic B L N F/V S H D T C Q M G Ng SS R A O U Ε I
Scots B L V S N H D T K KH M G Ng ST R A O U Ε I
Medieval B L F S V H D T K Q M G Ng DD R A O U Ε I
Standard B L F S N H D T C Q M G Ng Z R A O U Ε I
Table 14 3 chronological orders (Source: Proto-Ogham (2008) and the “standard order”.

lingual palatal guttural labial dental

5 Ng
4 T I Ε U
3 D G O M R
2 N Q A F Z
1 L C H B S
Table 15 Display of the theonym TIΕU in the Ogham alphabet (for the standard order)

13 The Arrays (and the Presumed Theonym TIEU) of the Ogham Signary
14 Champfleury (1529), Geoffroy Tory.
15 Palladius
The symbols of the Ogham-alphabet
The Ogham alphabet is a lined scripture which originally had been composed as follows:
B,L,F,S,N – H,D,T,C,Q – M,G,Ng,Z,R – A,O,U,E,I
The row is composed as four lines, each of which contains five letters. Later a fifth trailer line with
5 letters was to be added to the end of the alphabet.
The following straight line orders the 20 (respectively 25) letters of the Ogham alphabet in one line:

Fig. 5 The Ogham alphabet: B,L,F,S,N – H,D,T,C,Q – M,G,Ng,Z,R – A,O,U,E,I –

and the 5 Forfeda symbols

The following expression "beth luis nion", is the name of the Ogham alphabet. These 3 symbols
form the first letter (B), the second letter (L) and the fifth letter (N) in the Aicme Beithe (notice: the
letter-symbols have to be read "upside down")16.

Fig. 6 Beith – Luis – Nion (the “BLN”-name of the Ogham alphabet – source: Ogham-steen)

Ogham letters (Source: Wikipedia)
Aicme Beithe (5 letters) Aicme Muine /5 letters)
ᚁ [b] Beith ᚋ [m] Muin
ᚂ [l] Luis ᚌ [ɡ] Gort
ᚃ [w] Fearn ᚍ [ɡʷ] nGéadal
ᚄ [s] Sail ᚎ [st], [ts], [sw] Straif
ᚅ [n] Nion ᚏ [r] Ruis
Aicme hÚatha (5 letters) Aicme Ailme (5 letters)
ᚆ [j] Uath ᚐ [a] Ailm
ᚇ [d] Dair ᚑ [o] Onn
ᚈ [t] Tinne ᚒ [u] Úr
ᚉ [k] Coll ᚓ [e] Eadhadh
ᚊ [kʷ] Ceirt ᚔ [i] Iodhadh
Forfeda (special symbols)
ᚕ [k], [x], [eo] Éabhadh
ᚖ [oi] Ór
ᚗ [ui] Uilleann
ᚘ [p], [io] Ifín ᚚ [p] Peith
ᚙ [x], [ai] Eamhancholl vte
Table 16 Ogham letters (Source: Ogham)

16 Notice: "BETH" may also be spelled (possibly more correct): "BEITH." (source: Ogham-steen)
The Link between Greek and Germanic Languages17
Between Greek and Germanic Languages we may identify a link, which is based on the words for
the virtues “wisdom” and “justice”.
In Greek language the early words for “wisdom” and “justice” are represented by the earliest names
of the consorts of the sky-god Zeus. The first consort of Zeus (ΘΙΕΥS) is Metis - METIS, which is
spelled as a genuine 5-letter word. The second consortof Zeus is Themis – ΘEMIS, which is
spelled as a slightly resorted word of similar letters.
In Germanic languages the early words for “wisdom” and “justice” are represented by the earliest
names of the consorts of the sky-god TÆIWS. In the days of the week the sky-god was devoted to
the Thursday. The virtue for “wisdom” was represented by the god WITÆS (“wisdom” or “WIT”).
The virtue for “justice” was represented by the god TIWÆS (“Tiwaz” or “TIW”).
These Germanic names TÆIWS, WITÆS, TIWÆS correlate with the Greek names Zeus (ΘΙΕΥS),
• TÆIWS, or TEIWS, is the word “god” in the Gothic language,
• WITÆS, WIT or WITES is the word for wisdom,
• TIWÆS, TIW or TIWES is the word for justice.
The relations between the sky-gods and the two cardinal virtues (wisdom and justice) belonged to
the earliest stages of the Greek “Zeus”-religion, the Latin (Iu-piter or “Dious”-PITER and the
Germanic “Teiws”-religion.
These triads may be identified in different religions:

row language Sky-god Virtue “wisdom” Virtue “justice”

3 Futhark 1 T Æ I W S W I T Æ S T I W Æ S
3 Futhark 2 T Æ I W S V I D A RR T I W A Z
2 Old Greek 1 Θ9 Ι10 Ε5 Υ6 (s15) W6 Ε5 Ι10 Θ9 (s15) Θ9 Ε5 Μ13 Ι10 (s15)
2 Early Greek 2 Θ9 Ι10 Ε5 Υ6 (s15) Μ13 Ε5 Θ9 Ι10 (s15) Θ9 Ε5 Μ13 Ι10 (s15)
2 Classic Greek 3 Θ9 Ι10 Ε5 Υ6 (s15) Μ13 Ε5 Θ9 Ι10 (s15) Θ9 Ε5 Μ13 Ι10 (s15)
2 Etruscan Θ9 Ι10 N I A M E N (i) R
2 Old Latin 1 Þ9 Ι9 Ε5 V6 (s15) V21 Ι9 Þ9 Ε5 (s15) Ι9 V6 (s15) Þ9 Ε5
2 Classic Latin 2 Þ9 Ι9 Ε5 V6 (s15) Μ13 Ι9 Ν14 Ε5 R18 Ι9 V6 (s15) Þ9 Ε5
2 Basque V6 R18 Þ9 Ι9 Ε5 (s15) Ε5 Ι9 V6 Þ9 Ι9 V6 (s15) Þ9 Ε5
2 Lithuanian Þ9 Ιe9 V6 Ε5 (s15) Ι9 (s15) Μ13 Ε5 Þ9 Þ9 Ε 5 Ι9 (s15) Μ13
Table 17 The triads of theonyms (sky-god and 2 virtues) for the languages Germanic (Futhark),
Greek, Latin, Basque, respectively Lithuanian
The link between Greek and Germanic languages allows us to interpret the days of the week
Thursday, Wednesday and Tuesday as the days:
1. of the sky-god Dious (Ju-piter) as DIEWS' day, TIEWS' day,
2. respectively Wednesday as WIT's day or WOENS' day (W)ODIN's day,
3. and Tuesday as ΘUI's day, ZUI's day.

17 Why Wotan is related to Metis and Minerva

Concepts for the compositions for Pentagrammatons

The virtues wisdom and justice may have played an important role in the early Germanic and Greek
philosophies. Later the impact of wisdom and justice was to be integrated in the sky-god Zeus' in
the Greek mythology. The goddesses Metis and Themis lost their duty and transformed to the traces
of their matrimonial authority. Metis already had been a goddess before Zeus was born. She helped
the child to grow up as a baby.
In Latin Jupiter never needed a governess or baby-sitter. From the beginning he was the God-Father
of the pantheon.

Powerful concepts
Other source for the pentagrammatons may also be found in numerous words such as the planets,
stars, powerful human beings (such as the “parents” 18 PITAR & MATIR and the “WIZARD”19),
powerful animals (“WISEN(t)”, “BISON”, ZIBOR, ZOBIR), rivers (especially the rivers of the
paradise: FIRAT, Ava MEZIN, PISON, PASIN 20).

The words for the animals may belong to the earliest word-giving concepts 21. For each population
the most important animals may have honored with pentagrammatons. For the Mongol tribes the
name of the horse is MORIN, which is still related to the female horse “mare”.
A few lists of the domesticated and undomesticated animals suggest the remains of the words for
the animals have been conserved in the name-giving of the pentagrammatons22.

Of course the most powerful animals are distributed over the world and the name-giving of the most
prominent animals had to be chosen for the kings and other leaders. Of course Man himself was a
pentagrammaton MENSCh (a man, as a person, from MENNISKO ('person')23.

Orion and Urion

The relation between Orion and Urion may be interpreted as an explanation of one of The
Unbelievable Stories of Palaiphatos24.

18 A new Etymology for the Pentagrams (PITAR & MATIR)

19 Only the listeners, who are aware of the secret code, may identify and understand the encoding system, which
belongs to the knowledge of a wizard. By the way: a hístōr a wizard, a ‘wise man’ is derived from the Latin verb
VIDĒRE ‘to see’ and the seer (pie. *uid-tōr, *VID-TŌR).
20 A Confirmation of the Rivers of Paradise FIRAT , Ava MEZIN, PISON, P ASIN
21 A Name-giving for the Beasts of Göbekli Tepe
22 Adam's List of the Created Animals (24.07.2023)
23 The Etymology of Man and the Etymology of Animals
24 The Unbelievable Stories of Palaiphatos and the Etymology of Orion or Urion
The Iliad
Other words such as MENIS (“Wrath”) may have been interpreted as a divine virtue 25. MENIS,
“Wrath!” was the first word in European literature, which had been written by a blind philosopher.
Most of these etymologies of pentagrammatons may be interpreted as derivatives from the
compositions of 5 points of articulations. These concepts may help us to interpret the ancient
philosophies and philosophers.

The pentagrammatons of the royal dynasties

One of the first royal dynasties may have been the Cretan king MINOS and the legend of his
One of the historical manuscript seems to document a legend of Quinotaur, which might have been
composed as a similar legend to interpret the authority of the Merovingian respectively Frankish
dynasties. The first king with a pentagrammaton name was LOUIS. The pedigree of the dynasty
started with a queen Basina BASINa and the Merovian king Childerik I which transformed to the
FRANK king Clovis I (CLOVIS), respectively LOUIS I up to ultimately LOUIS XIX26.
LEWIS is the English translation for the name LOUIS.
The Frankish pedigree may belong to the longest dynasties in the European royalties.

25 'Wrath!' was the first Word -Hidden symbols, which we never unveiled
26 Vanaf de stichting van de stad Thebe tot de afdanking van koning Louis XIX
The Concentrations of Pentagrammatons
In a few books we may identify concentrations of pentagrammatons. Often the concentrations of
pentagrammatons belong to specified chapters such as the rivers in the Garden of Eden and The
cosmic Tree and the Mill of the Gods.

The Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock

The words Churn, Whirl, Quern, Rivet, Pillar are found in the chapter The cosmic Tree and the Mill
of the Gods. The pentagrammatons are documented as follows in the The Vocabulary of the 5 Letter
Pentagram P Information Definitions Language
1. C
CHURN P To churn (of unknown origin). To churn English
2. W
WHIRL P whirl (twist, verb) (To) whirl English
3. Q
QUERN P quern (n.) To quern English
4. R
RIVΕT P rivet (fastener) rivet English
5. M
MINAR P Old Persian: pillar pillar Old Persian
6. P
PILAR P Pilar (Catalan, Norwegian Bokmål, Nynorsk) pillar Catalan, Norse
7. P
PILAR P short for "Maria del Pilar" and a popular Pilar (name) Spanish
Spanish given name

Table 18 pentagrammatons in the Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock

The rivers in the Garden of Eden27

Juris Zarins and other scholars have identified the Karun as one of the four rivers of Eden, the
others being the Tigris, the Euphrates, and either the Wadi Al-Batin or the Karkheh.
These four rivers towards Eden may be represented by four 5-grams ( PISON, PASIN, FIRAT, Ava
MEZIN ), in which each letter represents one of the phonetic sources of the human voice.

Language Source River Latin/ Pentagram length 1 2 3 4 5

altitude Greek (km)
Kurdish (Eu-)phrates (Εὐ)φράτης FIRAT 2800 F I R A T
Kurdish Tigris Tigris Ava MEZIN 1900 M E Z I N

Hebrew 2,393m Wadi Batin Pishon PISON 970 P I S O N

Plutarch 4,221m Karun Gihon PASIN 950 P A S I N
Table 19 The rivers towards the Garden of Eden in the Middle East
(The pentagrams PISON, PASIN, FIRAT, Ava MEZIN are names for the rivers towards the Garden of Eden)

Both rivers Ava MEZIN (Tigris, (1900km) and FIRAT (Euphrates, 2800km) may have been
comparable, relatively long waterways. The Sumerian term of the Ava MEZIN (Tigris), which can
be interpreted as "the swift river", contrasts the to its neighbor, the FIRAT (Euphrates), whose
leisurely pace caused it to deposit more silt and build up a higher bed than the Tigris.

27 This paper is a chapter in the essay An Archaic Core in a Modern Linguistic Concept
The Timestamps of Hesiod's Theogony28
The Theogony (Greek: Θεογονία, Theogonía, Attic Greek: [tʰeoɡoníaː], i.e. "the
genealogy or birth of the gods"[1]) is a poem by Hesiod (8th–7th century BC)
describing the origins and genealogies of the Greek gods, composed c. 730–700 BC.[2]

Some of the gods and deities are pentagrams, which in the Theogony are mentioned in their
sequence and environment.
Hesiod's Theogony is a large-scale synthesis of a vast variety of local Greek traditions
concerning the gods, organized as a narrative that tells how they came to be and how
they established permanent control over the cosmos. It is the first known Greek
mythical cosmogony.

The pentagrams in this overview indicate the introduction of the alphabet, in which the most
relevant names are composed as the pentagrams: Zeus (DiÉUS PITER), Metis (the nymph METIS
(ΜΗΗΤΙΣ), Themis (ThEMIS (ΘEMIΣ), Aphrodite (VENUS), Minos (MINOS), Cadmus
(ΚΆΔΜΟΣ) and Jason (ἸΆΣΩΝ).
In Hesiod's Theogony we may identify Jason as the last entry of an pentagram.

28 The Pentagrams in Hesiod's Theogony

29 Theogony
The philosophy of the 2-dimensional alphabets

The discovery of the 2-dimensional alphabets 30

Flinders Petrie's (1853–1942) earlier categorizations had been documented by other specialists such
• Karl Richard Lepsius (1810–1884),
• John William Donaldson32 (1839) and
• Isaac Taylor (1787–1865).
Studying the books of Flinders Petrie, Karl Richard Lepsius, John William Donaldson and Isaac
Taylor I understood the authors interpreted the alphabets from different viewpoints.
It had long ago been noticed by Lepsius, Donaldson, and Taylor that, embedded in the
Phoenician, Greek, and Italian alphabets there is a repeated sequence of letters,—vowel,
labial, guttural, and dental. What has however been ignored is that this system is
extended a whole series further in the Greek than in the Phoenician alphabet, forming a
fifth row and the beginning of a sixth. The liquids and sibilants were added later and
form no part of such a scheme.33

7: Flinders Petrie's Periodic Table in the Greek alphabet (1912)

Source: The formation of the alphabet (Petrie, W. M. Flinders) (1912)

Flinders Petrie's Periodic Table in the Greek alphabet (1912) also follows the alphabetical order,
which contains some empty locations. Just like in Ganesha Vidya (1968) Flinders Petrie (1912)
classified the vowels in the first columns, named “vowels”.
Unfortunately Flinders Petrie missed the solution in a Rabbi Saadia Gaon's Judeo-Arabic
commentary on “Sefer Yetzirah”, which describes the phonetic sounds of the 22 characters of the
Hebrew alphabet and classifies them in 5 groups linguals, palatals, labials, gutturals, dentals.
According to the Sefer Yetzirah the tongue is the most important point of articulation.

30 The 2-dimensional Alphabets' Compendium

31 A Pedigree for Alphabets (Scribd) 29.07.2020, 05:50:30, j ri
32 New Cratylus, p. 148 John William Donaldson
33 The Formation of the Alphabet - William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1912),
quoted in Understand your Alphabet - The Introduction of a Number of Eurasian Alphabets
The philosophy of Wittgenstein
In the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (English, 1922) the Austrian philosopher Ludwig
Wittgenstein (1889–1951) analyses and documents the concept and philosophy of language.[834]
The video “Wittgenstein: A Wonderful Life (1989)” describes his biography and lists numerous
quotations of his philosophy. The project had a broad goal: to identify the relationship between
language and reality and to define the limits of science.[1]
In the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (English) we may insert an alternative definition of the
4.011 At the first glance the proposition—say as it stands printed on paper—does not
seem to be picture of the reality of which it treats. But nor does the musical score appear
at first sight to be a picture of a musical piece; nor does our phonetic spelling (letters)
seem to be a picture of our spoken language. And yet these symbolisms prove to be
pictures—even in the ordinary sense of the word—of what they represent.

As symbolisms the alphabetic letters do not represent only pictures, but also are carrying the
attribute, which indicate the Place of articulation (lingual, labial, guttural, dental, palatal). We may
name these important words pentagrammatons, in analogy to the Tetragrammaton.
The special, most prominent words seemed to be 5-letter words, in which all 5 categories had to be
represented. Another even higher ranked category contains the 10-letter words, which contains two
pentagrammatons. Samples of the decagrammatons are DIOUS-PITER, DYAUS–PITAR35 and the
semi-decagrammatons DĪVES-PATER and LIBER-PATER.
The pentagrammatons and decagrammatons refer to the more prominent words, which in contrast to
the common metaphors, had been composed from 5 special letters.
The letters of the Basque word for “God” ( URTIA) may have been (in reverse) ordered according to
the order of the places of articulation: labial-dental–lingual-palatal–guttural (lips-teeth-tip of the

Fig. 8 Phonetic Regions as the sources for phonemes

Source: Ganesha Vidya (1968) by L.S. Wakankar (Scribd)

1. U
UR(t)CIA Deus uocant UR(t)CIA glossed as 'God' by Urtzi Basque
URTIA Picaud (see Urtzi) (Codex Calixtinus)

Table 20 The entry and spelling of the Basque word “God” (URTIA)

34 Dennett, Daniel (29 March 1999). "Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosopher". Time. Archived from the original on 16
October 2007.
35 The PIE-Decagrammatons
Noam Chomsky's Theory
Based on Noam Chomsky's interview on Language and Knowledge (1977)36 the impact of the
genetic structures of the brain must have been heavier at the introduction of the alphabets than
Early alphabets did not restrict their impact on children to 26 simple characters, which are used to
compose words as a large store of arbitrary strings of pure graphics. The origin of the letters had
categorized the words according to their representations of the letters' sources, which were defined
as their points of articulation. Words, which represented all 5 points of articulation, must have been
easily recognized and identified as special, important points of pentagrammatons by the adults.
Of course the pentagrammatons and the categorization according to the points of articulation had to
be learned by pupils in the schooling of writers. Probably the teachers used 2-dimensional tables,
which in The formation of the alphabet (Petrie, W. M. Flinders) (1912) had been named “the horn-
book”. Back in the sixteenth century, English monks began to make hornbooks to help their pupils
learn to read37.
A hornbook (horn-book) is a single-sided alphabet tablet, which served from medieval
times as a primer for study,[1] and sometimes included vowel combinations, numerals
or short verse.[2] The hornbook was in common use in England around 1450,[3] but
may originate from more than a century earlier.[4] 38

Fig. 9 Ivory hornbook, 18th century, English, Gift of Leonard Kebler, 1959.
Library of Congress Control Number 2007700155 (

Shakespeare makes reference to the practice of schooling in his works, and we find one such
example in Love’s Labours Lost39:
‘Moth: Yes, yes, he teaches boys the horn-book. What is ‘a, b’ spelt backward, with the
horn on his head?’ (5. 1. 42 – 43)

This knowledge of the 2-dimensional tables and the points of articulation must have been lost.

36 Linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology transformed the nature
of linguistics before he was 40. In this program with world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee, the
outspoken Chomsky challenges accepted notions of the way in which language is learned, examines the relationship
of language to experience, and discusses the philosophical nature of knowledge.
37 Why is it called "The Horn Book"?
38 Hornbook (Wikipedia)
39 Shakespeare in 100 Objects: Hornbook
The four versions of the Sepher Yetzirah 40
The Sefer Yetzirah exists in many manuscripts, generally falling in categories known as:
1. The Short Version,
2. The Long Version,
3. The Saadia Version, and
4. The Gra Version41.
The four versions (“Saadia”, “short”, “long”, “Gra”) of the Sepher Yetzirah are translated in Sefer
Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice – author: Aryeh Kaplan.
These 4 variants42 ordered their letters according to their categorization in the columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Aryeh Kaplan simplified the English names for the alphabetic symbols, which are garbled in the
A1- B2- G3- D4- H5- V6- Z7- Ch8- T9- Y10- K11- L12- M13- N14- S15- O16- P17- Tz18- Q19- R20- Sh21- Th22
In the English translations the 5 categories are ordered as follows:
Version 1 2 3 4 5
Saadia A,H,Ch,O B,V,M,P G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Tz,R,Sh

Short A,Ch,H,O B,V,M,P G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Sh,R,Tz

Long A,Ch,H,O G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Tz,R,Sh B,V,M,Ph
Gra A,Ch,H,O G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Sh,R,Tz B,V,M,P
Table 21 The four (Saadia, short, long, Gra) categories of the Sepher Yetzirah
In this overview the listed categorizations for all 22 letters are correct, but do not match to the
alphabetical order.
The “Saadia”-composition of Rabbi Saadia Gaon (892 – 942) strictly follows the standard Hebrew
alphabet. In the Sefer Yetzirah the “short”, “long” and “Gra” versions of the alphabetical order
deviate from the standard alphabetical order:

A B G D Z words dated Mentioned

Version Guttural Labial Palatal Lingual Dental century
Saadia A,H,Ch,O B,V,M,P G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Tz,R,Sh 10th c. Saadia Gaon
Short A,Ch,H,O B,V,M,P G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Sh,R,Tz 1300 13th c. Abraham
Long A,Ch,H,O B,V,M,P G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Tz,R,Sh ~2500 13th c. Abulafia

Gra A,Ch,H,O B,V,M,P G,Y,K,Q D,T,L,N,Th Z,S,Sh,R,Tz 18th c. Rabbi Isaac

Table 22 The four (Saadia, short, long, Gra) categories of the Sepher Yetzirah
Source: An introduction to the sefer yetzirah by Christopher P. Benton
Obviously Rabbi Saadia Gaon in the 10th century understood the 5 categories, which represented the
5 points of articulation. The categorized arrays are listed in the Sepher Yetzirah.

40 Notes to the Sefer Yetzirah

41 Quoted in Wikipedia: Benton, Christopher P. An Introduction to the Sefer Yetzirah (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the
original on 2006-11-10. Retrieved 2006-12-28.
42 The Gra-version in the main text and and the other versions in appendix I
Cicero's Etymology for the Names of the Gods
(This paper is a chapter in the essay Fundamentals in the Name-Giving for the Days of the Week.)
In Cicero's book “The Nature of the Gods” I studied Cicero's etymology for the names of the Gods
and compared Cicero's etymology with my sources.
Obviously Cicero must have felt quite helpless. In most of his suggestions he seems to be ridiculing
his efforts.
An origin “iuvare” for the sky-god Jupiter and his wife Juno is incorrect. Also Minerva's etymology
is wrong.
MINERVA is derived from the Etruscan MENIRVA, in which the categorization is correlating with
METIS (“Wisdom”).
Correct is the etymology for DIS-Pater.
Most of the divine names in the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva) and the Aventine Triad
(Ceres, Liber and Libera) are pentagrams.

Theonym Triad Reference Cicero's etymology Pentagrams

1 Jupiter Cap Book 2, 64 A name, deriving from “helpful father” *DJOUS-PITER
(iuvans pater); also in “Jove” from the Related to IOU
verb “to help” (iuvare) from: DJOUS
2 Juno Cap Book 2, 66 From: the verb to help (iuvare) Related to IU
from: DJOUS
3 Minerva Cap Book 2, 67 Either from: “humble” (minuere) MINERVA
or threaten (minari)
4 Demeter Ave Book 2, 67 From: Ge-meter Included:
(Ceres), (Mother Earth) MÓÐIR (mother)
5 Liber Ave Book 2, 60 From: “wine” LIBER PATER
6 Libera Ave Book 2, 62 From: “Offspring” (Liberi), LIBERa
children of Ceres. (Freedwoman44)
7 Dīs Pater Book 2, 66 From: “dives” (rich) DĪVES PATER
8 Venus Book 2, 69 From: “to come” (venire) VENUS
9 Saturn Book 2, 64 From: “sated” with years ?
Table 23 Cicero's etymology for the names of the Gods compared with the pentagrams
In the Roman philosophy the knowledge of the pentagrammatons may have been void.

43 Notes to Cicero's “The Nature of the Gods”

44 (from: Freedwoman): A freedman or freedwoman is a formerly enslaved person who has been released from
slavery, usually by legal means. Historically, enslaved people were freed by manumission (granted freedom by their
captor-owners), emancipation (granted freedom as part of a larger group), or self-purchase.
Cicero's phonetic sources45
In the Sefer Yetzirah the standard description of the phonetic sources are lingual, labial,
guttural, palatal and dental. These 5 categories may be defined as a standard which leads to
various 5-letter-names such as *DJOUS-PITER, LIBER-PITER, TIÆWS, DIAUS, ...
Cicero applies other words such as “tongue”, “teeth”, “palate”, “jaws”46, “the nostrils47, lungs and
sides48”. In modern translations the “jaws” are replaced by “throat”.
In one sentence of a modern translation (1997, 1998) Cicero lists 4 (of the 5) individual phonetic
categories, in which only the specification of the labial is missing:
“So will God have a tongue yet no speak, and teeth and palate and throat, yet to no

In another translation (published: 1877) the sentence the word throat is translated as jaws, which is
a rather imprecise:
“Shall the Deity, then, have a tongue, and not speak—teeth, palate, and jaws, though he
will have no use for them?50”

The labials may be activated by the lips, which probably are controlled by the jaw and sides.
Therefore Cicero may have known a similar distribution of the Places of articulation, which largely
matches to the 5 sources of the Sefer Yetzirah.

45 Notes to Cicero's “The Nature of the Gods”

46 Shall the Deity, then, have a tongue, and not speak—teeth, palate, and jaws, though he will have no use for them?
47 We Stoics, therefore, compare the tongue to the bow of an instrument, the teeth to the strings, and the nostrils to the
48 And they must needs have these appearances speak, which is not possible without a tongue, and a palate, and jaws,
and without the help of lungs and sides, and without some shape or figure; for they could see nothing by their mind
alone—they referred all to their eyes.
49 Book I §92 – The Nature of the Gods (Oxford World's Classics): Cicero, translated by Walsh, PG (1997) - ISBN-13:
50 Book I §VIII On the Nature of the Gods; Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero, (1877), Translated, chiefly By C. D. Yonge
The role of the pentagrammatons for royalties
In the 25th chapter of Herman Melville's Moby Dick the author describes the salt and oil, which is
required to anoint the royals. Of course the ceremony is a sacred secret. Nobody of the lower
classes are told how it works.
The application of ceremonies is needed to select the leaders of the population. In ancient times the
Merovingian leaders had to protect their long hair, which was defined as the most impressive sign
for the royalty. Childeric III (c. 717 – c. 754) was the last FRANKish king from the Merovingian
dynasty. Once Childeric was deposed, Pepin became king, initiating the Carolingian dynasty.[2]
In 751, Childeric III was dethroned and tonsured.[5] His long hair was the symbol of his
dynasty, and thus of the royal powers he enjoyed; by cutting it, they divested him of all
royal prerogatives. Once dethroned, he was confined to the Benedictine monastery of
Saint-Bertin[6] in Saint-Omer51.

The coronation regalia at King Charles and Camilla's ceremony include the crowns, the Sovereign’s
Orb, the Sovereign’s Scepter with Cross, the Ampulla and Coronation Spoon, the Stone of Scone,
the Coronation Chair, the Sovereign’s Ring, the Queen Consort’s Coronation Ring, the Sword of
State, the Sword of Offering, the Spurs and the Armills.
At the coronation of the King and Queen, they are anointed with holy oil that was consecrated in
Jerusalem — and the oil will be delivered by two very special objects.
Of course all medieval royals such as the Merovingian and Carolingian dynasty had their salt and
oil to anoint their kings. Probably they also had special names such as the pentagrammatons
FRANK, BASIN, LOUIS, LEWIS, ... for their people.
Pentagram P Information Definitions Language
1. B
P BESIN P king Bisinus ( BESIN in Frankish) Thuringian Dutch
B PISΕN P PISΕN in Lombard king/queen FRANKish
BASIN(A) P Basina, the queen of Thuringia (5th century). Basin(a) of Lombard
BAZIN P woman in charge Thuringia
2. F
FRANC P Frank free Dutch
3. V
VRIJEN P (1): “VRIJEN”: to make love (1240). Originally: 1: vrijen Dutch
“to love” (from: friend in Etymology-bank). 2: free people Frankish (?)
(2): “VRIJEN”: the “free people” (FRANKen)
4. L
LEWIS P Lewis (Louis, Clovis) (royal) Louis (name) English
5. L
LOUIS P Clovis (Chlodovechus) (Ch)LOUIS (king) Clovis- name French
6. L
LOUIS P Louis (Chlodowig) – LOUIS (king) Louis (name) French
7. L
LOVIS P Alternative spelling for e.g. Lovisa/Louise Lovis (name) Swedish (f.)
(female / male) German (m.)

Table 24 The pentagrammatons Carolingian and Merovingian dynasties

51 Childeric III

Internal checks
There is a remarkable silence in the oppositions against the theory of the pentagrammatons. Internal
arguments may have been found in the 4-letter words and 6-letter words as alternatives to the 5-
letter words (pentagrammatons). The strong evidence for the pentagrammatons are the
decagrammatons DIOUS-PITER, DYAUS–PITAR52, which are dual pentagrammatons.
The alternative in the form of the 4-letter (and <4) words is the Tetragrammaton (IHVH), which
may be interpreted as a dual (IhVh). Dual words are found in the linear-B53:
• Zeus - God of the sky (Linear B: Di-We, Di-Wo)[14][72][73]

• Diktaios - local epithet of Zeus on Crete (Linear B: di-ka-ta-jo Di-We)[1][14][74][75]

[n 25][n 26]

The alternative in the form of the 6-letter (and >6) words is the name DARIUS54.

Internal Academia
Regularly several remarks, suggestions and contradictions are exchanged with Dmitry Okolnikov,
who had his own essays: ABCD v.2.8, ABCD v.2.5, ა ბ გ დ and Runes are mistransliterated
Alphabet. and Ogham is the origin of it. We know there are synchronized ideas and some antipodal
thoughts. It is difficult to adapt concepts without losses.

Some readers are interested. The follow because the articles important for them. The research the
words' etymology.

52 The PIE-Decagrammatons
53 List of Mycenaean deities
54 A new Etymology for the Name DARIUS

PIE alphabets, Sanskrit and Old Persian

Most studies of the alphabets concentrate on the 1-dimensional structured lists.
• Usually the European alphabets are ABeCeDaRia, in which the letters may be interpreted as
“unsorted” in the 1-dimensional displays. Places of articulation (for example: lingual, labial,
guttural, dental, palatal). This concept is clearly described in the Sefer Yetzirah.
• Other sorting methods are found in the Indian (Sanskrit and its derived) signaries, which
usually are sorted according the letters' categories (segmented as vowels, consonants and
conjuncts). In India medieval serpentine charts on pillars contain 5x5-patterns, in which the
structures are ordered according to the Places of articulation. The consonants are sorted
following the points of articulation - from the back to the front-side in the vocal traject:
Gutturals, Palatals, Cerebrals, Dentals and Labials.
• A third concept is found in the Old Persian cuneiform signary, which is structured in triads,
which have been sorted, as follows: the Vowels (( Ā), Ī, Ū), Velar/Guttural (K, X, G), Palatal
(C, Ç, J), Alveolar (T, Θ, D) , Labial (P, F, B), Nasals (N & M), Semi-vowels (Y, V, R), L ,
Sibilants (S, Z, Ś) and a Glottal (H ).
These three categories of signaries are based on 5-categorized 2-dimensional structures. The Places
of articulation are the sources of the human phonemes. The 5 categories seem to have been
standards, in which important 5-letter words originally had to represent each one of the 5 Places of
articulation. These 5-letter words are studied, analyzed and listed in the following circa 60 essays.

The Futharc runic signaries

The runic signary may be transformed to the following 2-dimensional table. The following three
anagrams for the 2-dimensional futhark-table displays the three anagrams at the third rows:
• TÆIWS, or TEIWS, as the word “god” in the Gothic language
• WITÆS, WIT or WITES (for wisdom)
• TIWÆS, TIW or TIWES (for justice).
The symmetry for “father” & “mother” is a impressive. Both ϝAÞYR (“Father”) and MÆTIR
(“Mother”) seem to be integrated in the 2-dimensional table of the Younger Futhark
The basic concept of the 5 Places of articulation in the PIE-alphabets, the Indian and Old-Persian
signaries is shared by the Hebrew alphabet, the Futharc runic and the Ogham signaries55.
Similar pentagram patterns ***** may be identified in some of the words for parents VADER &
MŒDER, which in archaic languages and old spellings contain pentagrams as: VIDAR, VADIR,
PITAR, respectively MŒDIR). Maybe the runic alphabet started with the keyword “father” (spelled
like → FYThAR).
The Futhorc (sometimes written "fuþorc") are an extended alphabet, consisting of 29, and later 33
characters. The only stabil section is found in the first 5 or 6 characters ϝYÞOR(c).

55 The 2-dimensional Alphabets' Compendium

The Ogham alphabet
The Ogham alphabet displays the name of the sky-god TIΕU at the forth row of the 2-dimensional
table of the alphabet56.
The incomplete pentagram “TIEU” of the Gaulish language may have been imported as the sky-god
“DII ĒU” to the French language. Therefore the name “TIEU” and the Gaulish alphabet may be
inherited from the Gaulish territory.
Geoffroy Tory (1480-1533) describes the inventor of the Ogham alphabet as a Gaulish Hercules57.
In this case the Ogham alphabet might be dated around the year 51 B.C. Another importer may be
the bishop Palladius, the first bishop of the Christians in Ireland, preceding Saint Patrick. Palladius
was a deacon and member of one of the prominent families in Gaul. Pope Celestine I consecrated
him a bishop and sent him in AD 431 to Ireland "to the Scotti believing in Christ"58. The second
origin of the Ogham may be dated around AD 431.

56 The Arrays (and the Presumed Theonym TIEU) of the Ogham Signary
57 Champfleury (1529), Geoffroy Tory.
58 Palladius
The standard alphabets.....................................................................................................................2
Alphabets, which were blown away with the Wind.........................................................................2
The loss of the 2-dimensional alphabetical arrays...........................................................................3
The parental labels for the sky-god..................................................................................................4
The three languages.........................................................................................................................4
The Ugaritic Alphabet......................................................................................................................5
The Hebrew alphabet.......................................................................................................................5
The Runic Signaries.........................................................................................................................6
The Ogham alphabet......................................................................................................................12
The Link between Greek and Germanic Languages..........................................................................14
Concepts for the compositions for Pentagrammatons........................................................................15
The Concentrations of Pentagrammatons...........................................................................................17
The philosophy of the 2-dimensional alphabets.................................................................................19
The discovery of the 2-dimensional alphabets..............................................................................19
The philosophy of Wittgenstein.....................................................................................................20
Noam Chomsky's Theory...............................................................................................................21
The four versions of the Sepher Yetzirah.......................................................................................22
Cicero's Etymology for the Names of the Gods ...........................................................................23
The role of the pentagrammatons for royalties...................................................................................25
Internal checks...............................................................................................................................26
Internal Academia..........................................................................................................................26
PIE alphabets, Sanskrit and Old Persian .......................................................................................27
The Futharc runic signaries............................................................................................................27
The Ogham alphabet .....................................................................................................................28

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