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with Online Practice: Workbook activities and Interactive eBook Lindsay Warwick and Damian Williams @ Pearson rocee th GP ROADMAP Lindsay Warwick and Damian williams pages Getting to knowyou — wordorderin questions paves , Successfulpeople adverbs of frequency poe Anewllfestyle present simple and present > pagelo Continuous English in action ask or and check intormation pagel ‘Ghackandrefecroige 13 > Gooninefor the Ramen aco Se) omens | One of those days _pastsinple * pone 4 Yourrenevertooold _pastsinpienegstveans ” poses fusions Unusual tastes quantifiers ones me) Englishinaction show nterestandexcitement AP page20 (heckard eflctige ita ani forthe Rondnan ides, ‘munication game: Fosrin arow Units 1-2 review) pane M5 pagezz Urban escapes comparatves vagez2 Aplacetto stay superlatives * pogeze Never ever present perfectith ver SP pages mrénever Englishinaction __giveandrespondto news * pagezs Check ad rflct age 296 alin forthe Roadmap vid. age30 Special days be gsing ta, wantand pace 30 wouidke yoo Planningevents win tfor decisions SDP cace3e and offers Rulesoftherace anand haveto pages pro Enalishinaction —__makeplanstomeet poe ‘Grech and renect page? Ga anbertreRoadnap vided "Cemvmuicaton ame Keep taking (Units 34 reve) page 47 , page3e Therightperson ——_teatvedauseswithwno, poue38 werichane tat Appearances ‘ook ite, ook + adjective, * page4o. bee Shopping tips shoul shoutrtand ) pose imperatives inake and respondto Suggestions (heck refietiag48’ Go olin fortbe Ronda vies ‘Communcaton game Rootmaprica (Ut caw) pane 4 rammarbonkpage3i6 ” Voebuarybankage136 bestion words success everyday activites ‘ealngs past time expressions adjectives todestibe ood adjectives to describe places hotels and places to stay verb phrases celebrations organising events -edand -ingadectves Intonation get to know someone connectedspaech — descrbehabits and routines contractions describe everyday actos ask or and check formation ‘edendings descbea memorable day idan, west wasn't ask about and describe past ‘events comectedspeech describe special dis showinterest and excltement weak forms compare paces tovsit superlatives choose apace to stay hnaschasn' have! _-deceribe past experiences avert ve ard espond tones weak forme talk about plans fora special day contractions organise an event sentencestress _presantanideaforan event maka plans to meet inbskils and preferences wha whichand thet desc job appearence connected speeen describe people shopaing sentence stress ge adie about shopping sake anresponcta Suggestions “ConurctobankpapeiSl——=srepuarvetbpogeisd ADevelop your listening ace Bs ‘1B Develop your writing ace? Ac Develop yourreading pages 2A Develop your reading pave 8s 28 Develop your writing psge80 2C Develop your listening page st 3ADevelop yourreading pagesz 3B Develop your writing 2 3C Develop your listening pages 4A Develop your writing 9095 48 Develop yourlistening 0255 ‘4C Develop your reading aces? ‘SA Develop yourreading page 98 ‘5B Develop your listening page 99 '5C Develop your writing pagel0o Understand a shor talk complete a questionnaire Understanda shortantcle nderstanda shortstory witea stony understand shor talk understand fectualt write ahote review understandan interview vwite-andrespondt vation Understand nstructions understand review Understand an article Uncerstanda short talk vite aquide understanding the main idea expiring reasons and resuits reatling for speci information atrative struct using adverbs todescrbe actions ecognising weak forms ‘quessing the meaning of words organising ideas predicting information imitingand responding sequencing words understanding pronouns Identifying postive and negative points understanding tinkers linking ideas Getting to know you Reading and vocabulary ‘Workin pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Do you share information online? What so things do you share? 2 How and why doyou share thisinfosmation? of 2 You're going to read a social media post by Magda, Look ather photos. What topics do you think she writes about (e.g. holidays)? Read Magda's post and check your ideas. Then answer the questions. A. Which topicsin the post: 2 Where does Magda work? 3 Is Abby agood friend? 4 What do Magda’ friends and family not know about, her? why? }enot in the photos? a Match the question words with the answers. 1 a tomorrow 2Howlong —_b aphone 3Howmany —¢ llkeltalianfood 4 What 4 twohours. 5 Whatkindof e five 6 When f thatone 7 Where g bytrain 8 which hi itshis 9 Who 1 inLos Angeles OWhose J because rm tired why K John things about me ‘Where do you like torelax? A thebeach llove the sound ofthesea How do you travel to work or college/achool? Iak. How long does your journey to work take? About 20 ‘seconds —frommybecroom tomy home offoe. ‘What's your favourite drink? Colles nave veo sk cups day. Shh dont ell aryonel ‘Whose name is irstin your phone contacts? Abby she's my siste’s best rena Do you know the person ‘well? Actual Iveonly met her once! ‘When are youhappiest? Wien |imvistng somewhere avs Why? Becausenew places areexciing, ‘What kind of music do youllke? 1270s rockmuse Thanks. alot.Dadl ‘Which animats do youtike? Cats,¢ Bubble! How many pairs of shoes do you own? [ve got over 90, but etways wea the samepai of trainers My famiy and friends think theyremy only shoes—but that sonly because! never wear the others! Whois your oldest fiend? Nina. We havesomuch un together Are youa good friend tohim orher? think so rmostofthe time! aly my cat b ‘a Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Use capitals where necessary. fal spend online /you/do/howrany hours /eachday/? who / you / online / talkto/do/? a look at / whose photos / you / do / online /? 1 2 3 4 like /what kind of / do / websites / you? 5 you/ thisarea /from/are/? 6 your normal working day / how long /is/7 b Make questions using the prompts. Choose an appropriate question word or expression. 1 your birthday? When's your birth: your favourite TV show att 2 3 films / ike? 4 languages/you/ speak? 5 6 you/go/ at weekends? b Match Diego's answers a-jwith questions 1-10 in this lesson /finish? Magda’s post. a About five, Whoneeds more than that? ¢ Workin pairs. Take turns to ask and answer three Someone I work with called Alex. know him quite well questions in Exercise 6a and three questionsin € Bybike when its sunny. By car when it's raining, Exercise 6b. When tm playing my guitar! love music: Goto page 116 oF your app for more information and practice, About 30 minutes. Athome, in my living room, with some music Speaking 9. Two people, actually ~ Sofia and David Were great . frien bh Anything with aguitar — rock, mostly 1 Freshjuice, especially on hot day. a) 22 You're going to get to know your classmates J Hove horsest better First, listen to Becky and Josh and answer the questions, © Workin pairs. Take turns to ask and answer six 1. Howmany fms does josh tak about? Cul TT 2 Why is Becky surprised? (Geto your app for more practice b Listen again. What questions does Becky ask? Think of some topics that you're interestedin and Grammar verite some questions toask your classmates. Read the grammar boxand choose the correct ‘Do you lke spo alternatives. ‘Are you a studer Word order in questions Order questions inthe present simple ike this: (Question word +) do + subject + infinitive @ Work in groups. Take turns to ask your questions to each other. Ask some follow-up questions and use How do you travel to work or cllege/schoal? ‘the Useful phrases to help you respond, Haw long 'da/does the journey take? s5/Do you know the person well? Order questions with be like this: (Question word +) be + subject What is your favourite drink? Who3are/is your oldest fi 4are/Do youa good friend ind tennis, That'sinteresting/nic. b Check your answersin Magda’s postin Exercise 2, a 11 Listen to the questions. Does the speaker's 'b Tell the class one or two interesting things about the voice go up or down at the end of each question? people in your group. 1 What ind of pizza do you ike? 2 Who's your favourite singer? 3 Where do youlive? 4 thy are you tired? 5 How longis this lesson? b Listen again and repeat. Successful people Complete the questions with an expression in Exercise 2b. 1 Doyou ordolotsof things at the same time? 2 Doyoulike to orrep: same experiences? 3 When things go wrong do y 4 Doyou— — Th tellyou? us 5 Doyou. eee von wantin ie? 7 Dayou thinkit's more important to wark ali the time, 2 deniay vous? —_?ayoueat bb Workin pairs. Take turns toaskand answer the ‘questions, Do you have similar habits? Goto your app for more practice 7 Grammar, ° a Listen to the podcast again and choose the correct alternatives. Successful 1 aways/neverknow what they wantin i Listening and vocabulary gues med Look at the photos and discuss the questions. 4 donttoften'dont usualy dolots of things atthe sme jou know about these peop aa ju think they are ee heck their messages only : 6 u everhave busy and stressful lives. a 47 Listentoa podcast about successful people. 7 ways work at weekends Does it include any of your ideas? 8 stop trying b Listen again, Number the tipsin the order youhear Number the adverbs of frequency in the box from 1 them, De youagree with them? (most frequent) to 6 (least frequent). Use takecareofyourself take tmeoft Exercise 4a tohelp you plan your time wel start again ‘rynew things askalotof questions always? hardly ever/rarely never often have clear goals listen: sometimes usually Read the grammar box and choose the correct, alternatives. ‘Adverbs of frequency Use adverbs of frequency to tak about how often ‘hen you do something ‘Adverbs of frequency usually come before/after the verbbe Successful people are often good listeners. They usually come before/after other verbs they always look for new and exciting You can use always, usualy and often with verbsin ‘the negative They come tbefore/after the negative verb. Successful people don’t often do lots of thir There are other expressions of frequency that you can use eg every day oncea weok al the time, These usualy come at the endiin the middleof sentence. They sametimes check thelr messages only ance a day. b <)> 2a Listen to the sentences. what do younotice about the two letters in bold? 1 He doesn't often try new things 2 He sometimes asks alot of questions, 3 Imotten bored at weekends, 4 She goes ta the cinema once a week. 5 Youharcly everask questions, Listen again and repeat, 2 Complete the sentences with the adverbs in brackets. 1. Ben does one activity at a time. (always) ‘Ana tries anew activity (once a month) Iimsuccessfulin exams. (hardly We don'thave a clear goal (often) Itake time off inJune. (sometimes) Jon works hard. (all the time) They/re not busy in the morning, (usually) I check my work emails at weekends. (rarely) ef) @vaunun b Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions with How often and a phrase in the box. belate bereallybusy eat pizza get angry goforaswim goto thecinema send something by post sing in the shower Speaking a <)) 19 You'regoingtotell other students abouta successful person. First, listen to Alex talking about a successful person he knows. Answer the questions, 11 Whois the person? adoad inyssacons | 2 Howoldis she? 3. Why does Alex think she is successful? es Listen again. How often does the person do these things? 1 getupearly 2 gofaralong walk 3 use public transport 4 lookafterher great-grandchildren ¢ Make notes about a successful person. Itcan be someone you know (e.g. friend) or someone you don't know (e.g. someone famous). Think about: who the personis what they do why you think they are successful ‘Work in groups. Take turns to tell each other about your successful person. Ask people questions to get ‘more information and use the Useful phrases to help you. ‘A: My friend Dani often wins short fim compettions. B: That's great! What else does she do? He/She sounds amazing ell me/us more. at's great! ‘What else does he/she do? /briliant/fantastic! Reading '@ Marek and Kim are trying a new lifestyle. Look at the photos. What kind of things do you think they do? b Read Marek’ blog post and check your ideas, Hi everyone! Kim and | are tying anew lifestyle. We usually live od inte cy, but ths month so vweelving ina forest without ar electricity, inte things ike that So, how ar | wri hones and | ® Ao 19 this blog? town once a week to use the internet and buy rings we need, The town’s about Id km away and ve alvays walkhese~ i's oreat exercise 'm using the computer in the library at the moment, to check my email and to write to you. Kim's looking for some blankets ina shop because it’s really cold at night! We're living ina realy smple house whichhas ance vegetable garden, lifes good, butishard work We get upat530 am. every day. We havea simple breast then work or most ofthe day. We pick vegetablesin the garden and we collect woodinthe forest We fish workat about 6m. Inthe evenings, we play crc, rea or jus sit garden... when the weather'snice, Wl go to bed eary, too, usuallyaround 9 pam. We're nt missing TV at ll Anyway, we're really enjoying it so far! Anew lifestyle Read Marek’ post again and answer the questions. 11 How oftenda Marek and Kim go into town? 2 Where skim at the mor 3 What time do they get up? 4 What do they do in the evenings? 5 What time do they go to bedi b_ Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1. Would you lke to try ths lifestyle? 2 Where would be a good place to do this in your country? 3 Whatdo you think ae the positive and negative th about thislifestyle? Grammar ‘a Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. Present simple and present continuous happens regularly ually ve in the bi We get up at S302, every da Use the pr something happening ro Tmusing the computer You can also use the present continuous to describe a3permanent/ temporary situation happening around now. Tare tryinga iscommon to use time expressions like atthe moment, right nowand these days with the present continuous, Fmusing th b Find and underline three more examples of the present simple and three of the present continuous in Marek’s post in Exercise 1 120 We usually contract bein the present continuous. Listen and choose the alternative you hear. 1. Weare/Werehaving a great time, 2 Sheis/She'seatinga sandwich 3. lomd/fmworking in the garden, 4. They are/ Theyre working outside. b ))2a1 Listen to the sentences with contractions and repeat. Complete Marek’s latest post with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Hialll Sorry for not writing, Town s very far ancl we 1____{nothave) time to walk here every week. Anyway only one week left! |? inthe library, again, Things are the same here. Every day, we. (work) very hard from morning until night and we4____ (feel) tired all the time. To be honest, we $_____ (want) to go home because we &____{be} quite bored of this festyle. [7___(hink) about our TV and comfortable sofa right now! @ Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 Im.. atthe mome 2 |..every day 3 My family 4 Im... these days, 5 Imnot..ightnow Work in pairs. share your ideas and ask questions to find out more information, oto page 116 of your app for more information and pr Vocabulary Complete phrases 1-8 with the words in the box. Use Marek’ postsin Exercises 1 and tohelp you. eieek epee nave spend starvfinish ee 1 abreak/apicture 2 ___cards/videa games 3 __Tviafilm 4 5 6 —_upiaressed 7 ——-youremai 8 with fiends/family b Add the wordsin the box to phrases 1-8. time alanguagecourse ashow ate theanswers the piano © Work in pairs, Student A: say a verb from the boxin Exercise 7a, Student B: say a noun in Exercise 7a or ‘7b that goes with it, a Go to page 136 or your app for vocabulary and practice Speaking a <)) 112 You're going to describe a changein lifestyle. First, listen toa conversation between Paul and Stephanie. Which change of lifestyle below is Stephanie trying? trying a ne living in a different place/country living with litle money living without technology working at night b Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What different things does she do these days? Does she miss anythi 2 How does she feel about i? Imagine you're making a change to your lifestyle. Choose one of the topics in Exercise Ba or use one of your own ideas. Answer the questions below and make notes. What change are you making? How ist different to your usual lifestyle? How do you feel ab nything? Work in pairs. Take turns to describe your change in, lifestyle. Use your notes in Exercise 9 and the Useful phrases to help you. Hows itgoing? Guess what Im doing (at the moment)? ‘Wow. that sounds (amazing/briliant/ai Im trying (anew sport), colate), I miss ¢ Lookat the pictures and answer the questions. 1 What's happening in each picture? 2 Whatkind of help does each person need? 3 Have youever been in any of these situations? a ©) 223 Listen to three conversations. Match them to three of pictures A-D. ten again and answer the questions. 1 Where does the man in Conversation 1 want to go? 2 Which bus does the girl in Conversation 2 need to take? 3 Which exercise does the girl in Conversation 3need do? wz English in action 1114 Listen and tick (v) the phrases you hear ‘Asking for information What do Ineed ta do? Can yau help me? Giving information Hs this one here Youneed to (buy a ticket) Checking someone understands id you get that? 'sthatclear? Checking details which (one) isit? Can you repeat that, please? Listen again and repeat. Complete the conversations. Use the Useful phrases tohelp you. 1A: Excuse me, Im ooking for somewhere that sells paper Canyou elo me? Br Sure. You 10 go to Clipson the High Street. 2 Als clear? 3: No, sorry can you. ‘AsSure. Take the 952 train, 3 A:Somy missed that: What. need todo? B: Read the paragraph, then answer the questions ‘A: Which paragraphisit? B this one here, that, please? Speaking Work in pairs. Practise the conversation below. ‘A: Hi,Can youhelp me? Im not sure how to get ta the ‘transport museum. B: Youreed to take the 59 bus to Springfield Park, then ‘change to the 342, s that lear? A: |thinkso, Ineed to take the number 59, then the 342, B: Yes, thats right, [As Thanks again, ‘Student A goto page 151 and Student B goto page153. es ; j Check and reflect Complete each question with one word 1 ‘What timelyou get up in the morning? 2 whatyour avout fod? 3 Whose pen this? 4 Longisthelessor? 5 Which lm do wantto watch? 6 How brothersandsistershaveyougo? 2 Lookat the topics below. write aquestion foreach ane toask another student. Use a different question word each time. rmusic/films/T¥ birthday family/friends work/studies free time food/drink Work in pairs and ask each other the questions you wrote. Ask some follow-up questions, a Choose the correct alternatives. 1. What/Who's your favourite actor? 2. How long/How mony doesit take you to get ready in the morning? 3. Whose/Who'sbirthday do you alwaysremember? 4. How long/How many hours of TV de you watch every day? 5. How/Whatdo you lke to relaxin the evening? b Workin pairs. Ask and answer the quest Complete the sentences with one of the adverbs in the box so that they are true for you. You can use ‘them more than once, never always hardly ever often sometimes usually rarely getup early atthe weekend. listen carefully to other people Larrivelate to class Iplan my time well, My teacher gives me homework {im happy when |wake up in the morning Iworkistudy at the weekend, >My friends are busy at the weekend, b Workin groups. Compare your sentences. Are any of them similar? @ Match verbs 1-8 with endings a-h. @Vounune 1 have 2 careof yourself 2 take your timewell 3 take € new things 4 listen d cleargoals 5 start e again 6 ask f alot of questions 7 ty 9 carefully 8 plan hh time off b Choose five of the phrases and write sentences about you for each one, Choose the correct alternatives. ‘A: HiJanice, what 8d0 you do/ore you doingat the moment? B: Nothing really 2just watch/m just watching TV ‘A: Can laskyou a favour? IPhavel'm hovingmy dance class tonight but my babysitter just cancelled. Can you help? ure! | 4dant dom not doing anything important right now. ‘A: That's great! Kieran Sdoes/is doing his homework at the moment, but then he Susually plays!’s usually playing video games for an hour before bed. | should be back by ‘then, Thanks alot! (o problem! ‘a Complete the questions with the correct form of the ‘words in brackets. 1 Whattime (you usually go) to bed? 2 What (you study)in English class ‘his weak? 3 What (you do) ight now? 4 How often (you listen) to podcasts? 5 What (you/ wear) today? b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. ‘a Complete the everyday activities with a verb. 1 lalways ‘my email ist thing in the morning, 21 \work/school at am, al time with my frends every weekend, 4 never __upearly atthe weekend, 51 video games in my free time. 6 Iconttalways breakfast. 7 Inyo a break every hour when im studying al Tevery evening, b Which of the sentences are true for you? Change the others so they are true. ‘¢ Workin pairs. Compare your sentences. Ask some follow-up questions to find out more information. Reflect How confident do you feel about the statements below? Write 1-5 (1= not very confident, 5 = very confident). Ican get to know someone Ican describe habits and routines. Ican describe typical everyday activities. Ican ask for and check information. B 4 Vocabulary and listening Lookat the photos. Do you think the people in the photos are having a good ora bad day? why/why not? a Which adjectives in the box can you use to describe the people in the photos? More than one answer may be possible for each photo, afraid angry bored excited happy nervous relaxed stiessed surprised wortied b Choose the correct alternatives. 1 Sadie’is angry/nervous about her big presentation there are 600 peoplein the room. 2 Hameais quite ra He's not nervous. ed/worried about his interview. 3. Imso bored/stressedhere, There's nathing to-do except watch TV 4 Pabloisso surprisea/excited about his holiday — he talks about tall the time 5. She's very stressed/ofraidat the moment. | thinkshes having avery dificult time at 6 Matteois nervous/afraidbecause he has an exam ‘tomorron, a How would you feel in these situations? Think of as many adjectives as possible for each one. 1. Youfind out that someone at works sa ‘about you to your colleagues. bad things. You‘ lying on your sofa at the end of along day. 3 Youhave a jobintervi 4 Youre lostina big city aright. 5 Youre graduating from university 6 7 Ww tomorrow morning. Yue having 2 un day with your friends. Youreceivea present n the post fromsomeane you don't know 8 Youhave to pay abil but you dosithave any mi b Workin pairs and compare your answers. Choose three of the adjectives in Exercise 2a. For each one, writea sentence describinga situation when you feel this way. Work in pairs and read your sentences to your partner. Guess which adjective your partner is describing. Goto page 137 or your app for more vocabulary and practice, 2a Listen to Lynn talking about her job Interview. Tick (7) how she felt that day. angry _ bor stressed surpris y nervous relaxed Listen again and decide ifthe sentences are true (7) or false F). 1 Lynn woke up late because her alarm dd go of 2. Shehada big breakfas 3 Shewent to her job interview by bus. 4 She used her computer in the presentatio 5 Theinterview wentwell a Grammar Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. Past simple 1 past simple to talk about *fnished Use inished Use was/wasn'tand were/weren't to make the past simple of *be/have The interviewers weren't a) 22 Listen to the pronunciation of the past. simple verbs in the box and complete the table. amived decided deleted ended played looked showed stopped talked tried wanted watched ial hdl i showed decided b Listen again and repeat. Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets al years ago,|*___(go) toadinner party ata colleague's house. when!2____(arrive), he taok my coat ‘and umbrelia, and |___ (show) me tomy seat at theta Looking around, Irealised that | was the only person from work Even worse, his friends all*___¢know) each other really well~ 12___(try) to join in the conversations, but it®___(be) hard, However |”__(natice)a wornan at the other end of the table.| © (think) she was beautiful and realy (want) to talk to her, but she ar away. Anyway | was bored after dinner so: (decide) to leave early. put on my coat, picked up ‘my umbrella, nd 34__ (walk) to the bus stop. But when | ‘opened the umbrella saw it wasrit mine. Just then. | x (hear) a voice behind me say think you've got my umbrella’ looked round, and it was: ie beautiful woman from the dinner party That was ten years ago, and now we're happily married! b Workin pairs. Talk about a time when you Felt nervau bored excited surprised oto page 118 or your app for more information and practice Speaking You're going to describe a memorable day. Choosea day you want to describe and think about: 1 Wasita good or bad day? 2 What happened atthe start of the day? nts? 4 How aid you feel during the day? 5 What happened in the end? hep asoua 40 2u0 | DEPARTURES + Work in groups. Describe your day to your group. Use the Useful phrases to help you. Are any of your days similar? itstarted well/oadly First ofall (woke up late), Then, (Imisse¢ my bus) After that, (Igotlost), Finally (lent home). YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE YOUNG TO DO AMAZING THINGS This week we've looking at three people who did somett 1azing later in their lives. Who were they? What did they do? Why did they do it? Kimani Maruge Ximani Maruge wes born in Kenya, child, people in his country had to pay to ao to schoo ‘0 he din loam to ead and writs. Then, in 20 primary schools became ft so he d education, He started school or the fst time at 84 yoats ol Learning wasnt easy for him buthe worked hard. This experience completaly changed his life. In fact, n 2006, he travelled to Naw York to talk to po at the Unitod Nations about fe education Harriette Thompson "Hamrette Thompson was bor in 1923 in the US. She worked as a piano player for most of her fe. On 23rd May 1999, one of Harrietie's fiends dacided ta ‘yal the San Diogo mazathon for charity. Harriett ved her but sho did't walk ~ she ran, She was 75 Yeats old, She ran the marathon every year between pt for one year when she was very Il When She was 94 years old, sho became the oldest wornan to complete a marathon. It took her 7 ha 24 minutes and 96 seconds and she collected more than $100,000 for charity. Laila Denmark ila Denmark was bor in She wanted to torso she could het lidren, Studying medicine wasn't usual for women at the time, In fac, she was the only woman in & clase of 82 students. Most people stop working when they're about 65, but Dr Denmack didn’t rete until sho was 103 yeais ald! She lived for 11 more years. Reading and vocabulary Look at the photos. what amazing thing do you think. you each person did? Read the article. Match descriptions 1-3 to photos ‘A-Cand answer the questions in the introduction. Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 When did Kimani Maruge start school? 2 When did he travel to the US? 3 When did Harriette frst run a marathon? 4 When id she become t woman torun a ‘marathon? 5 When did Laila Denmarkrretire? 6 How old was she wien she died? Workin pairs. Who do you think did the most amazing thing? Why? Put the time expressions in order from the most, recent (1) to the oldest (6). in2018 sixweeks ago last month 1 on 23rd May 2017 until 2015 when Twas five Complete the expressions with the words in the box. ago in last on until when 1 wasachid 4 _my10thbirthday 2 —__week 5 last year 3 Afew years. 6 15 Write six sentences using each expression. Work in pairs. Tell each other your sentences. Give ‘more information. Go te your app for more practice. | ink azing box. day Grammar Speaking Past simple negative and questions 1K Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. a ©) 24 You're going to talk about something special you did inthe past, First, listen to Dan and Megan. Use didrt/ doesn’ + infinitive to make past simple a ae ‘Regative sentences. She didn’t walk — she ran. b Write three questions Dan could ask Megan to find Dr Denmark didn’t retire until 2001 ‘out more information. Use#isn'tand aren't/wasn't and weren't with the © <))2s Listen to the rest of their conversation. Did verb be Dan ask any of your questions? What other things di Schools weren't ee youlearn about Megan? learning wasn't easy for hin ‘Use 2do/ald + infinitive to make past simple questions, Z Jo8 hat dd they oo? 4 ‘a hy di they doit? 4 ro ae Use Alia was and werein past simple questions with be Who were they? 23 Listen to the conversations. Notice the pronunciation of did/didn'tand was! wasn't. 1 A:Did youlearnta sing at schoo?” B:Yes, did 2 A:Did she finish the marathon? B: No, she didn't 3 A:How old were you? Bl wasn't very ol, actually 4 A:Wwashe fromitaly? B:No, he wasnit? Listen again and repeat. Work in pai Think of something special that you did in the past, Use the prompts to make questions with did, wasor forexample: an event, learning something new Letan or doing something for the first time. Answer the 1. How /you, learn to play the piano? questions below. How di you earn to play the pao? What dd you do? 2 it/tficult to ge into your university? when didyoudo 12 3 When /you/ get your driving icence? here cd you doit? Wha did you doit with? Why did youdoit? * 4 you / happy with your exam result 5. yous enjoy water skiing? 6 he/winthe rece? Complete each answer with didn’t, wasn‘tor weren't, When! was35.1____ have lessons until was in my a Workin pairs. Tell each other about what you 30s. did, Ask each other questions to find out as much b ttwasrealy hard, Maths an easy exam, information as possible. € ‘taught myself |__ havea teacher b Workin different pairs. Tell each other what you Nowe. learnt about your first partner. € lovedit. tt____scary atall. # None ____. He came second, Work in pairs. Take it in turns to ask a question in Exercise 6a and answer with a response from 6. Go to page 118 or your app for move information and practice. Listening & vocabulary Write down as many types of food as possible for the categories below. ‘meat andfish fruit tables ‘@ Lookat the photos and discuss the questions. 1. Doyouknow any of the dishes? 2. Whatingredients do you think arein each dish? ‘3. Which country do you think each one's from? 4 Which would you like to try? Why? b Read descriptions1-5 and match them to photos. A-E, Do you think they sound nice? Ahi Poke Hawai ‘This popular fish salad from Hawall is made with tuna, onions, garlic, seeds, soy sauce and oll. People usually eat it as a starter, or as a side ish with their lunch. Br Thc wala ssa bl Semaine people just eat it as a snack. I's made from milk, butter and chocolate. People usually eat brigadeires at parties, and they're delicious! sadeiro Brea Stargazy pie UK {his isa fish pie made with the fish heads on the outside, lke they are looking (or ‘gazing’) at the stars, Its other main ingredients are potatoes, eggs, butter and onions. Po’e Tah This is'a popular dessert in Tahiti, but people sometimes eat it as a side dish, too. itis a ‘sweet dish made with bananas or mangoes, some sugar and same coconut cream, Nasi Lemak Molaysia ‘Some peopie describe this as the national dish of Malaysia, People usually eat it for breakfast, but you can also eat it at any time during the day. It includes rice, egg and cucumber, and often comes with a hat sauce called sambal. 2.6 Listen to three people talking about some of ‘the dishes in Exercise 2. which dish does each person ‘ry? Dothey like it? Listen to the conversations again. In which conversation (1, 20r 3) do you hear the adjectives in the box? delicious dry are plain sour sweet. Which adjectives do you think are positive and which are negative? Work in pairs. Think of two dishes or types of food for each adjective. Goto page 137 or your app for more vocabulary and practic, Grammar 27 Listen to the extracts and choose the correct alternatives. Actually th But there'safew/lt of chocolate and mik isn't anyfasugar init 1 2 3 Hav 4 Wsgot a few/tots of chil 5 : 6 7 fen sauce with it 5 of sm my part of the world Yes,ithasa few/ittle ail init, Yes, there are a few/little herbs and spices tag more flavour 8 lusvally have no/ab ofbread with it,to0 Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. Quantifiers ‘Use a/an to introduce ‘singular countable ‘uncountabie nouns. Use any, some, alot offlats of with both countable ‘and uncountable nouns, alt tot Use a few with 2p al countable! uncountablenouns isa few eggs not many, just Use aitie/a bit of with ®singular countable’ ‘uncountableniouns. ae ere’ just alittle sugar init ~ not too much, en Anya fewand a litle describe a layge/small amount, : Alot of/iots of descrites a Sbig/small amour. Justa little milk fo not too uct Wows theres a lat of chi 2 <)> 2@ Listen to the sentences. what do younotice about the letters in bold? 1. There's alt of salt inthis, vhich 2 There are some eggsin the fridge 3 There isn't any sugar init, od for 4 There's abit of soy sa 5 There area few apples an the table, u isten again and repeat. Complete the description with the words in the box, alotof any(z) few little lots Although there are there aren't, USA, Although different types of white pizza, ke the one from Pennsylvania, that alled a pizza i's more lke a pie, There isn't2____meat onit, but there's ¢___of cheese. Its usually made using aS___dfferent types of cheese, and a6 ____olive oil's poured an top before baking, These ingredients give ita great flavo Complete the sentencesso they are true for you. 1 leatalatof 2 ike some types of 3 There's a/some...inmy fevourite dish 4 (ty to eata itle/a few ..every day 5 There isr'Veren' my fridge at home at the moment 6 dont lke any kinds of b Workin pairs and compare your answers. Do you have anything in comman? Go topage 118 or your appt more information ane prs Speaking You're going to describe a dish. First, choose one of the ideas below and make notes. Use the adjectives, in Exercise 4a and the Useful phrases to help you. {an unusual dish that you know acish you really iked when you acish you know how tomake ‘your favourite dish its made from (eggs/chocolateycheese) (sugar! looks (cry) Ittastes (del People usually a Workin groups. Describe your dish to your group, Listen to other students describe theirdishes and ask questions. b Which dish would you most like to try? 20 English in action Look at the photos. whatare the people doing? How are they feeling? 244 Listen to four conversations and answer the questions. 1 why is Alihappy? 2 Haw did Marcohelp Fran? 3 What time is Rickys party? 4 What did Simone win? Choose the correct alternatives to complete the extracts from the conversations. 1. 80 percent That's/ Whats briliant! 2. Wt5/Theyrelovely Thanks! 3 That lo 4 ‘ove your curties. They'e really/sogood. ‘ound great! 5 Noway! That's omazingl/great! Listen to the conversations again and check your answers, 245 Listen to the sentences. Does speaker 1 or speaker 2 show interest/excitement in each one? 1. That sounds fan 2 Amazin 3 Howexciting| 4 hata great idea! 5 That sounds really interesting! 246 Listen to the speakers showing interest/ excitement again and repeat. a Complete the conversations with an appropriate response. Use the Useful phrases to help you. More ‘than one answer might be possible. 1. A:!mgoing torun a marathon next month, B: Really? That exciting! And difficult 2 A: We werein Mexico this time last woek 8; _|____youhave a good time? 3 A: !velust got my dream job! B: Really? That's —__| 4 A:tm making your favourite pasta for dinner 8 1 5 A: vle went to that new Italian restaurant lastnight. B: Really? What ____you think of i? Asitwas——! Creating interest, Guess what (happened to me}!? Guess what Idid/where | went? Responding to information Great!/Brlian Ws/They're (4 That's (amazing/great) How (excting/amazing/fantastic} what @ (good idea). “That sounds (lovely/wonderfull Noway! Asking follow-up questions. What happened (next/after that)? How did thavit go? ‘Who did you go with? b Workin pairs, Practise the conversations with the appropriate intonation. Speaking 2 Work in pairs. You're going to share some exciting news. Itcan be real or imagined. Student A go to page 151 and Student B go to page 152. b Share your news with each other. Show interest and excitement when appropriate. Use the Useful phrases to help you. re 9 Check and reflect 1 a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be getup go have meet play take ch wat 1 |___a really good film ast month, 2 My family and! on holiday last summer. 31 agreat meal last night, 4 Mysister_—_a train to Moscow two weeks ago, 51 some video games lastnight. 6 My friend and! ___ at acoffee shop last week. 71 late yesterday after10 am. 8 |___boored yesterday Workin pars. Which sentences are true for you? Give ‘moreinformation about them. 2 2 Complete each sentence with an adjective of feeling. ‘The first and last letter of each word are given. 1 ve gotso much work todo. tm ealys Ourholday starts tomorrow mso.e dt 3 Ima__ of spders. hate them. 4 Jonnever gets stressed. He always __1 5 When Sam dropped Abis phone, she gat really) with him, 6 ve-gotmy criving test tomorow and m realy ns. 7 Bily just wona competition. Hes realy h__y 8 Everyone wes s__.d when they heard the news. Workin pars. Choose five of the adjectives and talk about when you ast felt lke that. Twas angry lst week when lost Make each sentence negative. 1 Wewent to the gym lastnight. 2 Sarawas happy yesterday 3 went to bedlate last night 4 They were very busy last week. 5 We played cards yesterday. 6 Jimmy lived in San Diego when he was a chil. Workin pairs. Tell each other three things you wanted ‘todo yesterday but didn't do. [wanted to go ta the gym but Idd have time, 4a Putthe words n the correct order to make questions. last night/ you did / do/ what /? ‘you/ who/ chat to/ yesterday /did/? were /last weekend / you / where/? did / go / what time / lastnight / to bed / you/? have for dinner / what / yesterday / yau/ did /? was /your/ what colour /firstcar/? TV last/ you did / night / watch /? this English course / decide / why /you/ did / do /t0/? Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. : ‘@ Match the sentence halves. 1 Ididrtlearn toswimuntillwas year 2 Carewas boson b 17th April999, 3 Wefirstmet each other last © ten,years od 4 Liamstartedanewjobafewweeks d_|was.atschool 5 I moved to Rom e ago, 6 didn't study English when £ 2017, b Workin pairs. Tell each other some things you didin the past using some past time expressions. went to France last week. a Choose the correct alternatives. ‘This is a meal that | cook for friends. I's simple but delicious and they love tl | make pasta with a tomato sauce. 1 cook tsome/a few spaghetti and then Ifry half 2an/some onion in 3a ittieve few oil, Then | add *a few/any herbs and a few/a litle garlic but ‘not to0 much, Finally | mix the spaghetti and sauce together | then put Sa/a ot of parmesan cheese on top because loveit somuch, Thereisn'tany/a ttle meat inthis dish because Im vegetarian but you can put ®an/someinf you lik. b Workin pairs. Describe your favourite meal. what is, Ite Whats init? a Put the letters in italics in the correct order to make adjectives. 1 This orange uice is really etswe, 2 This sandwich doesnt taste of anything. Its very alan, 3 | love this chocolate cake. It's coleusi 4 Let'seat something thigllikea salad 55 Aargh! This lemon juice is eally orus! 6 Isthis milk shrefor old? 7 | can't eat this cake. Its too meaycr b Workin pairs. Think of other food that you can describe with each adjective in Exercise 73. € Tell each other thrge foods you think are delicious and three foods you think are plain. Do you agree? Reflect How confident do you feel about the statements below? Write 15 (= not very confident, 5 = very confident). Ian deseribea memorable day | can ask about and describe past events ~ ean describea special dish can show interest and exctement Urban escapes ‘a Complete each sentence with an adjectivein Exercise 2a. 1 This area has become very___—. Everybody tikes to come here, 2 Lookat that view, it really —_! 3 love this city but the alris so 4 Oon't visit the museum an a Saturday it gets very 5 There'sanice mix of both____andold buildings by he river b Workin pairs and discuss the questions. 1. Which of the adjectives could you use to describe the places in Exercise 1? 2 Which of the adjectives could you use to describe where you live? ‘Read the travel forum posts and decide which photos in Exercise 1 the people are discussing. Hey: 'm in London for the weekend. Where are the best Jaces to eat Out? | | Camden Market! There are ots of chooes, with food fomal over tho word, andit's qute reap. t.arealy | tye area, ith lat of excting things fo do icesting a9, 00 there's @ moc of and mode lng | Rebecca | | Camden Markt s creat, but can got very crowded. fd | recommend St Katherine's Docks, a bit further away. ts | Stovely Its area where you can relax and have arice | meal and isnot as lsy as Camden Mart thinks Cheaper and quite to! Barry Hi everyone, my wife ar J are going to Rio de Janeiro Vocabulary and reading nacre Gane conned we bacentoge | Look atthe pairs of photos A-Cand discuss the Pedro questions. Wel, stove Copacabana.’ anger than the other | teaches in the city, s there's lots of space to play 1. Do you knaw any of the places i he photos? iolier thar other beaches, too volleyball or just relax. 2: nk place woul yourostie toi? wy? easier | a Doyou think the adjectives in the box are positive (P) Patrizio t crcccatiegt? | Fatecorevend Gra or Prana thse to beaches tres iow hlretoe out of i. Thee sear than exciting interest lively modern noisy | Bethany od eset carer vth Peco. You shou dently vt Copan treo beaches nthe ey, uk Pana ars mer b Workin pairs andcompare your answers. Do you Sebate: Theyre ess nosy and more bea, AM agree? [opinion U ine eee ee eee eee ee ee by tos i i | i i i i : j 4 b Read the forum posts again and decide if the sentences are true T) or false (F). 1 Camden Market isa peaceful place. 2 Camden Marketis 8 popular place. 3 St. Katharine’ Docks is near Camden Market 4 Copacabana beachis busy 5 Grumatiand Prainha are outside the city ¢ Work in pairs. Are there any similar placesin your country? 4B co to page 138 0 your app for more vocabulary and practice Grammar 5 2 Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. Comparatives (se be + comparative adjective + than to compare two things The market fs more popular than the park Tomake comparatves, add -eror -erto*shorvfong adjectives. The castles older than theb: This exercise is easier than thelast one. ‘Use mazeor less before short/ong adjectives. South Beach is more beautiful than North Beach. (Campbells restaurant is less popular than Gino's: Someadjectives ar regular regular eg, good — better. Woodland Pari better than the riverside Youcan use (rat)as +adjective + asto say two thingsare orarent the same. ‘This esteurant is as good as the one we went ta yesteray ‘This shop isn’tas cheap as the supermarket, but ket » Find and underline one example of each comparative formin the forum posts. < a1 Listen to the sentences and notice how the ‘weak forms of -erand thanare pronounced 1. The streets are dirt than they were Five years ag. 2 The northaf the cityis oer than the south ofthe city 3. Thispat ofthe beach is cleaner than the other part 4 My townis busier than yours b Listen again and repeat the sentences. Complete the description withthe correct form of the adjectivesin brackets. (One of my favourite places to escane tain Munichis the \Viktualienmarkt, a fresh food market in the centre of the city Its*___ (quiet) than the area around it and some products are?___ (cheap) as those in the supermarket - Sometimes cheaper! Sutwhen | really want to escape the city go to the English Garden, i's ®___ (peaceful) than the Viktualienmarkt, and theairis¢___(not dirty) as the rest ofthe city You can ‘always find a quit place to relax because it's so big, in Fact, tS®_ (big) than Central Park in New York! a Compare the places using the adjectives in Exercise 2a. 1 Riode janeiro / Madrid | think Rio de Janeiro is more beautiful than Mada 2 my town or city Paris, 3 thedesert / the mountains 4 the parks in my town or city / the countryside 5 thecities nmy country thecitiesin the US b Workin pairs and compare your ideas. }) Goto page 120 or your app for more information and practice. Speaking a) 32 You're going to make alist of top ten places ‘to visit. First, isten to Mark and Sandra talking about anarticle they have to write. Which two places do they choose to write about? Listen again and answer the questions. 11 Why doesn't Sandralike Marks first choices? 2 Why does Marklike the Louvre? 3. What does Sandra say about the British Museum? '@ Make your own list. Write two places for each of the categories below. They can be places in your own. country or other countries. famous buildings beaches street markets parks places shopping areas b Write some adjectives next to each place. ‘2 Workin pairs. Compare your lists using the adjectives ‘you wrote and agree on two places for each category. ‘A: Bondi Beach is relly beautiful but think Bay is more beautifuland more peaceful OK. let's choose South Bay Share yourlistwith the rest of the class. Did anyone else make the same choices as you? sodexsa ueain| 24 Vocabulary and reading Workin groups and discuss the questions. 1 2 Watare the most important things for you when you choose ahatel? ‘a Workin pairs, Match words 1-10 with aj 1 youlike staying in hotels? Why/why not? 1 airport room 2 breakfast service 3 organised star 4 free out 5 room included 6 double reception 7 sea transfer 8 four tour 9 24-hour vie 10 check i parking b Complete the sentences with one of the phrases. 1. We don't need to take a tax. The hotel provid free 2 Istherealate__ ? Idoritwant ta getup yeti 3 Hereare yourkeys, There's inthe price, ut not lunch and dinner 4 Excuse me, We asked fora butwe canenly see the carpark from our window. 5 Letsordersome ‘mhungry! 2 the middle of the night, 7 We'dlike to vist the city tom recommendan -e going toartivein row. Can you 2 8 Wehavea single - would youllke to b ‘a Thinkabout the last time you stayed in a hotel ‘and make notes. Use the phrases in Exercise 2a, b Work in pairs. Tell each other about your hotels. ‘Ask questions to find out more information. for ook it? same pt Goto page 138 or your app for more vocabulary and practice a Lookat the photos in the magazine article. what do you think you can doin each place? b Read the article and check your ideas. Poru Shaun Tyson We had a great time at the Bela Vista. Ithad some ofthe best ves of anywhere we stayed in South America -we booked the room at the top ofthe hostel because you can see the furthest from it Also I's the biggest ‘oom, We spent an hour or two there every day, rolaxing with @ cold dink and enjoying the view. We loved thet organised tours of the forest - they were amazing! But the best things, isthe least expensive place to stayin the area (with breakfast included every day), Juliette Wilson Last year we traveled through South-East Asia and stayed ints of modem hotels. So, when we came to Matahar Vilage, it was a really nice change, Actually, twas the nicest plane we stayed in. We learnt about local cooking in the day, met peoole fom the area, and at right we stayed in beautiful wooden houses. The beds inside didn't look ‘ety comfortabl, but infact itwas the most comfortable place we stayed inal holiday! Seychelles Tristan Norris This sumer, my vite ar! ‘wanted to do something a bit special. We stayed in the Water Room’ at The Prinoess Magenta Resort. The room s actualy in the sea and vou can see tropical fish through the glass for, I's the most beautiful view ever So you're looking for a peaceful piace to stay, then | dfitly ‘ecommendit Fish athe quietest nelahbours i the worl! ‘At the ond of our holiday, we tint want to check ut S a Read thearticle again and match the descriptions to the places, 1 ItScheaper than other local places, Bela Vista Hoste! 2 Youcanleam something new there. 3 Theteisn'tany noise. 4 You havea view under your feet 5 Youcan see along way from one of the rooms. 6 its traditional experience. ‘Workin pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Which of these places would/wouldrit you like to stay int why? why not? 2 Arethere any places ike thisin your country? Grammar 6a Read the grammarbox and choose the correct alternatives. Superlatives Use the + superlative adjective to compare. Hostels are the cheapest places to stay in the city. Tomake superlative adjectives, add -est or ~iestto short/long adjectives. JeSthe biggest hotel in the arca ‘He the funniest person I know. Use the most or the leastbefore ¢short/iong adiectives, TenXisthe most modern hotelin the city. Itwvas the least comfortable room in the hotel Some adjectives are irregular, eg. bad - worse - worst It the worst hotel in the city. ® Find andundertne eight supetatives in theartice. 7 a aa Ustento the sentences and notice how the superlatives are pronounced. 1 ltstecasiest aceto a 2 isthe lest uicngin he area 3 Thsis the ualesthoteln town 4 They have thercestfood Usten again and repeat. Complete each sentence with the superative form of the adjective in rackets, Thisis (sma rominthehate butt very aut TheNew Hotlis___ (modern hte nthe a, su st year heres (gad) place tostay in thistonn? Ne never bean er before Thehotes hare are quite cheap but the hostel next doors. (expensive) opton = snl £15 ight This (prety) part town, There are the amzzng views from the root Roolesof photos Complete the questions about the places in the article with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. \Which place do you think. 1 is____(epensivey? 2 is cheap? 3 has____(go0¢) restaurant? 4 has (aice) rooms? 5 is__(easy)toget to? is__ (dificult to get to? has. (interesting) organised tours? is __ (far) from yourcountry? pairs and ask and answer the questions. Do you agree with each other? ®) Go 0 page120 oF your app for more information and practice. Speaking ‘)) 4 You'te going to plan atrip. First, isten toPat, Andrea and Shannon discussing three places to stay: Casa Tranquil, The Happy Campers Village and The Mantra Resort. Answer the questions. 1 Which hotels the most expensive? 2 Which hotelisthe cheapest? 3 Where do they decide to go? Imagine you're planning a class trip to New York and you need to decide where to stay First, decide how important these things are for you (1 = notimportant and'5 = very important). close tothecentre > madern noise sizeof the roam cost » Faclties (wif, parking, etc.) Go to page 152. Read the information about three hotels and choose where you want to stay. ‘Work in groups. Explain your choice with the other students in your group and try to agree on applace to stay. Use the Useful phrases to help you. A; I think we should stay atthe Fiomestyle because it's close to the centre and it the cheapest B: Imnot sure. lke somewhere q noisiest I think we should stay at (the Miramar) because it (has the best views). Why don’t we (stay in this hotel)? ‘That one is too (expensive/noisy). This one is (nearer) than (that one). Aas o.a0e(d y | Vocabulary ‘2 Work inpairs. Match a verb in box A with a word or phrase in box B. Sometimes more than one answer is, possible, a be break cook drive eat fall go learn. hare visit ublic_abike al on TV aphotoor toswim — with chopsticks gallery all match ame skin asports car Which activities can you see in the photos? 2 Workin pairs, Which activities in Exercise 1a do you think most people do in their lives? Which do people notusually do? b Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use the activities in Exercise 1a to help you. 1 lofte 2 neve 3 When Iwas younger! 4 Lastyear! 5 once 6 didnt . until] was. years old. ‘Work in pairs. Tell your partner your sentences and sive more information, Go to your app for more practice Listening 35 Listen to aradio show. Which activity does each speaker talk about? What's thelr reason for not doing it? Listen again and choose the correct alternatives. L Ive never ie 2 ve never swim/swumin the sea 3 Ive never ride/riddena bike, 4 saw/seenmy brother fal off hi He's never watch/wotcheda football match in his lif Have you ever try/ tried to take him ta amatchi Have you ever/neverboiled an eag? Grammar 4 Read the grammar box and choose the correct, alternatives. Present perfect with ever and never Use the present perfect to talk about things that happened in the past. You tdofdon'tsay exactly ‘when they happened Use has/have + Zinfinitive/past participleto form the present perfect, He's seen lots of tennis matches. Use the 4past simple/present perfect simple to say ‘when something happened. {went to a poo! when Iwas in Spain. Use neverin a ‘statement/question. Hes never watched football match. Use everina Sstatement/questian. Have you everbolled an egg? 2 <))36 Listen tothe sentences. Notice the pronunciation of has/hasn'tand have/haven't. 1 A:Tve never eaten with chopsticks. Have you? BB Yes, Ihave, 2 A: Saras broken her arm. B: Oh, no! ve never broken a bane, 3 A:Have you ever fallen asleep in public? B: No.l havertt. 4.-AsHas Max ever cocked a meal foryou? 8: Yes hehas, |b Workin ptrs Listen and repeat. s i a Complete each sentence with neverand the present cee perfect form ofa verb nthe box. drive eat learn meet ride share visit watch 1 |____aphoto ontine 2 Myfamilyané|_—____toswim ove 3 |____amototite , at sportscar ve 5 Mostot my fiends a Stor Wars fim 6 |____afamous personinreal ie 7 One of my riends amuseum a1 caviar Correct the false ones. b Workin pairs. Are any of the sentences true for you? @ Write three questions with Have you ever... 7and the verb phrases in Exercise 1a. Think of two follow-up questions to ask if the answer's yes. Workin pairs. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. sana 12899) broken a bi ‘Go to page’120 or your app for more information and practice. Speaking a ¢))a7 You're going to play a game called Truth or Lie? First, isten to Amy and Rob playing the game. How does it work? b Listen again and number Amy's questions in the order youhear them, a Why were there cameras in the IT department? b What happened? ¢ Whatid you do? When was that? 2 How did they make that mistake? ‘¢ Workin pairs. Do you think Robis telling the truth? Why/why not? d-©) ae Listen and check your ideas. Workin pairs. You're going to play Truth or Lie? First, make notes about two experiences that you've had and two experiences that you haven't had. For example: ‘ameal youve cooked aplace youve visited prize youve won asport youve played a Play the game with your partner. Take turns to read your sentences and ask questions about them. Decide if your partner's sentences are true or alie. Use the Useful phrases to help you. b Play the game with a different partner. © Who told an interesting true story? Who told an interesting lie? Shall start? t's my/your tur, | think thats (true/ le). ‘well donel 28 English in action Workin pairs, What kind of news do people usually share with each other? Use the topics below to help you. family interests friends holidays home 313 Listen to three conversations. Which topic is each conversation about? Look at the Useful phrases. Then listen to the conversations again. In which conversation 1-3 do you hear each phrase? Giving news what Asking for news How are things? How have youbeen? Responding to good news ‘That's (briliant/great/fanta That's fantastic/great/good) news Lucky you! Sounds (amazing/briliant/great! Responding to bad news Sorry to hear that. What a shame/That's2 shame. ‘That’ (awful/sad/nat good) 314 Listen to twodifferent speakers responding to some news. Do you think Speaker 1 or 2 uses the appropriate intonation in each phrase? Why? 1. Oh, that'sashame. 2 Really? That’ surprise! 3 Oh, fm sory tohear that 4 Really? That's not good! 5 Lucky you! 325 Listen and repeat. Copy the intonation. Read the sentences. Think about how to respond to each one, Use the Useful phrases to help you. 1. Guess what! ve won trp to Paris 2 Have youheard from Mike? He lost his phone lastnight 3 Imrealy sorry |can'tcome to your birthday party. 4 Welost the match yesterday. 5 Haw are things with you? 6 0D 8 My cats missing. can't find him anywhere Hey, ve got anew jo Did you know that Toms never read @ book? Work in pairs. Take turns to reada sentence from Exercise 4a and respond. von trip to Paris Speaking Imagine you're going to meet a friend to share some news. Choose three topics from Exercise 1 and make notes about some good or bad news - it canbe real or imagined. Work in pairs and share your news with each other. Use the Useful phrases to help you. A: Hey, how ve you been’ Work with adifferent partner and have another conversation, jt0 ight! me ake al job Check and reflect a Complete each sentence with an adjective in the box. dirty interesting lively modern noisy peaceful The ir in the city isn't very clean. I's quite. 2 tknow you fin art galleries boring but! think theyre 3 hike restaurants with lots of people and noise. 4 prefer cities to old ones. 5 Most places are busy and noisy but the parks. 6 ThisstreetS so. I can'thear witat youre saying! b Workin pairs. Which adjectives can you use to describe the area where you are now? ‘a Complete the blog post with comparatives. “These days live in London but tactually rew up on an island in the south of the UK called the Isle of wight, The island's ‘about 40 km long and 20 km wide with a population of 130,000 people ois much+___ (small) than London, London's? ousy) and*___ (noisy) of course but its also *____ (interesting) because there are so many things ‘todo, Theresa cinema on theisland and lots of good places to eat out, but London has$___ (exciting) nightie, feel lucky because | can enjay London but also escape to the island for some weekends atthe beach, The air there is&__ (fresh) thanin London and Ireally feel that ican relax.| don't usually go there in summer though because the beaches fee!?____ (crowded) as London's ® (good) to ga in spring or autumn when it's? (busy) b Workin pairs and compare two places that you know. ‘@ Complete each sentence about where you live with a superlative and your own idea. 1 The (goad) place to meet new people 2 The (nice) time of year is 3 The (quiet) place inthe areais. 4 The delicious) food around here is ‘Workin pairs. share your answers to 3a. Do you agree? Complete the hotel description with the words below. airporttransfer_breakfastinciuded _ five-star ‘ree parking organised tours Toomservice seaview 24-hourreception ‘The Ambassador Hotel isa hotel with excellent service. There isa® so guests can checkinat any time. Our rooms are comfortable and mast of them have a % Theres inthe price and = is available if youwant to eatin your room, Theresé. for people who wantto drive here, and we offer a free? ‘when you need to get your fight home. While you're with us, make sure you go on one of our fantastic® around the city ta see some of the sights. b Workin pairs. Describe your dream hotel. where is What isin it? What can you do there? Choose the correct alternatives. She's solazy She has/have never worked a day inher life! Have you ever/neverbeen to Greece? We've never savv/seen so many people on this beach, Luke been/went to the Maldives last year I neverlve neverhad abirthday party when | was. child id/Have you ever tried sushi? He have/has never played basketball They spokerhave spoken taa famous person at the weekend. 'b Workin pairs, Take turns to ask Have you ever... ? ‘questions with the activities below and ask some follow-up questions. ‘see an elephant ‘cook dinner for more than ten people play chess ‘win competition ridea motorbike A: Have you B: Yes, have A: When was that? ast yearn in a Complete each sentence with an appropriate verb in the correct form. More than one answer might be possible. 1 Ivenever ‘on TV but was once on the radio, 2 My mums never. how to swim. 31 asleep on the bus yesterday. 4 My brothers never. bike. He prefers walkingl 5 6 oVaunune Lastyear | my uncle's sports cat It was fast i Chinese food forthe first time last night. b Write alist of six activities you think everyone should doin theirlifetime. © Workin pairs and compare your lists. which activities have you done? Which haven't you done? Reflect How confident do you feel about the statements below? Write1-5 (1 = not very confident, 5 = very. confident) | can compare places to visit | can choose aplace to stay. | can describe past expediences, | can give and respond ta news. (29 Reading and vocabulary Work in pairs and ook atthe photos. whatcan you see? Which countries do you think these celebrations happen in? 2 Read the text and check your ideas in Exercise. Match each celebration to photo. Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 hen do people celebrate each day? 2 what do people doon these de 3 Onwhich day do people notgoto work? Friend's Day in Argentinas on 2c July each year. t's really important day and people start areparing a long tine beloe eS no a public holiday so people sil wor, but ir the evenings they meetup wih ends. I's popular to go out fora mea and restaurants ae always ful. People often contacto renis and give gst each ote ‘hia one of the most faraous festwalsn China, The date ‘anges every year but people Celebate it every autumn, It happens at this time of year because fs uhon farmers coleet the foo fom tei fla. scaled the Moon Festal because [people thank the moon forthe seasons andthe fond t's pul hada so people enjoy themselves all day. Some peanleoelebvate thom, oters go out to lok atthe moan, and las of people eat ‘waditonal mooncakes, Fonert Bums was a famous Scotish pat inthe 18tncentuy Every 25th Janvary, on his bithcay, fends and fenily got together to celebrate Burns Night, Peagle work during te day, 50 fhe evening they have dinner parties and rll rend and ‘ami 10 ther homes fora Burs Suppet. They eat tectiona food Such as haggis and read some of Rotet Burs’ poems. Tey have ‘um ona cold winters nigh Special days Complete each question box. Use the text in Exercise 2 tohelp you. nds festivals ith a word or phrasein the celebrate contacto fr gettoether glvegifts go out foramea have dinner partles "have fun publicholiday traditional 1. Haw oftendo you. with your friends and family? _? How clo you find ther at your hame? Are ya 4 What's your favourite —? Does everyo havea day aff work? 5 Whendid you last _ 7 where did yougo? Whatdid you eat 6 Doyoupreferto___or receive them? 7 Are there any good ______ in your area? wi do people do at them? 8 How-da you tik 9 Boyar doyoulike n moder ler festivalso Workin pairs and take turns to ask and answer th questions. Sota your app for more practice. nthe ands hem? 2youa eryone ou go? ? what n ones? ©? the Grammar 2. Q) 4a tistento Ben and jane talking about Burns Night. What are their plans? b Listenagain and choose the correct alternatives. 1 fm going/ want toinwite my neighbours tomy house. 2. Mymum would tikes going to cook far the whole tari. 3 id ike/wontta makea traditional meal 4 Im not going/don't want to cook haga’s though 5 | woul ike/ want to ask my neighbours to bring 3 dessert 6 what poems are you going to/do you want to read? 5 Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. be going to, want and would like Use be + going to + tnfintivel-ing form talk about future plans, Tmgoing to invite my neighbours for dinner. Use wantand would like + #infinitive/-ing form to talk about things we want todo. Talike to make a traditional meal, Twant to ask my neighbours fo bring a dessert. Use these time expressions to talk about the future q inan hour this Friday, next week. in two weeks/in two weeks’ time. Sa 42 Ustontotne sentences. Notcethe pronunciation of toineachoneIsitstrongor weak? 1 Dan wants tohavea dimer party next nec, 2: Kelysoong tocontacthe old schoo ends, | tatteogocuttoremealine J» unenagamanarapent | 7» compete the conversion th the corettomsot | taensinnebor ¢ be going to/do ; begoing to/have be going to/get together 1 eee |] tevneyosatony testa ona a. foot witsonaolschoa ends We dinner. ‘A: That's nice. Where are you going? Br Wes: to.agreat restaurant near my ft, it there are any tables available. Ac what, you? 1 Im not sure. Wee, ‘uiet sa we can chat, ‘A: Well, Chesco's Pizzas really nice, and ina quiet part of ‘avin. You could go there. B: Grestidea! Thanks! Work in pairs. Practise the conversation. fits tute somewherenice and ; ‘2 Put the future time expressions in order from nearest (1) tofurthest (8) in time. intwo months time next Apri at twoo'lock tomorrow ‘the day after tomorrow ‘the year afternext in2060 inanhour 2 this Saturday b Complete the sentences with your own ideas and a ‘time expression. 1 Imgoing. Tim going 0 2 tmnotgoing 3 Lwant, 4 Idon'twant 5 Idlike.. 6 Iwouldn'tlke. new job next manth, © Work in pairsand compare your sentences. Ask each other questions to find out more. A bnext month, ae Whatare ye Speaking You're going to talk about a celebration (e.g. birthday, a graduation ora public holiday) happening soon. it can berealor imagined. First, make notes. and answerthe questions. When i it What are you going to do? \Where are you going to celebrate I? Who are you going ta celebrate with? Work in groups. Take furns to tell each other about your celebration, Ask each other questions to find ‘out more, Use the Useful phrases to help you. Abig celebration for mes (my daughter’ birthday), Im going to have fun (with friendsimy family). Were going to (have a picnic, also like ta (play some games). What do you (want to do)? b Who has the most interesting plans in your group? What are they going todo? 6o to page 122 or your app for more information and practice sfep pods | Reading Work in pairs, Have you ever done any of the things below? Tell your partner about them. cooked 2 meal for lots of people organised a surprise birthday party * organised your own birthday party ‘organised a work event © a Workin pairs. How organised are you? Give yourself a score from 1-30 (30 = very organised). b Dothe quiz. Then go to page 153, add up your score ‘and read your results. Do you agree? Why/Why not? Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Canyou think of any other important things that you have to do when organising an event? 2 Whats the best event youve ever been to? Why was itso good? Grammar Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. will/ won't for decisions and offers ‘Tomake a decision or an offer use il infinitive 2 with to/ without te. Mi book another restaurant. ‘Mchange it if youneed me to. ‘willis contracted to Tand wail nots contracted to wort TH start now, won't organise anything for a month or two. sa. <))4a Ustenand choose the sentenceyouneae 1 a fildrive towork b Idrive to work, 2 a Wellhelp them clean, b Wehelp them clean, 3 2 McallElla every day b [call lla every day 4-a Welllplay on Sunday b Weplay on Sunday, b Listen again and repeat. Planning events Are you baer g start now It’ imporent to organise eventing ear [thin about some ideas now, but | won't organise anything for a month or two. Three months a long time. | can forget about it for now, rie Peete on: fiw TH get my de to pay or I suggest Ne cooks a maa foc ‘evaryone or takes us to a restaurant. hire a big room and book a Dd, then sell tickets to pay forit. ask other family members to helo with the cost. Task the vegetarans not to come. PMhbook another restaurant. IM-speak to the manager and ask them to prepare & ‘vegetarian option. Thirty people is good business fo ther. Siete oon Eines oon unc Gicceeuins task peopie fo help, {cancel the event. 1 make i a smaller event, with fewer sports, Se Core eke rar) ‘Wiha do you think? : "Wy ee yo 10 veo cancel he party om" "Did you get the invitation? I'd really ike you to come. ‘is that date cificult for you? I'l change If you need me to: ry phone “Why dicn't you tall me earlier? "see my tend can play instead "\won’t ever cal you again! Complete the conversations with ‘land a verb in the box. carry clean come do make 1A: These bags are really heavy B:|__them foryou. 2. A:Hello jamie? ve missed the last bus. B: Don't worry,| _______and get you. 3. A: Mumm hungry B:0K, _—_youa snack. 4A: Right, we need someone to book the restaurant, B:0K. it~ Ivegot their numba 5A: What have youdane to my car it really dirty! B:Somy we: Goto page 122 oF your app for more information and practice. Vocabulary a Work in pairs. Imagine you're organising a surprise party for someone. Make allt of the things youneed todo. Complete the to do’ list with the verbs in the box. bake book cheese plan make remind send set Kate's party —to do list 1. ‘adate—90th March? 2.choosea place - restaurant? club? town hall? 3 ad 4 invitations 5____acake (chocolate!) 6_make some food lasagne? pizza? sandwiches? 7. ‘ctivities/things todo—games? 8___peopie one weekbetore! Were any of yourideasin Exercise 7a on thelist? Choose the correct alternatives. ‘A: Right, sowe need to4set/plana date. Kate's birthday is on Ist Apri, but that's@ Monday. What about having a party on the Saturday before? B: Sounds good. 2bake/booka Dif you want, ‘A: Great. Wealso need to yemind/chaasea place, What about the town hall? : Good idea. work near there sol bookit Kl 4make/sendinvitations to everyone, What about ood? TSpion/bake a cake! Kate loves Yes, and Ill make/set lasagne - its her favourite, ‘A: Griliant.?send out/plon some games to play afte dinner, too... OK, anything else? G: l®remind/choose everyone a few days before so they don't forget! colt! oto your app for more practice Speaking 2 Workin groups. You're going to plan an event together. First, decide what kind of event you want ‘to organise, Use the ideas below or think of your own idea, a birthday party a class party to celebrate the end of the course a work summer party asports event a music festival squana Sujuuetd | b Makea ‘to do'list of things you need to organise. Organise your event. Decide who will do what and when they will doit. Use the Useful phrases to help you. We need to send out invitations). IMl(book a band) if you want, Can you (call the restaurant)? What about (food and drink? Tell the class about your event. Marcelo’s going 1g to havea party for Ana’s birthday. 33 Listening a Have you ever taken partin race or do you know | someone else who has? What kind of race wast? b Read about an extreme race, Which ofthe activities can you seein the photos? Why do you think people want to dothis race? fun 25 km course as many times 48 you can over 12 hours. And while you're running youl also: + climb over walls + swim through muddy water + jump over ire 47 Listen to Felicity asking her colleague Lucas about the race. Answer the questions. 1 Which things in the box does Felicity ask abo breaks cost health location start time teams visitors what to wear 2 Does Felicity decide to run in the race? 2 Listen again and tick (/) the statements that are true. Youneedto. 1 be very fit see adoctor before the: bring food, havea rest durin runina team, 8 getyour money backafter paying, b ©) 40 Listen tothe extracts and complete the sentences, 1 Dol___tobevery fi? 2 Youdonthave see actor before youdo it butits a goodia 3 Runners todo everything on the course, 4 You have to wear any special clothes. 5 ___ people bring their oun food? 1 6 —__thavea rest during the ace? 2 7 Butifyau dorit want te runon your ove, you ; runina team 8 After you pay you___get your money back : Workin pairs and discuss the questions. 4 1 Would you like fo take partin race like this? a 2 Doyouknow aboutany other unusual ra fi 3 Grammar ti Complete the grammar box with can, can't, have to a and don't have to. Use Exercise 3b to help you. " canand have to Obligation A set Runners have todo ev Use?___tosay tha You don’t have tos Possibility Use® to talk about things that are possible. 7 Use4_____ to talk about things that are not possible. After you pay, you can’t get your 49 Listen to the sentences. When are conand can'tstressed/not stressed? 1 A:Can\take my own food? Vocabulary ‘2 Which of the adjectives in bold in sentences 1-4 describe a feeling and which describe a thing? B:Yes, youcan, 1 Iminterested io running the Massive Mud Run, 2 A:Canwe get our money back? 2 [tSan interesting course. B:No, we cant. 3 Theracels realy tiring, 3 A:Cenweruntagetherin a team? 4 Therace lasts 12 hours so you'l be tired. Yes, we can b Choose the correct alternatives. b Listen again and repeat. 1 Which sports do youthinkare bored/boring? a Complete the descriptions with can, can't, have toor 2. Doyou feel relaxedirelaxing after you do exercise? don't have tain the correct form and the verb 3 When was the last time you were excited/exciting about inbrackets. asport? What interested/interesti 4 things do you enjoy doing? 5 Whatdo you sometimes feel worrying/ worried about? 6 What's the most tring/tired thing youve ever done? 7. What's the most excited/exciting sporting moment in ‘your countrys history? 8 What's the most surprised! surprisi done far you? ingthing someone has ¢ Workin pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 8b. GGotopage 139 or your app for more vocabulary and practice. Speaking a ))4ao You're going to presentan idea fora race First, listen to Marco and his classmates presenting thelr idea. Whois the race for? i ie Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Whereis the race? 1 Every May, inthe UK, someone throws a cheese from the top 2 Dotherunners.un alone orn teams? of Cooper's Ha and unners |___ ry anc There 3 2 (he) more tan 15 nines rave naoase poone - ‘often fall conn and have acide, 2. The Colorado Pack Burro race isa marathon wt a ference, Each mer *_____ take) a donkey up a 29-mile path However, theres one important ria — they push) the honey, pul the donkey oc even cay the donkey, bat they cant the runners have to wear anything special? 4 Whatare the rules of the race? 5 What prizes do the winners get? ‘Work in groups. Plana race for your town or city. sede a Presentyourrace tothe class, Use the Useful phrases 3 Inthe we-camying race inland, runners (ear) tohelp you thle wes lon a 2585 mete track Te wo @———_ un) , ; eo Loo onierece te aan b Vote forthe bestidea. You can't vate for your own! wife its OK she's a frends wit, for example, The (event) is inJune). he most unusual? ‘The winners get (a pize). itstartsat (9 am.) in Dublin, (Runners) have to/don't have to/canvcan't b Wihich race do you thin Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 Most days, have to. 2 Idont have to 3 Usually ican 4 leant, Workin pairs. Tell each other your sentences and ask some questions, ‘Goto page 122 ar your app for more information and practice. 35 Listening a) 4a2 Listen to the phrases and underline the stressed words. 1 Would youtke to come? 2 doyouant 3 Idloveto 4 Where hallwe meet? 5 Shall we meet atten? 6 Thats agoodidea Lookat photos A-C and answer the questions. 11 How often do youdo these things with your friends? 2- what other things do you lke to do? 3. How do you organise to meet? 4 How often do youdo the things in the photos? a <)) 421 Listen to conversations 1-3 and match each ‘one to the places in photos A-C. Listen again and answer the questions. ere nsramne teed 1. Why doesn't Lucy want tomeet atthe park entrance? 2. Use the prompts to write questions 2 Where do Lucy and Susan decide to meet? 1 lke go cinema tomorrow 3. Why cantlimmy meet on Friday? 2. want /play football /us / weekend? 4 Why can't Chris meet on Sunday? 3 Shall/go/a restaurant? 5. Why doesn't Tanya went too tothe concert by taxi? 4 time/ shall/ meet? 6 Why does Paul think this isn'ta problem? 5 Shall meet /seven otlock? the Useful phrases and then listen ag b Workin pairs. Practise saying the questions and Inwhich conversation (1, 2 0r3) do you hear the responding in different ways. phrasesin the box? Speaking Inviting people : ‘Would you ike to core? 2 Do you want to meet up (this Friday)? Do you want tojoin us? Responding to invitations dove tol You're going to organise something to do with your classmates. First, make notes about what you'd like to do (e.g. have lunch, go for arun). Answer the questions below to help you. hat are you going todo? What time would you lke tomeet? Where would you lke to meet? Yes, that sounds (fun/great), I don't think can, sorry tim sorry cart, tmbusy. Organising when and where to meet Where/what time shall we mee? Shall we meat (at ten/at the park)? a Goaround the class and invite people tomeet up, Let's meet (in front of the bank/at five alt Respond to other peoples invitations. Use the Useful Responding to suggestions phrases to help you. ‘That's good idea. AP Wo ke i“? tm not sure about that. Bi w b Did you make any interesting plans? Which Useful phrases did you find the most useful? jour Iseful ul i | | i | | ; i | 1L a Findfive mistakes and correct them. 11. Imgoing move to another country after! graduate Idike to go away somewhere nice this weekend. | going ta finish this lesson in 30 minutes. My parents want retire when they're 70. [im going to have dinner a eight o'clock tonight Like to visit Denmark one day. The teachers going to give uslots afhomework. ‘Two of my friends s going to get married next year Change the sentences so that they're true for you. going to move to Istanbul next year aNvausun Match the halves of each phrase. 1 public a aifts 2 goout holiday 3 ave «old friends A have d forameal 5 haveadinner together 6 contact, f fun 7 get party ‘Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 11. What was the last special day you celebrated? 2 Which of the thingsin Exercise 2 cid you do? Choose the correct alternatives. 1. Mcarey/ta cary itfor you 2 Iwon'tiipick youup if you want. 3 Well /ooking/look after the kids tonight. 4 Tend/tolendyou some money. 5 Urlihelpher. ‘Work in pairs. what do you think the other person says before each offer in Exercise 4a? Put the sentences and questions in the correct order. 1 party /Td/ Sans /go/'to/to/tke 2 you/ do/'go/to running / want /? 3 August /to/ this / Marks Ibiza / going 4 Saturday /are / watch /on/you//to/ going /match / the/? 5 dinner /come/shel/after / home 6 tonight /tm/ late /going /stay/to/ out not 7 doesnt /to change / Kate / want /job/her 8 world /like /would/ the/ you/ travel / around / to /? Complete the sentences with the missing word. 1 Ineed to p____ some games for my sons fifth birthday. 2 Let's b___acake for ils birthday 3. Mymum always m____a special dish at New Year. 4 fmgoing tos____the invitations next week 5 6 Did your_____everyone about the party? Have they s___a date for thelr wedding? ‘Work in pairs. Think of the last time you planned an event. Tell each other what you did. 2 Complete the sports rules with can, can't, have toor don'thave to. 1 Footbalk You. touch the ball with your feet, legs and head but you. ‘touch itwith your hands. 2 Running: You use any special equipment, but there arelots of things you, use if you want to 3 Swimming: You use your bady to move through the water. 4 Tennis: You. hia ball with a racket. 5 Basketball: You touch the ball with yourhands but you. arty the ball while you move. 6 Golf: You ___hit the ballinta ahole. You kickitwith your fact or maveit with your hand, 7 Volleyball You ‘tohit theballover the net with your hands. You use your feet ar head. You play ton the beach, b Workin pairs. Think of another sport. whatare the rules? a Choose the correct alternatives. 1. feel worried worrying lat about work. 2 think horror fms are very frightened! frightening 3 Fd ike to be more reloxed/relaxing about speaking English. 4 |was surprised! surprising when lread the news yesterday. 5 think surfingis excited/exciting, 6 Imnot very interested/interestingin sport 7 never feel bored/boring when fm atwark, 8 Forme, shopping sa really tred/tiring activity Change the sentences so they/re true for you. Reflect How confident do you fee! about the statements very below? Write 1-5 ( confident). Ican describe plans. lean organisean event. can present an idea for an event. I can make plans to meet, not very confident, Work and skills questionnaire ! Mark the line with a cross to show how much you agree. 1 Lam creative. Vocabulary andlistening __ Disagree Aaree @ Work in pairs. How many jobs can you think of? Write 2 | have good communication skills. alist. Dis Agee Match the obsin the box with phatos A-F. 3 ama good manager. Disagree . Agree architect businessperson flmextra shopassistant tourguide writer 4 like working in a team. Disogree Agree a Read the questionnaire and check you understand a pan the phrases in bold. Then complete the questionnaire for you, Disagree Agree 6 | like working on my own. in pairs. Compare othe b Work in pai pare your answers tothe peace coe ‘questionnaire. Do you have the same skills? Do you have similar work habits? 7 I'd ke to work part-time, Workin pairs and discuss the jobs in Exercise 1b. Deseres: ian 1 Which jobs can you match with the sentencesiin the 8 I don’t need a job that is well-paid. questionnaire? Disagree Agree 2 would you be good at? Why? 9 enjoy working with customers. 3. Whichjobs would you lke todo? Why? Disagree Agree Go to page 140 or your app for more vocabulary and practice. 10 | don't mind working long hours. Disagree Agree 36 3a G)) 5a Listento Cheryl talking toher friend ames. Which of the jobs in Exercise 2 do they mention? Which job does Cheryl ike? b Listen again and answer the questions. 41. whyisCherylooking fora new job? 2 what’ importantfor her in aot? 3. Wihy doesnt she ike the fist two jobs thst ames suggests? 4 Wihy does she like the lestjobhe suggests? 4 sz Listento the extracts andchoose the corect alternatives. 1 Ielike 8job thats/ who completely cifferent. 2 |want job which’ otis interesting, 3 They want someone who/ which enjoys writing. 4 Wel they'e looking for someone that/whocan work part-time. Grammar 5 Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives. Relative clauses with who, which and that Use defining relative clauses to give mare informetion about people and things. Use whotorpeople/things. We need someone who has good communication sal Use which or that for people/ things. {manta teaching job which is well-paid, ‘She wants part-time job that is interesting, FRissometimes possible to use that instead of who, “Hes the man that we interviewed last week ‘Also use defining relative clauses to combine two: sentences ‘HeS.a doctor, He works all over the wari. = Hea doctor who works all over the world. 2) 53 Listen to the relative clausesand notice the pronunciation of who, whichand that. 1. This ob s for people who can wark lang hours 2 alike a job which interesting, 3. He wants job that's wel-paig, b Listen again and repeat. Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. 1 Thisisthe dress, bought yesterday 2 He's the man__fixed my computer 3 Thisis the book read on holidey. 4 Itsajob. you have ta doat night, 5 She's the gir lives next to me, 6 like films {are about real people, 7 Paulis the person, toldme about this restaurant. 8 Thisis the time of year Like the best Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text. What job does it describe? For this job we need someone twhich/whois creative, so that they can plan activities ®who/that are interesting for small children, The best person for this|obIs Someone 2who/ which has good communication sils, because it's ajob “who/that involves working with many different types of people, such as children, parents and managers. t's ajob Swho/whichisnit usually well-paid, butit’s very interesting, Nowadays, you also need to be someone Swhich’/ whois good with computers to do this job wel. Workin paits. Take turns to describe a type of Job you would lke to do. Use the phrases in the ‘questionnaire to help you. Suggest some jobs for your partner, A: Taltkea job which Ican do fram home. B: How about an online teacher? (2) ow page.124 or your app for more information an practice. Speaking ‘You're going to describe ajob for other students to ‘guess. First, think of ajob that you want to describe. ‘Then complete the sentences below. Its ajob which Itisn’tajob thatyou + Youneed tabe sameane who. You can't be someone who likes/doesn' ike. Ita job that you can do at home. You need to be someone wh’ creative... (an artist) 2 Workin groups. Describe your job to the group. Can they guess which job you're describing? b Would you like to do the jobs that other people described? Why/Why not? Use the Useful phrases to, help you. Idlke tobe (a chef) because (love food), wouldnt ike to be a (Journalist) because | don't like (writing). {think tke this job because (t's creative) {don't think tke this job because (its not well-paid) uuosrad wa au | Appearances Reading Workin pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Doyouuse social mecia? What fo 2-Doyoupost photos onsacial media? 3. Have you ever tried to ind anyone/anything using social media? Do you think social mediais ag way todo this? W I i | Read the post and answer the questions. 1 What did Gabriela find? 2 Where did she find it? 3 What does Gabriala want people to do? 4 ‘Who does Katie think the person in the phato is? 5 How does Katie describe Eduardo's personality? Gabriela Garcia Hieveryenefoundacameraon Corona Averueetabout $300 pm today. Thisis the mostrecentchatoon Does aryonekrow hoo peopl? Please share his postsowe canfind out whose cameraitis. Thanks! Grammar Read the grammar box and choose the correct, Kate Novak alternatives. The manin the mice lookstke Eduardo’ brother butImnat sure Youcan ask Eduardo—he worksin the lorry, Jook like, look + adjective, be like ‘ Use Jook lke + tadjective/nounto describe people Gabriela Gace and things that are similar, SRS Sa NUN es EEK HS? ‘The man in the middle looks like Eduardo's b Katie Novak Use lok + adjectiye/noun to describe appearances He got darkhairandabsardikethemaninthephota buthe andfeaings dhoesrtlookcict Hetooks around 36, You all 1ook rs ly) happy e photo. Use jook + ®noun/number to say how old we think Gabriela Garcia someone or something is, What’she ice? Wathe think mstrangelfl show hima photo He looks (around) 35 andaskifitstisbrather?! Use that do/does (he/she/ they) look ike? to ask about the Sappearence/character of a person or thing, Katie Novak A: What does he look like? No dont worry he wort think youre strange Hes B He's got dark halrand a beard Use what is/are (he/she th Sappearance/character A: What'she like? B: Wy. 2) like? to ask about a person's @ () 544 Listen to the sentences. What do you notice about the letters in bold? 1. Oh dear You laok angry! 2 He looks really sad. 4 They look excited, b Listen again and repeat. 40 Vocabulary ‘a Match the words in the box with the categories below. casual curly dark moustache slim smart straight tattoo clothes iy face nat b Think of some more words for each category. ¢ Workin pairs and compare your ideas. a) 55 Listen to Marcus telling Alessia about his family. Tick (/) the words in Exercise 6a thathe uses to describe them. b Listen again. Make notes about what each member of Marcus’ family looks like. ¢ Workin pairs and compare your notes. Then go to page 154 and check your ideas. 2 Workin pairs. Look at photos A-F and take turns to describe one of the people. Try to guess which person your partner is describing, b Make some guesses about each person’ job, age and character with your partner. Use looks and looks like, © Goto page 154 and read about each person. Did you ‘ques correctly? Is there any surprising information? Goto your app for more practice ‘2 Match the sentence halves. Speaking 1 Idon'tknow Tom.Whatdoes a. elike? 2 lsSamOK?Hedoesrit b looks really 3 dont think Evans 30. He apps. You're going to describe three people who are important. to you. First, make notes about the things below. ‘who each persanis, why each person isimportant to you leach person's appearance 4 The new manager started © look well What's 4 looks ikea 5 Has Cecile had some good businessperson, ws? looks about 25 6 What's yourdads jab? He f helooktike? each person’ chargcter b Complete the questions and answers with the each person's job interests, etc. correct form of be, like, look and look like. who each personis similar or different to 1A: What does he look lke? B: He_____quite young and he has really short hal 2 A:Does she ___anyoneinher family? i be eer oe family Workin pairs, Take turns to describe the people you a pelts net oe , want to talk about. Ask your partner questions. How eae similar or different are the people you described? out my friend, Ella. We aren't ats she like? 1 —__really nice 5 A:Does: B: Yes, they look exactly the same, 6 Atlsshelike her rather? B: Yes, they __both very funny A: What's your new bo ? © __likeher twin ister? tice e B: He's very nice! A: How oldis Anthony? B:Idon'tknowy unner 5 J uuthe__really young. Go topage 124 or your app for more information and practic. 4 Vocabulary Look at photos A-E and discuss the questions. 1. What do you usually buyin these places? 2 Where do you like to go shopping? W 3 Do you prefer shopping alone or with someone 4 Have youever had a problem with something youve bought? Work in pairs. Read the shopping tips and check you understand the meaning of the phrases in bold, Do you agree with the tips? Why/Why not? Pay by credit card ~ you cor collect paints Always ask for a discount Avvcays keep the receipt Hfyou conthave much tina wren dont try them on fi th something, Complete the questions with the phrases from Exercise2 1 Doyou 2 Whenis the best time to buy somethi z I country? Ar alot cheaper? 3 thelast ime youhadto_____toa shop? What 4 Doyouaften do you usually just full pric 5 Doyou____after you buy you throw it away? 6 Doyoulike to 7 doyauthinko pinions are important? y to save mone; s,do you always — Work in pairs and ask and answer the questions. Go to your app for more practice. toa stpay do Ps = | Ee = rs re | @ | i Listening a You're going tolisten toJenny and Luke describing problems with a coffee machine anda shirt. What kinds of problems de you think they'll describe? b ©) 59 Listenand check your ideas. Who bought ‘each product? What was each person's problem? Listen again and answer the questions. fee machine that jenny baught cheap? 2 How much cheaper was the coffee machine on another day? 3 What happened to Luke's shirt an the morning of hisinter 4. Why didn't Luke try the shirt on befo 5 What was wrong with the shirt? 1. Was the cof 1e bought i? ‘who gives each piece of advice? Write Jenny () oF Luke (. 1. You should always try clothes on inthe shop 2. You shoulda’ just buy the fist thing you see. 3 Keep the receipt Workin pairs and discuss the questions. ‘1 Whose problem do you think was the worst? Why? 2 Have you ever had any problems lke these? 3 Doyouagree with thelr advice? Why/Why not? Grammar Read the grammar box and choose the correct alternatives, should/shouldn’t and imperatives Use should + infiritive to say somethingisa Xpood/hadidea hould ask for a discou Use shouldn’ + infinitive to say somethings a 2c0od/bad id ou shouldn't buy something f yo Use an imperative for 3strong/weak advice. Make ‘imperatives with the infinitive ‘with to/vithout to, Look for sales! ts also possible to use always or never before an infinitive, Never pay by credit card renot sure 520 Listen to the advice. Is shouldor shouldn't stressed? You should ask fora discount. You shouldn't pay the full price. Youshould return t n Buiddous | Youshouldt buy a used ahone. You should read the description carefully Youshouldn' buy that online Listen again and repeat. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 old /an/ Never /car / buy 2 clothes / buy /online /Dan't 3 something / always / you / before / should / You it/ try /buy 4 the /supermarket / discount / Always /2/ ask / for /in 5 things /You/ cash pay// expensive shouldn't / fori 6 market / buy / You /Food / fresh /a/ should / from Work in pairs. Do you agree with the advice? why/why now? Choose one of the topics below and write three tips forit. buyingamabile phone buying clothes buying anew car finding something nas shoppingin your city shopping online ‘Work in groups. Read out your tips to other students. Can the others guess which topic they're for? Do you agree? Why/Why not? oto page 124 or your app for mae information and practice. Speaking You're going to talk about a shopping experience you've had. Itcan be reat orimagined. First, answer the questions below, What did you buyrwant to buy? ‘Was it @ goad or bad experienc: \why was it good/bad? what happened? What advice would you give to someone in the same Work in groups. Tell each other about your experiences and give your advice. Then agree on the two best pieces of advice. 7 if N Listening 4 Look at the photos and discuss the questions. 1. Which tem would you mstlike to receive asa gift? 2 Are you good at finding gifts for people? Why/Ihy nat? a. ©) 5.1 Listen to Simon and Tina, Who are they buying gifts for? why? b Match the sentence halves. Use the Useful phrases tohelp you. 1 How him some gardening books. 2 What about —b somejeweliery? 3 Youcouldget ¢ the department store on West 4 Whiy don't Street, 5 Whydontwe d aboutsome flowers? 6 Letsty @ yougethim anice sun hat? ¥ goshopping together atthe weekend? Making suggestions How/what about (some Rowers)? Why don’tyou/we (get hera watch)? ‘You could (buy hima ball. Let’ (get something on Saturday). Responding to suggestions Great! (Thats 2 really) good/fantastic idea. | think fd prefer to (get some flowers ¢ Listen again and check your answers. English in action a) 5az Listen to the suggestions. Which wordis the most stressedin each one? 11 why don't we make hima cab 2 Youcould get ok 3 Why don'tyou buy them a game? 4 What about a new pair of trainers? 5 thinkt'd prefer to get her some chocolates. Listen again and repeat. Complete each suggestion with an appropriate idea. 1A: Idlike to buy my English teacher a gift, B:How about some chocolates 7 2. A:What shall we do after class? Br Lets 3. A:/need to get to class but my carwon't start B: Why don't you ? 4 A: What shall we have for dinner? B: What about ? 5 A:ItS my friend's birthday but don’t have much mor BrYou could__ b_ Workin pairs. Take turns to read the sentences from Exercise 4a and respond with suggestions. Work in groups. Take turns to tell each other about a Person you'd like to buy a gift for. Give suggestions. B: Speaking Work in pairs. Student A go to page 151 and Student B goto page 155. Follow the instructions, Have a conversation and give each other gift suggestions. Try to use as many of the Useful phrases as possible. Check and reflect 1 a Choose the correct alternatives. 1 Atourguide is aperson who/ which shows people around a city. 2 Police officers doajob who/thatis sometimes dangerous, 3 [havea job which vho like 4 Thats the man | which/ whol work with, 55 Teaching isajob who/whichis important. b Write some definitions for jobs using whoand which. ¢ Work in groups. Read out your definitions, The other students guess what you're describing. As its: disthe ate ‘3 Match the sentence halves. 1 itsa a well-paid job. 2 Youneedtobeagood —b ateam. 3 Youneed tobe © manager 4 Most peopiewhado creative thisjob ke workingin—@ fromhome mone 5 People who do this job usually work from b Think of ajob for each sentence. 2 Choose the correctalternatives. 1 What does your closest friend like//ook the? 2 What's your neighbour like/look tke? 3 Who in your family re/oyoulook tke? 4 What was/were youtlike when you were a child? ‘5 What did you like/Iook like when you were young? Match questions 1-5 to answers a~e. Iwas shy and didn’ talk much, b He's nice man. ike him, She's tallwith dark hale She wears glasses, patel had longer har... and I was thinner © Myson. We have similar faces, Work in pairs. Take turns to askand answer the questionsin Exercise 3a, Complete the description with the words in the box. hrases curly fair moustache slim tall ctor > People say my brother Nikand | look similar but | dor'tagree. ‘Niks*____butimshort. He's got dark hair but mine's 2__- also, his is straight but mines. He's gota but [haven't One thing we da have in cammanis ‘that we run alot, sowelre both quite. Shella needs to buy a nice dress for a wedding but ‘she hasn't got enough money. Complete the advice with the words in the box. don't make should (x3) shouldn't tell 1 You ‘explain the situation to your friend. tm sure ‘she wort mind whet you wear 2 your friend that you can't go. waste your money! 3 You___buy newclothes, You. look for some rice used clothes. 4 You go online and find a website that sells cheap dothes, or____a dress yourself Work in pairs. can you think of any other advice for Shella? ‘a Choose the correct alternatives. LI never really compare money! prices before buy something. 2 Most people know pay by/oncredit card 3 keep the recipe/receipt for most things that | buy 4 never put/tryon clothes before Ibuy them. 5 6 loften ask fr sales! discounts, loften buy something and then return’tryittothe shop the next day 7 prefer tobuy clothes ina bargain’ sale b Work in pairs. Which sentences do you agree with? ‘2 Match wordsin the box to the definitions. bald casual adiscount — work part-time Rood communication skils 11 aprice which slower thanusual 2 the ability to speak to other people so they understand you well 3 without hair 4 work for only a few days a week 5 informalclothes/style b Work in pairs. Choose three words or phrases from this unit. Take turns to give a definition and guess the word/phrase, Reflect How confident do you feel about the statements below? Write 1-5 (1 = not very confident, 5 = very confident), Icendescrbe job. Ican describe people. Icangive advice about shopping Ican make andrespond to suagestions 48 2 Read the Focus box. How can you identify key words? Beane auaaeld ba slate Hes aT ashi Understanding the main idea Itisn’t always necessary to understand every word when you listen - you can use key words (eg verbs, adverbs, el | ) to understand the main idea, L | hear key words when listening because they | areusually stressed, People around the world greet each other differently. 3.2 Read what the radio presenter says about greetings and undertine the key words. b Q)ratistenand check 4 Qpsuistento te nextpartofhe radio Programme and chose the correct akematives. 1 Men and wamen in the US usually kss/shake hands when they meet new people, 2 Men and women in the US sometimes bov/hus. 1 3 Menin Brazil usually kiss/shoke hands, a 4 People in Brazil sometimes/always kiss three times, ' 5 Men and women in Qatar put their right hand on chest/shake handswhen they meet 4 6 Men in Qatar sometimes put their hands together! press their noses together. f 5 Qcustentotelastpartoftheradioprogramme |_| ahd completenotes1-7 withone key word from the box. bow chest hands head high low tongue South Korea ‘ 1 Friends Bow thee ; 2 eusiness people: withtophafoftherbedy | 3 Younger people Bow ‘ Thalland , 4 Tradtonalreetig:Peope puther together || and bow their head : 5 Tends Hondsreowintontefindk 1 whieh greetings below can yousee in photos A-F 5 Olderrimpertantpeope:Handsare_—_fingers ff oa 7 TindionsigecingPepeputherhenstouir | * putyourhands together and show their. oF 6 Workinpaisandiscuss the questions. ‘show your tongue + press your nases together * touch someone's hand or arm * putyour hand on your chest 1 Which greeting in the radio show do you thins the most interesting? Why? 2 Can you think of any other greetings? 3 How do you usually greet the people below? b Doyouknaw which counties the ferent greetings + emi are rom? ifnot, can you guess? 2 ends € Q) 1a Ustentotheintroductionot radio + people youd know programme. Which greetings in Exercise 1a does the * people you work/study with radio presenter talk about? hey tly. etings ortant es. ands amme amthe tongue pody gether jers ether the ‘La Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 11 What are the best ways toleain English? 2 What do you use English For? b Read the questionnaire and match questions 1-6 with gaps A-F. 1 Do youprefer working alone or in palrs/groups? 2 What do you in dificult about leaming English? 3 What do you lke using to learn English e-books, video, the internet, etc)? 4 \What do youdo outside class to practise English? 5 What do youneed English for? 66 What da youve doing in class (e.«. listening, speaking, pronunciation, etc)? Nome: Miguel Garcla Teaches Diana Norman A ee {neal to pass an exam at univesty. That's why fm studying Enolsh. | thik my reading and wring skils aro OX, but | really need ta improve my speaking for the exam. _——— {ike having conversations in class because | cant practise ‘speaking Engish at home, But | also like reading interesting _atces, because | can fear new things. co | ke watching viios and I use my phone llthe te to look. Lup new words a °. ks working with other students 50 I can practise speaking but I con't mind working on my own Frorunciation isthe hardest ting for me because of ll the tiflerent sounds in English F ‘Wien im at home | ke watching TV programmes in Engh | prefer watching them in the original language because | ‘earn alot of new vocabulary this way. 2 Read the questionnaire again. Decide if the Sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1 Miguel has finished university. 2 He doesn't often speak English outside class, 3. He likes working in pairs or groups. 4 HeTinds it dificult to pronounce words correctly. 5 Helearns English while doing somethinghe enjoys athome, 3 Read the Focus box. Then underline the phrases Miguel uses to give examples in the questionnaire. Explaining reasons and results Use because (of and so that to give reasons. {as late for clas because {couldnt sleep because ofthe noisy trafic rm saving money so that can goto Un Use that’ why to explain aesul. the bus. That's why Lwas late for cs. {want te learn nent vocabulary - that’s why | watch TV in Enis ity Imisse 4 Match the sentence halves. 1. like using social media because 2 would like to move to the UK. That's why 3 ty toleam ten new words every day so that 4 find seading the most dificult sil, because of 2 \canuyngovery ebay bean det people vet aise elec ore 5 Choose the correct alternatives. 1 ite iseringtosongs go ote tatty | cnieoni none | 2 ineedtapcto ng nob bezsio thn natrsaieed ea ee ne | 4. ochnznrg ig: Scares reed | practise it more in class, Eee ieee een \emmtie ame Prepare 6 You're going toanswerthe questionsin Exercise 1b. First, makenotesabout each one. Write 7 Write your answers to the questions. Use the Focus, box and the Useful phrases to help you. Useful phrases need English for (my jab/an exam/my studies). | really enjoy (speaking in class). don't mind (doing exercises for homework), but | prefer (doing online research). Its difficult to {pronounce some words). baci e uh! barat tec information 1 Readthe ti le and introduction to the news article. How has Morris recorded his life? down ina notebook. He enjoyed it so much that, in 2014, he started taking photos every 30 seconds. He uses a small camera that he carries on his bedy and it takes about 1,200 photos every day. Most of them aren't very interesting ~for example, a picture of his breakfast or his hands when he’s driving, but he doesn't delete any of them. As well as the photos, he has 245 noteboaks with his thoughts and ideas inside. He reads his notes regularly to check them. This sounds stremge to a lot of people. Even Morris says that he hasn't seen all of his photos, but he feels it's important to keep a record of his life so that he cam look at it when he's older and see what it was like — just like a personal diary. He also wants to create a collection of thoughts and activities to give to his son, who was bor at 4.36 p.m. on 4th November, 2014. While most fathers have a few photos of mother and child, Mortis recorded the whole day and then every day of his life so far. He hopes that when his son is older he con look back and see what his, mother looked like on the day he was born, as well as every day after that. 2 Read the Focus box. whatare some examples of specificinformation? Reading for specific information ‘When reading, you often only need to understand specific peces of information. Before reading, think about the type af information you need. Ifyou want to know date, look for a number. IF youre looking fora name, then capital letters wil help you find it. Evi Pesiey was born in Tupelo, Misssspp on 8 January 1935 Italso helps to think about where in the text the information willbe ~ atthe beginning, in the middle orat theend. 3a Read the text and answer the questions. 11 How many photos does Morris take every day? 2 When did he start recording things? '3. What time wes his son born? 4 What’ Moris sumame? 5 Howoften doeshe take photos? b What do you think of Morris project? Would you like todo something like this? 4a Read the title and introduction to the text below. Are you interested in this kind of film? In 2010, film-maker Kevin Macdonald asked people {rom all over the world to spend a day filming their lives. He then edited their videos into a film called Life ina Day. In total, he asked 80,000 people from 192 countries. To make sure he had videos from lots of different countries, Kevin sent out 400 cameras to people in poorer places. They all made their films on 24th July 2010, He asked people to answer three questions during their films: What do you love? What do you fear? and What's in your pocket? Kevin directed the film, and he worked closely with Ridley Scott as producer. In the end, they ‘made a film that's 94 minutes and 63 seconds long - from 4,500 hours of original videos! It was a lot of work. ‘The fim starts with people waking up in the morning, and continues through the day, until night. It shows. people with very diferent lifestyles from all over the would. It was first shown at the Sundance Film Festival in 2011 and, later that year, YouTube made it free to watch on their website, Find the following information in the text. 1. Thename ofthe producer, 2 The day people made thelr films, 3 Thenumber of people that were asked to make films. 4 Where you can watch the film for free, 5 Thelength of the film 5 Workin pairs. Talk about a typical day in your life, > Goal: understand as} Beara ees Pace snares (e.g. adventure, romantic, traditional)? What do you like about them? 2 Read the Focus box. How many parts doesa a traditional story usually have? Narrative structure # scat AN ery adtina stoves folow asindar structure 2 Background: sores svalybegnby taking bout tanec and hen things are happen aswel ote sisi B Problem(s): then the story changes, often because Srehirgteor ancy nage tual] © Solutions: ake sure the stoyis interest, you like ‘there isa solution to the brobier. Jove Arh beara fet owar D Conclusion iss themessageofthestay. | Useexresson sucha lng tne ago, one the i. ‘next day, a week later to help structure a story, 1 a Read the whole story and match paragraphs 1-6 . with parts A-Din the Focus box Theres more than Fae ‘one problem and solution in the story. oe ead paragraphs1-3o the sory againandanswer the aestions mer 1 hortstnestoy se? ras 2 tino theimporantpeplin the tay? ted 3 icnanals ere important to then? i 4 wats tne ordi nzaaganh2? ark. 5 Wastheckd mansad about ° 6 Whathappened vine thehors tune? 7 Datredt man tink nas good? _ Read poragraphs4-Gof the story againandanswer the questions. 1 wats te problem in paragraph 4? 2 Didtheodman thinkitwasbad ak? 3 ly ahaa comeino te viage? 4 yet they tate the manson? Workin groups. Oo youasree with what the oldman fins, | _s2/8inthe ast paragraph ofthe stay? Why/why not? 1 Work in pairs. What kind of stories do youlike reading Jong tin farmer who lived with his son in a small village in the countryside. He loved his son mere than anything in ‘the world. They worked together every day on the fm and cod thoirhorsea, They loved thet horses very much, 4 0ne night, one ofthe horses ran away. When the peoplein their vilage heard that the horse was isting, they came tothe old man and said ‘We're 0 sory abou your hed luck! However, he old man ‘wasnt sad about it. There was nothing we could o\ said the old man, ‘so don't be sad, Ie wasn't bad luck. It just happened.’ The people in the village were surprised and went away 2 The next dy, the horse came back, ringing with st another white horse. This was a beautiful horse, ‘worth a lot of money. When the people in the village savy ths, they were happy forthe oldman and talked bout his good luck. But tho old man sald wasn ood luk. ft just happened 4 Tho old man's son loved the new horse and rod it very day. But one day, he fel of the horse and broke his leg. Oe agen, the peopl in the vilago said to the old man We'e sony about your bad hick! The old ran replied inthe same way as before, wasn't bad luck o the horse's faut. You shouldn't fe sad sboat ‘what happened’ 5A week later a war started andthe army came into the vlage, They said that every young man should join the army and fight ih the war. However, because ‘he old man's gn had broken le, they decided he could not join the army. “The old man explained to his son, ‘When people ‘think you have bad luk, the end ecu can sometimes be positive, so you shouldn't be too sad. Jn the same way, when people think you have good Juck, you should be careful not o become too happy! Work in pairs. Have any of the things below ever happened to you? What happened? How did youfeel? ‘you called someone by the wrong name ‘+ you took something that isn't yours ty mistake ‘you missed a bus, train or plane + you sent a message to the wrong person Read the story Taking the biscuitand answer the questions. 11 Which situation in Exercise 1 does it describe? 2 Whose were the biscuits on the table? 3 How did the woman and the man feel during the ‘tain journey? TAKING THE It all started when a businesperson bought a coffee, a packet of biscuits and a newspaper, and got on a busy train. She quickly found an empty seat and put her things on the table, She took off her coat, put her handbag carefully on the floor, and sat down. Then she opened her newspaper and started to read, The young man sitting opposite her was logking at his phone. After half an hour, he calmly and quictly opened the packet of biscuits on the table and took one. The woman couldn't believe it — they were her biscuits! She looked at him angrily, bbut he just looked back at his phone. So she picked up her coffee, and took a biscuit herself. ‘The man looked up at her and then looked away. After a minute or two, he took another biscuit, and she did the same. This continued until there was only one biscuit left. Just before the next station, the woman got up slowly, and put her coat on. She took the final biscuit, put it into her mouth, and smiled at the man, He watched her, but he didn't say anything. Then she picked up her handbag, turned around, and got off the train, On the platform, she opened. her bag to get out her train ticket. Inside was her ‘unopened packet of biscuits 3 Read the Focus box. Then find two more adverbs whic describe actionsin the story. Using adverbs to describe actions Use adverbs like angrily, calmly, quickly and lowiy to describe how an action happens. They help the reader imagine the events in a story. Adverbs are usually formed by adding -Iy tothe end of adjectives, She got up slowly. ‘They can come before or after the verb, She quickly found an empty seat. She looked at him angrily. Some adjectives have irregular adverts, fast fast good wel 4a Complete the man’ story with the adverbs in the box, ‘Sometimes more than one answer's possible. angrily calmly carefully quickly quietly slowly 1_____put my coffee and biscuits on the table in the rain. After while lopened the packet and took tne. The woman who sat down opposite me looked atme?___..|dnttknow why so looked back down at my mobile phone and?__ate my biscuit. ‘Then the woman *___took one of my biscuits andateit.|wasreally surprised! We each continued to take one biscutatatime, and eat them’__. We cidrit say a word to each other justbefore the next stop she stood up and®___ took the last ane. Sostrangel b Work in pairs and compare your answers. Do you ‘agree with each other's choice of adverbs? Prepare 5a You're going to writea story about something that happened to you. Itcan be real orimagined. First, answer the questions below and make notes. + Where id the story happen? when did ithappen? Wha isin the story? Did something good/bad/funny happen? ‘what happenedin the end? How did you feel? b Write down any verbs and adverbs youcan usein, your story. Write Ga Write your story. Use your notes in Exercise S and the: story in Exercise 2 to help you. b Workin pairs and read each other's stories. Which adverbs did your partner use in their story? a a iano eee rst, 1 2a b ein and the hich the photos. Which dishes would you most? icastike to eat? 2 29 Ustento te introduction toa ratio show. Uihatsitcalle? Whats the topcthis week? 2) a0 Listen to Jenny and Sara present theirideas. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Jenny thinks meat doesrittaste nice, Jenny thinks youshould never eat meat Jenny thinks there are many problems with eating meat Sara thinks farming insects is cheap. Sara thinks eating insects can help the wort 6 ‘Sara thinks nse it taste nice 3 Read the Focus box. Which words are usually pronounced in their weak form? Recognising weak forms stant words in a sentence are usually stressed The ‘words that have less meaning (eg articles, auxiliary and prepositions) aren't stressed and are usually unced in their weak form. Recognising weak formsis important so youcan ‘understand natural speed 4.2 Q)2s1 Underine the weak formsin the extracts Then stenand check 1 love an te ate te 2 ‘decided to makes change 3 tts good forus to eats eat 4 We ned to move the meat tom place to pee s : Isalotcheaperof couse | aves thought the vegetarian food was born, » Q)2iz Usten and complet the extracts the eal forms, 1 ittinkts goodies 2 Peopieeat forus 4 Theyregreat __addtoourdets 5 Insets everyone to eat insects, asabasic food, insects are actually very good elpus to feed everyone 6 There are thousands. different kinds of 5 Q)21s Listentothedlscussionbetween the PNesenterand]Jenny and ara. Answer the questions 1 When does enn thinka qod time teat meats? 2 oes shethinkthat ne should never et mest more than two days a week? 2 Why does Sara thinksome eating insect? ledorttlike the idea of 6 Workin groups and discuss the questions. 1. Doyouagree that i's a goodides to not eat meat five days a week? Why/Why not 2 Doyouthink that eating insects isa goodidea? Why/Why not? si) > Go: be acy toa eee Bree eee Choate cr 1 Read the text. How many different parts are there to Superkilen? Ta cass La What do you do wen you want to improve an od par of town ure lt fife people ue? City planners in Danrark have the ans Superen opened in June 2012 because they wanted to mak ‘he area cleaner and more interesting than was before. The park ha ile fang and sn the Nacrebro cst of Copenhagen, People inthe area come rom all ove the wort, ard the park ston thi aferent backgrounds. Many of te features inthe pat are fom diferent courts, for example the bin are from the Uc and ther are lovely benches from Bel or poo to ston and enjoy thence ves. The park has thee parts: Red Square, lack Maret and Green Pak. Red Squats painted red, pink and orango, and local pple go tere to have fun and do acts Ike riding a bike around the cyl track, lack Market sa tradtonal town square and is busier than Red Square. People seit asa mating place and havo baroecus hee. nthe middle of tre square her's a fountain ‘rom Morooo — when it igh up at night the water looks beaut Green Park, where evrything is completly green, longer than the her parts of Sunerlen and has lots of il, tees and ower People ike hang penis, ding sorts and waking ther dogs in this pat ofthe park With features fram all ver the wold and psopl rom so many diferent cous, Superlen has a realy inttional el to it 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 How old is Superki 2 Which cityisicin? 3 Where do the people in the area come from? 4 Is Red Square or Black Market more popular? 5 Whatis special about Green Park? 3. Read the Focus box. How can we understand words. that we don't know in a text? Guessing the meaning of words When you find a word that you don't understandtin a text you can often use the information around to guess its meaning For example ! district of The phrase before district tells you wher yu can understand that Narebro is the name ofa place in Copenhagen, From this information, you can guess that district means area or partof acy 4 Work in pairs. Try to quess the meaning of the words inbold in the Superkilen text. Choose the correct alternatives. 1. backgrounds: people's family ond education etc./o large: ‘number of people 2 features: people who go to parks/ things you find ina 3 benches: things to look av/things to sit on 4 tack: 0 type of pattva shop 5 fountain: a thing with movin woterla type of tree 5 Read about Metropol Parasol. What can you do there? METROPOL PARASOL AMIXOF OLD AND NEW trop Parasolin Sovileisa very popular place for bot locas and tcursts. But the original plans for the area were very diferent. 11990 peopiestartedbulding huge undergroundcar parkin LaEncamaciin square in the ald town Sutwhen thoy began, \workeson the project founda major obstacteinthe way. They found'some ancient ruins under the square, sowork hago stop, However in'2004, city plannershedan kdea—use the ins tomakeamusour,thenbuidaspace aboveitfor peopleto erioy. ‘i Designed by German architect Jirgen Mayer MetopotParaso! isawooden buiting with four loves Lovel isan underground museum with the ancient ruins, Level hasastreet market —this isa popular meeting piace forlocal people, especialy because thereisalotof shade trom the sun duringthehot summer months. Levels 2and Sare open areas where yaucan goto restaurants, goforawalkor smply enjoy stunning views of thecity The design of thebuiing wasingpiredby the shape! the Underground roomsin he Cathedral of Sevileas wellas the ‘roesinalocal Sevile square. Theroreally sno other perk lkeit inthe words completely unique. Soif you ever visit Seville, dont miss Metropol Paraso, 6 a Write down what you think the wordsin bold in the textin Exercise 5 mean. Work in pairs and compare yourideas. Then checkin dictionary. 7 Workin pairs, Which park would you most like to visit? Why? i i a : : ; i : i i : i i | ' ‘ i words 1. Have you ever written a review? What was it for? 2a Read the review. What isit for? and ce words act Jaana dina ee ee Revioned 90° July there? | We stayetat th Hot pine fora week in June one ofthe rast bout places ve ever vite, You can walk though )L Be | Sater anette ryote be qute niy | Ou oom vas comorabe anda ood sie. The cleaners came sn | ony twice during the week tu tht wasn realy problem. vero Thee wes wifi the room and it worked well mst ay. | There's poo a sauna anda gym inthe oe. se wkin -f_ Hembu oer quests said they were smal but god. Theres on | ance restaurant and breafast i included in te rice Dinner They fp | Yes good and uit cheap, to. The chet's special vas abays ‘i ious but there wasn't tof choice for vegetarian. ruins. | Themain problem with tis oll is tanspot There's a o | Slpermare, some shops and a couple of restaurants | ereminute eve away butt takes 30 mints without ca. wascl I Werented a car so we were OK but ober quests found it nd ore diticult Another problem ithe nose rom te oad = this JB Untorunatly its very busy al he time sot 2 goad idea to ask #086 WP foracoomon te south side where t's uitr - | Before you decide to stay at this te, t's good to askyourselh ‘ | Wo questions. Do you want a relaxing hla with los of fresh Ai? Oo you have a car? the answers ‘esto bth then his hati a great cae — E leit ile, Read the review again and answer the questions. ‘1. What positive and negative things does the writer say ‘about the topics in the box? food sports facilities thearea theroom thewifl transport 2 What two recommendations does the writer give? 3 What's the main topicin each paragraph? Develop your writing 3 Read the Focus box. whys it important to organise your ideas? Organising ideas IRsimportant to organise yourideas well soyour readers can follow thom clearly Fr examplo,ina review of hotel you could organise your ideas lke this 1 Where when, who with 2 General information/positive things 3 Any problems 4 Recommendation 4 Organise the ideas below Into categories 1-4 in the Focus box. © friendly statt + hotel in excellent sailing area + stayed for two weeks in summer + best hote! - everyone should go there + big, comfortable raams ‘+ greatrestaurant ‘+ beach really busy in the morning ‘* wenton sailing holiday to France with family | Prepare 5 a Thinkabout ahotel you've stayedin, Make notes about the positive and negative things for each | topic betow. + thearea + the restaurent/food + therooms + transport + the facilities + things todo | |» choose two ings fp wnhesbowforenchope © Decide how to organise your review, Use the ‘eategories in the Focus box to help you. Write 6 Write your review. Use the Useful phrases to help you, Useful phrases I stayed at (Hotel Majestic) for (sever) days. ‘My roam was (comfortable/clean’a good size. ‘The staff were (riendly/rude). “The main problem was that (it was too hot) Ifyou like (quiet places), thisis a great hotel foryou. (s3 PACT er ac eeut ennai aiais arate sclag es toe ‘La Match the activities in the box with photos A-D. climb Mount Kilimanjaro goon a safari holiday learn see the Northern Lights walk alang the Great Wallof China b Workin pairs and discuss the questions. 2. Do you know anyone who has done the actitlesin Exercise La? 2 Would youtike todo any ofthe activities? Why hy ot? 2 29 Listento the introduction to aradio. interview. what’ Karen’ plan? 3 Read the Focus box. What three t predict what someone will say? Predicting information When people listen they often naturally predict what they think they will hearnext. You ean use your Jowledge of the topic. the situation and the speaker to {guess what you think you will hear. For example, if youre listening toa radio inte icone who dlimbed a mountain, you can predict that ‘they wil talk about wha they went with, how Tongit ‘tookand any problems they had, When listening, try to predict wi you Focus. st you will hear tohelp 4 Qparo predict tne reasons Karen ill give for her Bln. Then isten tothe nex part of theintesiew ndeneckyourideas. Sa Karen talks about the three places below. Write some word or phrases you think she willse foreach one I The creat woof Ciao 2 keland 3 Meu mano » Qp aus tistenand checkyouranswers. Did Karen tSeonyof the words you predicted? € LUstenagainand answer the questions. 1 Hw fraorg The Great al dd Karen wok? 2 How id she describe some ofthe acs thet 3 yd she see the Northertights? 4 Whatdidshe do stead? 5 5 Wy dd she went to cmb Mount Kimani? wy dt she eel wel? 6a You're going to listen to Karen talk about learning to fly andgoing ona safari holiday Wy do you think she wants todo these things? » Qa Listen and check your re € Usten again and answer the questions. 1 Why sn fhinga plan ging tobe easy fr Karen? 2 Why does she want toleam tof? 2 Where does she watt go. soar? 4 Whichanimal oes se want to see? 5 Why does she went seth jrmals on safari? 7 Workin groups and discuss the questions. 1 What amazing experiences would you lke tohave in your life? 2 Would you like todo the same things as Karen?

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