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Jean Clowie P.

Living in the I.T Era
2.1.2 RESEARCH 1

How does a computer follow the information processing cycle to perform tasks?

- Computers follow the information processing cycle by first taking input from users
through devices like keyboards and mice. Then, the central processing unit (CPU)
processes this input, performing calculations and executing instructions. Finally, the
processed information is displayed as output on screens or printed documents, completing
the cycle and allowing computers to perform various tasks efficiently.

What does it mean to be computer literate?

- Being computer literate means having the basic knowledge and skills to use a computer
effectively. It involves understanding how to operate a computer, use common software
applications, navigate the internet, and manage files. Computer literacy is essential in
today's digital age for personal, educational, and professional purposes.

What is the purpose of an operating system?

- The purpose of an operating system is to manage computer hardware and provide a user-
friendly interface for software applications. It acts as an intermediary between users and
the computer hardware?

What is the difference between system software and application software?

- System software manages computer hardware, while application software serves specific
user tasks. System software enables computer function, application software fulfills user

Why is managing memory one of an operating system’s most important tasks?

- Managing memory optimizes computer performance by allocating resources efficiently,

preventing crashes, and ensuring smooth operation of applications.

How does an operating system’s Plug and Play feature work?

- Plug and Play enables devices to work seamlessly by automatically configuring them
when connected, eliminating the need for manual setup.
What is the difference between signing out and locking the computer?

- Signing out closes all active sessions and apps, requiring you to log in again. Locking the
computer keeps your session open but requires a password to access, securing your work
without closing applications.

What is the difference between a command-line interface and a graphical user interface?

- A command-line interface uses text commands, while a graphical user interface uses
pictures and menus. CLI is like typing, GUI is like clicking icons.

What does it mean that Linux is open-source software?

- Linux being open-source means its source code is freely available for anyone to view,
use, modify, and distribute. It promotes collaboration and community-driven
development, allowing users to customize and enhance the operating system according to
their needs.

What is an embedded operating system and where would you find one?

- Embedded operating systems are specialized for devices like phones and appliances,
making them work. You find them in everyday gadgets.

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