OM To CCAs - Allocation of Services-Posts To The Candidates of ESE-2020

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{HIG BEET (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) ‘ta Fara (MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS) Yad ais (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2020/8(GR)22 New Dethi dated: 14.12.2021, OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Engineering Services Examination, 2020- Allocation of candi the various ervicesfposts onthe basis ofthe result of. ‘The undersigned is directed to refer to the Union Public Service Commission's leer No.F.14(14)/2020-F.VHL dated 18.06.2021 forwarding a list along with dossiers and other connected papers of Finally recommended candidates on the basis of Engineering Services Examination 2020. 2. Against a total of 347 vacancies indented for various services under four disiplines viz. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and. Electonics. and Telecommunications Engineering, the Commission had recommended only 302 candidates inclusive of 53 Scheduled Caste (SC), 24 Scheduled Tribes (ST), 100 Othe: Backward Classes (OBC), 35 Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and 13 candidates om Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (Pw) category for appointment to various servicssiposts. This is due to operation of Rule 13 (v) & (v) of ESE 2020 Rules pertaining to maintenance of Reserve List The remaining candidates shall be requisitioned from the Reserve List. 3. Lists detailing allocation of candidates to different servicesiposts are enclosed as ‘Annexure: I 4. A statement showing the number of vacancies which could not be filled in various serviees/posts is at Annexure Hl. Some of these vacancies will be filled ater by requisitioning «andidate from the Reserve List of ESE-2020 maintained by Union Public Service Commission, as slated in par 2 above 5. Allocation of candidates has been done keeping in view provisions of the Engineering Services Examination Rules 2020, svetly on th bass of ranks secured by the candidates, order of preferences for various services/posis exercised, medical requirements of various services and medical fitness of the candidates for services alloted, availabilty of vacances in their eategory at theic tum and physical requirementsfunetional classification, as presetbed for the various serviees/posts and physical requirements!umetionl classification possessed by the candidates. As regards allocation of PwBD eandidates, if PwBD candidate is not available the vacancy has been alloted to the candidate ofthe category concerned. In such cases only the reservation is carried forward by the CCA (asthe reservation for PABDs is horizontal) 6. The allotment of Shri Narender Kumae (Roll No.-0801683, Rank- C-69, Cat-OBC) 0 CWES in Civil Enginering discipline and Shei Harish Kumar (Roll No.-0844224, Rank- E&T- 175, Cal-OBC, PwBD-2) to ITO in E&T Engincering is provisional pending finalization of their medical status. Allocation of Shri Narender Kumar and Shei Harish Kumar as well as the ‘candidates, if any, down the line in the respective disciplines whose allocation may be affected has been kept and marked as Provisional The changes in allocation that may result in case they Page 10170 are declared Unfit for the servicesposts they have been provisionally allotted to, have been indicted in AnnexuresIl, The dossiers of all these candidates will be forwarded to CAs concemed only on finalization of their allocation 7. Medical Reports of candidates, clearances in respect of candidature of candidates (Provisional / Conditional received from UPSC have been placed in their respective dossiers. 8. Claim of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC) or Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) have been accepted! by the Commission on the basis of the Original Certificates! Income & Asset cerificats (in ease of EWS) submitted by them. Copies of these Certificates submited by the candidates have been placed in their respective dossiers by the UPSC ise. Incase of doubt regarding genuineness / tlaim of the candidate regarding hisher community (Le. Scheduled Cast! Scheduled Triber OBC) or Income & Asset cerifcates (in case of EWS), the Cadre Controlling AuthoritiesParticipating Ministries may, if they consider it necessary, verify farther the ‘genuineness of these documents at their end. There may be some eases where though the OBC ‘emifiates have been issued to the candidates, the “Creamy Layer” stats may be doubiful Keeping in view the income! status of the parents of the candidates as per declaration of the candidates vide column 11 in the Detailed Application Form. Iti advised that_partieipating Ministries may, in such eases, ensure that candidates do not attract “Creamy Layer” provision and offers of appointment to these candidates may be made afler the Minisy/CCA coneemed Satistes itself in ths respect also. 9, Verification of character and antecedents in respect of the candidates indicated in ‘Annexure 1s io be done by the Cadre Controlling Authorities concerned to their satisfaction as Stipulated in DOP&T’s OM No. 13012/1/2007-AIS- dated 27.6.2007 and 41.2008 and DoP TS (OM No,18011/295)2016-Est(B)() dated 29.06.2016. The cadre contolling Ministries Departments are requested fo obtain Attestation Forms from candidates alloted to services/posis under their contol for the purpose of verification oftheir character and antecedents from the Distiet Authorities concerned. Pending such verification participating Minstries are advised to inform candidates that offers of appointment isued are provisional subject to clearance from the Cadre:Contoling Authority regarding completion of verification of their character and antecedents 10, Details of 13 candidates whose candidature is still conditional on account of non submission of certain documents as indicated against their names are given in Annexure -V. ‘The stid documents may be obtained from the candidates and sent to Union Public Service Commission, Offes of appointment to these candidates need not, however, be withheld on this 11. While issuing offers of appointment, deziled instructions contained in Union Public Service Commission's leter referred to above and DoP&T's instructions, issued ftom time to time may be followed, In adition, clause relating to verification /aeveptance of caste certificates ‘ete tay also please be incorporated in the appointment letters clearly bringing out tha fat any stage it is found tha any Cerificate/Document/testimonial ec. as furnished by the candidate and having a bearing on hisher eligibility is notin order, hisher appointment shall be cancelled forthwith without prejudice to any punitive action under the eleva rules. 12, Its advised that arrangements for additional training and coaching to the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste'Scheduled Tribe candidates except those wiose names are tiven in Annexure -V may please be made in tems of the Ministry of Home Affairs OM No, al Page 20170 No, 3/06/2003-C dated 16.04.2004 so that they may come up tothe standard of other direct. recruits appointed along with them, 13. No departmental candidate (under age concession) has been recommended by the Commission, 14, UPSC may please be kept informed from time to time about the postion of appointment ofthese candidates. Copies of ofersof appointment as and when ised to them may please be ‘endorsed to the UPSC and the dates of joining of candidates may also be advised subsequent [Assessment reports on the work & performance of the candidates may be made available to the Commission every yea fora period of 5 years subsequent to their appoiniment, Copies of the wzette Notifications appointing the candidates to the service to which they have been alloted may also be sent tothe UPSC in due course. 14, _Imeave the eandidates do not accept offer of appointments, their dossiers may please bbe returned to UPSC directly under intimation to this Offie. Replacements against such candidates will not be provided. A vacancy against which a candidate bas been alloted is ‘deemed to be filled up forall purposes, Ie may please be noted that UPSC has time to time reiterated that Reserve List is not awaiting listo cater to vacancies arising out of other reasons such as candidates not turing up to join, being found medically unfit, eR out on account of dial fitness for Timited services, resignation or any other reasons 15. Name (exact spelling of name) ofthe allotted candidate may be verified from the dossiers of the candidate being forwarded and their Marks obtained may please be verified from the LUPSC Mark lis uploaded on Indian Railways website at ink htps/ section jsp?lang 1,304,366,530 16. A responsible oficial with due authority may please be deputed to collect the dossiers fiom Section OtficerE(GR)I, Room No. 305, Rail Bhavan, Raisina Road, New Delhi- 10001 (Tel: 011-23087259). 17. Receipt ofthis Office Memorandum along with its enclosures and dossiers may please be oda Dy. DirectorEst(G.R.) Railway Board Tel 011-23047258, Enel: Annexures Ito V To (1) The Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministy of Urban Development, ‘A’ Wing, Room 1No.124, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. [By Name to Shri Turambari, Deputy Director (Adon Il), ECA Section, DG (CPWD)] CES [26 dossiers] and CE&MES [01 dossier] ‘Tele: O11. 23062811 & 23061715 13030170 (2) The Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, “8” Wing, Koom No.132. “H ‘wing Sena Bhavan, Gate No. 1, New Delhi, (By Name to Shri A.N.Venkatachala, Under SecretaryiAppts). IDSE [32 dossiers}, AEE (BRES) [28 dossiers], ABE (QS&C) [04 dossiers}, ANSO [13 dossiers] and INAS [02 dossiers]. Tele: 011-23018771, 23013416 & 23011449) @) The Secretary tothe Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, Deptt. of Defence Production, Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, “H’ Block, New Delhi-I10 O11. (By name t0 Sh, S.K-Shukla, Director, HR) — DAQAS [02 dossier] 011-28792208, Fax-O11- 23016900, (8) _ The Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highway, Est Il section, Room No.287, Parivahan Bhavan, No.1, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. (By name to Shri Kamal Kishore, Under SeortaryE-I) CES(Roads) [24 dossiers), Tele: O11- 23710454 & 23719669 (9) The Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Communications, Department of Telecommunicatons, Room No. 416, 4" Floor, Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi (By Name to Shei Anil Kumar Singh, Under Secretary /Admn.I1) IRRS [04 dossiers], Tele: (011-23714215, 011-23036118 (6) The Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Communications, Department of ‘Telecommunications, Room No. 1120, Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road. (By Name to Shri Surya Prakash, Direcior Staff), New Delhi, ITS [14 dossiers] & JTO Gr.°B? [33 dossiers] “Tole. 011-23036927, 011-23718618. (7) The Secretary tothe Govt. of India, Department of Science & Technolozy. Ministry of Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-6 (By name to Shri S.K-Sinhe, Director (SMP), Administrative Block) SIS [01 dossier] Tek. O11-2659056S & o11-26590412. (8) The Secretary tothe Govt of India, Ministry of Mines, Room No.302D, 38° Floor. “A Wing, Shastt Bhawan, New Delhi-1 [By name to Shri RK'Choukan, Asst Director (PRA), (MinesII Section)] GSI [02 dossiers] Tele. 011-23382818, (9) The Secretary tothe Govt of India, Ministry of Power, Room No. 424, 4® Floor. Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 (By name to Mr. Suman Chatterjee. Deputy Secretary) CPES Gr. *A” [20 dossiers] & CPES Gr. ‘BY [ 35 dossiers}, 01123738817 (10) The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Ditectorate General of Training, [By name to Mr. Arun Kumar, Under Secretary) Employment Exchange Building.B-2, Kaushal Bhawan, Room No. 204, Pusa ‘Complex, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110 012, ISDS [15 dossiers}, Tele, 011-25847036 (11) _ The Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Water Resource, River Development and ‘Ganga Rejuvenation, Room No,633, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi (By Name to Shri Narendar Singh, Under Secretary, Es.1) CWES [17 dossiers}, Tele: 011-28716928, 011-23718620 Page 0170 oe No. 202U/E(GR)22 New Delhi dated: 14.12.2021 Copy te: The Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shabjahan Rood, New Delhi (Attn: Sh. B. K. Singh, Under Secretary) w.rt. the Commission's letter No. F.1/4(14)/2020-E.VIl dated 18.06.2021. 6 on Rao) Dy. Director Est.(GR.) Railway Board “Tel: 011-23047258 Page Sof70 ‘SERVICES FOR ESE-2020 (Index of dossiers) SNe. | Chit Mech Flectread rat T os NA NA Nk 26) 2] CES(Roadsy Na Na Na a ey 3 SIS NA Na NA TT [or 4) ABE (BRES)* | AEE (BRES) Na Na B 22) (on) 3 1DSE TDSE TDSE NA 22) @) , © | ABE(QS&G* NA, NA NA w (08) 7 ISDS SDS SDS SDs 5 01) (06) 04) (04) v | ewes EWES NA NA 8 as 03) > NA si Wa Ne e (02) 10 WA INAS WA INAS) | OF (1) _ Ti "ANSO “ANSOTOH | ~ANSOWH) [TF 05) 1 NK CHES Gr" | CPES GEA | CPESGEA” | 20 (03) as (2 5 Wa CPES Ge "B | CPES Gr" | CPESGr'B | 35 (05) G3) 7, 7 NA NA) TEMES NA a ol 5 NA WA DAQAS A @ (2), 6 NA Ne NA oF 7 Na Na NA 7 We NA Ne 116 cS ca a ¥ Dossier oF OF candidate whose allocalion is Provisional (CWES) and Dossiers of 02 ‘candidates who are figuring in Provsional-in-Chain (01 each in AEE/QS&C and BRES) are not being sent (@ Dossier of OT candidate whose allocation fs Provisional (TO Gr, "Bs nov being Se pw Page 60f70 ESB-2020 - ALLOCATION CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE | cos INDENT P| S¢_|_St [ose [ews | UR [ TOTAL) Vacancies 2 3 | of or | 2 | 13 | 26 (Lpice-o1 HOD Number of candidates Big |pn 0s poor alte oes allotted ‘Number of vacancies or Bo [0 [ao | 00] 00 unfilled “incTaing PH acaey (angele Yor HH @ OF an vee S| Category | Rani | RoltNo. [Maris | Name Point No. | of psc released for Vacancy | S.No. Reserve List alloted (CivitEnag. Discipline) a) oe ® |e @ o. ia} 1 PUR {0805703 | 906] GAURAV KUMAR | OBC | OBC - VERMA UR [C3 [os00806 |-#7F | —-KULDEEP onc | ORC UR | -C¥_[aToTI30| —S6l_| ANISHBAGGA | UR 5 aaa UR | CS [Os10T7e | 856 | PAVITRA GOVAL | UR : . UR | Ce [300521 | 854 | GURTETSINGHS | UR 5 : UR | CF | OmossTe) mF | —-ViPUL GUPTA | UR 5 pa eeaRTgOT | aa YATIN onc | oRC - | MALHOTRA [UR [CS | OwTa0S | BIS | — ARPIT JAIN’ we = 5 [2 [UR] Cato | 3e0007s | eat) AMT SHARMA] —OR 7 = [To] UR) Car [aR00978 | S41) ASHOK KUMAR | OnE] OBC - Ti] OR TOORO6E | BaT| —NOOKALA ‘ORC | One = SAIVIKAS TE] UR | CS | WRITE | 858] — MIRINAL oc) OBC DEWANGAN Page 7 070 Rin 1S] UR | Cit [owsra2 | 837 | KAUSHIK ‘one ‘one SHEKHAR 1. | EWS [GIS [08i3908| 84 | SATYAMGUPTA | EWS UR : TE EWS | CIT [os03072 | ST SHAKTI EWS uR aaa SHEKHAR | 16 | OBC | C14 [500556 | 636 | —ANTKUMAR [OBC een GUPTA Th) OBC | Cie [1705533 | ST DRANAV, ‘one TR CHOUDHARY Te | OBC | C29 | OR0G0 | “BID | RAJEEV RANIAN | OBC wR 19.| OBC [C30 [owOsRTS | 8I7_| — SHUBHAMT ‘One UR MAURYA Bo] OBC | C34 | O8I2AIT) BI | CHILUKA SHASHT | OBC UR 7 KALYAN Bie] OBC | Cae | OROTIRO | “BIF SHIVAM ‘OBC uR 5 PRAIAPATL | OBC | CaO [3400558 “S12 | AMARJEET ‘onc TR : SINGH 3. | SC | G70 | 800927 | FF | RAHUL TASIWAL | SC S | SC Cae [0813274 | 764 | MANGESH, SC : | ‘TAPARE S| SC | C52 | OROS6E| 76 ADITYA VERMA | SC : 5 26] ST | C58 [ORI | 7S [DUEERATRUMAR) ST : 5 MEENA Nae (0 Incolann 8 cstegory ofthe adits show (eS, OBC, SC and ST ines tha Te veered categany candidate ve een revommended on bees me and alosted UR ‘cane. Eun numer of eandiats Blogg otha served catego willbe eine Tom be Reserve Lt of 2020s tome ofale 13 OF ESE Rel 2020 @ aw UR category shown in columa & indicus tat the reseed category candi feared on sera ras ben allocates api hier own ered eater oes Wiser hipher perene of the servicepost Equal aumber of candies telongng to UR ‘Stegny gle agustment of higher preference of the servcspos. by reseed agoy ‘Sites wil be eustined om the Reserve List of 202i oreo ale 1 o ESE Rae Sno Insank col Cina itn Chil Eninerig Page 6 of70 2020 - ALLOCATION (CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 8 2 CES(ROADS) INDENT PH | -S¢_| ST _[ onc [EWS [UR [TOTAL Vacancies 0 0} oo | 07 | 2) 12) 28 Number of candidates w a Time allotted ‘Number of vacancies w | 0 | O0 Ca ‘nfiled [S- Category | Rank | RoliNo. [aris Name ‘Aetual | Point | Remarks No | of upsc. community | released for | about SNo. of | Reserve List |eandidature| candidate and Disability foe Tete Te @ @ o 1 | UR [C2 | 0809000 [886 | — PRASHANT UR : 5 SINGH | UR | Cie | 1108489 | 829 ISHANT GEA oR - : UR | C9 | ORT0aT | aE ADITYA UR = > UPADHYAY =] UR [Cai |a90073 | E28 | SRISHTT BAFNA | OR : : 3 [UR | a2 | os0Rea8 | #2 | MOHD BILAL UR : > KHAN & | UR | eas Pai00RTT | as VARUN oR = = VARSHNEY 7 | UR [G36 | 1800055 | "834 ADFAR AAGHAZ | UR MIR Fa [ur [ear | sooner | aaa] RIGHA KUMART | UR S S [| UR) ear [o7oaiz | 817 NIRMAL NAYAK | UR i a To,| UR | C35 | OmDOTT |-#16 | BHARATKUMAR| UR : SHARMA, Tp UR | C35 | onT0875 | s16 | HIMANSHU UR > - RAJPUT TZ] UR D6OTSSE | BIS SOHAM UR : - (CHATTOPADHYA’ TE] EWS | C35 | T10m6F | 300) TUSHAR EWS : i MANGAL Te) EWS | Gor | 3500066 | 78S) TANMAY, EWS - - MAHAIAN Page 90f70 TS] OBC | Cat | ORUROTT | SIO | BIRBAL RAM | OBC ur T| OBC | Cas | 2e0s602 | 810 | RITES YADAV | OBC UR TF | OBC | Cad | 800508 | aOR | MANISHKUMAR | OBC ur TE] OBC | C50 | ORDTROR | ROT SATISH ‘OBC UR 19| OBC | CSE | ORTRTES | R06 | RAVIRUMAR [OBC Ba} OBC |-C-SS | OBiaTaT | 05 | ~NAZIMKHAN | OBC : Bi] OBC [C34 | OBDGTOR | “808 | ARASH VERMA | OBC i BSC [Cs | 0sii839 | 757) SHUBHAM 5 : KAUSHAL L AHIRWAR [RE] Se [eae | roortse | 757 | -POTHULA saT | SC : CHARAN BEL SC | CHF | aB0T3a9 | 755 | MONENDRA se : KUMAR MAHILANGE ae (__Incolurn 8 category ofthe cass sown ie, EWS, OBC. SC and ST ines tha the reseved category caidas hve been recommended on general merit and aosed UR ‘cane. Eau numberof antes belonging to hese eservedetegorn wil be equine Tom be Reserve List of 20201n tesa ul 15 oF ESE Rule 303, GU category shown in column 8 indces thatthe reserved category cane ‘eeommended on sera mer has ben alactd spina har own saved elegy 10ers hisher higher preference ofthe serviepest Equal numberof candates belonging (0 UR Category again adustnent of higher preface of the sevcelpas by reserved cate) ‘Soda il be eguistoned rom he Reserve Lit of 2020 in tore of ele T ESE Rees smo i) tnrmccolann Cindi icp ie, Civil Enginering Jo age 10.70 298-2020 - ALLOCATION IVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE INDENT PH | S¢_[_St [ose [ews [UR [TOTAL Vacancies co or | 0 fo | 0% | 00 | of Number of candidates w | allotted | Number of vacancies w [oOo | 00 | 00 ‘filed 2 [So] Category] Rani” [RollNo. [Marks] Name “Retual | Point] Remarks No. | of PSC community | released for | about Vacaney | S.No. ofeandidate | Reserve List | candidature allotted (Civil Engg. | and Discipline) _|_Disabiisy oe Te) @ Te @ @ ® o TSC | C10 [OsI3154) 716 | BRAJ KANT [SC : . Page 11 0f70 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 4 BRES INDENT PH | SC [st [osc [ews] UR Vacancies OL 2 [oF] 18 | @ [07 (Locr.n@ Number ofeandidates [00 we foe fa | | allotted ‘Number of vacancies oF Be po pe fa | [a unfiled cadag PH veany = PwBD CORY S| Category | Rank| RolINo, | Marks [Name ‘etwat | Faint Remarks No. |of PSC community | released for | about Vacaney | S.No. or Reserve List| candidature allotted candidate and Disab o7e |/o9]/4!]o o © 1 | UR alee 5 5 = 7 = |r : nes : 5 : UR Saale 5 : 5 5 =) oR | cael : : > x [oR | male : «| ur = > : > 7 7 | oR | aa 5 5 5 : ©) EWS | CoT_[osiTea3 | 72 | RAKESHT EWS : : | ews |= alae : a > T0-| OBC | CAS |ORRDATT | 77 | ~ASHISH SAINT | OBC >] Provisionat- hai Th} OBC | 6-79] 1501990] 77 | ABHINAV OBC = KUMAR Ta] OBC] C80 [ORTTOAS | 772_| SONU VERMA [OBC = 5 Page 12070 2 iS] OBC] CRE [ouIaeD] 77I | —-ASHUTOSH J —OBC KUMAR. [Te oBc cas |onoT020 | 771] —RAIKUMAR J OBC : [ MAURYA = TE] ORC] Cae [0805] 6S —V CHANDRA] OBC 5 SEKHAR ‘HC | CAS ROGET “TEE | PRINCE KUMAR” | OBC > MALL ‘OBC | CaP] T5265] TES] “RAM PRABHAT | OBC : KUMAR, ‘HC | C50] T2508] “Te | ~AMAN SINGH [OBC 5 ORT : 5 : : wf oR p : p20 = = = = - Pepe - = or . > — oR] 5 5 cael c = + ‘OBC a a a = — SC] CHS] 0806254] TOR] SURATBHATI | Se : S| Caie | 1005428 705 NALLASRAVYA | SC : Pao se ere isnarer | a7} PRAIWaLTT J $C : | ‘WANIARI rnp se is02270| S| — SHASHT 5 : PRAKASH SE] SC) C19 | ae | HE] SWATANTRA | SC - GAURAV EP Se can ones | oor] SHUBHAM SINGH] —8C : | 3C WORE | GT |-AMITPRABHAT | SC ; SE [Cae | nan5098 || ABTS 3 COND PRATAP SINGH 36 [SC | EAS | STOR] GB] DAKEY SUSHMA | SC > l age 330170 ijn we] SC 5 : 5 5 | SC : : : = z ww) SC - : : 7 | ST | caoe | TT0rDa9 | 735-_| — CHETRANT SF ‘MEENA a | ST | C106 | 0805525 | 730” | NEERATKOMAR [ST ‘MEENA @| St | calor [Tron | 75 ‘ADITYA T KANWAT % | ST : : : : : Page 16070 ‘ESE:2020 - ALLOCATION (CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, Ss IDSE, INDENT PH [-S¢_|~S¥_[ Onc [EWS [UR [TOTAL Vacancies 0 a Number of candidates 7 eg Nef Oe | nel a|pa allotted ‘Number of vacancies 0 | -0r |) 90] 00] 00 ‘unfilled - ‘Category | Rank! | Roll No, | Marks | Name ‘Actual | Point Remarks of USC community | released | about Vacancy | S.No. of for ‘candidature allotted candidate | Reserve | and | List (Civit | Disabtity Engg. Dis) oe] oe © (a) ‘) oO UR | C:24 [0814698 | 25 MAYAN UR - SHEKHAR [aR] ear owoasee | aia] FVOTIRANTAN wR : : ‘SAHOO DR | Cal | OR0R97S | 81 SHUBHAN UR = : AGRAWAL. OR | Cas [3500007 “IT | ARJUN SHARMA | UR - UR | C46 _[ORRATT| 809 | MANAS TRIPATHI | UR : : UR | CaF onoaa6s |“ a09- | SHASHWATRAT | UR 5 [7 [UR | C48 | osr801 | “808 | “SUNIL GODARA [UR : 4 Fa] uR esr] osroaee | ao7 | —TANMAYA oR 5 E I SANTOSH NAIK o[ EWS | CF | 0803665] 774] — NARENDRA. EWS - SARSWAT To | EWS [CAT [oRoTsa| Ter SHAILESH EWS : e MISHRA, CIT oRe [C36 [a805906 | 75m VARSHA OBC : i KUSHWAHA, [IR OBC [C59 [oRnaiaT | F9T | PRANSHU JANGID | OBC = > [S| oBc | “car_[ 0805009] 786] PURKHA RAM | OBC > : Page 5 of 70 De T&| OBC | Ce? [ORBIT] 786 | — MOHAMMED | ~OBC ARSHAD ANSARI 1} OBC | COS | ORODRES | TAT ‘SHUBHAM ‘onc YADAV 16 | OBC | Cee [OBIS30T | 781 | VIPUL PRAJAPAT [OBC WF) oBe | CaF _[aRIs99] 780] SUDHANSHD OBE SUMAN TS) SC | COR [oR0RGD| 753] SHIVAM KUMAR | SC 1 | Se [Cao [oR0RRaE | 748 | RUPESHSOLANKT | SC Bi] SC | COT | ORONERE [TAF “ABHISHER Fg PANWAR, BSC] Cio | oRisaas | 717 | ABHISHEK 5 KUMAR | ST | Ce | 0814658 | 78 | MADAN LAT T MEENA ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 6 ARES) INDENT PH ‘Sc st] onc | ews {UR | TOTAL} Vacancies a ‘Number of candidates 0 a allotted | | tos |e a] unfilled eae Category] Rak] RollNo. [Marks | Name | ~Asiual | Point] Remariss a urs community | released for | — about Vacancy | S.No. ‘of | Reserve List | candidature alloted candidate | (Civil Engg. | and Discipline) |_ Disability oe eee @ a ® o a ae es 5 : 5 : [= UR = = - = > Pere UR ole S : 5 5 we 5 > - > rR > > > > ae re Cas [ORDTRAT | TE] -MANOTUMAR” | EWS : : [OBC [CE] Tioisae| 77] —RAMNIVAS | —OBC =P Provisiona aa YADAV. inca [SoBe “CS OROORAS| 77 |-KOMAL PRATAP | — OBC 7 5 | SINGH. [3 | ope) e6foaiaaao| 778] — Aaa sant | ac 5 i | 10] Seen] Tareas | 12 MANISHRUMAR | SC 5 : i NONIWAL E age 17 70 ESE.2020 - ALLOCATION CIVIL. ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 7 Isps INDENT PH | _S¢_[ ST [osc Tews [UR [TOTAL ‘Vacancies 00 wo [0 fo | @ | oo | o Number of candidates w Cs allotted ‘Number of vacancies o a ‘unfilled ‘S| Category | Rankl” | Roll No. [Marks ‘Name ‘Retwal | Point | Remark No. | of PSC community | released for | about Vacancy | S.No. ‘of | Reserve List| candidature allotted candidate | (CivitEngg. | and Diseipline) | Disability Oe |e | oe © Gh ® oO 1. | EWS” | C94 [0806098 [7159 | RISHAB KHATTRI| EWS: I = a geve ale : : a > i Page 18 070 ‘ESE:2020 - ALLOCATION (CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, 8 CWESGR‘A’ INDENT 3¢_[SF_| onc [EWS [UR [TOTAL] Vacancies [or as | a2 | 0s | Number of candidates oF a allotted ‘Number of vacancies wo Ca unfilled aclaing PH vaaney (, Flnercangeable or Wi OA, OL, OR R PD, OL R PO, SLD, Leproay Cree, DMT, [So] Category | Rania] Roll No. | Marks Name ‘Aetwal Point | Remarks” [No. | of urs community released for | about || Vacaney | S.No. of Reserve. | candidature || atotcea! ‘candidate List (Civil | and i Engg. | Disability Discipline) @ |e | @ |e © @. @) oO UR | C126 [0808125 | ~S24 | RAM PRATAP UR - PwBDS SINGH TOMAR [EUR] Ga /7100085 [14 | ABHINAV KUMAR [UR : ‘COND SINGH [5 [GR] ee osowrzz ars) viKASH YADAV | UR = : = [UR | Cas [003076 | 81 | NAVEESH KUMAR [UR : ~ oR | = = - > > ae rr : a : : : : 7 oR [> = = a . = «| UR S S = S S a v ‘0814310 777 | RRITIKA TILA EWS : = 10.) EWS [Gra _[aR06s0E | 776 |“ VARUNTIWART | EWS : = TL] OBC | C37 [0814022 | 797] PRASHANT PATEL | OBC a = 12] OBC | C60 [0801307 | 71 | SARAVANAKUMAR| OBC : - M TE] OBC | -C-68 [2600780 | “779 | “ANURAG VERMA | — OBC 5 : Page 180170 De (Allocation of Sei t Sh Narode Kanai vison sine he candi tes pes any Fst Nee Soran medians 3 ping Page 20070 Th] OBC™ | Cao | oRDTGES | 779 | NARENDER ‘OBC Provisional KUMAR - 15| OBC | CAT | oRi1639| 777 | MANISHKUMAR ] OBC ‘GUPTA. VE] SCP C10E | OROIBTE | 739_| —-VISHWAJERT se SINGH [TR[ Se | eos amass rar) ANT KUMAR [SE TE) SC | C108 [0808777 | 71s) DEVENDRO, se MOIRANGTHEM. 19.| ST} CoS |R60T48 | 736 | AMIT KUMAR MINI | ST “TOR = Ca a TaD a OST ESE2020 . ALLOCATION covIL ENGINEER NE IST OF CANDIDATES Ww NOT BEALL Ny SERVICE, a LLATION OF Cx BY UPS MEDI ESS. HISENCE FROM APPEAR DICAL EXAMI NERUINLETT ‘UNABSORBED & [Gates | Rank| Ma Name FINAL MEDICAT | — Remar Ne [gory | Ratna, ‘SraTus Tt) can |e” BRAVYA PARASTAR > — UNFIT TERR on3ss6 OR | 8c.003 a7 ROTTAM THAT ae 1201098 VENRATAKRISHINA REDDY J [BNSC] SHOBRARTARORA THAT = sees [ORE Cont FF] ANRITYRBRT SENT > ovossi 5S [C095 | 735 NIERIC KUMAR |-CRNDIDATURE CANCELED BY Sons se | 7 [SP e006] BEVESTT TEEN NAT = inns 7] Seca |r| BaERARSWaROGP | — ONT = osioiz a THT 5006 oT} Secs |e TACIT ATR AR AASENT itso TW] UR e135 |e NITSHTDRANRAT RAT unbat | osor6o TH] one e-irr | TAs ANIL] CANDIDRTORESANCECLED BY ewsos | iso | | piiaMane Urs . age21 170, ESE -2020 INFILLED VACANCIES Civil Engineering Discipline Service No. No. Unfilled Vacancies) Indented | Allied BRES a 2 2 (07 UR, 01 EWS, 09 OBC, 03 SC& TSC) AEE (SEC) w o ‘05 (05 UR) TSDs @ oF OTOL EWS CwES 5 BI OF OFUR Page 220f70 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION (CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, INDEX Description [Nester ofcanaidaes Number of candidates recommended by UPSC UR =33, EWS=13, OBC=47, SC=27, ST=07 (including 02 PwBD-1& 02 PwBD-3 eandidates) a ‘Number of candidates allocated senvicesposts UR =37, EWS = 11, OBC=38, SC=24, ST=06 (including 01 PWBD-1 & 01 PWBD-3 candidates) including one (01) candidate allocated service/post on provisional basis pending Medical Status (Shri Narender Kumar, C-69,Cat-OBC). Te Nuniber_oF candidates whose candidature has been cancelled by UPSC as they have failed 10 submit the requisite original documents within specified. period of three months from the date of declaration of the result | Gineluding 01 PWBD candidat). @ Tamiber of candidates absent and did not aiend Medical Examination ‘Narnber of candidates declared medically wait (Grand Toiak Page 28 0f70 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, 1 ss INDENT PH | -S¢_[ St [08¢ [EWS [UR [TOTAL] Vacancies mo fo | or | @ fo | m2 | Number ofeandidates | 00-0000 | or allotted Namber of vacancies] 00 [00] 0a PP 0H unfled | No. [Category | Rawk [RollNo. [Marks | Name ‘etuat [Point Remarks of | uPse community | released about Vacancy |.No. or tor cmdidatare | alowed fandidate | Reserve nd Disabil List (Meet | | Engg. i oe Tete Te @ @ i 7] UR] Mor [002174810] —~ PRATER ur : aaa SRIVASTAVA, | ‘ope | M09 | 1105754) 809" | GANESHKUMAR |~ OBC UR ~ ADIGAUR | Nae ()_Incolumn egy canes how (EWS, OBC, Ea ST ns tat the seated exegoy candidates hve een recommended cn peer ert and aloe UE ‘cine. ual nab of eandates belonging ose reserved categories wil be eqns Home Reserve Lis of 2020 ints of ae 13 oF ESE Roles 200, (UR category shown in calarmn & sadears thatthe resened catego candidate feeommcnded cn genta ert as Bsn alloc api er own ered catego ese Hiser higher preference ofthe sevscupese Egil numberof candates belonging t0 UR fstegory ane adjustment of higher preface of the sevcelpost by reserved ag07y fuer wll be reustoned or th Reserve Lit of 2020 in terms af Rule 13 OF ESE Rue smo i) tora cokann “Minds ipo, Meshais Enginerg Page 24070 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 2 SE INDENT PHL ‘S€_[_St_[ one | ews [UR [TOTAL Vacancies OL oo {orf oo | 00 [a2 | om (piers ‘Number of eandidates OL wo | fo | oo | o_o alloted Number of vacancies wo Ce unfilled *osing PH wacane (5, Sechangeible or LD 2. PD. i ‘Category | Rank | Roll No. | Marks | Name ‘Actual [Point iarks | of uPsc. community released bout | Vacaney | $.No. of for indidature | alloted candidate | Reserve and Disability) | List (Mech | Enge. ce | Diseiptine) ote Tete Te @. a |e) , i UR | M37 [0508262] 603 | NIKAM SUNIL UR - Pwab-T MADHUKAR UR | MrOr [0510823 | 857] SALUNKHE oR = = CHARUDATTA L MOHANRAO a x ST [3-29 | 0s22082 | 711 | HEMANT KUMAR | _ST = MEENA, Page 25 0f70 ESB-2020 - ALLOCATION “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 2 INAS INDENT Pa [Se [St [one [ews | uk [rorar Vacances a —]-00-] 00] or] wo | oo Yon Nanber ofeandidates | 00] 00] 0001} 00 | 00 alte Number of vacancies] 00] 00} 0} -W|-00-] 00 | om ‘fle 7 SNe | Category | Rank” ] Rollo [Marks | Name Point Remarks] on | URS Community [released bout | Vacancy |.No. ot for ndidature | alloted Candidate | Reserve fn Disa, List (Mech | Enge. | bi | ay 2) (3) (4) 45). £6) a 8) ) Te) OBC] M15 |aonnset | 772 | ~CHATAPARTHT OBC : SURYA TEIA ge 26 0°79 [BSE-2020 - ALLOCATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 4 ANSO INDENT [PHS [SP [ one [EWS [UR [TOTAL] Veens fm we pa fae P| | ea) Nonberofeadidais [00 FOOT |“a faa) alted | __| Number afvacancies | 00] OW] |] unfilled { | ot : Rani [Roll No. | Mavis | Name Actual [Point for | urse community | released Vacancy | S.No. ot tor | amxted | Candidate | Reserve | | List (Mech | | Enge. | | Discipline @ |e} @ |e @ a ®) 4 UR | hod | 0818058} 829) ~~ SHUBHANT ur 5 5 | Borra TR | Neo | T005588 | “810 | ——VOYYURT oR 5 || SAIKRISHNA |_keppy EWS METT ] 1108598) 770 RAHUL EWS - = KHANDELWAL ‘OBC | NETS OSOTOA| 77 | DAGDU AJINKYA | OBC 5 é RADHAKISAN SI T6809] G2 | — SANIDHA oT 5 5 SEWRA Page 27 070, ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION 5 CWESGR ‘A’ f INDENT PH [SC [St [one [ews] UR [TOTAL ) f Vacancies 00, oto fo fo [of ‘Number of candidates 0 or} -o [or | | or | os allotted L | ‘Number of vacancies a uunfited——_| i} (SNe: [ Category | Rank | RollNo. | Marks | Name ~ [Retual of uPsc ‘community Vacancy | S.No. of allotted candidate | oe Tee Tet @ oD 1 UR | M-03 [0603580 829” | ~SURAJ KUMAR | —_UR ‘SHAW z OBC | Mes [omaHF7 | g29- | KAMEESHL ‘OBE TR 1 PARWAR 3 SC} MERE | OBDETES [740 | SARPATE AKSHAY [SC 7 aa DEVIDAS i sae (@_Incolann 8 category ofthe candidates shawn Ge. ES, OBC, SC and ST ines tha the eserves estgoy eames have Soe recomended on geerl tit ad alloted UIE ‘cane. Egual numberof candids belonging these served catego wll be requisitioned Tom i Reserve List of 2020 rs aul 13 of ESE Rules 2020, )__UR category shown io cokinn $ intcnss tat the rsened category cane FReommended on geal mart has ben llc pit hisher oon ered ener a ese Iiser higher psrene ofthe servo. Ege aumber of candies Belonging Yo UK Cregoy agaist adusnent of higher refsrnce of the sevice by reserved caany ‘ite il be egistoned from the Reserve Lis of 2020 eof Rie 1 of ESE Rue smo (Gi) Tora cstanin Mndetes dsigne ie: Mechanical Enlnering Page 28of 70 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 6 BRES INDENT. PH__[_8C_[-St_[oRc [Es [UR [TOTAL] Vacancies 0 | 00 fo | os fa | a | 10 Number of eandidates ee Oeste Oa allotted ‘Number of vacancies w w | wo [wo [| [S-_[ Category | Rank | Roll No. | Marks [Name ‘Aetwal [Point [Remarks | No, | or ursc ‘community | released | about | | Vacancy | S.No. of for Reservd candidature | | allotted | candidate | List (Meet and Engg. | Disability L Discipline) fol @ Tete Te @. o e) ® i Ue | M10" [3503261 | 809 |_HEMABH TRIVEDI [UR : ‘COND wR [= 5 5 = = —— 3 [EWS | M-19 | 1008362 | 765] SS SRINIVAS, EWS = 5 CHOWDARY PATHURL & [ope | wear | 0936835 | 762] PRIVAM PATEL OBC : ‘COND [5] 0Be [2] 0817940 | 760 | — MOHD SATFUT OBE - a [&[ one wea7 [0817970 | 748 | MAYURTRASTOGT_|— OBC 5 7 0Be [~~ > - - = > = ose | 5 5 = - S : 5 ST | Me [OSTT259 [Go| PRASHANT RUMAR | ST - - MEENA 1. | St | -Me35 [1105720 [661 | RISHABH KUMAR | ST 5 S MEENA Page 290f70 My ESE.2020 - ALLOCATION 7 CPESGR‘W’ INDENT PH | S¢_[ SF [ose [ews | UR | TOTAL Vacancies m0 oo [oo orf of [or as ‘Number of candidates 0 00 00 | or for or 08 allotted { ‘Number of vacancies wo Toe] oO ow l unfilled 1 | [S_ [Category Ran] Rott No. | Maris Name ‘ewual | Point Remarks No. | of uPSC community | released for | about Vacancy | S.No. | of Reserve | candidature allotted | candidate | List (Mech | and ee S Engg. Dise)_| Disability a @. a) fo 1. | UR] M-o2 [Os11597 |-¥33- | KURKUTE SANMATI] UR - - SHARADRAO, Z| EWS |MeIa | OB2T208 | TES | NIMESH CHANDRA | EWS 3. | OBC | M-06 [0816761 [81s | MOHAMMAD ‘ORE ee ae ZUHAIB ote (© __tweotann 8 catgary ofthe canis shown (Le EWS, OBC, SCané Sins ta {he cere category eandstes ave been recommended on Beef} ert an allo UR ‘ancy. ual arbor of candidates belonging otese reseed cxeg wil be ego Hom he Reser ist of 2020 interme ale 13 oF ESE Rules 200, (UR category shown ia column indicus tat the reseved catego candiine Teeommendd an gees merit as ben alloted apis Her on eed elegy 10 SUE Isr bigher preference of th sexes Equal numberof ender Belonging to Ui fstegory seas sdusinent of higher preface of the sevicepost by reseed ep) ‘tate il be roulskone rom the Reserve Lit of 2020 em af Ree 13 ESE Rae smo 4) tmeankcoluma Mines Scipio ie, Mechanical Engineering Page 300f70 ESE.2020 - ALLOCATION ‘MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 8 ISDS INDENT PH__|-S¢_[_st [ose [ews |_UR~|-ToTAL Vacancies ol [or a | 1 | 00] a6 (LDICP ee.) _ Number of candidates oF fo fe |r |] 08 L allotted [Number of vacancies | 00 [00-00-99 | 00 o unfilled 1 “etoing PA vee [SNo-] Category [Rami | Roll No. | Marks Name Remarks of ursc. bout Vacaney | S.No. candidature allotted id Disabitiy | oe ao Te © o ® EWS [M25 [0406923 | 752_| — SWAPNDEEP EWS : : ‘CHOUHAN ‘onc ‘506651 | 795 | SHINDE SANKET | OBC : : | VASANT [3] onc aaris 7 0103883 | 766] MANHARBHAT | — OBC : KATARIYA, [= SC) MSE saa) 2 SHUBHAM SC : Pw SHANKAR 5 SC [M30 | T108075 | 705] HIMANSHU 3 : a % ST 0825375 | 682 | _SURENDRA Si i : KUMAR MEENA Page 3 0f70 a ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 9 CrESGR‘BY c INDENT. Pa__[-s¢_[-st_[ one [ews | UR | Torar Vacancies 00, a a 1 ‘Number of candidates 0 or fo fa | o | or as allotted ‘Number of vacancies w | 0-0 fOr | 02 o ‘unfilled I S| Category [Rank [RoliNo. | Mark] Name ‘Aetual | Point Remarks No. | of Upsc ‘community | released for | about Vacaney | S.No. of Reserve | candidaturc allotted candidate | List (Mech | and Engg. Dise)_| Disability oe |e | @ Te @ o ®) o TUR} MIT [0828438] 800 | MONU KUMAR UR 7 eel Ree ae oe : : 5 a x] ur f= a 5 > 5 + | ews eae > : > [OBC | M23 [T1000 | 75 | _VIKALP SAINT ‘OBC : ‘COND 3] OBC | 634 [2606080 | 757 |~KSHITI GAURAV | OBC i > VERMA 7] Se) rat | ORT T8as |-a5e [YOGESH KUMAR [SC : [ST | Me36 [105085 |[-655| ~~ LOKRAT MEENA 3T Page 32070 oho ESE2000 = ALL m [ANICAL ENGINEERI INE List oF ATES WHO COULD N ED TO ANY SERVI ACCOUNT OF WITHDRAWA\ ;DIDATURE/ CANCELLATION OF CANDIDATURE. BY UPS ICAL UNFITNESS/ ABSENCE FROM APPEARING IN EXAMINATION AND HAVE BEEN LEFT UNARSORDED S [Gate | Rank flare [Namie [Nat Remar paitne, | MEDICAL : STATUS TP EWS [30s TS ARPITIAIN HIT | Cae 208 wid by he nN eatldte 2) OBC | wana —|7ar|NITISH KUMAR] UNFIT —|—TEFT OUT sio0302 BOT [P| one | —weane— 7a sanvW TNA CLE | cease BHARATH MR age 33 0°70 EsE=2020 UNFILLED VACANCIES ‘Mechanical Engineering Discipline Service Unfilled Vacaacies BRES w (01 UR & 02 OBC) CPEs GE | 8 o 03 (O2UR, 01 EWS) Page 34070 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION ‘MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE INDEX [ SNe. [Description ‘Number of candies T.__| Namber of candidates recommended by UPSC UR™ 09, EWS=05, OBC=14, 5 (including 02 PwBD-1 candidate) Z| Number of canidscs located seniceaposts 5 UR= 0, BWS=04, OBC=12, SC=04, ST=06 (Gaeluling 02 PwBD-1 caidas 3. | Naniber of candidates allocated servieestposs on Wi provisional bass pending medial status | Naber of canines declared medially wit a ‘S Nube ofeandats withdrawn ther canons wT | Number of candidates absent and id notated Medical Wi |” | examination Grand Total we 1 L | ane350f70 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 1 cemes INDENT PH sc_| st | ope [ews | UR] TOTAL Vacances oo | 0} 0 | @ | or] oF ‘umber ofcandidates | 00] 00 [00 |W} | orf or alloted |__| Number of vances] 00} 00] 00 |W] ] 0] 0] filed | ‘No [ Category | Rank] Rll No Marks | Name “etwal—] Point] Remax a lure Ceimmunity | rleased. for | about Vacancy | So a Reserve Lit | candidate alloted Candidate | lee Engs | and Disspine) | Dis aaa oe G TH is) 1] UR ]E1 [1108679] “811 | SHASHANK GAUR] —UR : : Page 360670 SE-2000 - ALLOCATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DISCILAN 2 se INDENT PH Sc _| st_| OBC Tews] UR | TOTAL | neces ope Nar ot ate tar co | j Nanboret acacia} To 37 oa} ae ‘S.No. | Category | Rank/| Roll No. | Marks | Name ‘Actual Point Remarks } of ‘uPSC community | released for | about Meaney [SPS gy | coe ie [cca See eceeo _ Ti | Py foes a a eae Tans | WA Soma} oe} 8 os oR Fea} aR a7} oxox tp} connaear 3 UR] E-09 [0409066 | 785 | AKSHAY KUMAR UR - TAMRARAR _ ENS [ES [TOG HE|-NIKUNT INA] Eas} 5 | ~ OBC | E13 [330345 | 769 GYAN CHAND: ‘OBC UR T ~ . fe OBC” [E19 [0835495] 756] PREM SUKHNAIN | OBC uk oe : UWI DHASEAR Sar __ smn canp care on seus so ‘he reserved exten condntes fave bee recommended an geetl ert and tcc Ok cine. Eau rer of candies belonging to Bese reserved ess wil be eau Som he Reserve Lis of2020in ems ofr 5 oF ESE Roles 30, (UR egy shown in column § ides that the resend category conde ‘commended on gener has buen cate sannt hse ov essed een) tone bisher higher peerene ofthe servicer. Equal number of cates iene OR {stsany agaist agent of higher pretence ofthe svicspost ty reseed tae Sandie wll be egisiioned om the Reserve Li of 2020 nr ofRale OF ESE Rane, i) Ina cstrn€ndces pin ie, lec Engineering age 37 of 70 2p ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION BU NEERING DISCIPLINE 3 ANSO INDENT PH_[-SC_| ST [osc [Ews | UR [TOTAL] Vacancies 0 or foo | or | w ] a2 | oF Number of candidates w a allotted ‘Namber of vacancies o Cn Ll ‘unfilled No. | Category | Rank/] RollNo. | Marks | Name Retu Point Remarks of Upsc ‘community | released for | about Vacancy | S.No. of Reserve List| candidature allotted candidate | (Elee Engg. | and Discipline) "| Disability ole Te} @ Te @. o @) os 1 UR [Eis 4904200 | 767 | VEDPRAKASH [UR 5 ‘SHARMA z TUR | E16 [1305203 | 767] ANURAG KUMAR] UR 5 3 ‘OBC [EST | 5104522 | 7a1_|PRITVIKOTA | OBC : ~ a SC TER) | ORRTISD | G5 | MANIUL KUMAR [SC = ‘MESHRAM 34 vege 38070 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION 4 CPESGR‘AY INDENT Pa [Ses [one [ews [UR [TOTAL] Vacances a1} f-or-P op ch] oa oie Number ofcandidater | 01 | 0} or} [1] 06] 15 alloted : . Namber of veaneia | 00] 0} 00} to] 00] 00 ‘fe “eng PA a GLH RENEE ATO [SNo. | Category | Rank! ] Roll No. | Marks [Name “Ketuat [Point Remarks [ia | ected |r | Community| leased for | about | Vacaney | 80. ot Reserve Lint | candidature | | ate ‘andidate| Ble Eng, | and I ability a G 7 Oo (Ee ote —93 | SHREYA RAT JU Saas [e nD | Tp Rs oRaBNST | 809] VAST oR SHANKAR _ UR] E04] Su00695 | 907 | ANUPAM oR 5 5 SAMANTARAY UR [E05 [ORRIROT | SOP |~PARVEEN UR : \ KUMAR, [aR [E07 [URGTIS| 789] DINESH KUMAR | UR : 5 SINGH Je] aR To aosor2 | Ter] RATA INET] OR —> EWS JERS | 1506806] 75 |-SAROT KUMARI | —EWS [OR 5 ‘OBC FET] 1108353] 767] SURESH KUMAR | OBC | UR PRAIAPATI Cc OBC [E22 [0832626 | 755 HANUMAN OBC UR SUMAN | 0BC [Eas [ossam08 | 753] —DaRSHIT | OBC | Ue | KATARIA Ti] 0aC E50 Hiomss | 7a | ~“AIAV MALAY OBC - ~ [ix | so [ese Sms | 722] NAVEEN UMAR] — SC . | | age39 0170 97 TE] SC [E82 [OROIT] 718] NIKULRORIN 5 ia] SC [Eas OIGaNTT | 705] PARMAR SUNNY | SC : MUKESHKUMAR | | ST [ESI | 080058) —67S_| PIVUSHMEENA | ST 5 l (© _Incohamn 8 category ofthe candidat shown EWS, OBC, Cand ST ine ta the reserved category candidates have been recommended gener! ert and lost UR "acaney. Eau suber a candidates Slonging thse reserved categorie il be requ From ne Reserv List of 202 interme of ale 199° ESE Rees 2020, (G)__UR camgory shown in column inet that he rte calegory candle Fetommended oo general eri as ben alloctd apis hisher own sewed eategay 0 ese Tver higher preference ofthe sericea Equal umber of candsues belonging to UR ftegry ans ajusneet of higher pretence of the services by reseed egy anaes lb fequlstoned fom the Reserve Lt of 220 In temsofRule 13 of ESE RU a0 (i) tm colena nies sin a Elec Enaceriag Page a0 070, Sloe ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, Isps INDENT. PH | SC_|_ST [OBC EWS | UR [TOTAL] Veneer a@}-00}-oz For} ot] 00} oe Number of candidates | 00} 00} oJ 1 }-of | 00} 0 alluted i Namberf vacancies] 00} 00} 0} |] 00} 00 ‘tied ‘S.No. | Category | Rank/ | Roll No. | Marks | Name ‘Actual | Point ‘Remarks, on | upse community | relesed for | about Vacaney |So- ‘af | Reserve List | candidature (| ate candidate | (Eee Enge. | and | Dieting) _| Disabil oo @) 3) oy 5). (6) 7). 8) oO T [EWS [E18 [08S31@0 | 759” | ANKITA BANSAL | EWS . = i ‘HEPES | 29600] TaD] —PATIE-TEIAS | OBC > : KIRAN [St [ESS ORSSOIS [om] AMIT JEPHT 7 = I} St ORSSTTE|GSS | KANIKA MEENA ST —}— : Page 1070 BSE-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, 6. CPESGR'B INDENT Pal SC_[_St_[ ope [EWS |_UR~]TorAt ‘Vacancies @ oe fo Pf | | ae «pic. HD) & _ ‘Number of candidates @ a allotted ‘Number of vacancies w Dig pate poe aetna ‘unfilled lang PH vaceney (hy R-eercangeabe Tr Wie OTT and .D eo ‘SNe [ Category | Rank | RallNo. | Marks Kame “Retual [Point | Remarks abot of urse community | released for | candidature Vacancy | S.No, ‘of Reserve | and Disa alloted candidate | List (Elec Engg. Discipline) oe Tet @ Te @ 0) ®) @ 1. | UR” | E-st [0306857] 403] MANOTHP UR zs Ponds & [UR [ETT | irostas | 7a |ANKITOOVAL [UR 7 5 3. | UR | Eas [oss3668 [751 | MEENAHOODA| UR 7 a [UR [E26 [osis604 | 748 | ANSHUL KUMAR [UR : 3. | UR | EF | 0ms4066 | 747 | SHASHANK. wR TIWARI _ 6 | UR | ae 0RD508 | TAT RAHUL UR - BACHKHETL 7 [UR [Ea | 0208823 [74S] RAM KUMAR oR : = = | oR 7 F E > oR p= | 5 = - 7 | oR > | > 5 - Tuk] = : : - 2 lees eee 5 - Page a2 0f70 oR aps : — - | : Rp ; ; : > : - : UR Ci ~ - = EWS” | E45 | 1109983 | 698 ‘SHUBHAM = we CR : cea EWS] EAT | OTE] VER SINGH} ES : EWE] Ea | OTS] | RATER] EW : cael GEE] ORT Fa] NM UMAR] — OB : TBC] EST |S] TH SHORTER] OBC : aC] ES | OT] | HORT FA] — oR ao DBC] Ea] RSET | TF] MORES ROAR | — OB : OBC | E41 [1108837 | 718 | HARIKISHAN ‘OBC > cone = THE as TF MURESH SAINT] OBC - eae 5 5 : 5 Bot : 30 oR = = - 5 - oR : : - | a nT ANAT 8 a 3 a ar RE] ot - KADELA, | 330] | | WaT ORES RON] Sot a { Se BO YT | RADEON] 3 | = a Fh] SC] ES [ORT | WeF | RESHAVSINGH | SC > Se ag ees eae eee 5 5 > |S | ESS [ORE | ST |TEETRAM MEENA | ST a | 5 > |e > > Ene aaace COND = Cai Conia Te pal Tow TPT Page 44 0f70 7 pagas INDENT FSC [-$F [one [ews [or ‘Vacancies 00 yo oo | or | OL | 4 _ Nawaber of canada [0] WYO] | a Med 1 Namberotvacaer | 00} 06 ‘ad | ‘SNo. | Category | Rank’ | Roll No. | Marks | Name ‘Ketuat Point | Remarks ee urse communtiy | reese for | aboot, Vacansy | $e. of | Reserve List | andldaur lated candidate | (Eke Enga.| and L Disipine)_| Dna Lo) Q) 44) 45) (6) 7) [ ES Eee Tuk BOIS] 780 | —CHTRANS—} Ute ° | CHANDRA [OBC EO [OTIS | 5S | ABTISTIER | oe] cE JANGIR - ©) _Imcotunn 8 cagory ofthe castes sown (Le. EWS, OBC, SC and ST nse that the reserved exegory candies hve bos recormetded on gener] mvt and alloted UR ‘cane. El abe fends belonging o these reseed exes wil be requsion ome Rese Lis of 2020 in wens oul 13 oF ESE Rules 3120. (UR category shown io cola # ides that the resened category cane ‘stunmended on general mest as ee alee aunt hae ow renewed exper Isher higher peeence ofthe servcepost. Eqn! nunber of candiaes belonging 0 UR ‘Stegory agai adjacent of higher prferece of the evispo by revered ctezory ‘Sites wl be eine fom the Reserve Lis of 200 in ems ole 13 oF ESE Rule smo iy Ioeakcolann€ ndcas dsipine ele Engiecring Page 45 of 70 [ESE:2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEFRING DISCIPLINE LIST OF CANDIDATES WHO COULD NOT BE ALLOTTED TO ANY SEKVICEJPOST ON ca F LATION OF CANDIDATURE BY UPSC! MEDICAL UNFITNESS, ‘ABSENCE FROM ND HAY EET TUNABSORBED ‘S| Cate | Rank & ] Maris] Name FINAL MEDICAL] Remarks No | gory | _RolLNo. STATUS 1 POBC | £002 | W)” |ABHISHER SINGH | — ABSENT Te Ow 05188 T [onc] E012 | 77 SURENDRA UNE o- 0832641 PRAJAPAT. [one | E021 [755 LAwaTe ABA UNFIT a 051338 SUBRAO, 7} OBC} 6-039 | 7a PKALEPU [ABSENT ae 5103381 BHARATCHANDRA 3] ST} 6.052 G71 DESHRAT MEENA NET ae 0130365 ae Sse | Es | a0 BIRSINGH ‘ABSENT ee ssas37 Page a6 0170 Es =2020 UNFILLED VACANCIES Electrical Engineering Diseipline [ Serviee No] No- Alone | Unfilled Vacancies | | indented 7 CSG. | aT BT att) = |_aour.os onc, o1 sc @ 02 st) Page a7 0f70 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE INDI ‘SNe. | Deseription ‘Number of eandidates T, | Number of candidates recommended by UPSC @ IR 18,EWS-07, OBC=20, SC=I1, $T=06 (including 01 PwBD-1 & 03 PwBD-3 candidates) Z| Nuniber of candidates allocated servicesposts 36 UR = 20, EWS=07, OBC=15, SC=10, ST=04 (including 01 PwBD-1 & 03 PwBD-3 candidates) 3. | Number of candidates allocied servioepoxts Provisional Wil pending medical status | Namber of candidates declared medieally unfit w 5. | Number of candidates absent and did not attend’ Medical w Examination Grand Total - e Page 48 of 70 ESB-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 1 IRRS INDENT PH | SC_| Sf [onc Ews | UR Vacancies oo oo | or | 2 | or Number of candidates w wo orf ||] otted ‘Number of vacancies | 00 [0 [a0 | | 00] 00 ‘unfilled I [SNe] Category] Rank] Roll No. | Maris | Name ‘Retwal | — Point [Remark en on | ese community | released for || Wacamey | 8.0. ‘candidate | Reserve List || ated (EST Eng. I Die ays cp Ga @ @ 8) oO [72] uR East [0507385 | 708 | RAMRRISANA | __UR : : “EWS ERTIT | 2405407 | 706|"SHIVAM KUMAR | — EWS ur a7 L SRIVASTAV. EWS” | ERT30 [0411266 | 687 | AKSHAY KUMAR | EWS TR : L GURUI _ a | OBC ERT27 [ossT003 | 689 | ABHISHEK ‘One UR) COND KUMAR _ Nae (___tmeolnn category ofthe candies shown Ge. EWS, OBC, S° and ST ines that the reserved category eanates hae bon recommended sen! and alloc UR ‘ace. Equal umber of ends belonging to thee revered xepoes wil requ ‘ome Reeve Li of 30 ners ful 1 of ESE Rae 220, UR category shown in calamh indices that the reseed catagory candite "ecommended on geoeral er has bee allcae punst her ow ered spr ee Isher Maher pees of the sence. Equal number of eats belonging to UR fategory agaist austere of higher preterenge ofthe seviepost by reserved teary les lb equine os the Reserve Lis of 202i ems of ile 13 of ESE Rule i) imran cola "ERT ndemes dpe ie ET Engin Page 9 0f70 2a ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, 2 us INDENT Pa 3C_[St_[ One [EWS | UR [TOTAL | Vacances oe | ope | | o) : 1 oe | | ‘Number of eandidates a1 epoa ela, ao |r] ‘aleted i | amber af eimai] 00800000) ‘flea ! | Taig TT ‘S.No | Category | Rank/U | Roll No. Marks) ‘Name, “Actual Point Remarks or” |pse Community| leased fer| about Vacancy | So. for) Reserve Uist | endidature Mote’ Sinalate | ERT Eng | and Lenn siping) At) Q) QB) 4) (5) (6) (7) 48) TERT] OsIGPSE aah | ANISH KUMAR] UE : SINGH 2 UR E&T-1 | 0841032 | 772 | TAPAN PRAKASH EWS: EWS _ HA a UR ERT-2 | 0844025 | 743 | PARTH BATRA wR : = TR [ERTS | UTE [AT [RAHUL NAREDT | —UR : : UR ERT-4 | 1508660 | 721 | ‘SHUBHAM uy ~ | UR ‘E&T-5 | 0839758 | 717 | MANOJKUMAR | OBC ‘OBC ee [UR] ERTS | OGOTIS| TIF |-SAURAV OMAR] UR ——)e0N SINGH s EWS | ERT OBOSOS | TIT | RAGHAV PURWAR [EWS] UR z SORE] BETO] ORT] TOT | LARSHIESWARI—| ORE] UR = KUMARUUAISWAL : To. ] “6Be | EAT) STS] TOT | NITINPANCHAL “| OBC [UR z 1. OBC | E&T-24] 1021044 | 698 | LOGESHKUMARV | OBC UR TE] Se Be ODE] GE| RATES %C —— cox i SC | ERTSS) ORR | 00 | —-SAURABH 3 5 KASHYAP 1] ST Bera TTT MANISHANKAR | ST : = MEENA | CORD = Cae NSE TOR BS AT HS UIST oe Page 500f70 E CO mcok tesa, shown in clun & indicates tat the reseved catgny candte ‘Semmens on gra mer us be alae api hha ov one aay Hiker higher peerence ofthe sevcspos.Exsal suntr of SHE sme of hiker pretence of he sev by ree Se Saas wit be euistoned fom the Reserve Lit of 2030 tana of Roe see ano, (i) tora coun E87 indestes dciplin ie E& T Engine, Page 51 0f70 E9H:2020 - ALLOCATION “TRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 3 amas INDENT P| -s¢_[-St_[05¢ [EWS [UR [TOTAL] Vacancies ]-o0 wf or | o | oo | oO Nanber ofeandidate [00 | 00] oo] or | o> ] 7 | OT ‘alloted Number of vacances a unfilled | J SNo. | Category | Rank/U RoWNo, [Marks] Name Real | Point a [psc community | released for Vacancy | S.No. ot Reserve List alloted candidate |(E8T Engs. Discipine oe et @ Te @ a. e 1] OBC PERT-IT] 1021679 | 686 | KONAKARTHIK | OBC ur (© tmesiann 8 ctgoy ofthe candiies shown (Le EWS, OBC, $C and ST indents ta ‘% cearedenegory exiles hve een reommended on peer ert and alloted UR ‘cane, Egul mambor af cant Blogig to hese reserved eats wl be equa om be Reserve List of 2020ntermso ale 13 of ESE Rule-202, G)_UR category shown in cokinn & indicates tat the reuned cep candi (nen on get! mer hs be alles apt bier an eed xr 0 ee [Haer Maher pefucnes of the scvcepow. Equal number of caine toning fo UR ‘Ries Spin ads of higher preference ofthe seviepost by reseed clear SeSREas Si ne reuitoned othe Reserve List of 2020 in toms ofRole 3 of ESE Res Sm. (Gi) trea coln "ERT ites pie Le ET Engineering Page 52.70 ESE-2020 - ELECTR D TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 4 aso INDENT om St [one [ews |r Vacancies ope pe pa pw pe Namiber of nian | 00 —t [w]e alate i | ‘Number of vacancies w a9 unfilled saa [Categos] Rank Roll Na] Marks | Name ‘etaal | Point — Remarks of | community | released for | about WVacaney jeevor | Reserve List| candidature | candidate | (E&T Engg. | and Discipline) | Dsabitiy a oT @ @ @ on UR ERT-7 O55] 707 | CHHAVITAIN | UR 2 z TR [ERTS | OTT, TOR | PIFUSHRUMAR | UR THA ‘OBC [ERT-40 | 1020213] 676 ‘KEESARI ‘OBC > T= VENKAT SAI | KUMAR a SC TERT] 0asiais) 616] RAJAT KUMAR | SC : age 53.170 ow 2020 = ATION ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 5 CPESGR AY INDENT PH [-SC_| sf | onc [Ews| UR [TOTAL Vacancies 0 [00] 007 w [oo ‘Number of candidates a a ‘allotted ‘Number of vacancies w a unfilled | ‘No, | Category | RankiUPSC | Roll No. | Marks | Name ‘etual Point | Remarks of SNo. community released about Vacancy: of for Reserve | candidature allotted candidate List (EST | and Engs. | Disa |__ Discipline) | oe @. oe @ @ ® oa 7 UR | ERT-12 [0838719] 706 | — SURABHT UR - AGRAWAL. UR | ERTS [260751| 707 | ARTISINGH | UR : a L Min Page 540170 ESE-2020 - ALLOCATION ECTR INICATION, 6 Iss INDENT [PH] -Se[-St_[ 08e [EWS [UR [TOTAL] Vacancies w apa papa ew | Number ofeandidats [OO [OT aT arr ae fe alloted _ Number of vacancies | -0 | a0 | “wa |90 00} 09} ‘uniied | } [SNoc] Category | Rank] Roll No] Marks] Name ‘eiwal [Point] Remarks of urs community | released for | about Vacaney | S.No. of Reserve | candidature alloted | candidate [List (E&T| and Engg. | Disability Discipline) eo) @ Te a Oy ® o EWS ERT-<9 [0557780] 19 | — YASH PAT EWS a 5 [OBC | ERTAT [T0R80) G7 SONATT ‘OBC ool | MEGHANA | | x ‘SC | E&T-32 | 1111852] 642 | SUMIT KANNOMIA T- | ST | ERT [TossaR|-s| — PALTHIVA oF 5 : | RAMKUMAR Page 55.070 ESE2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE, 7 cppsGR+ INDENT FA |e] -Sf_ [One [EWS [UR [TOTAL] Vacancies wm] or foo) opt fo) oF | |" Namborafeanalies |e [ Or] 00 fe |S | alloted ‘Number of vacaneies [00] 00 [00 |-0 [| —oo | oo unfiled SNe] Caen | Rawk/UPSC Roll | Marks [Name ] Aetwat [Point] Remavss we [SNe [community [released | abou Vacaney o for Reserve | candidature alloted nd Disaity Discipline) _ a ao © o ®) i [ur 09522 | 703 | ARJUN OR AGARWAL Z—) OR [BETS 1a0RRS |W” | SWARNIN | OR : SINGH 3 [OR [Sarason [oa | DaIAY | OR ae 7) EWS“ ERTSE | TOREST | os |“ CHARKHA | — EWS ‘coND MAYUR ASHOKRAO | - [OBC | BRT [ORB | Gs [ACHAL OBC KUMAR & one) Baras[oaria7| ea |— Susi, —|—oBc - KUMAR SUMAN as 7 [36] ERGO [ORaTES |e] — KUMARI] SC 5 SWATI - COND’ = Cae Conon —Toe pee om FSC Page 56.0170 le 'SB-2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE 8 sroGee INDENT PH [SCS one Tews [ow Vacancies | 0s | 03} 10 | os | 25 ey) ‘Number of eandiates Clee 05 [ea athe ie letee [oe alloted Nuniber of vacancies) 00 OT] 00 “Ea as nfilled i aang Pci 67 Rani | Rol No] Mavis] Name “Retwal | Point] Remarks | comma | leased for | about | | Wacaney nity of | “Reserve | eandidat | candida snd Disabil | te Lo | oleate tele @ a, a FORT ERTS [TOs 705] —PRIVAMVADA [UR . | EO) UR ERTS | Tivi6ig) 705] —SHANTANT —] UR] > a | SHARMA | OR | ERT | 84048] FOE | KAVINDAR TIWARI] UW : : TR Bera [0845689 FOI] ADITYA PANDEY | UR 5 = OR ERT | OROTH| Tor} ARI RAIPOT JOR 5 5 [OR Ras | sTaR00) wT | HORT KUMAR | OR 5 a | SINGHAL | OR Rae | OnaDTRS] ee] SHRUTI BHATIA] OR 5 > [5 [UR [Beran [on76|-Ger |G SAMEEKSHIA | UR = > 0) UR ERTSE | TSOTRTS)_ 68 | SPANDANSINNA | UR | —~ 5 io |e TIVO) ee) CHANDRIMA | OR : ‘COND | KACHHWAH ii] UR ERTe | ostao%e) wea | — SHUBHANSHU [OR : 5 AWASTHIL TE [OR | ERTT | Ti869) EHO] ~—DHARMESH —| OR = es KUMARJOSHI | ages of 70 aon TS, | UR | ERTS" ] 1020055] 679 | VUTUKURIVSS | UR > LAKSHML PRASANNA, = Ta, | UR | ERT39 | 3901635) G77-| BHAGYASHREES [UR 5 WALIKAR, i | OR : ease : : : 16. | UR : alee : : : 7 | UR : Sales 7 : > is. | UR : : : > i. | UR : > : - =a 2a, | OR = 7 : - a | OR : alae - > = | UR ft ai : : > 7B |_UR - ac : : > 34, | OR 7 7 : 5 — 3 | OR : ans > 5 > 36. | EWS [ERT SS [OR7E9, GT | SHELADIYA | EWS = NIRALL DHANIIBHAL - 7. | EWS [ERTS [O837688) GIT | HARSH VARDHAN | EWS ‘SINGH 2s | EWS [ERTS7 | 1023013] G2 | ARVIND BISHNOI [EWS a 2, | EWS [FETS | 1021120) GOS | PARA PRABHAKAR | EWS =e RAO 30, | EWS [> ale : - ai, | OBC | ERT-74 2611090) 383 | KISHANKUMAR | ~OBC Daub? 3a, | OBC PERT IS) OeaRA) 381 | HARISH KUMAR |[~OBC 35, | OBC | ERT AT | 0843780) 670 DIKSHU oBc : 3. | OBC [ERTS [0508083] 669" | —NITINKUMAR | OBC olpe Page 8 of 70 [35 | OBC [RTT | a108s84] 657 | PREMRUMAR [OBC ; 36 | OBC] ERT | ORIOTIB]_650|TAVRUSHSINGH-| “OBC 5 ‘ORC ERT-3O | 0859655) eae | ——VUIAPURE | ~OBC soMrstiwar HANMANTRAO ‘HC ERTS | ONT, GS | RORITRANT | OBC KUSHWAHA ‘ORE | 5 - . wR : . > I [an [Se RRTST | oss0708) Goo | -ANSHUL BHABHA [SC = ESC ERE | OsSTa| GOT] —ATEET KUMAR} SC 5 RAM We] SC ERTS | TnT0m13} eae | SUNIL BHAT | SC = a] SC ERAT | 1000985} $59] —CHANUMURT | SC = MALLIKARJUNA ERTSE | TOHIRIS| 9 | RAMTERE SUMIT-| SC COND VINAYAK ERTAT | TTTaDS S72 | SHARDA KUMARI | — ST : MEENA ERTAT | ToVvsMe| 357 | —VANKUDOTH | — ST 5 DHARMENDAR NAIK. ERT | ORAIRTH 354] ABHINESHT MEENA | — ST 3 Ea Reg -CORD = Gin T= TOG ae ae OC ESE.2020 - ALLOCATION ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE Ws 739 NIRHIIE KUMAR ‘CANDIDATURECANCELLED BY vuise Crs Tis] DEVESH MEENA NAT te onso1 7 [SC | cz | FIT | BEEPAK SWAROOP UNFIT ae S osi0122 BSP iis | 706 NRF KUMAR wNAT 0969 3 SE Pils |] LALIT ARIRWAR ‘ABSENT ois0 To [UR] C125 —|-367 | NITISH DHANRAT UNET wed. | 0802760 TY oBc | cia [37 TEAS ANIL | CANDIDATURE CANCELLED BY ewes | 1302533, BHAMARE UNSC [MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE [Cate] Rank & Marks [Name FINAL Remarks No | gory | Roll No. ‘MEDICAL ‘STATUS T [EWS | —ScOis [78 ARPITIAIN FIT Candidature 0821208 withdrawn by the —— candidate ‘One 76. [NITISH KUMAR | UNFIT LEFT OUT BHOI [OBS 750 | TAIVSHWA UNFIT TEFF OUT BHARATH MR, Page 69.070 oh IPLINE Bank & | Maris] Name FINAL MEDICAL] Remarks Rall No, STATUS, E-002 1809 | ABHISHEK SINGH | ABSENT Tek Ow Habis | E012] 771_| SURENDRA 1 NAT se 0852681 PRAJAPAT i Bont [755 |LAWATE ABT ie 051335, SUBRAO, 7] ORC — e-ts9 | 7a KALEDU | ABSENT ae 5103381 BHARATCHANDRA Eds? | @71_| DESHRAT MEENA NAT oe | ors036s - Est | -610 | BIRSINGH ‘ABSENT te oss4637 -ELECOMM INEERING DISCIPLINE [& [Gate | Rank Maris [Name [FINAL MEDICAT] Rewari No |gory_| Roll No. STATUS T | UR-|eaTo18 | 705 ~VIRASGAUTAM | — ABSENT TET OUT _|_asisoss __ FUR Peer 057 aS RAHUL | UNFIF ae 1508580, SRIVASTAVA _ 3G} Ber-035 [68S] DUVVURU RAIESTE | ABSENT ers | 500206, REDDY | [io] Be eet-o8e|-aao_| —EALLET Sai NAT = 5103819, VIKRAM 3 [SE ERT-066-]“@0 | MANO! KUMAR ONT =e E ‘516004 _ Page 70070

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