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Name: Will Sebastian R.

Dumas Date: 11/28/23

Section: Grade 10 - Gregorio Zara

Racism is a rooted issue, in society that's widespread and long lasting. It can be
seen through the presence of opportunities in areas such, as education,
employment, criminal justice, healthcare and more. The lingering effects of events
continue to shape day discriminatory beliefs and actions which are further
strengthened by prevailing biases and stereotypes that are spread through the media
and cultural stories. To combat this worldwide issue, a collective commitment is
imperative. To fully grasp its context one needs to cultivate empathy in order to
question ingrained biases. Furthermore it is crucial to initiate transformations, in
both policies and societal structures. Only through these efforts can we rid of
racism once and for all. We must work together to dismantle the lasting impact of
racism and build a future where everyone can flourish in an inclusive society.

Topic: Racism

Claims: (Racism is a rooted issue) (Continue to shape discriminatory beliefs)

Reasons: (Prevailing biases) (Stereotypes) (Discrimination)

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