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1. What are the challenges to ethical behavior in today’s world?

- One example of the challenges to ethical behavior today is the unethical leadership. Some
leaders of the country tend to abuse their authority and create chaos to the people. They
tend to red-tagged everyone who were against on how the current administration manage
the government but it is just the right of the people to criticize the wrong doings of the
government. And this is where the abuse of power will start, they have the power to
silence everyone so they will do it to stop the people to fight for their rights. Some of the
people who have good intention before when granted with power they become greedy
and choose to become what they hate before.
2. Is it still meaningful to search for universal values? Why?
- Yes, because searching for universal values is still important because I believe that
individuals can agree on what is universally good and evil. A value is one of our most
basic and persistent views that we believe should be valued and promoted in the lives of
all people, whether it's about a trait or a behavior. Even if some values are universal, they
are typically shaped by religious, social, and political contexts. I believe that these
universal principles may bring people together because if individuals truly love their
country and their fellow citizens, these values will lead to national growth and the ability
to help their fellow citizens thrive and enjoy a better life.
3. How do we respond to an increasingly pluralist and individualist globalized world?
- Ethics are complex. It's all about doing the right thing. A person is not ethical if their
positive behavior toward others is confined to only those who are like you, behave like
you, and agree with you. You don't have to agree with or understand their decisions, but
as long as they are acting ethically toward you such as not discriminating against you or
by denying your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness if your pursuit harms
others, not harming you, or allowing harm to occur against you, they are not acting
4. State your understanding of the principle of separation of church and state and its ethical
- The separation of church and state means that the government should be neutral and
forbids establishing a state religion which forces citizens to practice a specific religion
nor force churches to perform acts that go against their religion. The government cannot
give special treatment to one religion at the expense of other religions. However, the
separation does not mean that the church is prohibited to be involved in politics. It is
about what the state is prohibited from doing – the establishment of an official state
religion and the use of public money to support such religion. This allows for religious
pluralism. The free exercise of religion is recognized and guaranteed. The state cannot
interfere in the affairs of the Church or any other religious groups.

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