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Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris

Name: Alexa Hanny Artita

Class: XII IPA
Student's number:02
Title : Extinction and How To Protect The Animals
Genre text : Explanation Text

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable Juries, Mrs.Ihdanisak Mutia,Mrs.Himti M,Mr.Arifin Himawan
Let me introduce myself. I am Alexa Hanny Artita from 12 science 2
Nowadays, the natural phenomenon becomes so interesting to be discussed.
Many come to our life attract us such as the issue of extinction.
Today, I would like to introduce one of the natural phenomenon, it is
“Extinction and How To Protect The Animals”.

General Statement Animals are one of the living

creatures that we can see
anywhere.Animals are
multicellular, eukaryotic organisms
in the biological kingdom
Animalia.But with the passage of
time, some animals experienced
extinction.Extinction means certain
kind or species of animals no longer
live anywhere in the
world.Extinction can occur due to
various causes, naturaly or
because human interaction.
Sequenced explanation Humans are the main culprits of
extinction. Because human impact
on our earth in the last 50 years
over 80% of our rainforest in Asia
and 40% of the amazon jungles
have been lost today.Right now
over 1 million species teeter on the
brink of extinction.So what we can
do to save the animals?1.learn
about animals in your
area.2.Donate to animal
conservation projects.3.Don’t hurt
and harras animals.4.Don’t throw
trash anywhere.5.Participate in
clean up drives the
community.6.Don’t buy animals
that may be endangered.7.Slow
down when driving.8.Protect
wildlife habitat.
Closing In our little ways ,we can help save
the animals.The actions we take
now will be critical to the final
outcome our final outcome.Before
it is too late.

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