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Class- Seven

Scientific Learning

(1) What do you mean by scientific learning?

Ans.Scientific learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding of the
natural world through systematic observation, experimentation, and reasoning. It involves the
application of the scientific method, which includes making observations, forming hypotheses,
conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. Scientific learning aims
to cultivate critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of various scientific disciplines
such as physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science.

(2) What happens when milk cream is stirred with butter churner?

Ans. When milk cream is stirred with a butter churner, the fat globules in the cream start to
agglomerate or clump together. Continuous agitation causes these fat globules to collide and
merge, forming larger structures. Eventually, the fat globules stick together to create butter
grains or butter curds. This process separates the fat from the liquid portion of the cream,
resulting in the formation of butter. The remaining liquid is known as buttermilk. This traditional
method of churning is how butter has been traditionally made before modern industrial

(3) Why do we perform experiments ?

Ans.Performing experiments serves several important purposes:

1. **Verification of Knowledge:** Experiments allow us to validate or refute existing knowledge

and theories by testing hypotheses in a controlled setting.

2. **Application of Scientific Method:** Experiments are a fundamental part of the scientific

method, involving steps like observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and drawing

3. **Discovery:** Experiments can lead to the discovery of new phenomena, principles, or

relationships that were previously unknown.

4. **Problem-Solving:** Experiments are often conducted to find solutions to specific problems

or challenges in various fields, including science, technology, and engineering.

5. **Data Collection:** They provide a structured way to collect data, which is essential for
analyzing patterns, trends, and relationships between variables.
(4)What do you understand by problem solving capacity ?

Ans. Problem-solving capacity refers to an individual's ability to effectively and efficiently

address challenges or obstacles. It involves the skills and cognitive processes employed to
analyze situations, identify possible solutions, and choose the most appropriate course of
action. A person with strong problem-solving capacity typically exhibits the following

1. **Breaking Down Problems:** Understanding how to break big problems into smaller, easier

2. **Thinking Creatively:** Using imagination to come up with new and different solutions.

3. **Looking at Facts:** Checking information carefully before making decisions.

4. **Being Flexible:** Changing plans when things don't go as expected.

5. **Using Resources Well:** Figuring out how to make the best use of what's available.

6. **Not Giving Up:** Trying hard even when things get tough.

7. **Talking and Listening:** Sharing ideas clearly and listening to others for better teamwork.

8. **Making Choices:** Deciding what to do when there are different options.

9. **Managing Time:** Figuring out how to use time wisely to solve problems.

10. **Learning from Challenges:** Seeing problems as chances to learn and get better.

(5) What are the advantages of making models while learning science ?

Ans.Following are the advantage of making models :

1. **Easy Understanding:** Models make it simpler to understand tricky science ideas.

2. **Fun Learning:** Making models is like playing and makes learning science more fun.

3. **Remembering Better:** When we build something, we remember science stuff better.

4. **Practice Time:** Making models is like practicing what we learn in science class.

5. **Problem-Solving Play:** Figuring out how to build models helps us get better at solving

6. **Interesting Science:** Models make science interesting and not boring.

7. **Talk About Science:** We can talk about our models and learn to explain science better.

8. **Teamwork Practice:** Building models with friends helps us practice working together.

9. **Real-Life Connections:** Models show how science is used in our everyday lives.

10. **Touch and Feel:** Making models lets us touch and feel science concepts.

(6) Write down the steps of experimental procedure ?

Ans. Following are the steps of experimental procedure:

1. **Purpose/Question:** Clearly state what you want to find out or test.

2. **Materials:** List all the items and equipment needed for the experiment.

3. **Procedure:** Outline step-by-step instructions for conducting the experiment.

4. **Data Collection:** Conduct the experiment, record observations, and collect data.

5. **Analysis:** Analyze the collected data using graphs, charts, or calculations.

6. **Conclusion:** Summarize your findings and determine whether your hypothesis was

7. **Communication:** Share your experiment, results, and conclusions through a report or


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