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Crosstalk Between Wnt and Bone Morphogenic

Protein Signaling: A Turbulent Relationship
Nobue Itasaki1* and Stefan Hoppler2

The Wnt and the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) pathways are evolutionarily conserved and essentially
independent signaling mechanisms, which, however, often regulate similar biological processes. Wnt and
BMP signaling are functionally integrated in many biological processes, such as embryonic patterning in
Drosophila and vertebrates, formation of kidney, limb, teeth and bones, maintenance of stem cells, and
cancer progression. Detailed inspection of regulation in these and other tissues reveals that Wnt and BMP
signaling are functionally integrated in four fundamentally different ways. The molecular mechanism
evolved to mediate this integration can also be summarized in four different ways. However, a fundamental
aspect of functional and mechanistic interaction between these pathways relies on tissue-specific
mechanisms, which are often not conserved and cannot be extrapolated to other tissues. Integration of the
two pathways contributes toward the sophisticated means necessary for creating the complexity of our
bodies and the reliable and healthy function of its tissues and organs. Developmental Dynamics 239:16 –33,
2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: Wnt; BMP; crosstalk; signaling; Drosophila; vertebrate embryos; patterning; stem cell; organogenesis;

Accepted 5 May 2009

INTRODUCTION ify the degree of the outcome activity 2004; Moon et al., 2004; Varga and
of the pathway but also cause qualita- Wrana, 2005; Hardwick et al., 2008).
Cell-to-cell signaling undertakes a
tively different biological effects. To- Mechanisms of regulating each signal
tremendous variety of biological func-
gether with intrinsic factors such as transduction pathway have been in-
tions during animal development and
availability of cofactors and target tensively studied (von Bubnoff and
adult homeostasis. Remarkably, they
are predominantly mediated by a genes, combinatorial activation of sig- Cho, 2001; Derynck and Zhang, 2003;
small number of conserved molecular naling pathways amplifies not only Gordon and Nusse, 2006; Huang and
signaling pathways. The complexity of the magnitude but also the complexity He, 2008). They are able to function
the response with required specificity of cellular response. This interaction independently from each other: by
can be brought about by a combina- is so-called “crosstalk” of multiple sig- means of different ligands, different
tion of multiple signal transduction naling pathways. receptors and different cytoplasmic
pathways. Activity of a signaling The Wnt and bone morphogenic pro- and nuclear signal transducers, with-
pathway can influence that of the tein (BMP) signaling pathways are out sharing any major pathway com-
other, depending on the context, re- implicated in many biological events ponents. However, in many biological
sulting in different cellular responses such as stem cell maintenance, cell contexts Wnt and BMP ligands are
from the one achieved by just a single fate specifications, organogenesis, and expressed in overlapping or comple-
cascade. The effect may not only mod- carcinogenesis (Logan and Nusse, mentary manners, spatially or tempo-

Division of Developmental Neurobiology, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, United Kingdom
Cell and Developmental Biology Research Program, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland,
United Kingdom
*Correspondence to: Nobue Itasaki, Division of Developmental Neurobiology, MRC National Institute for Medical Research,
The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UK. E-mail:
DOI 10.1002/dvdy.22009
Published online 19 June 2009 in Wiley InterScience (

© 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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rarily, as if they are “crosstalking” to

each other. In fact, recent studies
have revealed many cases where these
two pathways cooperate or attenuate
each other, thus causing effects that
cannot be achieved by either alone.
A difficulty in understanding the
Wnt-BMP crosstalk is that the effect
varies; it can either be synergistic or
antagonistic, depending on the cellu-
lar context, as was first discovered in
Drosophila development (Azpiazu et
al., 1996; Carmena et al., 1998). One
example of synergistic effects during
vertebrate embryogenesis is seen in
early Xenopus embryos, where Wnt8
and BMP4 are expressed in overlap-
ping domains with both being re-
quired for induction of ventral meso-
derm (Hoppler and Moon, 1998). They
Fig. 1. Combinatorial Wnt and bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signaling regulates homeobox
are not simply coexpressed or func- genes in the Drosophila mesoderm. Wnt and BMP signaling overlap in the anterior but not the
tioning redundantly: BMP signaling is posterior compartment of the embryonic segmental units in Drosophila embryos. The enhancer of
indispensable for Wnt8 to exert its the even-skipped gene (eve) integrates synergy between Wnt and BMP signaling through Smad and
function. This is one of the first indi- Tcf binding sites, which mediate activation of expression in the anterior compartment but repres-
cations suggesting a synergistic effect sion by Tcf and a transcriptional corepressor (R, i.e., Groucho) in the posterior compartment where
there is only BMP, but no Wnt signaling. The enhancer of the bagpipe (bap) gene mediates
of BMP and Wnt signals in verte- expression in a complementary pattern; in the absence of Wnt signaling it activates bagpipe
brates. In other contexts, Wnt and expression through its Smad binding site; but it also contains a binding site for the FoxG-related
BMP signals have opposing functions. transcription factor, a product of the sloppy paired (slp) gene, which associates with a transcrip-
For instance, the cell fate of neural tional corepressor (R, i.e., Groucho) to repress bagpipe expression in the anterior compartment
where Wnt signaling specifically induces sloppy paired (FoxG) expression. ␤ indicates ␤-catenin/
crest cells are biased to melanocyte by armadillo. Figure modified after Lee and Frasch (2005).
Wnt signals, while BMP signals in-
duce neuron and glia, and repress
melanogenesis (Jin et al., 2001). for dissecting the signaling interactions al., 1998), Wnt signaling antagonizes
These two examples already clearly between the Wnt (wingless) and BMP BMP signaling to prevent bagpipe ex-
illustrate that context-dependent ef- (decapentaplegic) pathways. In certain pression in the same domain (Azpiazu
fects is a hallmark of crosstalk be- tissues, such as during Drosophila leg et al., 1996).
tween these two signaling pathways, development, antagonism between The Wnt and BMP signaling is dif-
and suggest complexity in the molec- these pathways is simply hardwired by ferently integrated on the relevant en-
ular mechanism. mutual repression of each other’s li- hancers of these genes; while the even-
In this review, we analyze how gand-encoding gene, whereby Wnt sig- skipped enhancer has a BMP response
crosstalk of Wnt and BMP pathways naling represses BMP expression and element (Smad1/5/8 [Mad] and Smad4
functions in different biological con- BMP signaling represses Wnt expres- [Medea] binding sites) next to a Wnt
texts by focusing on those embryonic sion (e.g., Theisen et al., 1996). response element (Tcf [pangolin] bind-
tissues and those tumors in which the The patterning of the mesoderm in ing sites; Knirr and Frasch, 2001) to
salient aspects of this interaction is Drosophila provides a perfect model mediate synergy; the bagpipe en-
best illustrated. We also explain sev- system for investigating more com- hancer, to integrate antagonism, con-
eral molecular mechanisms, which plex, combinatorial signaling mecha- tains a BMP response element next to
mediate the observed crosstalk be- nisms between the Wnt and BMP sig- the binding site for a FoxG forkhead-
tween BMP and Wnt signaling. naling pathways. Here they involve family transcriptional repressor
synergy and antagonism in the same (Sloppy paired), which is up-regulated
SYNERGISTIC AND tissue and even in some of the same in these cells by Wnt signaling (Lee
ANTAGONISTIC EFFECTS cells depending on the target gene and Frasch, 2005) (Fig. 1).
(Fig. 1). Wnt and BMP signaling over- Combinatorial Wnt (wingless) and
OF THE WNT AND BMP laps in the anterior domain of the seg- BMP (decapentaplegic) signaling reg-
PATHWAYS IN DIFFERENT mental units of the Drosophila em- ulates development of the Drosophila
CONTEXTS bryo (parasegments). The homeobox midgut, and in particular homeotic
Patterning in the Drosophila genes bagpipe and even-skipped read gene expression in the endoderm (la-
this positional information, but inter- bial) and the associated visceral me-
Embryo pret it completely differently: while soderm (Ultrabithorax; Fig. 2A). This
The power of genetics to analyze Dro- Wnt and BMP synergize to induce precise regulation of homeotic gene
sophila development has been priceless even-skipped expression (Carmena et expression governs morphogenesis
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Brinker binding sites overlapping

with this BMP response element to
antagonize the positive regulation by
BMP/Smad signaling of the Ultra-
bithorax enhancer directly by high
levels of Wnt signaling (Saller et al.,

Dorsal–Ventral Patterning of
the Spinal Cord in
Vertebrate Embryos
Dorsal–ventral patterning of the spi-
nal cord in vertebrate embryos in-
volves multiple signaling mechanisms
(Helms and Johnson, 2003). The dor-
sal spinal cord is characterized by
neural crest production and differen-
tiation of dorsal interneurons, along
with expression of genes such as olig3
and Math1 (Gowan et al., 2001; Take-
Fig. 2. Combinatorial Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling regulates homeotic
genes in the Drosophila midgut. A: Extracellular Wnt and BMP signaling from the visceral meso-
bayashi et al., 2002; Zechner et al.,
derm regulate expression of the homeotic genes labial in the endoderm and Ultrabithorax in the 2007). The dorsal spinal cord ex-
visceral mesoderm itself. At a distance from the Wnt expression domain, relatively low levels of Wnt presses Wnt (Wnt1, Wnt3a; Hollyday
signaling synergizes with BMP signaling to induce expression of labial and maintain Ultrabithorax et al., 1995; Galli et al., 2007) and
expression; while close to the Wnt expression domain, higher levels of Wnt signaling antagonize BMP (BMP2,4,7; Basler et al., 1993;
BMP signaling by inducing expression of Teashirt, which encodes a transcriptional repressor that
prevents expression of labial and Ultrabithorax in this domain. B: The Ultrabithorax enhancer Lee et al., 1998) ligands, both of which
integrates the synergistic and antagonistic regulation by Wnt and BMP signaling. A Wnt Response are involved in conferring generally
Element (WRE, containing conserved Tcf (pangolin) TCF binding sites) sits next to a BMP Response dorsal-specific character in this re-
Element (BRE, containing Smad/MAD binding sites [SMAD]) to mediate synergy between BMP and gion. Expression of BMP ligands is
relatively low levels of Wnt signaling. However, the BRE overlaps with binding sites for the Brinker
sequence-specific DNA binding protein (BRK), which recruits Teashirt (TSH) and CtBP and thus
initiated by a contact with the surface
forms a transcriptional repression complex on the BRE to antagonize BMP signaling in the domain ectoderm (Liem et al., 1995), and is
with high Wnt signaling. ␤, ␤-catenin/armadillo. Figure modified after Saller et al. (2002). responsible for Wnt1 expression
(Burstyn-Cohen et al., 2004). Wnt sig-
nals enhance the BMP pathway as
and subsequent differentiation of spe- pression domain (Hoppler and Bienz, seen by an increase of phospho-
cific cell types in the endoderm, such 1995). smad1/5/8 and expression of down-
as in the labial expressing cells into the Synergy with low Wnt signaling is stream target gene Msx1 (Ille et al.,
copper cells (e.g, Hoppler and Bienz, mediated by means of direct regula- 2007). Overactivation of either path-
1994). The Wnt ligand is expressed in tion by Tcf (pangolin) and ␤-catenin way causes expansion of dorsal-spe-
the visceral mesoderm in a domain (Armadillo) function (Riese et al., cific domains (Liem et al., 1995; Tim-
(parasegment 8) immediately posterior 1997), while high Wnt signaling mer et al., 2002; Ille et al., 2007;
to the BMP ligand-expressing domain causes antagonism indirectly by Zechner et al., 2007; Alvarez-Medina
(parasegment 7). Autocrine BMP and means of up-regulation of Teashirt et al., 2008), whereas loss-of-function
low Wnt signaling synergize to main- (Mathies et al., 1994; Waltzer et al., of either results in a failure to specify
tain Ultrabithorax expression in the 2001), which encodes a Zinc-finger dorsal-specific cell fates (Nguyen et
BMP expression domain; while just pos- protein that assembles a transcrip- al., 2000; Muroyama et al., 2002;
teriorly, in the Wnt expression domain, tional repressor complex containing Zechner et al., 2007), indicating that
high Wnt signaling antagonizes BMP the transcriptional corepressor CtBP both Wnt and BMP signals are re-
signaling to repress Ultrabithorax ex- and the sequence-specific DNA bind- quired for proper fate-specification at
pression (reviewed by Bienz, 1997). ing factor Brinker (Saller et al., 2002). the dorsal neural tube. An important
This regulation of Ultrabithorax in the The relevant enhancer region in Ul- question concerns whether the two
visceral mesoderm layer is mirrored by trabithorax integrates this intricate pathways are independently responsi-
labial regulation in the endoderm: BMP regulation perfectly (Fig. 2B). It con- ble for dorsal patterning: i.e., whether
and low Wnt signaling synergize to in- tains a Wnt response element (Tcf the two pathways have different out-
duce labial expression in the endoderm [pangolin] binding site; Riese et al., comes both of which are required for
next to the BMP expression domain in 1997) next to a BMP response element dorsalization of the neural tube, or
the visceral mesoderm; while further (Smad1/5/8 [Mad] binding sites; Szuts whether the dorsalization is induced
posterior, high Wnt signaling antago- et al., 1998) to mediate the observed by one of the signals while the other
nizes BMP signaling-induced expres- synergy between BMP and low levels plays a permissive role. To clarify this
sion of labial adjacent to the Wnt ex- of Wnt signaling; but also several issue, the direct effect of each pathway
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has been studied in this context. Wnt patterning. This finding is significant Wnt signals (Glinka et al., 1997,
signals promote cell proliferation by in that Wnt signaling has a direct role 1998), while BMP inhibition alone of-
up-regulating transcription of cyclin in dorsal patterning, as does BMP sig- ten only induces a secondary axis
D1 (Burstyn-Cohen et al., 2004), naling. In other words, the patterning without head structures (Suzuki et
whereas BMP signals are responsible process in the dorsal spinal cord is al., 1994; but see below). Spemann’s
for dorsal patterning (Liem et al., likely to involve a direct synergy of organizer indeed expresses chordin
1995, 1997; Chesnutt et al., 2004). BMP and Wnt signaling rather than a and noggin, both of which function to
BMP signals are also required for cell secondary effect. These studies also inhibit BMP signals, and Dkk1, a Wnt
proliferation; however, this appears to highlight the situation where the inhibitor (reviewed by Niehrs, 2004).
be mediated by transcriptional up- same group of cells (dorsal spinal In analogy to Xenopus embryos as
regulation of Wnt1 (Burstyn-Cohen et cord) integrate Wnt and BMP signals mentioned above, failure to inhibit
al., 2004). Hence, BMP signals are both synergistically and antagonisti- both Wnt and BMP signals in mouse
mainly responsible for patterning, cally depending on the task; synergis- also affects head formation: Head
while the role of Wnt signals is to ex- tically for patterning and antagonisti- structures are not properly formed in
pand the populations of dorsal neuro- cally for cell proliferation. double heterozygous for Dkk1 and
nal progenitors specified by BMP From the dorsal neural tube, neural noggin (del Barco Barrantes et al.,
(Chesnutt et al., 2004), both of which crest cells delaminate, migrate, and 2003). However, a similar phenotype
are together required for making the differentiate into various cell types in- is also obtained by a null deletion of
dorsal part of the spinal cord. cluding peripheral neurons. While Dkk1 (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2001), or
It has, however, been noted in Wnt/ both Wnt and BMP signals support by double knock-out of noggin and
␤-catenin overexpression studies that pluripotency of neural crest cells dur- chordin in which Dkk1 expression is
the cell-proliferating effect of the Wnt/ ing the proliferation, these two signals not compromised (Bachiller et al.,
␤-catenin pathway is best exerted in are involved differently in the neuro- 2000). It is unclear whether in this
the ventral side of the neural tube, genic differentiation process; while context the Wnt and BMP pathways
where BMP signals are absent Wnt signals promote sensory neuro- have distinct downstream targets, or,
(Cheung and Briscoe, 2003; Ille et al., genesis, BMP signals suppress it (Kle- whether they function additively or
2007). In fact, cell proliferation pro- ber et al., 2005). This exemplifies not synergistically to work on common
moted by activation of the Wnt/␤-cate- only that the roles of Wnt and BMP targets.
nin pathway is counteracted by BMP signals change during development,
signals in the dorsal neural tube. Sim- but also that the mode of crosstalk Ventral Mesoderm
ilarly, neuronal differentiation caused between the two signals changes as
Patterning in Xenopus
by BMP signals is best achieved in the well.
absence of Wnt signals. Hence, there
is an underlying mechanism of mu- One of the first indications of instruc-
tual inhibition between Wnt and BMP
Head Induction tive synergy between BMP and Wnt
pathways behind the scene of their Head and trunk induction has been a signals in vertebrates was shown in
cooperative function. Perhaps the neg- subject of intensive studies in the field specification of the ventral mesoderm
ative feedback is taking place to main- of developmental biology as it is the in Xenopus embryos (Hoppler and
tain the balance of cell proliferation basis for much of the vertebrate body Moon, 1998). In Xenopus blastula, the
and differentiation. plan (reviewed by Stern et al., 2006). equator region called marginal zone
Although the above studies in chick In Amphibian embryos, Spemann’s develops into mesoderm, which is fur-
and mouse embryos suggest major organizer provides inductive signals ther specified along the dorsal–ven-
roles for BMP signals in patterning, for axis formation. Spemann and tral axis: The dorsal side of the mar-
whereas for Wnt in proliferation, a Mangold have shown this by trans- ginal zone gives rise to the notochord
study using zebrafish embryos clearly planting the dorsal lip of the blas- and somites, whereas the ventral side
showed that Wnt signaling is required topore (the organizer tissue) from a develops into tissues such as prone-
for both proliferation and patterning donor embryo to the ectopic (prospec- phros kidneys and embryonic blood.
in the dorsal spinal cord (Bonner et tive ventral) region of a host embryo. Expressions of BMP4 and Wnt8 over-
al., 2008). In addition, it has been clar- This resulted in an embryo with a sec- lap in the ventral marginal zone, and
ified that cell proliferation and pat- ond dorsal body axis where the ven- indeed formation of ventral mesoderm
terning are independently regulated tral side should have been. The sec- requires both BMP and Wnt signals.
events; blocking cell proliferation does ondary axis consisted of host cells Using the vent homeobox genes as
not affect dorsal–ventral patterning of except the notochord (which derives molecular markers for ventral meso-
the neural tube. This led authors to a from the graft), proving the existence derm, Hoppler and Moon showed the
further finding that these two events of inductive signals responsible for following: (1) vent gene expression
are regulated by different Tcf/Lef fam- axis formation in the grafted tissue requires both Wnt and BMP signals;
ily members of the Wnt signaling (Spemann and Mangold, 1924). It is loss of either (experimentally achieved
pathway; Tcf3 mediates the Wnt/␤- now known from Xenopus studies that with expression of dominant negative
catenin signaling for proliferation, this secondary axis induction (with Wnt8 or dominant-negative BMP recep-
while Tcf7 (a.k.a. Tcf1) mediates the head and trunk structures) is recapit- tor Ia) results in reduced vent gene ex-
same signaling for dorsal neural tube ulated by inhibition of both BMP and pression; (2) strong BMP signaling is
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sufficient to induce vent genes; (3) Ex- Wnt signals act on ES cells to main- ectoderm) inhibits cells to respond to
pression of Wnt8 requires activation of tain their pluripotency (Ying et al., FGF signaling by an unknown mech-
the BMP pathway (i.e., dominant-nega- 2003; Sato et al., 2004; Nusse, 2008). anism, which in turn allows BMP sig-
tive BMP receptor expression results in Thus, in the context of maintaining nals to promote epidermal ectoderm.
a failure of Wnt8 and vent gene expres- pluripotency and adopting neural cell In this context, the BMP pathway ap-
sion). These results may be interpreted fate, BMP and Wnt signals have sim- pears to be the key for the cell fate
such as to suggest that BMP signaling ilar effects. A question is raised as to specification as seen in Xenopus: BMP
functions upstream of Wnt8 expression whether these pathways have distinct inhibition (experimentally caused by a
in a linear regulatory pathway. In other functions or whether they are redun- dominant-negative BMP receptor or
words, the function of BMP4 is to up- dant. For the maintenance of pluripo- by noggin) induces neural fate even in
regulate Wnt8, which then induces vent tency, either BMP or Wnt activation the presence of an FGF inhibitor (Wil-
expression. However, Wnt8 is not suffi- appears to be sufficient: A pharmaco- son et al., 2000) or Wnt ligands (Wil-
cient to induce vent gene expression (co- logical Wnt signaling activator son et al., 2001). Moreover, BMP suf-
expression of dominant-negative BMP (GSK3␤ inhibitor) is sufficient to ficiently induces epidermal ectoderm
receptor and Wnt8 failed to induce vent maintain the undifferentiated state of even in the presence of a Wnt inhibi-
expression). This means that activation ES cells (Sato et al., 2004). Similarly, tor (Wilson et al., 2001). However,
of the BMP pathway is required for up-regulation of Id genes, direct high concentration of the FGF blocker
Wnt8 to exert its function to induce vent downstream targets of the BMP path- or Wnt ligands inhibits the ability of
genes. It was later found that the Xeno- way, is able to maintain self-renewal noggin or dominant-negative BMP re-
pus vent2 promoter region contains in the presence of LIF, without a need ceptor to induce neural fate (Wilson et
BMP response elements where Smad for serum (Ying et al., 2003). It is, al., 2001). Thus, there remains a pos-
proteins bind (Rastegar et al., 1999; however, unclear whether both of sible mechanism of BMP inhibition-
Hata et al., 2000; von Bubnoff et al., them are responsible for a common independent neural induction, which
2005), but the mechanisms through target or not. might relate to regulation of FGF or
which Wnt regulates vent2 expression With regard to neural induction in Wnt signals.
are still investigated. Very similar embryos, BMP inhibition was initially
mechanisms have also since been dis- found to be sufficient for inducing the
covered in other vertebrates (Ramel et neural cell fate in Xenopus ectoderm;
Bone Formation
al., 2005). This network of interactions whereas BMP signals promote the epi- BMP was originally found as a factor
between Wnt and BMP signaling in the dermal fate (reviewed by Hemmati- promoting formation of cartilage and
ventral mesoderm would predict that Brivanlou and Melton, 1997). How- bone, hence its name bone morphoge-
strong inhibition of BMP signaling will ever, in the chick epiblast, BMP netic protein (Wozney et al., 1988). It
not only cause an obvious lack of BMP antagonism alone does not induce is interesting to note that, another
signaling, but additionally, due to re- neural fate (Linker and Stern, 2004). protein similarly isolated based on its
duced Wnt8 expression, also a lack of This led to a search for additional fac- chondrogenic activity, turned out to
Wnt signaling leading to complete dor- tors and mechanisms required for encode an extracellular Wnt inhibitor
salization. Indeed, this is exactly what chick neural induction (that had pre- (Hoang et al., 1996; originally named
was observed when BMP signaling was sumably been masked in Xenopus as- FrzB for Frizzled-related molecule ex-
completely blocked by injection of an says as they were endogenously sup- pressed in Bone, now called sFRP3,
inhibitory Smad (Tsuneizumi et al., plied). One is FGF signaling, which for secreted Frizzled related protein
1997). initiates the neural fate in the medial 3). Since then, many studies have
epiblast (Streit et al., 2000; Wilson et shown that the Wnt pathway is indeed
Stem Cells and Neural al., 2000), and which was later also involved in promoting bone formation
found to be required for neural induc- (reviewed by Baron et al., 2006; Hart-
Induction tion in Xenopus (Delaune et al., 2005; mann, 2006, 2007). This has been
Embryonic stem (ES) cells undergo Kuroda et al., 2005). FGF3 may func- manifested by various mutations that
self-renewal proliferation while main- tion either in favor of inhibiting the primarily affect the Wnt pathway yet
taining the potential to differentiate BMP pathway or independently of exhibit considerable phenotypes in
into a variety of cell types. Many stud- BMP inhibition (Streit et al., 2000; bones. Although, contrary to the effect
ies have been conducted to search for Wilson et al., 2000, 2001; Pera et al., of sFRP3, most of studies suggest that
factors that control differentiation of 2003). Another group of neural induc- activation of the Wnt pathway pro-
ES cells into desired lineages. Among ing factors identified turned out to en- motes bone formation. For example,
those are studies to identify factors code Wnt inhibitors. Similar to BMP loss-of-function mutation of a Wnt co-
that cause neural differentiation inhibition, Wnt inhibitors promote receptor LRP5 causes a low bone-
(Gaulden and Reiter, 2008). Fibro- neural differentiation of epiblast cells mass phenotype (Gong et al., 2001),
blast growth factor (FGF) signaling that would otherwise adopt the epi- while its gain-of-function mutation
and inhibition of BMP and Wnt sig- dermal fate (Wilson et al., 2001). This causes hypermineralization of bones
naling sum up the overall require- process requires endogenous FGF sig- (Boyden et al., 2002; Little et al.,
ment for neural differentiation (Wil- naling, hence a model was proposed 2002), known as a human syndrome
son et al., 2001; Kleber and Sommer, where Wnt signals in the lateral epi- high bone mass (HBM) trait, although
2004; Bouhon et al., 2005). BMP and blast (future epidermal, non-neural it has recently been suggested that
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indirect mechanisms could contribute entiate into chondrocytes or adipocytes Despite the complex contribution of
to this phenotype (Yadav et al., 2008). (Day et al., 2005; Hill et al., 2005). Cells the two pathways, attempts have been
LRP6 single nucleotide polymorphism fated to become osteoblasts are, at this made to pinpoint the function of each
mutation impairing Wnt/␤-catenin stage, called osteoprogenitors, in which pathway at the final stage of osteo-
signaling results in low bone mass the Wnt/␤-catenin pathway functions to blast differentiation. In the induction
(Mani et al., 2007). Constitutive acti- promote its proliferation and maintain of ALP expression, the ability of Wnt
vation of ␤-catenin caused by APC the precursor status (i.e., attenuating signals to up-regulate ALP is not
(Adenomatous Polyposis Coli) deletion further differentiation). BMP signals blocked by cycloheximide, suggesting
results in high bone deposition (Hol- can stimulate those cells to become ma- no requirement for new protein syn-
men et al., 2005). Moreover, Axin2 ture osteoblast (Amedee et al., 1994; thesis, while BMP2-dependent ALP
knock-out in mice causes skeletal de- Hughes et al., 1995). Hence, BMP and induction is blocked, suggesting that
fects, such as craniosynostosis where Wnt signals have opposing effects in os- the Wnt/␤-catenin pathway plays a di-
the skull fuses and ossificates at teoprogenitors. Once osteoprogenitors rect role in ALP induction (Rawadi et
younger stages than normal (Yu et al., become osteoblasts, Wnt and BMP sig- al., 2003). It was also shown in pri-
2005; Liu et al., 2007). Finally, trans- nals function cooperatively; both BMP2 mary culture of mouse osteoblasts
genic expression of stabilized ␤-cate- and Wnt/␤-catenin pathways promote that defects in osteoblast differentia-
nin in osteoblasts causes high bone further differentiation seen by expres- tion caused by ␤-catenin deletion is
mass, accompanied by defects in oste- sion of alkaline phosphatase (ALP; Bain not rescued by additional recombinant
oclast differentiation, as osteoprote- et al., 2003; Rawadi et al., 2003) and BMP2, although it normally increases
gerin being as a target of Wnt/␤-cate- mineralization (Holmen et al., 2005). osteogenic markers (Hill et al., 2005).
nin pathway, while a loss of ␤-catenin Thus, the Wnt/␤-catenin pathway is In addition, sclerostin, a protein re-
in osteoblasts results in low bone crucial at multiple steps of bone forma- sponsible for regulating the proper
mass (Glass et al., 2005; Holmen et tion, and the interaction of Wnt and bone density, functions on Wnt sig-
al., 2005). All of these examples sug- BMP signals is either opposing or coop- nals, not BMP signals, for bone forma-
gest that overactivation of the Wnt/␤- erative depending on the differentiation
tion (van Bezooijen et al., 2004, 2007),
catenin pathway promotes abnormal step.
despite its ability to bind BMP ligands
mineral deposits in bones while de- At the step during differentiation
(Kusu et al., 2003; Winkler et al.,
creased Wnt/␤-catenin signaling at- when mesenchymal precursor cells
2003). Furthermore, it was found in
tenuates it, indicating that the path- choose specific cell fates, Wnt and BMP
multiple myeloma patients that the
way is responsible for regulating the signals have different roles. In mesen-
myeloma cells secrete a soluble Wnt
right degree of bone formation and chymal cell line C3H10T1/2, which has
inhibitor, sFRP-2, which suppresses
mineral deposition. the ability to differentiate into chondro-
bone formation and causes bone de-
How is the Wnt/␤-catenin pathway cyte, adipocyte, muscle, or osteoblasts
struction (Oshima et al., 2005). These
involved in bone formation? Why do by extrinsic factors, BMP2 and ␤-cate-
studies suggest that the mineraliza-
opposite activities of the pathway (in- nin function distinctly. Muscle differen-
tion step in differentiated osteoblasts
hibition by sFRP3 and activation by tiation is promoted by ␤-catenin and not
␤-catenin) both result in promotion of by BMP2 (Bain et al., 2003). On the is much dependent on the Wnt path-
bone formation? What is the effect of other hand, chondrogenic differentia- way, consistent with the human con-
Wnt pathway activation on the BMP tion is promoted strongly by BMP2 ditions involving molecular lesions in
pathway during bone formation? It while ␤-catenin has no effect or rather genes encoding Wnt signaling compo-
appears that the interaction of the functions inhibitory (Fischer et al., nents.
BMP and Wnt pathways is particu- 2002; Bain et al., 2003). It was also seen It has also been proposed in chondro-
larly complex in bone development, in vivo that deletion of ␤-catenin in os- genesis that Wnt/␤-catenin signaling
probably because the effect of the in- teoblasts causes enhanced chondrogen- plays a more instructive role than BMP
teraction differs depending on the de- esis and decreased osteogenesis (Day et signaling. Chondrogenic differentiation
velopmental stage. al., 2005; Hill et al., 2005; Rodda and is characterized by Sox9-mediated tran-
Most bones derive from mesenchy- McMahon, 2006). Furthermore, in scriptional up-regulation of specific col-
mal precursor cells that have the abil- C3H10T1/2 cells, stabilized ␤-catenin lagens (Lefebvre et al., 1997; Zhou et
ity to differentiate into osteoblast, adi- strongly inhibits adipocyte differentia- al., 1998; Bi et al., 1999; Akiyama et al.,
pocyte, or chondrogenic precursors, tion while BMP2 does not affect it (Bain 2002). ␤-Catenin physically interacts
with an exception of the skull, which is et al., 2003). It is interesting to note with Sox9 and causes ubiquitination-
formed by direct differentiation of neu- that, in the same cell line, exogenous mediated degradation (Akiyama et al.,
ral crest-derived mesenchymal cells BMP2 promotes TOPflash reporter ac- 2004; Jin et al., 2006). In this context,
into bone tissues (reviewed in Baron et tivity (Bain et al., 2003). Hence, it ap- BMP2 blocks ␤-catenin–Sox9 interac-
al., 2006; Hartmann, 2006, 2007). In pears that BMP2 functions in two ways; tion through activation of p38 MAPK.
skeletal bone formation, the fate of mes- one to enhance the Wnt/␤-catenin path- This suggests a mechanism where BMP
enchymal precursors is directed to os- way and another to function indepen- signaling indirectly promote chondro-
teoblast progenitors by activation of the dently of it, and these mechanisms are genesis by blocking Wnt/␤-catenin sig-
Wnt/␤-catenin pathway; without acti- selectively used depending on the differ- naling, which negatively works for
vation, mesenchymal precursors differ- entiation stage. chondrogenesis.
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Tooth Development phogenesis. The process of limb devel- main shows little homology (for exam-
opment consists of induction and ple, lacking “PPPSP” motifs that are
Tooth development is a particularly
growth of limb buds, pattern forma- required for signal transduction: Da-
rewarding area for studying the func-
tion along the three axes, and tissue vidson et al., 2005; Zeng et al., 2005),
tional interaction of signaling path-
differentiation (Tickle, 2006), which hence predicted to work as a Wnt sig-
ways. Tooth formation involves tissue
are regulated by multiple signaling nal inhibitor by sequestering ligands.
interactions between epithelium and
cascades (Kengaku et al., 1998;
underlying mesenchyme, mainly me-
Kawakami et al., 2001). In inducing
diated by BMP, hedgehog (shh), and Kidney Development
the apical ectodermal ridge (marked
FGF signals (Tucker and Sharpe,
by fgf8 expression), BMP signaling is Reciprocal epithelial–mesenchymal
1999). Involvement of Wnt/␤-catenin
required in the initial step and ␤-cate- interactions mediated by multiple sig-
signaling, however, has also been sug-
nin functions subsequently to that; naling pathways are a fundamental
gested. For example, Lef1⫺/⫺ mice
while at the later stage in dorsal–ven- aspect of vertebrate kidney develop-
lack both incisor and molar teeth
tral patterning, ␤-catenin acts up- ment. In metanephros formation it in-
along with lack of whiskers and hairs
stream of, or in parallel with, BMP
(van Genderen et al., 1994). Axin2 mu- volves two groups of tissues: Epithe-
signaling (Soshnikova et al., 2003).
tant also displays tooth agenesis lial ureteric buds branch out of the
The role of Wnt and BMP signals fur-
(Lammi et al., 2004). Overactivation Wolffian duct by signals derived from
ther changes during the process of
of ␤-catenin promotes enlarged and the metanephrogenic mesenchymal
digit separation. Digits are formed in
ectopic tooth formation, which is ac- cells, which surround the ureteric
shape by programmed cell death of
companied by expansion of BMP4, buds and regulate further branching
mesenchymal tissues at interdigital
Msx1/2, and Lef1 expression domains of the ureteric bud. In turn, at the tips
regions and the anterior and posterior
(Jarvinen et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2008). of the branches, the ureteric epithelial
margins of the limb buds. BMP li-
In contrast, overexpression of Dkk1 cells induce mesenchymal condensa-
gands are expressed in the right place
blocks teeth formation, which is ac- tion. The mesenchymal cells differen-
at the right time to induce cell death
companied by down-regulation of tiate into different types of cells to
(Ganan et al., 1996; Yokouchi et al.,
BMP and Msx1/2 expression domains eventually form nephrons, while ure-
1996; Zou and Niswander, 1996). In-
(Liu et al., 2008). In the Dkk1-overex- teric bud gives rise to the collecting
deed, when noggin is overexpressed by
pressed tissues, the ability of BMP4 to ducts and ureter. These processes re-
transgenesis in mouse, interdigital
induce Msx1/2 is not affected, suggest- quire multiple signaling pathways in-
tissue is not completely regressed and
ing that Wnt/␤-catenin signals are re- cluding BMP and Wnt/␤-catenin path-
thus extra-digits are formed, resulting
quired upstream of BMP4 function ways (Schedl and Hastie, 2000;
in soft tissue syndactily (Guha et al.,
(Liu et al., 2008). Another mouse mu- Perantoni, 2003; Carroll et al., 2005).
2002; Plikus et al., 2004). However,
tant that exhibits a significant tooth BMP7 is enriched at the tip of the
despite the apparent reduction of
phenotype is a knock-out of Wise (also ureteric bud epithelium (Caruana et
BMP signals, the expression of down-
called Ectodin/USAG-1/SOSTDC1; al., 2006), while BMP receptors are in
stream target genes, Msx1 and Msx2,
Kassai et al., 2005; Murashima-Sug- both the branching epithelium and
which are expressed in the interdigi-
inami et al., 2007; Ohazama et al., mesenchyme cells (Martinez et al.,
tal regions and believed to be respon-
2008; Munne et al., 2009), a BMP in- 2001). Mice with targeted deletion of
sible for the cell death effect (Marazzi
hibitor and also implicated as a Wnt BMP7 show severe dysgenesis of kid-
et al., 1997), are not affected in nog-
modulator (Itasaki et al., 2003; Lau- neys with little or no glomeruli, due to
gin-overexpressed limbs (Guha et al.,
rikkala et al., 2003; Yanagita et al., the failure of mesenchymal condensa-
2002). Strikingly, Dkk1 is expressed
2004). Targeted deletion of Wise/Ecto- tion at the initial stage (Dudley et al.,
in interdigits and its deletion mutant
din shows supernumerary teeth, 1995; Luo et al., 1995). Wnt4 and
mice exhibit a soft tissue syndactily
which is explained by an increase of Wnt6 are expressed in ureteric buds
phenotype similar to the one seen in
either BMP or Wnt/␤-catenin activity, and include tubulogenesis (Stark et
noggin transgenic mice (Mukho-
based on the study of Liu et al (2008). al., 1994; Itaranta et al., 2002). Loss of
padhyay et al., 2001). Because BMP2
A deletion mutant of LRP4, a negative ␤-catenin in the ureteric bud cell lin-
induces Dkk1 expression as an imme-
Wnt signal regulator and also known eage causes defects in branches of ure-
diate-early response, it is suggested
as Megf7 (Johnson et al., 2005), shows teric epithelium, resulting in dyspla-
that the apoptosis caused by BMP sig-
the same phenotype as that of Wise/
nals in normal limb development is sia or aplasia of kidneys (Bridgewater
Ectodin mutant mice (Ohazama et al.,
mediated by Dkk1, rather than by ex- et al., 2008). Thus both Wnt and BMP
2008), suggesting that Wise/Ectodin
pression of the direct BMP target pathways are required for kidney
may function on LRP4 in this context.
Msx1 (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2001; morphogenesis.
Guha et al., 2002). Deletion of a Wnt Because a very high dose of BMP7
Limb Development signal inhibitor LRP4 (also known as signaling inhibits branching mor-
A role for Wise/Ectodin and LRP4 in Megf7) also shows a similar pheno- phogenesis of ureteric buds (Piscione
crosstalk between Wnt and BMP sig- type of syndactily (Johnson et al., et al., 2001), an attempt was made
naling is also suggested in limb devel- 2005). LRP4/Megf7 shows a strong ho- to make a model animal of renal
opment (see below). Limb formation is mology to LRP5/6 at the extracellular dysplasia by introducing a transgene
a classic model for the study of mor- domain while the intracellular do- expressing constitutively activated
10970177, 2010, 1, Downloaded from by Ruprecht Karls Universitaet, Wiley Online Library on [20/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

ALK3 (BMP receptor Ia, the receptor Cancer This balance can be broken either
for BMP2,4,7) in mouse. Rosenblum when Wnt/␤-catenin signaling is over-
Involvement of deregulated activation
and colleagues then found that mice activated and cells continue to prolif-
of ␤-catenin in carcinogenesis is evi-
with high BMP signaling show ele- erate, or when BMP signal dependent
dent (Giles et al., 2003; Kikuchi, 2003;
vated activity of the Wnt/␤-catenin differentiation is attenuated (Brabletz
Logan and Nusse, 2004). While a wide
pathway revealed by Tcf-reporter et al., 2009). It has been reported that
variety of cancers show elevated
transgene expression (Hu et al., colon cancer cells with stabilized
␤-catenin– dependent transcription, ␤-catenin express significantly high
2003; Hu and Rosenblum, 2005). the causal relationship has been most
This led the authors to the discovery levels of BMP4 (Kim et al., 2002), pre-
clearly demonstrated in colorectal sumably reflecting a negative-feed-
of a Smad1/Tcf4/␤-catenin complex, cancers. Approximately 80% of cases
which drives expression of c-myc in back mechanism, which colon epithe-
of colorectal cancer show mutations in lial cells may have. It is also noted
excess amounts (Hu and Rosenblum, APC, a protein required to degrade that colorectal cancer cell lines are re-
2005). Hence, both Wnt and BMP free ␤-catenin. In addition, 10% of sistant to BMP’s tumor suppressing
signals function synergistically in c- cases show mutations in ␤-catenin it- function (Nishanian et al., 2004).
myc expression in the kidney. self, in the residues that normally get
In vitro analyses showed that phosphorylated for degradation. Thus,
BMP7 functions in a dose-dependent 90% of colorectal cancers are associ-
Summary of Functional
manner in kidney explants and in cell ated with molecular lesions that cause Interactions Between Wnt
lines; low doses of BMP7 stimulate overactivation of the Wnt/␤-catenin and BMP Signaling
cell proliferation and tubular forma- pathway in the gut epithelium (Giles Above examples of crosstalk between
tion in a Smad1-independent manner, et al., 2003). It is noteworthy that Wnt and BMP pathways reveal that the
while high doses inhibit proliferation down-regulation of the BMP pathway mode of interaction might be catego-
and induce apoptosis by means of ac- can also be a cause of intestinal can- rized into at least four groups (Fig. 3).
tivation of Smad1 (Piscione et al., cer. Loss-of-function mutations of The first is that these pathways have
2001). The endogenous level of BMP7 BMP receptor Ia (Howe et al., 2001; distinct roles at the same time, both of
plays beneficial roles for the recovery Zhou et al., 2001; He et al., 2004) or which contribute to a common goal or
of renal cells from damages such as smad4 (Howe et al., 1998; Hohenstein achievement (Fig. 3A). As seen in the
ischemia, injuries, and renal failure et al., 2003) causes polyposis in colon. dorsal neural tube, for example, Wnt
(Gould et al., 2002; Mitu et al., 2007). Overexpression of noggin by transgen- and BMP signals are responsible for
Both BMP7 and the BMP inhibitor esis in mouse also causes polyposis proliferation and patterning, respec-
Wise (also called USAG-1, SOSTDC1, (Haramis et al., 2004; Batts et al., tively, both of which are required for
and Ectodin) are abundantly ex- 2006). Furthermore, lacking one allele formation of the dorsal neural tube. The
pressed in adult kidneys (Yanagita et of smad4 increases the chance of de- second is that Wnt and BMP pathways
al., 2004), which may function to veloping malignancy in APC-deficient seem to work on a common target, and
maintain the level of BMP7 signals mice (Takaku et al., 1998). Thus BMP two signals show additive or synergistic
beneficial for the kidney. After kidney signals may antagonize ␤-catenin– de- effects (Fig. 3B). This was clearly dem-
pendent cell proliferation. In the nor- onstrated in c-myc expression in the
damage, BMP7 plays a critical role in
mal gut, ␤-catenin dependent tran- kidney. It is possible that they might
tissue repair (Wang et al., 2003; Zeis-
scription is active at the bottom of play redundant roles in such contexts.
berg et al., 2003); while the BMP-an-
crypts, where stem cells continue to The third is that Wnt and BMP signals
tagonist Wise/USAG-1 prevents re-
proliferate (Sancho et al., 2003). In function sequentially and have differ-
covery; indeed, a mouse deletion
contrast, BMP4 is expressed in the in- ent roles in the course of developmental
mutant of Wise/USAG-1 shows a bet-
travillus mesenchyme and activates stages (Fig. 3C). As seen in osteogenesis
ter than normal recovery from neph-
the BMP pathway in the overlying and in the gut epithelium, Wnt signals
rotoxin-induced kidney damages, with villi epithelium expressing BMPR1a promote proliferation and maintain un-
prolonged survival of renal cells and (Haramis et al., 2004; Batts et al., differentiated status, while BMP sig-
preserved renal function (Yanagita, 2006), while crypts express several nals cause differentiation. In those
2006; Yanagita et al., 2006). In addi- BMP antagonists (Kosinski et al., cases, while causing differentiation,
tion, it was found in renal cell carci- 2007). Thus a balance is maintained BMP signaling blocks the effect of Wnt
noma that Wise/USAG-1 is down-reg- between production of new cells in the signals. This would prevent cells from
ulated in 20 of 20 cases, although the crypt and differentiation of cells at the receiving two signals that have oppos-
mechanism is not known (Blish et al., lumen/villi side: in the stem cell niche ing functions (maintaining undifferenti-
2008). Because Wise/USAG-1 has also environment where the Wnt/␤-catenin ated status vs. causing differentiation),
been found to function as a Wnt signal pathway is active at the bottom of the thus perhaps helping a smooth transi-
inhibitor in different tissues (Itasaki crypt, new epithelial cells are pro- tion of differentiation processes. It is in-
et al., 2003) it is intriguing that other duced, which then move toward the teresting to note that, once cells are dif-
Wnt inhibitors such as sFRP1 and lumen side where they cease prolifer- ferentiated, Wnt signals have different
sFRP2 are also down-regulated in re- ation and differentiate in response to roles from the one at earlier stages, and
nal cell carcinomas (Gumz et al., 2007; BMP signals to renew the villi epithe- cooperate with BMP signals during os-
Kawamoto et al., 2008). lium and function to absorb nutrients. teogenesis. The fourth case is that BMP
10970177, 2010, 1, Downloaded from by Ruprecht Karls Universitaet, Wiley Online Library on [20/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

down-regulation of BMP/transforming
growth factor-beta (TGF␤) pathway
components, or vice versa (Fig. 4A).
For example, BMP4 is induced in co-
lon cancer cells as a downstream tar-
get of ␤-catenin (Kim et al., 2002). In
the developing limb mesenchyme,
␤-catenin up-regulates expression of
BMP ligands and subsequent target
Msx genes (Hill et al., 2006). In Dro-
sophila leg development, Wnt and
BMP repress each other’s expression
(e.g., Theisen et al., 1996). In other
contexts, inhibitors of BMP signaling
may be induced by Wnt/␤-catenin
(Xiro, Gomez-Skarmeta et al., 2001;
BAMBI, Sekiya et al., 2004; PRDC, Im
et al., 2007). Conversely, there are
cases where BMP signals induce ex-
pression of Wnt and Frizzleds (Wnt3a,
Fischer et al., 2002; Wnt1, Wnt3a,
Rawadi et al., 2003; Fz6, Fz8, Yang et
al., 2006). Expression of Lef/Tcfs can
also be induced by BMP signals
(Kratochwil et al., 1996; Dassule and
McMahon, 1998; Nishanian et al.,
2004), although in other contexts ex-
pression of these factors are inhibited
by BMP2/4 (Jamora et al., 2003;
Bonafede et al., 2006). These results
again highlight the importance of cell
type in determining the effect of cross-
Fig. 3. Functional interactions between Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. The
four fundamental modes of functional interactions between Wnt and BMP signaling observed in a
variety of tissues, illustrated on a highly generalized cell differentiation pathway. A: Wnt and BMP Extracellular Regulation
signaling independently regulate different targets in the same cells at the same stage, which are
separately required and subsequently contribute toward a common biological goal. B: Wnt and BMP There are several secreted molecules,
signaling integrate the regulation of a common target in the same cells, which leads to a biological which potentially bind to extracellular
outcome. C: Wnt and BMP signaling independently regulate distinct aspects of a cellular differentiation
pathway at different stages of this differentiation pathway. D: Complex cross-regulation between Wnt
components of both the BMP and Wnt
and BMP signaling (in any of the above ways) additionally relies on regulation of expression of signaling pathways, thus affecting both signals
components of one pathway by the other pathway. This generalized representation should, however, (Fig. 4B). Cerberus, a secreted mole-
not distract from the tissue-, cell-, stage-, and sometimes gene-specific manners of interaction, which cule isolated as a head inducer in Xe-
represent a fundamental aspect of integrated Wnt and BMP signaling.
nopus (Bouwmeester et al., 1996), has
been shown to bind BMP, Nodal, and
Wnt ligands and to inhibit these sig-
signals induce expression of Wnt li- ferent biological contexts explored in
nals. By doing so, Cerberus has the
gands, as seen in the dorsal neural tube the first section raises the question
ability to promote head formation
and in the ventral mesoderm in Xeno- about the molecular mechanisms by (Silva et al., 2003). Other secreted
pus embryos (Fig. 3D). Once coex- which Wnt and BMP signals can me- molecules include CTGF (connective
pressed, the two signals show further diate this interaction. Exploration of tissue growth factor, newly named as
complex crosstalk. Up-regulation of these molecular mechanisms in this CCN2), which binds BMP4, TGF␤1
Wnt ligand expression by BMP signal- section generally reveals cell-type spe- (Abreu et al., 2002), and LRP6 (Mer-
ing suggests importance of having both cific mechanisms that often cannot curio et al., 2004); Wise (USAG/Ecto-
signals in these contexts. necessarily be extrapolated to other din/SOSTDC1), which binds BMPs
biological contexts. (Laurikkala et al., 2003; Yanagita et
MOLECULAR al., 2004) and LRP6 (Itasaki et al.,
INTERACTIONS BETWEEN Mutual Regulation of Gene 2003); and Sclerostin, which binds
BMPs (Kusu et al., 2003; Winkler et
al., 2003) and LRP5/6 (Li et al., 2005;
The prominent roles of combinatorial In some cellular contexts, activation of Semenov et al., 2005; Ellies et al.,
Wnt and BMP signaling in many dif- the Wnt pathway leads to up- or 2006). As already mentioned in the
10970177, 2010, 1, Downloaded from by Ruprecht Karls Universitaet, Wiley Online Library on [20/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

onstrated in bone marrow stromal

cells (Liu et al., 2006). As mentioned
earlier, Wnt signals function to pro-
mote proliferation of mesenchymal
stem cells and to assist in maintaining
the undifferentiated status, whereas
BMP signals stimulate differentia-
tion, thus highlighting opposing func-
tions of these two signals. Moreover,
in bone marrow stromal cells, activa-
tion of the Wnt pathway by Wnt3a is
antagonized by BMP2. A possible
mechanism for this antagonism was
presented in vitro (Liu et al., 2006). In
the absence of exogenous Wnt and
BMP ligands, Dishevelled-1 is bound
to Smad1 at its linker region, which is
located between two Mad homology
domains MH1 and MH2. Stimulation
of cells with Wnt3a results in dissoci-
ation of the Dishevelled-Smad1 for-
mation, which allows transduction of
Wnt signals. Intriguingly, when cells
are stimulated with both Wnt3a and
BMP2, Smad1 is phosphorylated and
the interaction between Dishevelled-1
and Smad1 is further enhanced, thus
Wnt3a-dependent stabilization of
␤-catenin is attenuated. When Smad1
is mutated such that it cannot be
phosphorylated by BMP signaling,
Wnt pathway activation is not antag-
Fig. 4. Molecular interactions between Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. Wnt
and BMP signaling mechanisms tend to interact in four fundamentally different ways. A: By mutual
onized by BMP2 (Liu et al., 2006).
regulation of each other’s gene expression (i.e., BMP regulates Wnt and Wnt regulates BMP gene This is a possible mechanism whereby
expression), either positively (as illustrated) or negatively. B: By extracellular molecules targeting ligands BMP signals inhibit the Wnt path-
or receptors of both pathways, causing either activation or inhibition of signaling. C: By interactions way. However, it is so far unclear
between signal transduction components of the pathways, causing interference with or enhancement
whether similar mechanisms operate
of one pathway by signal transduction components of the other pathway. D: By integrating the signal
transduction mechanisms of both pathways in a synergistic or antagonistic way by means of cis- in other cells and other biological con-
regulatory enhancer and promoter sequences to regulate target gene expression. texts.
Another cell type, mouse embryonic
maxillary mesenchymal cells, was also
previous section on bone formation, a et al., 1997) and turned out to function used to demonstrate the formation of a
loss-of-function mutation of the as an inhibitor of Xlr (Xenopus complex of Dishevelled-1 and Smad3.
sclerostin-encoding gene, Sost, is re- Tolloid-related), a metalloprotease However, in this case, TGF␤ enhances
sponsible for sclerosteosis, character- which degrades the BMP inhibitor the activity of the Wnt-responsive re-
ized by increased bone density (Kusu chordin (Lee et al., 2006). Thus gener- porter TOPflash and Smad3 binds to
et al., 2003; Winkler et al., 2003; van ally extracellular mechanisms regu- Dishevelled-1 through the MH2 domain
Bezooijen et al., 2004). Sclerostin can lating both Wnt and BMP signaling (Warner et al., 2005a,b). It is uncertain
inhibit bone formation either by block- mediate simultaneous repression of what accounts for the opposite out-
ing BMP signaling through its inter- both signaling pathways. comes; BMP versus TGF␤ signaling
action with BMP ligands, and/or, by (Smad1 or Smad3), or cell type-specific
binding to LRP6 and thus by interfer- mechanisms.
ing with Wnt signaling, of which the
Intracellular Regulation Recently, mechanisms emerged link-
latter appears to be the likely primary Some signal transduction components ing GSK3 function with the BMP path-
effect (van Bezooijen et al., 2004, of the Wnt and BMP pathways are way, which involves Smad1 phosphory-
2007; ten Dijke et al., 2008). Other found to interact with each other (Fig. lation by GSK3 (Fuentealba et al.,
secreted molecules can also play roles 4C). One mechanism accounting for 2007). GSK3 phosphorylates Smad1 at
in connecting BMP and Wnt signals. antagonism between Wnt and BMP at specific sites in the linker region that
For example, one of the soluble Friz- the cytoplasmic level is through a di- causes ubiquitination and subsequent
zled-related proteins, Sizzled, was rect interaction of Dishevelled and degradation of Smad1. The ability of
identified as a Wnt antagonist (Salic phosphorylated Smad1, as was dem- GSK3 to phosphorylate Smad1 is de-
10970177, 2010, 1, Downloaded from by Ruprecht Karls Universitaet, Wiley Online Library on [20/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

pendent on its prime-phosphorylation tween the pathways. Further experi- The effect of PKB-phosphorylated
at the nearby sites by MAP kinase mental studies revealed that the GSK3␤ on ␤-catenin is, however, un-
(MAPK). Earlier work had indeed dem- phosphorylation status of Smad1 and certain. Kinase activity of GSK3␤ is
onstrated that FGF-MAPK signaling Smad2 is dependent on ␤-catenin dependent on the presence of a prime-
inhibits the BMP pathway through (Schohl and Fagotto, 2002), suggest- phosphorylation on the target sub-
Smad1 phosphorylation at the linker ing a regulatory effect of the Wnt strate. PKB phosphorylates GSK3␤ at
region (Pera et al., 2003; Sapkota et al., pathway on BMP and TGF␤ signals. position Ser-9. Residue Arg-96 of
2007). When GSK3 is inhibited, Smad1 This is also in agreement with an ear- GSK3␤, which interacts with the
activation by BMPR (phosphorylation lier report describing reciprocal en- prime-phosphate of the substrate, can
of Smad1 at the MH2 domain by hancement of Wnt/␤-catenin and also interact with its own phosphory-
BMPR1) is maintained at least a few TGF␤/Smad2 pathways in the orga- lation on Ser-9 (Dajani et al., 2001;
hours longer compared with the situa- nizer region (Crease et al., 1998). Frame et al., 2001), providing thus a
tion where GSK3 is active (Fuentealba Another possible level of interaction mechanism for negative regulation
et al., 2007). Thus the duration of BMP between Wnt and BMP signals in the based on competition between the in-
signaling is regulated by GSK3 activity. cytoplasm involves the PI3k/PKB ternal pseudosubstrate and a real tar-
Direct interaction of ␤-catenin with pathway. PI3 kinase, which resides in get. Although this mechanism applies
inhibitory Smad molecules has been the cytoplasm and is recruited to to the case of PKB inhibiting GSK3␤’s
shown as another mode of crosstalk growth factor receptor tyrosine ki- kinase activity toward glycogen syn-
between Wnt and BMP/TGF␤ signal- nases upon their stimulation, phos- thase (Frame et al., 2001), the case for
ing. In skin epidermal cells, overex- phorylates PIP2, thereby converting it PKB-mediated inhibition of GSK3␤ as
pression of Smad7 causes inhibition of to PIP3. PIP3 in turn recruits and ac- a mechanism for activating ␤-catenin
the Wnt/␤-catenin pathway, which tivates protein kinase B (PKB, also signaling is more ambiguous (Ding et
was explained by direct binding of known as Akt), which leads to the pro- al., 2000). Phosphorylation of GSK3␤
smad7 to ␤-catenin along with a E3 motion of cell survival and to blocking at Ser-9 by insulin-induced PKB is not
ligase Smurf2, causing degradation of of apoptosis (Nicholson and Anderson, sufficient to stabilize ␤-catenin (Ding
␤-catenin (Han et al., 2006). The phys- 2002). PTEN, a phosphatase and a et al., 2000). Moreover, Ser-9 is dis-
ical interaction of Smad7 and ␤-cate- major tumor suppressor gene, con- pensable for the inhibitory effect of
nin was also seen in COS1 cells, where verts PIP3 back to PIP2 (Cantley and GSK3␤ on the Wnt/␤-catenin pathway
the binding is enhanced by TGF␤ sig- Neel, 1999; Maehama and Dixon, in HEK293 cells (Ding et al., 2000). In
naling (Edlund et al., 2005). In this 1999; Mutter, 2001). A role of PTEN in addition, phosphorylation of ␤-catenin
case, however, complex formation of Wnt/␤-catenin signaling was shown in by GSK3␤ can occur in the absence of
Smad7 with ␤-catenin and Tcf/Lef1 the PTEN-null prostate cancer cell Arg-96 (Frame et al., 2001). Hence,
does not result in degradation of line, PC3, which displays significant PKB-mediated phosphorylation of
␤-catenin; but rather enhances Wnt accumulation of ␤-catenin in the nu- GSK3␤ may not necessarily be inhib-
pathway activity by further promoting cleus (Persad et al., 2001). Re-intro- itory on ␤-catenin and the mode of
formation of the ␤-catenin/LEF1 tran- ducing PTEN in PC3 cells reduces the action of GSK3␤ can be different de-
scription complex. Indeed, Smad7 pro- amount of ␤-catenin and represses pending on the substrate.
motes TGF␤-induced association of TOPflash reporter activity (Persad et At the level of translocation of
␤-catenin and LEF1. Hence, interac- al., 2001). Activated PKB has a wide ␤-catenin to the nucleus, a possibility
tion between ␤-catenin and smad7 can array of functions, one of which is to of enhancing the Wnt pathway by
have opposite outcomes, depending on phosphorylate GSK3␤ and thereby to TGF␤ signals was proposed. TGF␤1
the cell type. Furthermore, in another inhibit its activity. Hence, one can ex- can promote nuclear accumulation of
in vitro context, Smad7 stabilizes plain the function of PKB as inactivat- ␤-catenin in a Smad3-dependent man-
␤-catenin by binding to Axin and thus ing GSK3␤ thus resulting in stabiliz- ner (Jian et al., 2006). Clarifying the
dissociating ␤-catenin from the degra- ing ␤-catenin (Haq et al., 2003). actual mechanism requires a better
dation complex (Tang et al., 2008). Al- Intriguingly, in the study of intestinal understanding of how nucleocytoplas-
though, in this case ␤-catenin proteins epithelial cells, He et al. showed that mic shuttling of ␤-catenin is regu-
stabilized by Smad7 associate with the balance of BMP and Wnt signaling lated.
the cadherin complex and promote activities (hence, the balance of differ-
cell– cell adhesion. entiation and stem-cell maintenance) Regulation at the Promoter
Mapping the active areas of the Wnt is mediated by PTEN/PKB signaling.
and BMP pathways in Xenopus blas- In the presence of excess BMP4,
or Enhancer Level
tula and gastrula has provided a the majority of PTEN is in the active Perhaps the most compelling cases
unique depiction of the spatiotempo- form (nonphosphorylated) while ex- of synergy between BMP and Wnt
ral regulation of both pathways cess noggin increases the phosphory- signals are those where target gene
(Schohl and Fagotto, 2002). It was re- lated form of PTEN. Thus, in differen- expression is directly regulated by
vealed that, while the regional activi- tiated intestinal epithelium, the these signals at the promoter level
ties of each pathway do not respect active form of PTEN attenuates the (Fig. 4D). Upon Wnt signaling acti-
tissue boundaries, the active areas of PI3 kinase activity, resulting in high vation, ␤-catenin translocates into
each pathway strikingly overlap, sug- GSK3␤ activity and repressed Wnt/␤- the nucleus and binds the Lef/Tcf
gesting a possible cross-regulation be- catenin pathway (He et al., 2004). family members of transcription fac-
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tors, where it functions as a tran- sponse elements and Smad proteins Topflash reporter experiments (Zeng et
scriptional co-activator. Tcf/Lefs (Hussein et al., 2003; Lei et al., al., 2008).
(Tcf1, Tcf3, Tcf4, and Lef1) contain a 2004). Moreover, in regulation of
HMG DNA-binding domain, through Msx2 expression, Lef1 facilitates
which they bind well-conserved DNA BMP2 signal-dependent transcrip- PERSPECTIVES
sequences (Korinek et al., 1997; tional activation irrespective of its BMP and Wnt signaling pathways are
Barker et al., 2000; Hoppler and Ka- ␤-catenin binding (Hussein et al., essentially independent signaling
vanagh, 2007). The DNA sequence 2003). Similarly, Smad4 is found in pathways, which are able to function
mediating Smad4 binding in re- the complex of ␤-catenin and Tcf/Lef, individually. However, they tend to
sponse to BMP signals has also been which is bound to the Tcf/Lef re- regulate similar biological processes
identified (Hata et al., 2000; Kor- sponse element of DNA (Hussein et in the same tissues and cells, leading
chynskyi and ten Dijke, 2002; von al., 2003; Lei et al., 2004). Smad4 to functional interactions. As we re-
Bubnoff et al., 2005). Many genes forms a complex with ␤-catenin and viewed in the first part, there are es-
have been identified that harbor Tcf/Lef even in the absence of BMP2 sentially four different modes in
both Smad and Tcf/Lef binding sites signals, suggesting that the endoge- which these functional interactions
within their regulatory sequences. nous level of Smad4 (or activated between Wnt and BMP signaling hap-
These include Tbx6 (Szeto and Smad4 by the endogenous level of pen at the tissue and cellular level
Kimelman, 2004), Msx2 (Willert et BMP signals) contributes to the (Fig. 3). In the second part, we re-
al., 2002; Hussein et al., 2003), ␤-catenin– dependent transcription, viewed the various molecular mecha-
Xtwin (TGF␤, not BMP; Labbe et al., which can be further promoted by nisms that have evolved to mediate
2000; Nishita et al., 2000; Letamen- additional BMP2 signals (Hussein et these functional interactions and inte-
dia et al., 2001), Emx2 (Theil et al., al., 2003). The complex of Lef/Tcf grate BMP and Wnt signaling at the
2002), Slug (Sakai et al., 2005), c- and Smad proteins may be formed level of the protein components of
myc (Hu and Rosenblum, 2005); and not only with Smad4 but also with these signaling pathways (Fig. 4). One
Ultrabithorax (Ubx; Fig. 2B; Saller Smad1 (Theil et al., 2002) or Smad3 of the purposes of this review is to
et al., 2002), even-skipped (eve; Fig. (Labbe et al., 2000; Lei et al., 2004), highlight and emphasize the fact that
1; Lee and Frasch, 2005), and distal- all of which have been shown to pro- cross-interactions of BMP and Wnt
less (dll) in Drosophila (Estella et mote expression of target genes. signaling may occur at various levels
al., 2008). In most cases, the expres- Hence, interaction of Smad proteins in the cascade, and that the conse-
sion is synergistically enhanced by and Tcf/Lef plays a critical role in quence/outcome can vary depending
the simultaneous activation of both regulating transcriptional activity of on cell types, developmental stage, or
BMP and Wnt pathways compared target genes that have promoters or even the particular target gene. This
to each alone. Transcriptional regu- enhancers containing binding sites complexity of interactions between
lation of Msx2 has been intensively for both. BMP and Wnt signaling should not be
studied in view of the synergistic ef- Contrary to these synergistic ef- perceived as a distracting complica-
fect of Tcf/Lef and Smad binding el- fects, antagonistic effects of Smad pro- tion, but should be recognized as a
ements (Hussein et al., 2003). When teins on the Tcf/Lef and ␤-catenin necessary and powerful mechanism
Smad binding sites are removed complex have also been shown at the for conferring diverse functions to var-
from the regulatory region, ␤-cate- promoter or the enhancer level. Dro- ious tissues and for creating the mag-
nin does not fully activate transcrip- sophila genetics has recently uncov- nificently sophisticated structure of
tion even if Lef/Tcf binding sites are ered mechanisms through which BMP our bodies.
left intact. Similarly, BMP signals or interferes with Wnt signaling in the tis- While the crosstalk between BMP
Smad4 proteins do not induce full sues that later develop into the wing of and Wnt signaling is perhaps the most
transcriptional activity when Tcf/Lef the adult fly (Zeng et al., 2008). BMP prominent and obvious example for
binding sites are abolished. Analo- signaling-activated Smad1/5/8 (Mad) combinatorial signaling in embryonic
gous results were also found in the can bind to Tcf (pangolin) and interfere development and regulation of stem
synergy of Wnt and activin/nodal or with ␤-catenin (Armadillo) binding by cells, interaction between Wnt signal-
TGF␤ signaling on Xtwin and gas- competition, thus preventing expres- ing and other signaling pathways is
trin expression (Nishita et al., 2000; sion of Wnt target genes such as the perhaps a general feature of the role of
Lei et al., 2004). These results were homeobox gene distal-less. This antago- Wnt signaling in biology. As suggested
attributed to the complex formation nistic effect is in contrast to the effect of by Martinez-Arias and colleagues, the
of ␤-catenin, Tcf/Lef, and Smad pro- the Smad–Tcf complex seen in verte- role of Wnt signaling in some contexts
teins that apparently facilitate the brates as above, which mediates syn- may be, at least in part, to stabilize
transcriptional activity of these pro- ergy between Wnt and BMP signaling. transcriptional events caused by other
teins on the promoter (Labbe et al., Although, organism-specific mecha- mechanisms and to eliminate un-
2000; Nishita et al., 2000; Letamen- nisms could account for this dramatic wanted transcriptional activities (“fil-
dia et al., 2001). Studies using chro- difference in outcome. It is interesting tering noise”), rather than playing an
matin immunoprecipitation or DNA to note that inhibition of Wnt signaling instructive role by itself (Arias and
affinity precipitation methods have in the developing Drosophila wing tis- Hayward, 2006). This suggests that
revealed that Lef/Tcf proteins are sue happens irrespective of the particu- regulators of the Wnt pathway (in-
found in the complex of Smad re- lar target gene, as it is even evident in cluding the pathway components
10970177, 2010, 1, Downloaded from by Ruprecht Karls Universitaet, Wiley Online Library on [20/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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