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Zagazig University Quiz I_C Date: 28 Oct.

Semester: 2019 Time Allowed: 5 minutes.
Subject Name: Electronic Physics No. of Pages: 1
Subject Code: No. of Questions: 1
Department: Medical Informatics Full Mark: 5 Points

Total Grade
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Question1 (Answers)
1 2 3 4 5

Question1 (5 points) Choose the correct answer

1- The resistance of semiconductor materials

a. increase with high temperature b. don't change with temperature

c. decrease with high temperature d. decrease by doping

2- Electron-hole pairs are produced by

a. recombination b. ionization

c. doping d. thermal energy

3- A pentavalent impurities are added to silicon to create

a. a p-type semiconductor b. a depletion region

c. germanium d. an n-type semiconductor

4- The minority carriers in a p-type semiconductor are

a. electrons b. valence holes c. conduction holes d. all answers are true
5 The barrier potential of a germanium diode is typically
a. 0.3 V b. 0.7 V c. 0 V d. -0.3 V

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