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Praxent’s Invoicing System

For International Contractors

As an independent contractor, you will invoice Praxent for time worked. You can
send these at a frequency of your choice.. It is preferable to invoice Praxent one
time each month. The agreed upon hourly or monthly rate is listed in your

Who to contact
The best person to contact with any questions is Rachel Powers at She is also available in Praxent’s Slack.

You are also welcomed to send questions to

Getting set up
You will supply your bank account information during the onboarding process
and Praxent will use this information to wire your payment. Please make sure
you’re supplying the correct information that your bank needs to receive an
international wire transfer. Some countries require a SWIFT code and others use
an IBAN. It is recommended that you confirm this information with your bank to
avoid delays.

Sending an invoice
Please email your invoice to and CC to that email; Rachel will respond with a
confirmation once the invoice has been received. There are many invoice
templates available online if you need one. All of this information will need to be
included on each invoice that you send:

● Your name (or the name of your business)

● Your contact information
● A unique invoice number (the numbering system is determined by you)
● The date of the invoice (example: May 1, 2020)
● The dates that the invoice covers (example: April 1-30, 2020)
● Payment terms (example: Due on Receipt)
● The rate in US dollars
○ If you have a monthly rate, list the flat fee
○ If you have an hourly rate, please include the number of hours
● The total amount payable (this includes any reimbursements)
● A description of the type of work (list the client or project name)

Approval Process
Once your invoice is received, it will be entered to Praxent’s approval process.
Each invoice must be approved by Praxent before it can be paid. A Praxent team
member will review the invoice to ensure that all information included dates,
rate, and hours are accurate.

After the invoice is approved, the payment process will begin.

Payment Process
Praxent will submit payment on invoices after they are approved. The amount of
time a wire transfer takes depends on your bank, most wires arrive within 3
business days. We have observed that the first wire transfer can take a longer,
but once you’re set up they tend to arrive more quickly.

There may be a fee for each wire transfer received by your bank. You are
welcome to invoice Praxent to reimburse this fee.
Software tools
Praxent uses to track and pay invoices. The system is able to send
payments to these countries. If your country is not listed, Praxent will use veem
to wire your payment. Veem has other features available including submitting
the invoice directly through the system, please reach out to
to discuss options.

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