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Ideal expense is defined as management’s view
PROFESSIONAL FOODSERVICE MANAGER of the correct or appropriate amount of
expense necessary to generate a given quantity
• As a foodservice manager, you are both a
of revenue.
manufacturer and a retailer
Desired profit is defined as the profit that the
• A professional foodservice manager is unique
owner desires to achieve on that predicted
because all the functions of product sales, from
quantity of revenue.
item conceptualization to product delivery, are
in the hands of the same individual REVENUE

• As a manager, you are in charge of securing •Revenue dollars or peso are the result of units
raw materials, producing a product, and selling sold. These units may consist of individual menu
it—all under the same roof. items, lunches, dinners, drinks, or any other
item produced by your operation
• A foodservice manager is one of the few
types of managers who actually has contact •You can increase revenue by increasing the
with the ultimate customer. number of guests you serve, by increasing the
amount each guest spends, or by a combination
of both approached.


A. Management’s Effort to Increase Number of


•Add seating capacity

•Add drive- in windows

•Extension of operating hours

B. Efforts to Increase amount of money spent

by guests

•Suggestive selling by service staff

•Creative menu pricing such as bundling and
•Foodservice management provides the upsizing and guest discounts
opportunity for creativity in a variety of settings
There are four major expense categories that
•It is important to remember that guests cause must be controlled:
businesses to incur costs. You do not want to
get yourself in the mind-set of reducing costs to - Food Costs
the point where it is thought that “low” costs - Beverage Costs
are good and “high” costs are bad.
- Labor Costs
- Other expense / Operating Expenses
•Food costs are the costs associated with
PROFIT actually producing the menu items a guest
•Profit is the result of solid planning, sound selects. They include the expense of meats,
management, and careful decision making. The dairy, fruits, vegetables, and other categories of
purpose of this text is to give you the food items produced by the foodservice
information and tools you need to make operation. When computing food costs, many
informed decisions with regard to managing operators include the cost of minor paper and
your operation’s revenue and expense. If these plastic items, such as the paper wrappers used
tools are utilized to wrap sandwiches. In most cases, food costs
will make up the largest or second largest
•Profit should not be viewed as what is left expense category you must learn to manage.
over after the bills are paid.
BEVERAGE COSTS Forms of expressing percent

•Beverage costs are those related to the sale of •Common Form In its common form, the “%”
alcoholic beverages. It is interesting to note that sign is used to express the percentage. If we say
it is common practice in the hospitality industry 10%, then we mean “10 out of each 100” and
to consider beverage costs of a nonalcoholic no further explanation is necessary. The
nature as an expense in the food cost category. common form, the “%,” is equivalent to the
Thus, milk, tea, coffee, carbonated beverages, same amount expressed in either the fraction or
and other nonalcoholic beverage items are not the decimal form.
generally considered a beverage cost.
•Fraction Form In fraction form, the percent is
• Alcoholic beverages accounted for in the expressed as the part, or a portion of 100. Thus,
beverage cost category include beer, wine, and 10 percent is written as 10 over 100 (10/100).
liquor. This category may also include the costs This is simply another way of expressing the
of ingredients necessary to produce these relationship between the part (10) and the
drinks, such as cherries, lemons, olives, limes, whole (100).
mixers like carbonated beverages and juices,
•Decimal Form A decimal is a number
and other items commonly used in the
developed from the counting system we use. It
production and service of alcoholic beverages.
is based on the fact that we count to 10 then
LABOR COSTS start over again. In other words, each of our
major units, 10s, 100s, 1,000s, and so on, are
Labor costs include the cost of all employees
based on the use of 10s, and each number can
necessary to run the business. This expense
easily be divided by 10. Instead of using the %
category would also include the amount of any
sign, the decimal form uses the (.) or decimal
taxes you are required to pay when you have
point to express the percent relationship. Thus,
employees on your payroll.
10% is expressed as 0.10 in decimal form. The
OTHER EXPENSES/ OPERATING EXPENSES numbers to the right of the decimal point
express the percentage.
•Other expenses include all expenses that are
neither food, nor beverage, nor labor. Examples PROCESS AS FOLLOWS:
include franchise fees, utilities, rent, linen, and
such items as china, glassware, kitchen knives,
and pots and pans. While this expense category 420 / 840 = 0.5
is sometimes incorrectly referred to as “minor
0.5 X 100= 50%
expenses,” your ability to successfully control
this expense area is critical to the overall
profitability of your foodservice unit.

• Consider this example: REVENUES for a

week are in the amount of $1,600. EXPENSES for
Note: The value of dollar or simply money has the same week are $ 1,200. Given the formula
changed over a period of time. The value of presented earlier, the look like as follows:
money today is quite different from what it
was in 1954. generally, inflation causes the Revenue – Expenses = Profit
purchasing power of a dollar today to be less $1,600- $1, 200 = $ 400
than of a dollar from a previous time period
But if you had planned for a $500 profit for the
week, you have been “short” . Using the
alternative formula:
Revenue- Desired Profit = Ideal Expense UNDERSTANDING THE BUDGET

•These numbers can also be expressed in terms A budget is simply a forecast or estimate of
of percent. If we want to know what percent of projected revenue, expense, and profit. In some
our revenue went to expenses, the formula is as hospitality companies, the budget is known as
follows: the plan, referring to the fact that the budget
details the operation’s estimated, or planned
Expenses / Revenue = Expenses %/ Cost %
for, revenue and expense for a given time
$1,200/ $1, 600 = 0.75 or 75 % period.

Another way to state this relationship is to say •If these items are planned for, you can
that each dollar of revenue cost 75 cents to determine how close your actual performance is
produce and in result will take 25 cents in profit. to your plan or budget.

$1.00 revenue - $0. 75 expense = $ 0.25 Profit • In the summer camp example, the following
information is known:
•Remember as long expenses is small than
revenue, some profit will be generated, if it is 1.Number of campers, 180
not as much as you planned. You can compute
2.Number of meals daily, 3
profit %using the formula:
3.Length of campers’ stay, 7 days
•With 180 campers eating 3 meals each day for
Example: $400 Profit / $1,600 Revenue = 25 %
7 days, 3,780 meals will be served (180 campers
Profit Or
3 meals 7 days 3,780 meals). At this point the
$500 Desired Profit / $1,600 Revenue =$31.25 % f&b director is given a budget of $1.85 per meal,
desired profit the total revenue budgeted is $6,993 ( 1.85 x

, an expense budget can begin to be developed.

In this case, we are interested in the amount of
expenses budgeted and the amount actually
spent on expenses. Equally important, we would
be interested in the percent of the budget
actually used, a concept known as performance
to budget.

In all cases, percentages are used to compare

actual expense with the budgeted amount,
using the formula:


Total Expense/ Revenue = Total Expense %

$350,000 / $400,000 = 87.50 %

Profit / Revenue = Profit %

$50,000/ $400,000 = 12.50 %


• The P&L is important because it describes the

efficiency and profitability of an operation.
Because so many individuals and groups are
interested in a food facility’s performance, it is
important that the P&L and other financial
statements are prepared in a manner that is
consistent with other facilities.

• The primary purpose of preparing a P&L is to

identify revenue, expenses, and profits for a
given time period.
manner, sales and revenue are interchangeable

When you predict the number of guests you

will serve and the revenues they will generate in
a given future time period, you have created a
sales forecast.


You can determine your actual sales for a

current time period by using a computerized
system called a point of sales (POS) system that
has been designed to provide specific sales
•Remember that expenses create revenue; information.
thus, it is not your goal to eliminate expense.
. Alternatively, a standard cash register or even
• In fact, those managers who focus too much manually produced guest checks or head counts
on eliminating expense, instead of building will help you establish how many sales were
revenue, often find that their expenses are completed
completely eliminated when they are forced to
close their operation’s doors permanently! SALES VOLUME- is the number of units sold.

• Control and management of revenue and SALES ( revenue)

expense are important. Elimination of either is Example:
not desired.
Consider Manuel, a bagel shop manager, whose
•As you have seen, revenue and expense Monday business consists of $2,000 in sales
directly impact profit. Your role as a hospitality (revenue) because he actually sold 3,000 bagels
manager is to analyze, manage, and control (sales volume).
your costs so that you achieve planned results.
It can be done, and it can be fun. ADVANTAGES OF PRECISE SALES FORECASTS

CHAPTER 4: DETERMINING SALES FORECAST 1.Accurate revenue estimates

IMPORTANCE OF FORECASTING SALES 2.Improved ability to predict expenses

Simply put, if too few guests are served, total 3.Greater efficiency in scheduling needed
revenue may be insufficient to cover costs, even workers
if these costs are well managed 4.Greater efficiency in scheduling menu item
production schedules
In addition, purchasing decisions regarding the
kind and quantity of food or beverage to buy are 5.Better accuracy in purchasing the correct
dependent on knowing the number of guests amount of food for immediate use
who will be coming to consume those products. 6.Improved ability to maintain proper levels of
Labor required to serve the guests is also non-perishable food inventories
determined based on the manager’s “best 7.Improved budgeting ability
guess” of the projected number of guests to be
served and what these guests will buy. 8.Lower selling prices for guests because of
increased operational efficiencies
Forecasts of future sales are normally based on
9.Increased dollars available for current facility
your sales history since what has happened in
maintenance and future growth
the past in your operation is usually the best
predictor of what will happen in the future. 10. Increased profit levels and stockholder value


In the hospitality industry, we have many ways A sales history is the systematic recording of all
of counting or defining sales. In its simplest sales achieved during a predetermined time
case, sales are the dollar amount of revenue period. It is no less than an accurate record of
what your operation has sold.
collected during some predetermined time
period. Sales to date is the cumulative total of sales
reported in the unit. Sales to date is the number
The time period may be an hour, shift, day,
we get when we add today’s sales to the sales of
week, month, or year. When used in this all prior days in the reporting period.
task. Notice also that you might decide not to
produce as many menu items for consumption
during the 9:00 to 11:00 AM period. In that way,
you could make more efficient use of both labor
and food products. It is simply easier to manage
well when you know the answer to the
question, “How many guests will I serve?


Sales histories can be created to record

revenue, guests served, or both. It is important,
however, that you keep good records of how
much you have sold because doing so is the key
to accurately predicting the amount of sales you
Sales to date on Tuesday, January 2, is computed will achieve in the future
by adding Tuesday’s sales to those of the prior
day ($851.90 + $974.37= $1,826.27). COMPUTING AVERAGES FOR SALES HISTORIES

The Sales to Date column is a running total of An average is defined as the value arrived at by
the sales achieved by Rae’s Restaurant for the adding the quantities in a series and dividing the
week. Should Rae’s manager prefer it, the sales sum of the quantities by the number of items in
period could, of course, be defined in blocks the series.
other than one week. Common alternatives are
Sometimes, an average is referred to as the
meal periods, days, weeks, two-week periods,
mean in a series of quantities. The two major
four-week periods, months, quarters (three-
types of averages you are likely to encounter as
month periods), or any other unit of time that
a foodservice manager are as follows:
makes sense and is helpful to the manager.
Fixed average

Rolling average


A fixed average is an average in which you

determine a specific time period, for example,
the first 14 days of a given month, and then you
compute the mean or average amount of sales
or guest activity for that period. Note that this
average is called fixed because the first 14 days
of the month will always consist of the same
days and, thus, the same revenue number


The rolling average is the average amount of

sales or volume over a changing time period.
Essentially, where a fixed average is computed
using a specific or constant set of data, the
rolling average is computed using data that will
change regularly.

Given the data in Figure 2.3, the implications for

staffing service personnel at the camp are very
clear. Fewer service personnel are needed from
9:00 to 11:00 A.M. than from 7:00 to 9:00 A.M.
The reason is obvious. Fewer campers eat
between 9:00 and 11:00 A.M. (40) than
between 7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (121)
Notice that, as a knowledgeable manager, if you
were operating this camp, you could either
reduce staff during the slower service period or
shift those workers to some other necessary
14- DAY SALES LEVELS While a sales history may consist of revenue,
number of guests served, and average sales per
guest, you may want to use even more detailed
information, such as the number of a particular
menu item served, the number of guests served
in a specific meal or time period, or the method
of meal delivery (e.g., drive-through vs. counter

The important concept to remember is that you

have the power to determine the information
that best suits your operation. That information
should be updated at least daily, and a
cumulative total for the appropriate accounting
7-DAY ROLLING AVERAGE UBALDA’S SPORTS period should also be maintained
In most cases, your sales histories should be
kept for a period of at least two years. This
allows you to have a good sense of what has
happened to your business in the recent past. Of
course, if you are the manager of a new
operation, or one that has recently undergone a
major concept change, you may not have the
advantage of reviewing meaningful sales
histories. If you find yourself in such a situation,
it is imperative that you begin to build and
maintain your sales histories as soon as possible
so you will have relevant data on which to base
your future managerial decisions.


changes from previously experienced sales

levels, will give you an indication of whether
RECORDING REVENUE, GUEST COUNTS, OR your sales are improving, declining, or staying
BOTH? the same.
As previously mentioned, some foodservice Because that information is so important to
operations do not regularly record revenue as a predicting future sales levels, many foodservice
measure of their sales activity. For them, managers improve their sales history
developing sales histories by recording the information by including sales variance as an
number of individuals they serve each day additional component of the history.
makes the most sense. Thus, guest counts, the
term used in the hospitality industry to indicate SALES HISTORY AND VARIANCE
the number of people served, is recorded on a
regular basis. For many other foodservice
operations, sales are recorded in terms of sales
revenue generated.

Not surprisingly, you may decide that your

operation is best managed by tracking both
revenue and guest counts. In fact, if you do
decide to record both revenue and guest
counts, you have the information you need to The variance in Figure is determined by
compute average sales per guest, a term also subtracting sales last year from sales this year.
known as check average. In January, the variance figure is obtained as
MAINTAINING SALES HISTORIES $54,000 - $51,200= $2,800

Percentage variance is obtained by subtracting

sales last year from sales this year and dividing
the resulting number by sales last year. Thus, in
Revenue forecast for this time period is
the month of January, the percentage variance
determined by multiplying sales last year by the
is determined as follows
% increase estimate and then adding sales last
SALES THIS YEAR – SALES LAST YEAR / SALES year. In the month of January, revenue forecast
LAST YEAR = PERCENTAGE VARIANCE is calculated using the following formula:

EXAMPLE: $54,000- $51,200 / $51,200 = 0.055 SALES LAST YEAR + ( SALES LAST YEAR X %

VARIANCE / SALES LAST YEAR = PERCENTAGE $68,500 + ( 68,500 X 0.075) = $73, 637.50
2800/ $51,200 = 0.055 OR 5.5 % = REVENUE FORECAST

SALES THIS YEAR / SALES LAST YEAR – 1 = $68,500 X ( 1= 0.075) = $73, 637.50

$54,000/ $51,200 – 1 = 0.055 OR 5.5%



Erica Tullstein is the manager of Rock’s Pizza Pub

on the campus of State College. Her guests
consist of college students, most of whom come
to the Rock to talk, listen to music, eat, and If Erica were to use the 6.1% average increase
study. Erica has done a good job in maintaining from the fourth quarter of last year to predict
sales histories in the two years she has managed her guest count for the first quarter of the
the Rock. She records the revenue dollars she coming year, a planning sheet could be
achieves on a daily basis, as well as the number developed as presented in Figure.
of students frequenting the Rock. Revenue data
for the last three months of the year are It is important to note that Erica is not required
recorded in Figure to use the same percentage increase estimate
for each month. Indeed, any forecasted increase
management feels is appropriate can be used to
predict future sales.
Notice that in January, for example, the guest
increase estimate is rounded from 769.82 to
770. This is because you cannot serve “0.82”
people! The guest count forecast is determined
by multiplying guest count last year by the %
increase estimate and then adding the guest
count last year. In the month of January, guest
count forecast is calculated using the following



12,260 + ( 12,620 X 0.061) = 13,390 a



12,260 X (1.00 + 0.061)= 13,390


Recall that average sales per guest (check

average) is simply the amount of money an
average guest spends during a visit. The same
formula is used to forecast average sales per
guest as was used in forecasting total revenue
and guest counts. Therefore, using data taken
from the sales history, the following formula is






$73,637.50/ 13,390= $5.50


5. Identify the formulas used to compute cost percent and sales
Food and Beverage Cost Control price.
6. Describe factors that cause industry wide variations in cost
INTRODUCTION percentages.

•Successful restaurant personnel, including chefs, restaurant 7. Explain the value of comparing current cost - to - sales ratios
managers, food and beverage controllers, dining room managers, with those for previous periods.
and stewards have the ability to keep costs at predetermined
levels. They understand that successful operations require that
costs be carefully established and monitored so that profit will Cost Concepts
•Accountants define a cost as a reduction in the value of an
•Food, beverage, and labor costs generally represent between 60%
asset for the purpose of securing benefit or gains.
and 70% of the total costs of a restaurant operation. If these
costs are not carefully established and monitored, they can •In F&B Business cost is defined as the expense to a hotel or
gradually increase until profit is eliminated, and losses are restaurant of goods or service when the goods are consumed, or
sustained. the service rendered.

•Food and beverage are “Consumed” when they are used,

wastefully or otherwise, and are no longer available for the
Learning Objectives
purpose which they were acquired. (Units: weight, volume or
1. Define the terms cost and sales.
total value)
2. Define and provide an example of the following types of costs:
•The cost of labor is incurred when people are on duty, whether
fixed, directly variable, semi variable, controllable, non-
controllable, unit, total, prime, historical, and planned. or not they are working and whether they are paid at the end of
the shift or at some later date. (Hourly or weekly or monthly.
3. Provide several examples illustrating monetary and nonmonetary
sales concepts.

4. Describe the significance of cost - to - sales relationships and Cost Concept

identify several cost - to - sales ratios important in food and
•Variable Cost are those that are clearly related to business
beverage management.
volume. As business volume increase, variable cost will increase
and vice versa.
•Food & Beverage cost are considered directly variable cost. statements, invoices, employees’ time card and other similar
Direct Variable Cost are those that are directly linked to volume records. It is used for establishing unit cost, determining menu
of business increase and decrease of volume correspondingly. prices, and comparing present with past labor cost.

•Payroll Cost includes salaries and wages and employee benefits •It will be used for planning and determining the future to develop
and often referred as Labor Cost. Because labor cost consists of
planned costs - projections of what cost will be or should be for
fixed and variable element it is known as semi-variable cost,
meaning a portion should change in short-term and the other a future period. It is often called as Budgeting.
portion remains unchanged.


Industry-wide Variations in Cost
•Controllable cost is those that can be change in the short term
Cost percentage vary considerably from one foodservice operation
such as Direct Variable Cost, Wages, Advertising & Promotion,
to other. This is due to many possible reasons.
Utilities, Repairs & Maintenance and Administration and General
Basically there are two types of foodservice operation.
• Those that operate at low profit margin and depends on
•Non-Controllable cost are those that cannot normally be
relatively high business volume.
changed in short-term such as fixed cost like Rent, Interest on a
mortgage, Real estate taxes, License fee and Depreciation. • Those that operate at relatively high profit margin thus does
not require high business volume
•Unit Cost may be food & beverage portion as in the cost of one
item or hourly unit of work. In F&B business unit cost are
commonly in average unit cost rather than actual unit cost.
Sales Concept
•Total Cost are the total of food & beverage portions served in
Sales Defined
one period such as a week or a month or total cost of labor for
one period. In general, the term sales is defined as revenue resulting from
the exchange for a products (Food & Beverage) and service
•Prime Cost is a term used in the Hotel Industry refer to the
(Waiter) for value ($$).
cost of materials and labor. (Food, Beverage, and Payroll)
The sales concept in F&B operation usually can be express as:
•Historical and Planned Costs
monetary and non-monetary.
•Historical cost are all cost are historical - that is, that they can
be found in business records, book of account, financial
Monetary Terms Average check = Total dollar sales ÷ Total number of covers

•Total Sales is a term that refers to the total volume of Total sales of $3,902.30 and 140 covers. Thus,
expressed in dollar term for instant any given period, such as a
Average sale = $3,902.30 ÷ 140
week, a month or a year.
= $27.87
By Category. Total dollar volume of sales by category are
total food sales or total beverage sales. Or total steak Yasser, one of the servers, had 30 customers and total dollar sale
sales or seafood sales. of $565 on the Saturday night of February 13, average sale per
server for Jim would be calculated as follows:
By Server. This is total dollar volume of sales for which a
given server has been responsible in a given period. This is Average sale = Total sales for Yasser ÷ No. of customers for
to help the management to make judgment on employees Yasser
= $565 ÷ 30
By Seat. Usually for a year period. Total Dollar sales
= $18.8
divided by the number of seats in the restaurant.
Non-Monetary Terms
•Sales Price refers to the amount charged each customer
purchasing one unit of a particular item. It can be a single meal or •Total Number Sold refers to the total number of menu item
entire meal. sold in a given time period.

•Average Sale in business is determine by adding individual sales •Cover is the term used to describe one diner regardless of the
to determine a total and then dividing that total by the number of quantity of good the person consumes.
individual sales. Two types of commonly calculated averages are:
•Total Cover refer to the total number of customers served in a
average sale per customer and average sale per server.
given period. Help to make judgment & comparisons.
Per Customer is the result of dividing total dollar sales by
•Average Covers is determined by dividing the total number of
the number of sales or customer.
cover for a given period by some other number such as hour of
Per Server is total dollar sales for an individual server operation, day of operation or numbers of server.
divided by number of customer served by that individual
1. Cover per Hour = Total Covers / No. of Hours of Op.
2. Covers per Day = Total Covers / No. of Days of Op.
Average Sale
3. Covers per Server = Total Covers / No. of servers
This average is determined as follows:
Non-Monetary Terms relationship between cost and sales or the cost per dollar of sale.

Seat Turnover or simply turnover refer to the number of seats Cost ÷ Sales = Cost per dollar of sale
occupied during a given period (or number of cover) divided by the
decimal answer, and any decimal can be converted to a percentage
number of seats available.
if one multiplies it by 100 and adds a percent sign (%).
140 customers served during that one Saturday meal. The
Cost ÷ Sales x 100 = Cost%
restaurant has 75 seats, so seat turnover would be calculated as
follows: $ 312,090 ÷ $ 891,687 =.35 and .35 x 100 = 35.0 %

Seat turnover = Number of customers served ÷ Number of seats Food cost ÷ Food sales x 100 =Food cost%

= 140 ÷ 75 Beverage cost ÷ Beverage sales x 100 = Beverage cost%

= 1.87 turns Labor cost ÷ Total sales x 100 = Labor cost%

Sales Mix is a term used to describe the relative quantity sold of The formula also can be use to determine the Sales price if the
any menu item compared to other items in the same category. cost% is known.

Sales Mix For the Sugar & Spice Restaurant August 20xx Cost ÷ cost% = Sales(or Sales Price)

Menu Item Portion Sales Sales Mix If the given cost percentage were 30.0 percent and the food cost
for the item were $3.60, the appropriate sales price would be
Strip steak 1,000 12.5%
$12.00, illustrated here
Ginger shrimp 1,200 15.0
30.0 % ÷ 100 = 0.3
Lamb chop 1,800 22.5
$ 3.60 ÷ 0.3 = $12.00
Vege burrito 2,400 30.0
The formula also can be use to determine the cost if the spending
Chicken chop 1,600 20.0 power and cost% is known.

Totals 8,000 100.0% Suppose this banquet manager is dealing with a group willing to
spend $15.00 per person for a banquet, and the same given 30.0
percent cost percent is to apply. Calculation of the maximum
The Cost-to-Sales Ratio permissible cost per person is facilitated by rearranging the
formula once again:
Foodservice establishment calculate cost in dollars and compare
those cost to sales in dollars. This enable them to discuss the
Sales x Cost % (expressed as a decimal ) = Cost The person must be able to grab opportunities & profit oriented

Sales X Cost % = Cost  A unique salesperson

 Good personality with the guest
So the cost per person can be calculated as $4.50:
 Hard working person and most important
30.0 % ÷ 100 = 0.3  The person is the controller or regulator of the operation
to achieved maximized profits and minimize costs.
$ 15.00 X 0.3 = $ 4.50

Managing Income &Expenses

The Control Process
 Income can be managed in may ways thus to insure profit.
Introduction Increasing income can be done by increasing the number of
guest and the amount of money they spent.
The control in the F&B industry really means controlling people
 This goal can be achieved by suggestive selling, creative
action. These are the factors: -
menu pricing and discount.
 Food does not disappear by itself, without help  Our main goal in this course is not to sale but controlling
 Excess quantity of food and beverage into the plate and expenses.
 Employees’ wages calculation are not base on the wrong
There are four major expense categories that must be controlled
numbers of hours unless someone gives the wrong
by management. They are…
 Food are not consumed by pest unless made available by FOOD COST, BEVERAGE COST, LABOR COST & OTHER
 Customer seldom leave without paying unless make possible
The Control Process

1.Definition of Control
Managing Income &Expenses
Control is a process used by managers to direct, regulate and
Food Service Management restrain the actions of people so that the established goals of an
It is important that the foodservice manager must be a enterprise may be achieved.
talented individual. These criteria are true: 2.Cost Control Defined
Cost Control defined as the process used by managers to regulate
cost and guard against excessive costs.
The Control Techniques
It is an ongoing process throughout the operation.
1. Establishing Standard
Two principle of the principal causes of excessive cost are
•Standard are defined as rules or measures established for
inefficiency and waste.
making comparisons and judgments.
3. Sales Control
•Quality Standards are used to define the degree of excellence
Sales Control is important to ensure that all sales results in of raw materials, finished products and by extensions, work
appropriate income to the business. Therefore, it is important to performed.
require that each employees record each sales accurately.
•Quantity Standard are defined as measures of weight, count or
(Checks, duplicates, bills or etc.)
volume used to make comparisons and judgment.
4. Responsibility for Control
•Standard Cost is defined as the cost of goods or services
Responsibility is clearly falls onto the management, but the task identified, approved and accepted by management in order to
on controlling differ due to the nature of the establishment. make judgment and comparisons of the effectiveness of the
operation. Thus standard cost must be calculated as accurately as
Small establishment the control responsibility usually taken by the
management but for larger establishment it is delegated to the
assistant manager or controller.

5. Instituting Control 2. Establishing Procedures

Food & beverage establishment usually involves process of raw Procedures are the method employed to prepare products or
material purchased, received, stored and issued for the purpose perform jobs.
of manufacturing products for sale and services.
Standard Procedures are those that have be established as the
At each stage of operation, it is necessary to institute control in correct methods, routines, and techniques for day-to-day
order to stop pilferage or problems. operations.

Each control must be suitable to each of the operation, depends

on the nature of material and service requiring control and on the
degree of difficulty inherent (fundamentals) in instituting the
control. Example:
Production procedures must be standardized for several reasons. Similarly, if a manager is inclined to wrap parcels of food to take
One of the most important of these is customer satisfaction. Any home for personal use, employees will be more likely to do so.
given item should be produced by the same method and with the
5. Observing and Correcting Employee Actions
same ingredients every time it is served. It should also be served
in the same quantity each time, partly so that regular customers One of a manager’s important tasks is to observe the actions of all
will be given the same quantity each time they order the item, and employees continually as they go about their daily jobs, judging
partly to maintain cost standards. those actions in the light of the standards and standard
procedures established for their work.
3. Training
If any employees are failing to follow the standards, it is a
Training is a process by which managers teach employees how
manager’s responsibility to correct their performance to the
work is to be done, given the standards and standards procedures
extent necessary at the appropriate time.
6. Requiring Records and Reports
Recording and reports is an important element in control as these
if management has established a standard 4 - ounce portion size
information helps in decision making, judgment & comparisons of
for hamburgers, then all employees responsible for producing
the operations. One such report is the statement of income.
portions of hamburgers must be made aware that 4 ounces is the
correct portion size. Example;

4. Setting Example it is important to recognize that managers need timely

information to determine whether primary goals and sub goals are
Employees in an operation follow the examples set by the manager
being met. If timely records and reports are not available,
— the manager’s behavior, manner, responses to questions, and
opportunities for taking corrective action may be lost.
even a failure to speak or take action in some situations.
7. Discipline Employees
The behavior of individuals in a group tends to be influenced by
the actions, statements, and attitudes of their leaders. Discipline is defined as action taken to give a warning, punish or
telling off an employee for work performance or personal behavior
Work Habits, attitudes, behavior, spirit of a manager are the
incompatible with established standards.
It is seldom practice but only used as a deterrent or if corrective
If the manager who has occasion to help employees plate food for
action failed.
the dining room serves incorrect portion sizes, employees will be
more likely to do the same when the manager is not there. By selecting the right people for the various jobs — those with
the experience, skill, and personal characteristics that match the
job requirements the number of individuals requiring some level of
discipline can be reduced to a bare minimum. However, every
manager must face the fact that, at times, an individual staff
member must be disciplined.

8. Preparing and Following Budgets

Preparing and following budgets may be the most common

technique for controlling business operations.

Budget is defined as a financial plan and may be describe as a

realistic expression of management’s goals and objectives
expressed in financial terms. (Cash flow budget, capital equipment
budget and advertising budget.)

Operation Budget is the most important budget for F&B

manager. It is a forecast of sales activity and an estimate of cost

that will be incurred in the process of generating those sales.

Consist of the following four steps:

1. Establish standard and standard procedures for operation.
1. An operating budget is normally prepared using historical 2. Train all individual to follow established standards and
information from previous budget and other financial standard procedures.
records. 3. Monitor performance and compare actual performance with
2. The second step is to calculate the percentage and analysis established standards.
of the previous records. 4. Take appropriate actions to correct deviations from
3. Then making assumption or judgment base on all the standards.
influencing factors that might affect the business
operation during the forecasted period, and computing into
the new budget.
Flexible budget normally prepared for levels of business volume
above and below the expected level. (See Illustration).

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