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1.What is a self-directed learner?

What are the essential aspects of

self-directed learning?

2.What are your two biggest strengths as a student? How will these

strengths help you become a self-directed learner?

3.What are your two biggest weaknesses as a student? How do these

affect your readiness to be a self-directed learner?

4.Describe at least three strategies to become a more self-directed

learner. How will you hold yourself accountable for your growth as a


A self-directed learner is an individual who takes the initiative for their learning,

with or without the help of others. He /she provides and manages their learning

needs, learning goals, resources, formulates and executes his learning goals and

strategies and the evaluation of learning outcomes.

In my opinion, I am a very organized and success-oriented person. And this is great

strength in self-directed learning. My organization skills will be the framework and

my success-oriented mindset will be the fuel to achieve my goal of graduating. My

second strength my strong will which sometimes goes over into stubbornness, which

helps me to stay focused even in hard times.

From time to time, I become lazy for some time, this can cost me some of my

learning time and pushes me backward in my scheduled plan.

My first strategy to stay accountable is to stay focused on the goal of graduating The

second strategy is to start my work and to start learning as soon as a unit is available.

My third strategy is to take breaks from time to time not to lose my learning spirit.

260 words

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