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In June of 2018, after a long and hard night of football training, a Thai football team “The Wild Boars”

decided to explore one of the longest caves in Thailand, the “Tham Luang” cave. The boys were aged
from eleven to sixteen years old, and their coach was aged 25. As they went into the cave and
explored the many tunnels and caverns, a flash flood suddenly surged through, flushing them deeper
and deeper into the cave. They were trapped there for 17 days without food or water. How would
you survive in that situation?

When somebody talks about survival, I think about the film Apollo 13. Survival situations can be
daunting, or scary. I am not scared about the survival itself but how they would feel, imagine being
thousands of kilometres away from home and your loved ones in a space-shuttle, yeah that’s scary.

When our class were watching the film “Apollo 13” it made me ponder and wonder about how they
must’ve felt. I also wondered why Forrest Gump was in space. I have learned from the film “Apollo
13” that if you don’t work together in dire situations, you probably won’t survive. Imagine this,
you’re on a boat in the middle of nowhere, with three people and the shore is nowhere in the eye’s
reach, you’re not going to make it anywhere, arguing and fighting amongst yourselves you must
come up with a plan and execute it to survive. For example, in the film “Apollo 13” they ran out of
energy and had to make it back to earth alive, they had to collaborate with themselves and execute a
plan with the help of the people back on earth. Nobody on this planet could prove me wrong that if
the people in the Apollo 13 mission didn’t work together, they would have still survived.

The movie Apollo 13, really think about what they would’ve thought and worried about up there in
space. Imagine the mental strength you would need to be up there without your family. When we
were watching that film, I learnt that the people up there must have had very good mental strength.
If you were up there and you didn’t have good mental health strength, I don’t think you would have
survived. For example, they stayed calm, imagine all the pressure from the whole wide world
counting on you to get back home in one piece, especially from your wife and kids! They
communicated calmy in the film when they were in bad situations, if you don’t communicate well in
dire situations, you won’t survive. I challenge you to find a survival story where everybody argued.

Adaptability means to change fast and effectively to adapt to situations. Imagine this, you’re in space
200,000 miles away from home and the oxygen tank blows up. What would you do? Well, you would
have to adapt to this rather peculiar situation. This is exactly what the Apollo 13 team did up in space
and guess what they didn’t just sit their and panic they did something about it, they went and closed
the hatch to prevent from anymore leakage of oxygen, I know if I were up there, I would panic and
not know what to do, but they adapted to the daunting situation.

Honestly, I don’t think I would be able to survive up there in space. But if I were up there, I would
adapt to the situation, work together and stay calm. Personally, I feel quite intimidated by surviving
in a situation like Apollo 13 away from my loved ones and up there so far away from home.

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