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Stress, both good and bad, is a part of life.

Why is stress management important? How does stress affect your life?

We have to make a difference between positive and negative stress An example of positive
stress is expecting the visit from a beloved person. An example of negative stress is to lose your

Positive stress has a positive affect and motivates us to work harder to accomplish great things
positive hormones like endorphins serotonin and others make us happier. Negative stress
reduces the production of serotonin, endorphins and other hormones. This makes it, for
example, harder to sleep so it is harder to perform properly. Negative stress on longer terms can
lead to depression stress management is important for mental health and the improvement of
work performance

1.Identify three stress management techniques you are going to use to decrease your stress
levels. How can you apply these strategies to your life? How will these strategies help you
manage yours?


Stress is a great power neither good or bad. Dependent on the direction you conduce it which
can accomplish great things or being a great obstacle. So, your basic task is to use stress to your

The most helpful principles which helped me to manage stress are the principles of Aikido whos
key is to use the opponent's force against him. Stress is energy, so like in an Aikido defense I
Chanel the energy to my advantage.

I use stress as a motivation for physical activities, in my case martial arts and TRX training
(redirecting and channeling of energy)

Meditation: When I feel stressed I take the time for a meditation session to low down my stress

My third strategy is to create time windows where I do things for my pleasure to low the stress

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