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Philippine International College

Buliran Road, Sitio Bayugo

Brgy. San Isidro, Antipolo City

Undergraduate Department

Course Title: The Contemporary World

Professorial Lecturer: Mrs. Bianca Mary Aga-in
Topic: The Globalization of Religion
Name of Student: Karryl Ashly Mendoza

Part I: Topic: The Globalization of Religion

Religion is a set of beliefs, practices and values that guide the behavior and
worldview of a group of people. About 85% of the world's people identify with a
religion. However, Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and
technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.
The two are entirely contrasting belief system. Religious people are less concern
with wealth and all that comes along with it. Globalist are less worried about
whether they would end up in heaven or hell. At some point religion is for
globalization and religion is against globalization.

Part II: What have you learned?

Definition of terms

 Religion: A system of beliefs and practices centered around the divine or

spiritual, often involving worship and moral codes.
 Globalization: The process of increased interconnectedness and
interdependence among countries, cultures, and economies.
 Population: The total number of individuals in a specific geographical
 Christianity: A monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Jesus
Christ, emphasizing faith in God and the Bible.
 Islam: A monotheistic religion following the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad as revealed in the Quran.
 Judaism: A monotheistic religion of the Jewish people, with a focus on
the Torah and a covenant with God.
 Hinduism: A diverse and ancient religion originating in India,
encompassing various beliefs and practices.
 Sikhism: A monotheistic religion founded in the Punjab region,
emphasizing equality, service, and devotion.
 Buddhism: A spiritual tradition based on the teachings of Siddhartha
Gautama (Buddha) that seeks enlightenment and the end of suffering.
 Atheist: Someone who does not believe in the existence of deities or
 Peter Berger: A prominent sociologist known for his work in the sociology
of religion, particularly the theory of secularization.
 Ethics: A system of moral principles that guide human behavior,
distinguishing between right and wrong.
 Norms: Socially accepted rules and behaviors that define appropriate
conduct within a society or group.

Information you obtained from the discussion

 In this topic, the religious ideas, rituals, and religious organizations exceed
their original local or cultural and reach a global audience. This growth is a
greatly helped by modern technology, improved transportation, and
increased communication, which allow religious messages to spread rapidly
across borders. Furthermore, globalization can encourage interreligious or
interfaith dialogue and cooperation as people of different religious
backgrounds involved in discussions and collaborations to address shared
concerns, like peace, social justice, or environmental issues. On the
contrary, there is a negative effect. When it comes to globalization of religion
it can also lead to conflicts, especially when religious beliefs clash, or when
religious groups fights for control or influence in new global contexts. These
tensions can be cause in differences in values, rituals, or interpretations of
religious texts. So, while globalization can make an action to make it easier
for greater understanding and collaboration among religions, it can also
make the problem or situation worsen the religious tensions and conflicts in
certain situations.

Part III: What have you realized?

Reflecting on the globalization of religion, I've come to realize that globalization has
significantly impacted the spread and transformation of religions in various ways.
The global spread of religious ideas and practices has both positive and negative
aspects. On the positive side, globalization has facilitated greater religious
diversity, allowing people to learn about and appreciate different faiths. Interfaith
dialogue and cooperation have become essential in our interconnected world,
fostering understanding and tolerance among diverse religious communities.
Globalization has also led to increased religious diversity, as people from different
religious backgrounds interact more frequently. This blending of traditions can
create unique and enriching religious experiences. However, I've also observed
some challenges. The spread of religious fundamentalism in response to
globalization highlights the tension between preserving traditional values and
adapting to a changing world. This has, led to religious conflicts and even violence.
In some cases, globalization has led to religious conflict, as different faiths come
into contact and competition.

Therefore I conluded that the globalization of religion underscores the importance

of open dialogue, respect for diversity, and the need to strike a balance between
preserving tradition and embracing change. It's a reminder that in our
interconnected world, understanding and respecting various religious perspectives
is crucial for promoting peace and coexistence.

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