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Tài liệu ôn tập Grammar

English (Trường Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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BASIC GRAMMAR do Phan Lệ Hoa, Nguyễn Hoài Minh, Nguyễn Thị Xuân Lan biên soạn.


1. CÁCH DÙNG THÌ (Use of tenses)

2. LOẠI TỪ (Parts of speech)
 Từ (Words)
o Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs
o Pronouns, Auxiliaries, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Articles, Quantifiers
 Cụm từ (Phrases)
 Mệnh đề (Clauses)
o Independent clause
o Main clause
o Subordinate clauses
+ Noun clause
+ Adjective clause
+ Adverb clause

 Câu (Sentence)
o Simple sentence
o Complex sentence
o Compound sentence
o Mixed sentence (Compound-complex)
3. Subject – Verb Agreement
4. Subjunctive
5. Inversion

6. Văn phong gián tiếp (Reported Speech)

 Câu tường thuật (Statement)
 Câu mệnh lệnh (Request)
 Câu hỏi (Question)
7. Infinitive & -ing form


Đề thi trắc nghiệm & tự luận gồm những gì đã ôn tập theo đề cương. Có thể lấy từ trong giáo trình
hoặc ở ngoài cùng một nội dung.
Trắc nghiệm 50 câu (5đ); Tự luận 5đ

Xác nhận của Khoa

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Choose the best answer
1. Jane isn’t here yet. I _____ (wait) for her since noon, but she hasn’t arrived yet.
a. had waited b. waited c. have been waiting d. wait
2. In all the world, there _____ (be) only 14 mountains that reach above 8,000m.
a. is b. has been c. have d. are
3. I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow. I_____ (leave) by the time you get up.
a. will leave b. will have lef c. am leaving d. have lef
4. Last night, I went to a party. When I got there, some people _____ (dance).
a. have danced b. are dancing c. were dancing d. have been dancing
5. About three yesterday afernoon, Jessica _____ (lie) in bed reading a book.
a. are lying b. is lying c. was lying d. has been lying
6. Unless you turn that radio off, I _____ (go) mad.
a. go b. will go c. am going d. went
7. You _____ (be) any use to me unless you learn to type.
a. aren’t b. won’t be c. are not going to be d. weren’t
8. If Sally_____ (be) at home tomorrow, I’m going to visit her.
a. is b. will be c. was d. isn’t
9. If you aren’t going to live in that house, why _____ (sell) it?
a. don’t you sell b. won’t you sell c. aren’t you going to sell d. aren’t you selling
10. The leading runner is nearly there now. He _____ (win) the race.
a. is going to win b. is to win c. is about to win d. will win
11. ______ there anything better than going to the cinema now?
a. Is b. Are c. Was d. Were
12. The ones who ______ a fever must go home immediately.
a. has b. have c. had d. have had
13. A pair of jeans ______ in the washing machine last night.
a. was b. were c. is d. are
14. Mr. John’s wife and his two sons ______ me tonight.
a. are visiting b. are going to visit c. will visit d. is visiting
15. The author and his assistant ______ waiting for us in the auditorium.
a. are b. is c. were d. was
16. Neither of the answers ______ correct.
a. is b. are c. be d. a&b
17. The passengers along with the pilot ______ rescued.
a. was b. were c. has d. have
18. The new metallurgical works ______ been employing more and more workers.
a. have b. has c. had d. a&b
19. The underlined part in “What my friend and I did was our secret.” is ______.
a. Adv / M b. Pro / S c. Pro / DO d. Pro / SC
20. The underlined part in “You might ask, ‘Who has shocked the nation in recent years?’” is a(n) ____.
a. adjective clause b. adverb clause c. noun clause d. main clause
21. It’s a great pity ______ they didn’t get married.
a. that b. what c. whether d. whoever
22. It was cold and wet; ______ Bob put on his swimming suit and went to the beach.
a. nevertheless b. and c. otherwise d. but

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23. The more hard-working you are, the______ result you’ll get.
a. most b. good c. best d. better
24. Annie asked me ______ I needed.
a. what b. that c. how d. if
25. I didn’t wash my car this afernoon ______did I go to the grocery store.
a. but b. still c. nor d. so
26. Bob has been working for 16 hours a day ______he opened his new business.
a. when b. since c. while d. until
27. It was ______that I had to wear my wool coat.
a. so a cold day b. such a cold day c. so cold day d. such cold day
28. “The picture I put in Helen’s room needs cleaning.” is a ______sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound- complex
29. “The woman renting a house near my sister’s has just won the national lottery.” is a (n) ____ sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound - complex
30. The underlined part in the following sentence “No matter what you do, don’t mention my name.” is a (n)
a noun b. adverb c. adjective d. main
31. The underlined part in the following sentence “People usually can get a sufficient amount of the
calcium their bodies need from the food they consume.” is a (n) ______clause.
a. adjective b. adverb c. main d. noun
32. The underlined part in the following sentence “I hope that everything will be OK.” is a (n) ___ clause.
a. adjective b. adverb c. main d. noun
33. “Universities in the United States can be supported either by government budgets or by private
foundations.” is a(n) ______sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound- complex
34. “Daniel Boone was born in Pennsylvania but lived in several states and died in Missouri.” is
a(n) ______ sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. simple with compound predicate.
35. “The more you pull on square knot; the tighter it gets.” is a(n) ______sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound- complex

Choose the underlined part that would NOT be correct

36. The process of fermentation takes place only in the absent of oxygen.
37. In about 1920, experimental psychologists have devoted more research to learning than to
any other topic.
38. Transfer taxes are imposed on the sell or exchange of stocks and bonds.
39. One of the greatest of mountains climbers, Carl Blaurock was the first to climb all of the mountains
higher than 14,000 feet in the United States.
40. Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis, the process which plants make

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41. Oceanic islands have been separated from the mainland for too long that they have evolved distinctive
animal populations.
42. Certain species of penicillin mold are used to ripe cheese.
43. Many of the important products obtained from trees, one of the most important is wood pulp, which is

used in paper-making.
44. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.
45. The author Susan Glaspell won a Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for hers play, Alison’s House.
46. Haywood Broun was a read widely newspaper columnist who wrote during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
47. Researches in economics, psychology, and marketing can help business.
48. Because of their color and shape, seahorses blend so well with the seaweed in which they live that it is

almost impossible to see themselves.

49. Although the social sciences different a great deal from one another they share a common interest in
human relationships.
50. Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick describes the dangers, difficult, and ofen violent life aboard a
whaling ship.

Choose the best answer

1. If John had begun working on that job yesterday morning, he ________ (finish)it now.
a. would have finished b. will have finished c. would finish d. has finished
2. I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow. I _________(leave) by the time you get up.
a. will leave b. will have lef c. am leaving d. have lef
3. If you don’t like that car, why _________ (buy) it?
a. did you buy b. had you bought c. do you buy d. have you bought
4. It is getting dark. It’s time you __________(go) home.
a. go b. would go c. will go d. went
5. ‘Dad, my bicycle’s broken down.” -“OK, I __________(repair) it for you.’
a. am going to repair b. am repairing c. will repair d. am about to repair
6. The leading runner is nearly there now. He _________ (win) the race.
a. is going to win b. is to win c. is about to win d. will win
7. The manager is talking to an important customer now, but he ________(be) free to see you soon.
a. is b. is going to be c. will be d. would be

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8. I’ve just enrolled at the local technical college. I ____ (attend) mechanical engineering classes next
a. am going to attend b. will attend c. attend d. am attending
9. –“Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?”
_ “I ________(make) a delicious dessert for dinner tonight
a. am going to make b. will make c. am making d. make
10. Unless you turn that radio off, I ________ (go) mad.
a. go b. will go c. am going d. went
11. You ________(be) any use to me unless you learn to type.
a. aren’t b. won’t be c. are not going to be d. weren’t
12. I wish he ________(win) the lottery tomorrow. That will help him change his life.
a. wins b. will win c. win d. won
13. Janet turns so pale! She looks as if she ________(faint).
a. will faint b. would faint c. faints d. is fainting
14. The students refused _________ to school in the afernoon.
a. returning b. to return c. to be returned d. return
15. The headmaster will tell the boy that he _______ pay for the missing book.
a. need not b. needs not to c. does not need d. a&c
16. The teacher _________ them the answer to the question.
a. explained b. said c. discussed d. told
17. I was just _________ to go out when you telephoned.
a. around b. about c. thinking d. planned
18. When he heard a noise, he asked me what was ___________ on.
a. going b. getting c. being d. happening
19. I enjoy __________ alone when studying.
a. to be b. having been c. being d. be
20. We tried to solve the problem _________ the noise and interruptions.
a. because of b. in spite of c. in case of d. according to
21. His parents never allow him ___________ .
a. for smoking b. smoking c. to smoke d. smoke
22. My sister is busy ___________ a letter.
a. with writing b. to write c. at writing d. a&c
23. Joan is very hard working; _________, she’s not very imaginative.
a. however b. but c. although d. and
24. _________Lucy lived in Mexico for three years, she only speaks a few words of Spanish.
a. Afer b. Since c. Although d. Despite
25. _______what you might have heard, there is no quick and easy way to learn a language.
a. As b. Contrary c. Although d. Despite
26. Sue passed all of her exams ________ not doing any revision at all.
a. in spite of b. since c. although d. yet
27. Cars produce a great deal of pollution. Bicycles, _________ , are totally environmentally friendly.
a. but b. moreover c. in contrast d. yet
31. By structure, ‘He gave me two cars, but none was good’ is a ________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed
32. By structure, ‘That all parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue’ is a _________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed

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33. By structure, ‘Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, allowing them to float on the surface of the
water’ is a ____________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed

II. Identify the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. (2m)
41. Sidney Lanier has achieved fame both as a poet and as a symphony musician.
42. Perhaps mankind’s first important music influence was the songs of birds.
43. Ceramics can be harder, lighter, and more resistant to the heat than metals.
44. Mold is extremely destructive to books in the library.
45. Not everybody realize that the largest organ of the human body is the skin.
46. A shark can detect minute electric discharges coming from its prey.
47. The wood of rosewood tree is used to make fine musical instruments.
48. Many sheep have been risen for wool rather than for meat.
49. The beauty is only a product of man’s opinion.
50. Your composition is much too short. Write one other page or two.
51. Commercial honey is heated and filtered in order to be stabilized and clarify it.
52. There has been once a widespread belief that all lizards were poisonous.
53. Salt was once too scarce and precious that it was used as money.
54. Shark acquires many sets of teeth during its lifetime.
55. The sun supplies the light and the warmth that permit life on earth existing.
56. Peach trees grow well in a variety of soil type, but do best in sandy loam.
57. Liquids take the shape of any container in that they are placed.
58. Science requires the careful collection and organization of datas.

59. From 1865 to 1875, a remarkable variety of inventions were produced .

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60. That diamonds are a form of carbon has known since the late eighteenth century .

Choose the best answer

1. If John had begun working on that job yesterday morning, he ______ (finish)it now.
a. would have finished b. will have finished c. would finish d. has finished
2. Tony ________ very politely today. He doesn’t usually behave so well.
a. is being b. is c. has been d. will be
3. If you aren’t going to live that house, why _________ (sell) it?
a. don’t you sell b. won’t you sell c. aren’t you going to sell
4. If the pain _______(return), you’d better take another pill.
a. returned b. would return c. will return d. should return
5. Ugh! Something smells terrible in here! What ________ (happen)?
a. happens b. happened c. is happening d. will happen
6. The leading runner is nearly there now. He _________(win) the race.
a. is going to win b. is to win c. is about to win d. will win
7. -“The fire has gone out!”
- “So it has. I _______ (go) and get some sticks”
a. go b. am going c. will go d. would go
8. I’ve just enrolled at the local technical college. I _____ (attend) mechanical engineering classes next
a. am going to attend b. will attend c. attend d. am attending
9. -“I don’t feel well enough to go to the station to meet him.”
-“I _______ (meet) him for you. How can I recognize him?”
a. will meet b. will be meeting c. am meeting d. am going to meet
10. -“He’s small, and he ________ (wear) a black and white school cap.”
a. will wear b. is wearing c. is going to wear d. will be wearing
11. The underlined word in ‘The patient is lying still on the hospital bed’ is a(n) ______ .
a. adjective b. adverb c. preposition d. conjunction
12. The underlined word in ‘He stood firm to the company’ is a(n) ______.
a. adverb b. preposition c. adjective d. conjunction
13. The underlined word in ‘the room upstairs’ is a(n) _________.
a. adverb b. adjective c. preposition d. conjunction
14. The underlined word in ‘he was caught last night in connection with the recent crime ’ is a(n) ______.
a. preposition phrase b. adverb phrase c. compound preposition d. compound conjunction
15. The underlined word in ‘In case of danger, call me immediately ’ is a(n) _________.
a. preposition phrase b. compound preposition
c. subordinate conjunction d. coordinate conjunction
16. The underlined word in ‘Considering the weather, the trip should be cancelled ’ is a(n) __________.
a. preposition b. adverb c. present participle d. conjunction
17. Which of the followings is not a coordinator ?
a. and b. nor c. if d. yet
18. Which of the followings is not a conjunctive adverb?
a. in addition to b. unless c. as d. so that
19. The underlined word in ‘He is as intelligent as me’ is a(n) _____________.
a. adverb b. pronoun c. preposition d. conjunction

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20. The underlined word in ‘He is as intelligent as I am’ is a(n) ________.

a. adverb b. pronoun c. conjunction d. preposition
21. The underlined word in ‘He is eating the same food as he offered me yesterday’ is a(n) _________.
a. adverb b. pronoun c. preposition d. adjective
22. The underlined word in ‘She said nothing but cry’ is a(n) ___________.
a. noun b. pronoun c. verb d. conjunction
23. A sentence usually consists of ___________.
a. Subject + Finite verb b. Subject + Predicate c. Subject + Object d. Verb + Modifier
24. A simple sentence is the one consisting of ____________.
a. only one clause b. an independent and a main clause
c. a main clause and a subordinate clause d. only one finite verb
25. A simple sentence with compound subject & compound predicate is the one consisting of _________.
a. [Subject1 + Subject2] + Predicate b. [Subject1 + Subject2] - [Predicate1 + Predicate2]
b. Subject + [Predicate1 + Predicate2] d. [Subject + Predicate] + [Subject + Predicate]
26. A complex sentence is the one consisting of ________.
a. independent + independent b. independent + subordinate
c. main + subordinate(s) d. main + main + subordinate(s)
27. By structure, the sentence “Listed below are groups of words named fragments of sentences” is ______.
a. complex b. simple with compound predicate c. simple d. compound
28. By structure, the sentence “While making revisions, remember to capitalize the first word of each
sentence and don’t forget to end the sentence with a period” is a ________ sentence.
a. compound b. simple with compound predicate c. imperative d. affirmative
29. By function, the sentence “While making revisions, remember to capitalize the first word of each
sentence and to end the sentence with a period” is _________.
a. simple b. imperative c. complex d. affirmative
30. By structure, the sentence “To write complete sentences with ease, learn the parts of a sentence that
are explained in this chapter ” is ________.
a. simple b. simple with compound predicate c. complex d. compound
To ở đây là chỉ mục đích chứ không phải to V
31. “What my friend and I did was our secret.” is a(n) ________ sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound- complex
32. The underlined part in “The place looked such a mess that I couldn’t invite anyone in.” is _________.
a. N Clause b. Adj clause c. Purpose clause d. Result clause
33. The underlined part in “That Sheila lef early proves that she loves you.” is _________.
a. NC / S b. NC / SC c. AvC / M d. AC / M
34. “The boy turning the corner, a brick fell onto his head.” is a(n) _______ sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound- complex
35. “Before leaving the room, don’t forget to turn off the lights and to close all the doors and windows.”
is a(n) _________ sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound- complex
36. The underlined part in “It is obvious that you are right.” is a(n) _________ clause.
a. Noun b. Adjective c. Adverb of purpose d. Adverb of result
37. The underlined part in “I wonder if I could ask you a small favor.” is a(n) ________ clause.
a. Noun b. Adjective c. Adverb of condition d. Adverb of result
38. The underlined part in “From where you are standing, you can see all of us.” is a(n) _____ clause.
a. Noun b. Adjective c. Adverb of purpose d. Adverb of result

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39. The underlined part in “Some doctors whose treatments are not always scientific can be successful.”
is a(n) _______ clause.
a. Noun b. Adjective c. Adverb of purpose d. Adverb of result
40. The underlined part in “We went to the park where we saw him last night.” is a(n) ________ clause.
a. Noun b. Adjective c. Adverb of purpose d. Adverb of place
41. Spacemen will land on the moon, ________ they will send back reports.
ad a. but b. and c. or d. for
42. Planes were small and old, _________ flying was unsafe.
a. but b. and c. or d. so
43. The town people didn’t like the jets, _________ they made too much noise.
a. but b. and c. or d. for
44. Our friends wait for us here ___________ we get back.
a. before b. until c. afer d. when
45. They didn’t want to wait any more, __________ it was getting dark.
a. because b. as c. for d. afer
46. I want to study Business Administration; ________, my father wants me to be a teacher in the future.
a. besides b. but c. in addition d. however
47. Please don’t tell them anything _________ we are sure about that.
a. unless b. if c. when d. because
48. The name and function of the underlined part in “My friend is standing near the bandstand” is_______.
a. NP / M / Ajal b. NP / DO c. N / OP d. NP / OP
49. The name and function of the underlined part in “We slept a sound sleep afer a day of hard work” is__.
a. AP / M / Ajal b. Av / M / Aval c. A / OP d. A / M / Ajal
50. The name and function of the underlined part in “We drove two miles before we met an accident” is___.
a. NP / M / Aval b. AvP / M / Aval c. NP / DO d. NP / M / Ajal
51. The name and function of the underlined part in “Henry Ford, an American inventor, is very famous”
is ________.
a. NP / M / Ajal b. NP / S c. NP / Appositive d. NP / M / Aval
52. The name and function of the underlined part in “We were looking for our pens all the morning” is___.
a. NP / DO b. NP / OP c. NP / M / Ajal d. NP / M / Aval
II. Identify the underlined word or phrase that would NOT be correct. (8 ms)
53. Luis stood up, turned toward , and speaking so sofly that I couldn’t hear what he said.
54. By the time Monica and John open their new restaurant, they will have spent all their savings
and don’t have any money lef over.
55. Disneyland was Walt Disney’s special dream for more than 20 years before it became the reality.

56. Penguin chicks cannot go into sea to get their own food until they have waterproof coats of feathers
like their parents.
57. Balloons rise into the air because they contain the gas which is less dense or lighter than air

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58. The narwhal is an only animal in the world which has a tusk on only one side of its body.
59. Silver is too sof to use by itself, so it was mixed with another metal to make itself harder.
60. Every fuel has its own particular temperature at that it begins to burn.

Choose the best answer

1. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I ______very badly; I usually play much better.
a. play b. am playing c. will play d. have played
2. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I ______it a lot, but I’m not using it at this moment.
a. use b. am using c. have used d. don’t use
3. Why do you buy so much food? - My parents ______for dinner tonight.
a. will come b. are going to come c. are coming d. come
4. He’s a night watchman. He works at night and sleeps in the day time. It’s now noon, and he still ___.
a. sleep b. sleeps c. is sleeping d. has been sleeping
5. Today is Thursday, and John ______ late twice this week.
a. comes b. is coming c. has come d. has been coming
6. Nutritionists recommended that foods from the four basic groups ______ regularly.
a. are eaten b. have been eaten c. be eaten d. is eaten
7. The little boy won’t stop playing with his toy car until he ______ it.
a. breaks b. will break c. will have broken d. had broken
8. Nam’s only 21, but he’s very good at his work. He ______ a high salary when he is 30.
a. will earn b. will be earning c. will have earned d. earns
9. The poor fellow is out of work, but he will pay all his debts as soon as he ______ a job.
a. finds b. will find c. will have found d. is finding
10. What____ you ______ this weekend? I’ve haven’t got any idea. Maybe I will visit some friends.
a. will / do b. are / going to do c. are / doing d. have / done
11. Neither the students nor the teacher _____ the answer.
a. knows b. know c. is known d. known
12. Both intelligence and skill _____ essential to good teaching.
a. is b. be c. are d. been
13. Not only Laura’s friends but also her husband _____she should return to school and finish her
graduate degree.
a. thinking b. thinks c. is thought d. think
14. I really need some advice. Can we have _____?
a. a conversation b. the conversation c. some conversations d. conversation
15. What did your teacher do?
a. He gave me some good advice b. He gave me some good advices
c. He gave me some pieces of advice d. a & c
16. What was her holiday like?
a. She had a terrible weather b. The weather was fantastic
c. Weather was terrible d. A weather was fantastic
17. The bat together with the balls _____ stolen yesterday.
a. was b. were c. is d. are
18. Nobody but my old friends _____ here to see me last night
a. is b. are c. was d. were

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19. A cart and horse _____ found in a forest yesterday.

a. were b. was c. are d. is
20. _____beef is a kind of meat.
a. A b. An c. The d. ∅
21. That book is about _____ life of Helen Keller.
a. a b. an c. the d. ∅
22. Everyone has _____ problems in _____life.
a. a/a b. an/∅ c. the/∅ d. ∅/∅
23. Ours is _____ house overlooking the park.
a. an b. the c. a d. ∅
24. Kate has to go to _____dentist tomorrow.
a. a b. an c. the d. ∅
25. _____beef that we had for dinner last night was excellent.
a. A b. An c. The d. ∅
26. ________ of those two boys _________ well-educated.
a. Some / are b. None / are c. Neither / is d. Most / are
27. I tried on several pairs of shoes, but _________ of them fit me.
a. some b. most c. one d. none
28. _____ students ________ absent today.
a. Not / are b. None / is c. No / are d. No / is
29. _____ of rice ______ exported to France.
a. A great number / is b. A lot / are c. A great deal / is d. Most / are
30. She was disappointed because she got _______ news and mail from him.
a. little b. few c. some d. a little
31. It’s safe here because there is ________ crime here.
a. little b. not much c. hardly any d. all of them
32. Which one would you like, the blue one or the red one? _______ of them _______ fine.
a. Either / is b. Either / are c. Both / is d. All / is
33. ______ of students in this university _________ increasing.
a. The number / is b. A number / are c. The number / are d. A number / is
34. _______ boy and girl in this kindergarten ________ looked afer very well.
a. Both / are b. All / are c. Every / is d. Every / are
35. I can’t buy a car ________ I save enough money.
a. unless b. if c. when d. so that
Choose the underlined part that would NOT be correct
36. The rock formations in the Valley of Fire in Nevada has been worn into many strange shapes
by the action of wind and water.
37. The author Susan Glaspell won a Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for hers play, Alison’s House.
38. Haywood Broun was a read widely newspaper columnist who wrote during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
39. Researches in economics, psychology, and marketing can help business.
40. Because of their color and shape, seahorses blend so well with the seaweed in which they live that it is


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almost impossible to see themselves.

41. Although the social sciences different a great deal from one another they share a common interest in
human relationships.
42. Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick describes the dangers, difficult, and ofen violent life aboard a
whaling ship.
43. Near equator, the slant of the Sun’s rays is never great enough to cause temperatures to fall below
the freezing point.
44. Stephen Hopkins was a cultural and political leadership in colonial Rhode Island.
45. A mouse bird’s tail is double as long as its body.
46. The Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah are the only range of mountains in North America that runs

from east and west for its entire length.

47. The tools used most ofen by floral designers are the knives, scissors, and glue gun.
48. Most types of dolphins live at less twenty-five years, and some species may reach 50 years of age.
49. Isle Royal National Park in Lake Superior can only be reached by the boat.
50. The main divisions of geologic time, called eras, are subdivided in periods.

1. My grandfather ………… (never fly) in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so.
a. have never flown b. has never flown c. had never flown d. never flies
2. Jane isn’t here yet. I ..….. (wait) for her since noon, but she has still arrived yet.
a. had waited b. waited c. have been waiting d. wait
3. In all the world, there ………… (be) only 14 mountains that reach above 8,000m.
a. is b. has been c. have d. are
4. I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow. I……… (leave) by the time you get up.
a. will leave b. will have lef c. am leaving d. have lef
5. Right now we ……..(have) a heat wave. The temperature has been in the upper 90 0 F for the last six
a. are having b. have c. have had d. had
6. Last night, I went to a party. When I got there, some people …………… (dance)
a. have danced b. are dancing c. were dancing d. have been dancing
7. About three yesterday afernoon, Jessica ……… (lie) in bed reading a book.
a. are lying b. is lying c. was lying d. has been lying


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8. Suddenly she heard a loud noise and got up to see what ………. (go) on.
a. was going b. went c. is going d. has been going
9. She looked out the window. A truck ……… (back) into her new car.
a. had just backed b. has just backed c. was just backing d. just backed
10. Unless you turn that radio off, I ……… (go) mad.
a. go b. will go c. am going d. went
11. You ……… (be) any use to me unless you learn to type.
a. aren’t b. won’t be c. are not going to be d. weren’t
12. If Sally……………… (be) at home tomorrow, I’m going to visit her.
a. is b. will be c. was d. isn’t
13. Lexical words belong to:
a. open class b. closed class c. functional class d. positional class
14. Grammatical words belong to:
a. open class b. closed class c. functional class d. positional class
15. Which of the following is not true about preposition?
a. preposition always goes with a noun or nominal
b. the noun following a preposition is in function OP
c. preposition is a sub-class of closed class
d. preposition is a sub-class of open class
16. Which of the followings is true about nouns?
a. A noun is a word in the position of subject of the verb in a sentence.
b. A noun is a word usually to name a person, an animal, or a thing.
c. A noun is a word standing for another word as subject of the verb
d. A noun must be always preceded by a determiner
17. By form the underlined word in ‘I usually sleep late mornings’ is a :
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. verb
18. By form the underlined word in ‘she turned red when seeing me’ is a :
a. action b. linking c. auxiliary d. non-finite
19. By form the underlined word in ‘the detective looked hard’ is a :
a. adjective / adverb b. adjective c. adverb d. verb
20. By form the underlined word in ‘the screw worked loose’ is a(n) …… verb :
a. adjective / adverb b. adjective c. adverb d. verb
21. By form the underlined part in ‘the concert being over, everyone went home’ is a :
a. noun phrase b. gerund phrase c. present participle phrase d. absolute phrase
22. By form the underlined part in ‘Paul being late disturbs everybody’ is a :
a. noun phrase b. absolute phrase c. present participle phrase d. gerund phrase
23. Which of the followings is true about clauses?
a. A clause is named by its head word b. A clause is named by its finite verb
c. the same clause may perform different functions in the sentence at the same time.
d. a clause functions as a unit in a sentence
24. By form the underlined part in ‘Whether we are going for a picnic again is the question he’s
always asking’ is a :
a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
25. By form the underlined part in ‘we’ll delay the picnic until next week, when the weather may be
better’ is a :
a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause d. prep phrase
26. A sentence usually consists of:

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a. Subject + Finite verb b. Subject + Predicate c. Subject + Object d. Verb + Modifier

27. A simple sentence is the one consisting of:
a. only one clause b. an independent and a main clause
c. a main clause and a subordinate clause d. only one finite verb
28. A simple sentence with compound subject is the one consisting of:
a. [Subject1 + Subject2] + Predicate b. Subject + Predicate
b. Subject + [Predicate1 + Predicate2] d. [Subject + Predicate] + [Subject + Predicate]
34. A complex sentence is the one consisting of:
a. independent + independent b. independent + subordinate
c. main + subordinate(s) d. independent + main + subordinate(s)
35. By structure, the sentence “Listed below are groups of words functioning as pieces of sentences” is:
a. simple b. simple with compound predicate c. complex d. compound
36. By structure, the sentence “while making revisions, remember to capitalize the first word of each
sentence and do not forget to end the sentence with a period” is:
a. simple b. simple with compound predicate c. complex d. compound
37. By function, the sentence “while making revisions, remember to capitalize the first word of each
sentence and to end the sentence with a period” is:
a. simple b. imperative c. complex d. compound
38. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries …………. the participants are not careful.
a. so that b. although c. as if d. if
39. …….Grant Pass is a small town, it offers much to amuse summer visitors.
a. When b. Although c. As soon as d. Because
40. It’s a great pity ……..they didn’t get married.
a. that b. what c. whether d. whoever
Identify the underlined word or phrase that would NOT be correct.
46. Both my sister and my brother is going to be at the family reunion.
47. In the past, horses were the principal mean of transportation
48. Except cases of extreme emergency, police officers are required to obey all traffic laws.
49. Neither the revolution in industry nor in agriculture could have proceeded without the
progress in communication and transportation.
50. The road which we took through a forest was narrow and steep.
51. A good worker is conscientious, reliably and efficient.
52. What my friend and I did was our secret. We didn’t even tell our parents what we have done.
53. Luis stood up, turned toward , and speaks so sofly that I couldn’t hear what he said.
54. By the time Monica and John open their new restaurant, they will have spent all their savings
and won’t have some money lef over.


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55. Disneyland was Walt Disney’s special dream for more than 20 years before it became the reality.
56. Penguin chick cannot go into the sea to get their own food until they have waterproof coats of feathers
like their parents.
57. Balloons rise into the air because they contain a gas which is less denser or lighter than air.
58. The narwhal is an only animal in the world which has a tusk on only one side of its body.
59. Silver is too sof to use by itself, so it was mixed with another metal to make itself harder.
60. Every fuel has its own particular temperature at that it begins to burn.
Choose the best answer
I. Nouns; Subject – Verb Agreement
1. The acoustics in this room ____ very good.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
2. Acoustics _____ a subject I know little about.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
3. The statistics in this report _____ inaccurate.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
4. Our works ______ a good canteen.
a. had b. have c. has had d. has
5. Where _____ the scissors? I don’t know; maybe in the first drawer on the lef.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
6. How much _____ a good pair of trousers cost these days?
a. do b. does c. is d. have
7. Recent statistics of British life ______ that the family is happier than it used to be.
a. has shown b. show c. shows d. had shown
8. When I was very near _____, she gave me courage and hope.
a. despairs b. desperate c. despair d. desperately
9. It was a prettily furnished room with _____ and some lovely furniture in red and green.
a. piano b. some piano c. pianos d. few piano
10. Your treachery made us loose the ______ of our victory.
a. fruits b. many fruits c. much fruit d. fruit
11. I cast three times and had two ______.
a. trout b. trouts c. some trout d. a trout
12. Peaches and cream ________ delicious.
a. are b. is c. has d. were
13. Bread and butter for breakfast ______ on the kitchen table.
a. are b. is c. have been d. were
14. Money and fame ______ what everybody always looks for.
a. is b. was c. are d. were
15. Either your keys or my key _____ missing.
a. are b. were c. have been d. is

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16. Neither your gloves nor your hat _______ with this dress.
a. goes b. go c. went d. suits
17. The number of students in this class ______ 50.
a. are b. is c. were d. have been
18. Fify dollars ______ too much to pay for that stuff.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
19. Three weeks______ a long time to wait.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
20. The girl, as well as the boys, _____ learned to ride.
a. has b. have c. had d. has been
21. Early to and early to rise ______ a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
a. make b. made c. has made d. makes
22. There ______ one or two things I’d like to tell you.
a. has b. have c. are d. is
23. I don’t have to say much, a word or two ______ sufficient.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
24. The tree was struck by ______ lightning.
a. a b. the c. an d. Φ
25. What’s ______ weather like?
a. a b. the c. an d. Φ
26. I’ve done ______ housework.
a. a lot of b. lots of c. few d. any
27. I’ve just received ______ letter from John.
a. some b. a c. a few d. the
28. Can I have ______ potatoes, please?
a. any b. many c. some d. much
29. There was ______ traffic this morning.
a. few b. many c. much d. a lot of
30. John’s gone to bed with ________ flu.
a. Φ b. a c. an d. some
31. Mind you don’t catch ______ cold.
a. Φ b. a c. an d. some
32. The acoustics in this room ______ very good.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
33. Acoustics _____ a subject I know little about.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
34. Our works ______ a good canteen.
a. have b. have had c. has d. have got
III. Pronouns
1. He hit me in ______ eye.
a. an b. my c. Φ d. the
2. Something has got into ______ eye.
a. an b. my c. Φ d. the
3. You don’t have to pull me by ______ collar.
a. a b. my c. Φ d. the
4. _______ collar is too tight. I can’t bear it.
a. a b. my c. Φ d. the

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5. She looked me in _____ face and said “No’.

a. a b. my c. Φ d. the
6. What’s worse than a pain in ______ back?
a. an b. my c. Φ d. the
7. Tom knows how to take care of _______.
a. him b. himself c. his d. he
8. Has she got any money on ______?
a. her b. herself c. she d. hers
9. Strictly between ________, she is wrong.
a. ourselves b. ourself c. us d. we
10. Granddad doesn’t like living by ________.
a. him b. himself c. his d. he
11. There’s ________ in the clothes basket. It’s empty.
a. anything b. something c. nothing d. everything
12. Would you like ________ to start with before you order the main course?
a. anything b. something c. nothing d. everything
13. I take the lesson ________ other day.
a. every b. each c. the d. an
14. The rooms ______ have a view of the valley.
a. every b. they c. each d. all
15. This method is _______ bit as good as the other.
a. all b. any c. some d. every
16. He shouted her name twice, ________ time banging his fist on the table.
a. each b. every c. all d. any
17. That building is taller than _______ other in the city of New York.
a. all b. any c. some d. the
18. Yes, those two examples are correct. Can you give me _______ other?
a. any b. some c. an d. the
19. I received another letter from my friend in Brazil _______ day.
a. the other b. other c. some other d. another
20. Your composition is much too short. Write ______ page or two.
a. some b. any c. another d. other
21. I had two copies of it originally, but I can’t find _______ one now.
a. other b. others c. another d. the other
22. Children should be taught how to get along with _______ people.
a. other b. others c. another d. the other
23. Here are four boxes, but I can carry only two. Please bring ________.
a. the others b. others c. another d. the other
24. A student has much less opportunities there than in _______ country.
a. the other b. another c. any other d. other
25. She looked at _____ in the looking-glass.
a. her b. herself c. hers d. she
26. Self-esteem is important. It’s important for people to like _____.
a. oneself b. yourself c. him/herself d. themselves
27. Who wants to help me in the garden? – Not ________.
a. you b. I c. we d. me
28. He’s more intelligent than ________, but not as good at sports as ________ am.

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a. I / me b. me / me c. I / I d. me / I
IV. Quantifiers
1. We have imported _______ videos this year than last year.
a. less b. fewer c. much d. many
2. There has been _______ demand for videos this year than last year.
a. less b. fewer c. much d. many
3. _______ book was written by someone else.
a. most b. most of c. almost d. most of the
4. I’d like ______ milk in this coffee, please.
a. few b. little c. a little d. a few
5. This room needs ______ pictures to brighten it up.
a. few b. little c. a little d. a few
6. We’ve had _______ trouble with this machine already.
a. many b. hardly any c. enough d. few
7. I’ve given you two examples; _______ prove that I am right.
a. all b. both c. none d. either
8. How much did we make yesterday? 200 pounds? – No, ______ than that.
a. much less b. many more c. a few less d. fewer
9. You’ve had enough food already and you can’t have _______.
a. many more b. much more c. some more d. any more
10. We’ve had _______ than forty applicants for this job.
a. no less b. no fewer c. not less d. not fewer
11. There are very ______ scholarships for students in this university.
a. few b. a few c. little d. a little
12. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you for _________ more time to pay this bill.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
13. If you don’t hurry we’ll miss our train. There’s _______ time to spare.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
14. It’s a difficult text. I’ve had to look up quite _______ words in the dictionary.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
15. I can’t spare any of these catalogues. There are only _______ lef.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
16. There are ______ who know about this, so keep it to yourself.
a. few b. a few c. little d. a little
17. If what you say is true, there is _________ e can do about it.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
18. Nearly ______ home in the country has television.
a. all b. each c. every d. most
19. Not ______ student is capable of learning English.
a. all b. each c. every d. most
20. The admission ticket cost us $10 _______ .
a. all b. each c. every d. both
21. They are ________ fortunate to have such a good start in life.
a. none b. each c. every d. neither
22. They both did well and they will _______ receive prizes.
a. some b. each c. every d. most
23. I’ve phoned him twice, but he’s been out on ______ occasion.

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a. all b. each c. every d. both

24. John came to see me _______ day. It was last Friday, I think.
a. other b. another c. the other d. some
25. I met two strangers on the way to work. One of them greeted me and ______ didn’t.
a. other b. another c. the other d. some
26. Some people like to have the windows open all the time; _______ don’t.
a. others b. the others c. other d. the other
27. I can’t see him today. I’ll have to see him _______ day.
a. other b. another c. the other d. some
28. We spent the night in a small village and continued our journey________ day.
a. other b. another c. the next d. the other
29. There must be ________ road that leads to the city center.
a. other b. another c. the other d. some
30. I know you sent us two letters, but we have received ________ of them.
a. neither b. either c. none d. both
31. He is a lonely man, he has _____ friends.
a. few b. a few c. little d. a little
32. Almost _____ boys like sport.
a. every b. each c. others d. all
33. Bob got tired. It’s going to be difficult for him to find _____ job.
a. other b. another c. the others d. the other
34. He made the soup by mixing _____ meat with some rice.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
35. ________ of those two boys _________ well-educated.
a. Some / are b. None / are c. Neither / is d. Most / are
36. I tried on several pairs of shoes, but _________ of them fit me.
a. some b. most c. one d. none
37. _____ students ________ absent today.
a. Not / are b. None / is c. No / are d. No / is
38. If you have ________ questions, please tell me.
a. some b. any c. much d. a little
39. We have imported ________ videos this year than last year.
a. less b. many c. fewer d. few
40. We’ve had ________ trouble with this machine already.
a. enough b. hardly any c. many d. no
41. ________ metal is liable to rust.
a. most of b. most the c. much d. most
Adjectives and Adverbs
1. The bear climbed _____up the tree.
a. slow b. down c. slowly d. low
2. When the wind started to blow, I grew_____.
a. anxious b. anxiously c. calmly d. calm
3. The merchant looked_____, but she wasn’t. I discovered when I got home, she had cheated me.
a. dishonest b. dishonestly c. honest d. honestly
4. I have four sons. My _____ son is 13 years old.
a. oldest b. eldest c. older d. elder


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5. Jones and Brown are two important members of the community; the former is the village postman and the
_____the police constable.
a. latter b. later c. late d. latest
6. The first building is half _____the second one.
a. higher b. as high as c. as higher as d. higher than
7. The good pupils at school should by rights go ___ in life than the bad ones. Hellas! It is not always so.
a. farther b. far c. further d. fur
8. He’ll be provided with everything_____.
a. need b. needing c. necessary d. necessity
11. The children had _____much fun at the carnival that they begged to go again.
a. too b. such c. so d. very
12. Farm workers have to work very _______ during the harvest.
a. hard b. hardly c. harder d. hardest
13. Farm workers earn ______ enough money to pay their bills.
a. hard b. hardly c. less d. more
14. I got off first in the race but managed to come _____.
a. first b. lastly c. last d. finally
15. I’ve been receiving a lot of junk mail _________.
a. recent b. late c. last d. lately
16. I’m sure the boss thinks very ______ of you.
a. highly b. high c. good d. bad
17. if you want to succeed, you should aim _______.
a. highly b. high c. well d. good
18. I don’t think you were treated very _________.
a. good b. bad c. justly d. just
19. The restaurant clock showed 1.30 a.m. The waiters were feeling ______ tired and sleepy.
a. fairly b. less c. a few d. rather
20. There was one _______ young couple lef the room.
a. fairly b. rather c. quite d. nearly
1. Sarah ______ in the Accounts Department. She earns a lot of money.
a. work b. is working c. works d. has worked
2. It’s unusual _____ me to go out on a Monday night.
a. of b. with c. to d. for
3. When I was young, I ______ always walk to school in the mornings.
a. would b. could c. will d. did
4. I _____ a cooked meal every evening.
a. has b. have got c. am having d. have
5. ‘Oh no! I forgot my keys!’ ‘You’re always _____ your keys!’
a. forget b. forgot c. forgetting d. leaving
6. Rita _____ getting up early. She finds it difficult.
a. is used to b. has a habit of c. isn’t used to d. is always
7. ‘I think you _____ silly – just tell the truth!’
a. being b. have being c. are being d. been
8. Phil has a ______ to lie to his friends when it comes to his relationship.
a. habit b. custom c. mind d. tendency
9. Please will you just tidy your room, and stop _______ excuses!

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a. taking b. having c. making d. doing

10. Jenny is ______ on holiday for a week.
a. away b. out c. in d. to
11. When the party was _____, we helped them clear up the room.
a. up b. off c. out d. over
12. They ______ their living by selling fruits and vegetables.
a. gain b. have c. earn d. win
13. Karen sat at her desk. She couldn’t concentrate on her work because she _____ about Dave.
a. thought b. used to think c. was thinking d. has thought
14. They ______ together for three years and she had always liked him.
a. have worked b. had been working c. were working used to work
15. They had never had argument. They ______ able to talk about anything together.
a. used to be b. were being c. have been d. have been being
16. Dave _____ a coffee in the canteen when Karen found him.
a. had b. has been having c. was having d. has had
17. Last year, we went to New York and we ______ at the Plaza Hotel for two weeks.
a. used to stay b. were staying c. have stayed d. stayed
18. ______ care of that necklace; it’s very valuable.’62
a. Take b. Make c. Have d. Keep
19. Please ______ off your shoes when you come in the house.
a. bring b. take c. remove d. put
20. She ______no notice of his behavior towards her.
a. took b. paid c. made d. gave
21. ‘It’s hot in here.’ ‘______ I open the window?’
a. Do b. Shall c. Will d. Would
22. They’ve finally announced that the elections are ______ on 21 June.
a. due b. to take place c. happening d. probably
23. I _____ with my aunt when I go to Mexico next summer.
a. stay b. staying c. will be staying d. will have been staying
24. The crowd are getting very excited. The race _____ start.
a. is about to b. is due to c. is to d. is just
25. I’ll give you ten minutes to come ______ with a better idea.
a. out b. in c. through d. up
26. Just think, _____ two years time, we’ll be 18!
a. under b. over c. afer d. in
27. I’ll give them a call – they should be back home _____ now.
a. for b. until c. by d. from
28. It’s been a really difficult time. I don’t want to go _____ another week like that.
a. over b. through c. back d. off
29. The Rolling Stones have ______ pleasure to millions of fans for more than 40 years.
a. made b. done c. put d. given
30. ‘How long ______ here?’ (you / live) – ‘Since 1970.’
a. have you lived b. have you been living c. did you live d. had you lived
Infinitive – Gerund
1. George had to _____ playing tennis when he injured his knee.
a. end up b. stop for c. give up d. go on
2. I’ll never _______ that fantastic holiday in the Caribbean.

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a. remember b. forget c. remind d. imagine

3. Phil was wondering _____ to do with all his old books.
a. whether b. why c. where d. what
4. ‘I told Monica the truth about him.’ ‘I’d rather you _____!’
a. don’t b. hadn’t c. did d. do
5. He told us to stop _____ as the teacher was arriving.
a. talking b. to talk c. talked d. having talked
6. I wouldn’t _____ going to the beach on the weekend.
a. matter b. mind c. care d. want
7. ‘Don’t you like this place?’ ‘I’d rather we ______ somewhere romantic.’
a. had gone b. went c. did go d. have gone
8. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like ______ us?
a. join b. to join c. joining d. b&c
9. Jack avoided _____ at me.
a. look b. to look c. looking d. having looked
10. Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided ______ for a job.
a. apply b. to apply c. applying d. applied
11. The teacher reminded the students _____ their assignments.
a. do b. to do c. doing d. must do
12. Do you enjoy _____ soccer?
a. play b. to play c. playing d. b&c
13. If you continue ______ in class, I’ll ask you to go out.
a. continue b. to talk c. talking d. b&c
14. I was broke, so Jenny offered ______ me a little money.
a. lend b. to lend c. lending d. lent
15. Mrs. Allen promised _____ me tomorrow.
a. see b. to see c. seeing d. seen
16. When I travel, I prefer _____ to ______ a plane.
a. to drive / to take b. to drive / taking c. driving / taking d. driving / to take
17. I prefer _____ rather than _____ a plane.
a. to drive / to take b. to drive / taking c. driving / taking d. driving / to take
18. I always remember _______ off all the lights before I leave my house.
a. turn b. to turn c. turning d. turned
19. I remember _______ you somewhere.
a. meet b. to meet c. meeting d. b&c
20. What did you forget ______ before you lef for class this morning?
a. do b. to do c. doing to have done
21. Don’t forget _____ your homework tonight.
a. do b. to do c. doing to have done
22. I regret ______ you that you are dismiss.
a. inform b. to inform c. informing d. having informed
23. I regret ______ to my father’s advice. He was right.
a. not listening b. not to listen c. not listen d. not having listened
24. I don’t mind ______ for you. Finish your homework.
a. wait b. to wait c. waiting d. b&c
25. We discussed ______ our jobs and _____ our own business.
a. quit / open b. to quit / open c. quitting / opening d. to quit / opening

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II. Combine each pair of sentences below into a compound or a complex sentence as guided
1. Mozart plays the piano. He can’t play the violin. (conjunctive adverb)
2. I prefer to be a history teacher. I am studying in a business school in order to get a job in
industry. (subordinate conjunctive )______________________________________________________
3. It was too late. They decided not to wait for him anymore. (adverb clause of reason)
4. Please shut the gate. I don’t want the cows to get out of the field. (simple sentence).
5. I put a picture in Helen’s room. The picture needs cleaning. (simple sentence)
6. No one has any further questions. The meeting will be adjourned. (adverb clause of reason)
7. The book is very interesting. I can’t put it down until I finish it. (conjunctive adverb)
8. My three elder brothers are living abroad. They are studying at universities. (compound sentence)
9. You are very charming. It is undeniable. (simple sentence)
10. I haven’t seen him. He lef for Ho chi Minh city to study. (compound sentence)
11. Jack can’t return to school. He goes to work (coordinator).

12. The money was never received. The building was never built (complex sentence).
13. It significantly reduced the rat population. Damage to the cane fields was reduced (subordinate conj )
14. The company’s sales increased last year. Its net profit declined (conjunctive adv)
15. John does not like this teacher. He won’t take his classes. (subordinate conjunction)
16. You try to earn as much money as possible. You can’t satisfy her needs. (concession clause)
17. Of course, humans have differences. We have more similarities. (opposition clause)
18. I attended three English classes. All were very interesting. (relative clause)
19. Some doctors’ treatments are very scientific. They are not always successful. ( coordinator)
20. He didn’t stop to eat at that restaurant. The price there was very expensive . (adv. clause of condition)
1. My parents sent me to HCM city. They wanted me to go to university there. (in order to)
2. She put a lot of clothes in her case. She couldn’t carry it. (where)
3. It took us only ten minutes to get there. There was not much traffic. (so … that)

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4. He is not a good student. He has failed in the final exam three times. (if)
5. Yesterday I drank a lot of beer. I have a terrible headache now. (if)
6. I had to give up wood carving. My arthritis had become very painful. ( for)
7. I saw the signal. I couldn’t stop. (however)
8. I studied all night. I want to pass the final exam. (so … that)
9. She swam across the channel. Not many men could do it. (which)
10. Fred is said to be a good student. He failed in his graduation exam three times. (if)
11. Your decision is important. Our future plans depend on it. (and)
12. The exam was quite easy. Most students failed. (however)
13. Many Japanese smoke. The Japanese have long life expectancy (although)
14. Students must take the final exam. They will receive a grade of incomplete. (otherwise)
15. Some English words do not have exact equivalents in other languages. One example of this is there is
no German word for the adjective fair, as in fair play. (for example)
16. I heard his voice. Until then, I didn’t want to open the door. (until)
17. He stopped at the restaurant. He could have dinner at low price there. (where)
18. Jane looks very pale. It seems she will faint. (as if)
19. If the exit doors hadn’t been blocked, people could have escaped from the burning hall. (because)
20. He promised to lend me the money. I was profoundly thankful for this. ( which)
21. Mr. John has got three daughters. One daughter is an English teacher. (whom)
22. You are very beautiful. Everybody loves you. (because of)
23. He didn’t work hard enough. He failed in the final exam. (since)
24. He failed in the interview yesterday. He is not good at English. (if)
25. Mozart not only played the piano but also played the violin. (both…and )
1. The exercise was fairly easy. The students could do it quite well. (simple sentence)


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2. He didn’t come to the class during the last three weeks. He didn’t take the final exam either. (correlative
3. You didn’t tell me the truth, so I misunderstood you. (conditional clause)
4. He’s very fit. He does exercise every morning. (simple sentence)
5. I had to give up wood carving. My arthritis had become very painful. ( coordinator)
6. I saw the signal. I couldn’t stop. (conjunctive adverb)
7. I studied all night. I want to pass the final exam. (adverb clause of purpose)
8. She swam across the channel. Not many men could do it. (relative clause)
9. Fred is said to be a good student. He failed in his graduation exam three times. (conditional clause)
10. He passed the university entrance exam. This made his parents very happy.(relative clause)

1. He promised to lend me the money. I was profoundly thankful for this. (a relative clause)
2. Mr. John has got three daughters. One of them is an English teacher. (a relative clause)
3. You are very beautiful. Everybody loves you. (an adverb clause of result)
4. He didn’t work hard enough. He failed in the final exam. (adverb clause of condition)
5. He failed in the interview yesterday. He is not good at English. (conditional clause)
6. Mozart composed for piano. He also wrote for violin. (Correlative conjunction)
7. It was too late. They decided not to wait for him any more. (Coordinator)
8. Please shut the gate. I don’t want the cows to get out of the field. (adverb clause of purpose).
9. No one has any further questions. The meeting will be adjourned. (condition clause)
10. I haven’t seen him. He lef for Ho chi Minh city to study. (adverb clause of time)
11. You do the job yourself. We will pay someone to do it.(Correlative conjunction)
12. I like painting I am quite ignorant about the history of art. (Conjunctive adverb)
13. I haven’t read the book. I haven’t seen the movie.(Coordinator)
14. We put bars on the lower windows. We didn’t want anyone to clime in. (Conjunction of purpose).

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15. The horse kept stopping to eat grass. I was on the horse. (Relative pronoun)
16. I should be delighted. They could come with us.(Conjunction of condition)
17. His speech went on very long. People began to fall asleep. (conjunction of result)
18. Where does he lives? I don’t remember it. (noun clause)
19. I smiled. He smiled back. (conjunction of time)
20. He didn’t understand. He asked the teacher to explain.(conjunction of reason)
1. Jack can return to school. He can go to work. (or)
2. The money was never received. The building was never built. (if)
3. It significantly reduced the rat population. Damage to the cane fields was reduced. (thanks to)

4. The company’s sales increased last year. Its net profit declined. (but)
5. I spent all my money on gambling. I have to eat dry bread with water now. (having spent)
6. I heard his voice. Until then, I didn’t want to open the door. (until)
7. He stopped at the restaurant. He could have dinner at low price there. (where)
8. Jane looks very pale. It seems she will faint. (as if)
9. If the exit doors hadn’t been blocked, people could have escaped from the burning hall. (because)
10. I had to give up wood carving. My arthritis had become very painful. ( as)
11. I didn’t see the signal. I didn’t stop. (if )
12. I studied all night. I want to pass the final exam. (in order to)
13. She swam across the channel. Not many men could do it. (which)
14. Fred is said to be a good student. He failed in his graduation exam three times. (if)
15. He didn’t understand. He asked the teacher to explain. (so)
16. Your decision is important. Our future plans depend on it. (and)
17. The exam was quite easy. Most students failed. (although)
18. Many Japanese smoke. The Japanese have long life expectancy (however)

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19. Students must take the final exam. They will receive a grade of incomplete. (otherwise)
20. He promised to lend me the money. I was profoundly thankful for this. ( which)
21. Mr. John has got three daughters. One daughter is an English teacher. (whom)
22. You are very beautiful. Everybody loves you. (because of)
23. He didn’t work hard enough. He failed in the final exam. (since)
24. He failed in the interview yesterday. He is not good at English. (if)
25. Mozart not only played the piano but also played the violin. (both…and )

IV. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the word(s) given (1m) The answer may vary
1. There were so many people in the room that we couldn’t move.
 There were such__________________________________________________________________
2. I had expected the test to be very difficult, but it wasn’t.
 The test was_____________________________________________________________________
3. The check hasn’t arrived yet, so I can’t pay my rent.
 Until___________________________________________________________________________
4. As soon as I arrived at the shelter, the rain poured down.
 No sooner_______________________________________________________________________
5. The rebels say they are ready to stop fighting, but they want the prisoners to be released.
 Unless __________________________________________________________________________

V. Complete the following sentences, using your own words (1m) The answer may vary
1. Much as he may try,___________________________________________________________________

2. It is high time that____________________________________________________________________

3. Please, turn off the fan as______________________________________________________________

4. Unless you do your best,_______________________________________________________________

5. We will stop for lunch where____________________________________________________________


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