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G 10 Chemistry

2022 _ 2023
Chemical Energetics
Worksheet SQ1

Name: _________________________________ Grade 10_____

Chemical energetics

Code Student Learning Objectives
LO 6.1.1 Describe the meaning of exothermic and endothermic reactions
Energetics of

Interpret energy level diagrams showing exothermic and endothermic

a reaction

LO 6.1.2

Describe bond breaking as an endothermic process and bond forming

LO 6.1.3
as an exothermic process
Draw and label energy level diagrams for exothermic and
LO 6.1.4
endothermic reactions using data provided
LO 6.1.5 Calculate the energy of a reaction using bond energies

G10_ Chemistry 2021-2022 [Topic_6.1 Energetics of a reaction] AOUDI_TAREK.A 1

1. Which of the following is correct about the energy changes during bond
breaking and bond formation?

bond breaking bond formation

A. exothermic endothermic

B. exothermic exothermic

C. endothermic exothermic

D. endothermic endothermic

2. Which of the following statements about bonds and energy is correct?

A. Bond breaking and bond formation both requires energy.

B. Bond formation requires energy and bond breaking releases energy.

C. Bond breaking requires energy and bond formation releases energy.

D. Bond breaking and bond formation both releases energy.

3. Which statements about exothermic and endothermic reactions are correct?

1 During an exothermic reaction, heat is given out. ✓

2 The temperature of an endothermic reaction goes up because heat is taken
in. 

3 Burning methane in the air is an exothermic reaction. ✓

A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only


G10_ Chemistry 2021-2022 [Topic_6.1 Energetics of a reaction] AOUDI_TAREK.A 2

4. The energy level diagram for a reaction is shown.

because products are at HIGHER energy than reactants

Which row is correct?

sign of ΔH overall energy change sign of Ea

A. – exothermic –
B. + endothermic +
C. + endothermic –
D. – exothermic +

HeLp Me

The activation energy is extra energy supplied for any reaction to occur.
Therefore, Ea is always positive. 

Ea : is the minimum amount of energy that must be provided for reactants to

result in a chemical reaction.

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5. The energy level diagram for a reaction is shown.

sign of ΔH overall energy change sign of Ea

A. – exothermic –

B. + endothermic +

C. + endothermic –

D. – exothermic +


Ea is always positive. 

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6. Which diagram is a correctly labelled energy level diagram for an endothermic


This means that products are at HIGHER energy than reactants

The activation energy is always positive. 

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7. In an endothermic reaction, the energy of the reactants is _______________the
energy of the products.

A. less than B. the same as C. more than D. always zero

8. In an endothermic reaction, the energy of the products is _______________the

energy of the reactants.

A. less than B. the same as C. more than D. always zero

9. In an exothermic reaction, the energy of the reactant is _______________the

energy of the products.

A. less than B. the same as C. more than D. always zero

10. When ammonium hydroxide is added to water, the test tube feels cold to your
This is an example of ______________ reaction.

A. an exothermic B. an endothermic C. precipitation D. a neutral

11. In an exothermic reaction, H will be a ____________value.

A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. none of these

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12. How many bonds C – H, C – C, C – O and O – H bonds will be broken when
ethanol burns in oxygen?


A. 5 2 1 1

B. 5 1 1 1

C. 6 2 2 1

D. 6 1 1 1

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13. Hydrogen bromide decomposes to form hydrogen and bromine. The equation
is shown.

2HBr(g) → H2(g) + Br2(g)

The bond energies are shown in the table. The reaction is endothermic.

bond energy
in kJ / mol
Br–Br +193

H–Br +366

H–H +436

What is the energy change for the reaction?

A +263 kJ / mol B +103 kJ / mol C –103 kJ / mol D –263 kJ / mol

HeLp Me
H = E broken – E made
Since the reaction is endothermic, the
= [2 H – Br] – [H – H + Br – Br ] overall energy must be positive (+)

H  0
= [2 × 366] – [436 + 193 ]
Answer must be either A or B
= + 103 kJ / mol

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14. The equation for the complete combustion of methane is shown.

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

The bond energies are shown in the table.

bond energy
in kJ / mol
C–H +410

C=O +805

O–H +460

O=O +496

What is the energy change for the reaction?

A –818 kJ / mol B –359 kJ / mol C –323 kJ / mol D +102 kJ / mol


H C H + 2O O O C O + 2H O H

H = E bonds broken – E bonds made

= [4 C – H + 2 O = O] – [2 C = O + 4 O – H]

= [4 × 410 + 2 × 496] – [2 × 805 + 4 × 460]

= 2632 – 3450

= – 818 kJ / mol

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15. The fuel natural gas is mostly methane. Its combustion in oxygen is

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

The reaction is exothermic.

Explain why the reaction is exothermic in terms of the energy changes

of bond breaking and bond making.

bond making releases energy  (Exothermic)

bond breaking requires energy  (Endothermic)
The total energy released by bond making exceeds the Total energy
absorbed by bond breaking

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16. Iodine reacts with chlorine. The chemical equation is shown.

I2 + Cl2 2ICl

Use the bond energies to answer the questions.

bond energy
in kJ / mol
I–I 151

Cl–Cl 242

I–Cl 208

(i) Calculate the total amount of energy required to break the bonds in
1 mole of I2 and 1 mole of Cl2.

E broken = I–I + Cl–Cl

= 151 + 242
............................ kJ [1]

(ii) Calculate the total amount of energy given out when the bonds in
2 moles of ICl are formed.

E made = 2 × (– 208) energy given out

– 416
............................ kJ [1]

(iii) Use your answers to (d)(i) and (d)(ii) to calculate the overall energy
change for the reaction.

I2 + Cl2 2ICl

H = E broken – E made
= 393 – 416

– 23
............................ kJ / mol [1]

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17. Cyclopropane is a colourless gas.
Cyclopropane reacts with bromine at room temperature. The chemical
equation for the reaction is shown.

Mol. formula is


(a) (i) What is the empirical formula of cyclopropane?


(ii) What colour change, if any, would you see when cyclopropane is
bubbled into aqueous bromine?
initial colour .......................................................................................................

final colour .........................................................................................................
(b) The reaction of cyclopropane with bromine is exothermic.
(i) Complete the energy level diagram for this reaction by
● adding the product of the reaction,
● labelling the energy change, ΔH.

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(ii) Propene also reacts with bromine.

Use the bond energies in the table to calculate the energy change, ΔH, for the

bond C–H C–C Br–Br C–Br C=C

bond energy in kJ / mol 412 348 193 285 611

energy required to break bonds = 3624

energy given out when bonds made = 3738

ΔH = –114 (kJ / mol)

Energy change = . . . . . . . . .–114

. . . . . . . . . . KJ/mol


H = E broken – E made

= [ 6 C – H + C = C + C – C + Br – Br ] – [6 C – H + 2 C – C + 2 C – Br ]

= [ 6 × 412 + 611 + 348 + 193 ] – [6 × 412 + 2 × 348 + 2 × 285 ]

= 3624 – 3738

= – 114 kJ / mol

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18. Chlorine reacts with ethane to produce chloroethane and hydrogen chloride.

The reaction is exothermic.

The bond energies are shown in the table.

bond energy
in kJ / mol
C–Cl +340

C–C +350

C–H +410

Cl–Cl +240

H–Cl +430

What is the energy change for the reaction?

A –1420 kJ / mol

B –120 kJ / mol

C +120 kJ / mol

D +1420 kJ / mol

H = E bonds broken – E bonds made

=[6 C – H + C – C + Cl–Cl] – [5 C – H + C – C + C – Cl + H – Cl]

= [6 × 410 + 350 + 240] – [5 × 410 + 350 + 340 + 430]

= 3050 – 3170

= – 120 kJ / mol

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19. Use the bond energies in the table to calculate the energy change, ΔH, for the
reaction(hydrogenation of ethene).

bond C–H C=C H–H C–C

bond energy in kJ / mol 410 610 430 340


C C + H H H C C H


H = E bonds broken – E bonds made

= [4 C – H + C = C + H – H] – [6 C – H + C – C]

= [4 × 410 + 610 + 430] – [6 × 410 + 340]

= 2680 – 2810

= – 120 kJ / mol

(b) Predict the value of overall energy H for the hydrogenation of

(i) Propene, C3H6 + H2 → C3H8

(ii) Buta-1,3-diene, CH2=(CH)2=CH2

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20. Use the bond energies in the table to calculate the energy change, ΔH, for the

bond C=C Br–Br C–Br C–C

bond energy in kJ / mol 610 190 285 340


C C + Br Br H C C H

H H Br Br

Total endothermic change for bond breaking – Total exothermic change for bond making

H = E bonds broken – E bonds made

= [4 C – H + C = C + Br – Br] – [ 4 C – H + C – C + 2 C – Br]

= 610 + 190 – 340 + 2 × 285

= 800 – 2810

= – 110 kJ / mol


4 C – H bonds are broken and 4 C – H are made so they cancel out

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21. Hydrazine, N2H4, decomposes as shown.

The energy change for this reaction is –95 kJ / mol.

The table shows some bond energies involved.

bond energy
in kJ / mol

NN 945

N–H 391

H–H 436

What is the bond energy of the N–N bond?

A 158 kJ / mol B 315 kJ / mol C 348 kJ / mol D 895 kJ / mol


H = E broken – E made

= [4 N – H + N – N ] – [ NN + 2 H – H]

–95 = [4 × 391 + N – N ] – [ 945 + 2 × 436]

HeLp Me
–95 = 1564 + N – N – 1817
Since breaking a bond requires
energy, bond-energies are
N–N= 158 positive numbers.

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22. Estimate the bond enthalpy C = C in ethene C2H4 using the following

C2H4 + 3 O2 ⎯
⎯→ 2 CO2 + 2 H2O H = – 1300 KJ/ mol

Bond C–H C=O O=O O–H

Average bond energy
in kJ / mol 410 800 495 460


H C C H + 3O O 2O C O + 2H O H

Bond breaking  Endothermic

Bond Number Mean Bond energy Total
C−H 4 410 1640

C=C 1 x ?

O=O 3 495 1485

3125 + x
Bond Making  Exothermic
Bond Number Mean Bond energy Total
C=O 4 800 3200

O−H 4 460 1840

H = E broken – E made

– 1300 = (3125 + x) – 5040

C=C = + 615 KJ/mol

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23. The reaction between chlorine and carbon monoxide can be represented as

Cl Cl + CO C

Cl Cl

When one mole of chlorine reacts with one mole of carbon monoxide, 230kJ
of energy is released. Some bond energies are shown in the table.

bond energy
in kJ / mol
Cl–Cl 240

C=O 745

C–Cl 400

Use the information to calculate the energy of the bond between the C and
the O in carbon monoxide, CO.

bond energy in making bonds = [(2 × 400) + 745] = 1545

H = E broken – E made

–230 = [240 + CO] – 1545

CO = [–230 + 1545] – 240

= 1075

bond energy in carbon monoxide, CO = . . . . .1075

. . . . . . . . kJ/mol [3]

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24. Nitrogen and hydrogen combine to form ammonia in the Haber

Calculate H for the reaction written below, using the bond

energies given.

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

bond NN H–H N–H

bond energy in kJ / mol 945 432 391

A. – 969
B. – 204
C. – 105
D. + 204
E. + 595

N N + 3 H H 2 H N H

H = E broken – E made

= [NN + 3 H – H] – [6N–H]

= [ 945 + 3 × 432 ] – [ 6 × 391]

= – 105 kJ / mol

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25. Using the average bond energies in the table below, calculate the overall
energy (enthalpy change) of combustion of ethanol

C2H5OH (l) + 3 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 3 H2O (l)

Bond C−H C−O O−H C−C C=O O=O

Average bond energy in
410 360 470 350 745 495
kJ / mol


H C C H + 3O O 2O C O + 3H O H

Bond breaking  Endothermic
Bond Number Mean Bond energy Total
C−H 5 410 2050

C−C 1 350 350

C−O 1 360 360

O−H 1 470 470

O=O 3 495 1485

Bond Making  Exothermic

Bond Number Mean Bond energy Total

C=O 4 745 2980

O−H 6 470 2820

H = E broken – E made

H = 4715 – 5800
= – 1085 KJ/mol

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26. The average bond enthalpies for O – O and O=O are 146 and 496 kJ mol–1
respectively. What is the enthalpy change in kJ for the reaction below?

H – O – O –H H–O–H + ½ O=O

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27. Consider the following reaction:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) ∆H = ?

Bond enthalpies (in kJ mol–1) involved in the reaction are:

average bond

NN x

H–H y

N–H z

Which calculation will give the value of ∆H?

A. x + 3y – 6z
B. 6z – x + 3y
C. x – 3y + 6z
D. x + 3y – 2z

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28. The energy level diagram shows the energy profile for the reaction between
zinc and dilute sulfuric acid.


ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)

(i) Complete the diagram by adding the formulae of the products.

Include state symbols. [3]

(ii) Draw an arrow on the diagram to represent the activation energy. [1]

(iii) Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic? Explain your answer.

because products are at lower energy than reactants

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(d) The reaction between zinc and dilute sulfuric acid can be catalysed by
the addition of aqueous copper(II) sulfate.

On the diagram, add the energy profile for the catalysed reaction.

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