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As we know, McDonald’s is very famous as their stores can be found everywhere.

Their cheap and delicious food is certainly the foundation of its success but perhaps
it is what happening behind the scenes that helps the restaurant continue to succeed
year after year. In this lesson, we will look at the leadership’s behavioral theories
used to direct and motivate McDonald’s employees that transform them into great
employees. Based on behavioral theories, the Managerial or Leadership Grid is used
by McDonald’s to help managers analyze their own leadership styles through a
technique known as grid training.

McDonald’s uses one of the five styles of leadership in the managerial grid, which
comprises the Sound Style (9,9) that the manager encourages teamwork and
commitment among employees. By using this style, a high concern is paid both to
people and production. To prove the theory used, McDonald’s has created four
principles which include individualized motivation, individualized store goals, goals
that change every six months and opportunities for salary increases. In order to be
great leaders, managers of McDonald’s restaurants work as a team, have open
communication and offer flexibility. This method relies heavily on making employees
feel they are constructive parts of the company. Besides, everyone that works for
McDonald’s should possess some sort of leadership skills and work to help other
McDonald’s employees do their jobs well that we called it encourage teamwork and
commitment among employees. It is noted that managers perform the best when
they adopt the Sond Style (9,9) of leadership.

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