Pedraza Allan F

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NAME: Pedraza , Allan F.

Year & Sec: BSIT 2-2

Date: 09-27-23

Assignment: Exploring Conversational Interfaces

1. Introduction to Conversational Interfaces:

 CUIs replicate a conversation between humans on digital channels
and have increasingly emerged as a tool to facilitate interaction
between companies and customers, making it fluid thanks precisely
to the ability to use natural language .Bots, voice assistants, and
interactive voice routing are everyday examples of conversational
2. How Conversational Interfaces Work and the Role of AI:
 Conversational UI works by inputting human language into
something that can be understood by software. This can be
accomplished with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and by
training the program on language models and the role of AI is to
help people understand and answer their questions.
3. Explain how conversational interfaces work, including the use of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and technologies like Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and Machine Learning.
 Conversational interfaces works by the help of AI, NPL, and Machine
Learning in order to generate human like responses to input.
4. Discuss how AI enables these interfaces to understand and respond to
user Queries effectively.
 AI use natural language processing (NLP) or machine learning to
understand customer requests and improve with each interaction
5. History of Conversational User Interfaces:
 ELIZA was the very first chatbot. It was developed in 1966 by MIT
Joseph Weizenbaum. Weizenbaum used so-called pattern matching
and the substitution methodology to imitate human conversations.
 PARRY is a natural language program that resembles the way a
human thinks. It imitated a patient with schizophrenia with the aim
of better understanding the illness. The American psychiatrist
Kenneth Colby developed the program in 1971.
 Jabberwacky aims to simulate a natural-looking, entertaining and
humorous chat with a human partner. Rollo Carpenter created it in
 Dr. Sbaitso
Creative Labs has Dr. Sbaitso developed in 1992 for MS-Dos.Dr.
Sbaitso is one of the earliest efforts to incorporate artificial
intelligence into a chatbot and is recognized for its fully voice-
controlled chat program.
 ALICE is a natural language-based chatbot inspired by ELIZA.Richard
Wallace pioneered the development of ALICE in 1995. Initially the
program was known as Alicebot because it was intended to run on a
computer named Alice.
 SmarterChild was in many ways a predecessor to Siri.The chatbot
was developed in 2001 and was available on AOL Instant Messenger
and MSN Messenger. You could mainly have fun conversations with
the bot, but the program also had quick data access to other services
such as weather, news, etc.
 Siri , our intelligent personal assistant with natural language user
interface, was developed by Apple for iOS in 2010.
 Google Now/Google Assistant answers questions, performs various
activities and makes recommendations. Among a package of updates
and user interface modifications for mobile search, Google’s female
assistant was introduced in 2012 and has since competed with Siri.
 Cortana was first introduced at a Microsoft conference in 2014 and
was integrated into Mobile Windows devices and Windows 10 PCs
shortly thereafter.
 Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant introduced by Amazon in
2014. It is now built into devices such as Amazon Echo, Echo Dot,
Echo Show and others. There is also an Alexa app and also some
third-party devices that have Alexa implemented.
 ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI. It was
founded by the OpenAI team in 2021. It is designed to help users
generate human-like text based on input.

6. Describe the historical development of conversational interfaces, starting

from Their early beginnings in the 1960s.
 Conversational interfaces have a long history, beginning in the 1960s
with text-based dialog systems for question answering and chatbots
that simulated casual conversation. Since the 1980s, the idea of a
conversational interface with which humans could interact for a
variety of different purposes has been a focus of research and
development in a number of different communities.

 A prominent early example of a chatbot was ELIZA, created from

1964 to 1966 at MIT’s artificial intelligence laboratory. ELIZA took on
the role of a psychotherapist. The creator of ELIZA wanted to show
the lack of depth of character in interactions between people and
machines, but was surprised by the number of individuals who
attributed human-like feelings to the computer program.

 In the early 90s one of the first voice interfaces was developed by
Wildfire Communications. The creators of Wildfire developed a
relaxed female persona designed to help people perform basic tasks
on the telephone such as routing calls or leaving messages. The
software was sold to telecoms company Orange and has been
described as an early version of Apple’s Siri. Wildfire was particularly
popular with those with disabilities who found the speech interface
allowed them greater ease in using their devices.
7. Highlight significant milestones and notable chatbots or virtual assistants
from Different eras.
 ELIZA was the very first chatbot. It was developed in 1966
 PARRY in 1971.
 Jabberwacky created it in 1988.
 Dr. Sbaitso developed in 1992
 ALICE in 1995.
 SmarterChild was developed in 2001
 Siri was developed by Apple for iOS in 2010.
 Google Now/Google Assistant was introduced in 2012
 Cortana was first introduced at a Microsoft conference in 2014
 Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant introduced by Amazon in
 ChatGPT was founded by the OpenAI team in 2021.

8. Types of Interfaces:
 The types of interfaces are rule-based interfaces, text-based
interfaces, and Voice recognition-based interfaces.

9. Explain the various types of conversational interfaces, including rule-

based, textbased, and voice-based interfaces.
 Rule-based interfaces follow predefined scripts,
 Text-based interfaces interact with a system by inputing text
 Voice-based interfaces allow the user to interact with a system
through voice or speech commands.

10.Discuss hybrid interfaces and how they combine different interaction

 Hybrid interfaces are combination of three interfaces, rule based interfaces,
text based interfaces and Voice recognition
Features and Applications:

1. List and explain the key features of natural language-based conversational

 ability to interpret natural language and understand user requests.

• The ability to recognize the fundamental elements of a text and to

subdivide them

Into categories, such as places, numbers, people, etc.

• The ability to analyze syntax, hence the ability to relate the elements of a

And phrases in a period to each other to create a discourse.

• The ability to correct grammatical errors, such as occur in prompts while


• The ability to learn from interaction and context, to suggest coherent

solutions to The user or anticipate subsequent requests

2. Describe the diverse sectors and applications where CUI technologies are
Commonly used (e.g., finance, e-commerce, healthcare).
 Conversational User Interface (CUI) technologies have revolutionized
various sectors, including Finance, e-commerce, healthcare, education,
customer service, smart homes, IoT, and enterprises. CUIs enable chatbots
and virtual assistants to assist customers with tasks like balance inquiries,
Transaction histories, and fund transfers. They also provide medical
information, schedule Appointments, and assist in medication
management. In education, virtual tutors aid students, while Language
learning apps use conversational interactions for immersive language
practice. In the IoT, Voice-based CUIs control lighting, climate, and
entertainment systems. CUIs offer convenience, Efficiency, and improved
user exp

3. Advantages and Problems Solved by Natural Language Interfaces:

 Easy to learn and easy to remember, because it’s structure and vocabulary
are already familiar to the user.
 People need little training to use it in interfacing with a computer system.
 It allows considerable flexibility in executing the steps of a task

4. Discuss the advantages of using conversational interfaces, such as 24/7

Availability, quick responses, and automation of repetitive tasks.

 Personalized Experience: Chatbots can provide a personalized

experience to users by understanding their preferences and previous
 24/7 Availability: Chatbots can work round the clock, which means
that they are available to users whenever they need assistance.
 Quick Response: Chatbots can provide quick and efficient responses
to user queries, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
 Multitasking: Chatbots can handle multiple conversations
simultaneously, which means that they can handle a high volume of
user queries.
 Cost-Effective: Chatbots can help reduce labor costs as they do not
require human intervention for every user query.

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