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Most popular food in Fiji

Fijian cuisine reflects the cultural diversity of the islands, with influences from Indian,
Chinese, European, and indigenous Fijian tradi>ons. Here are some notable dishes and food
items you might find in Fiji:

1. Lovo: This is a tradi>onal Fijian method of cooking where food, oHen including fish, meat,
and root vegetables, is wrapped in banana leaves and cooked in an underground oven. It's
a popular method for special occasions and celebra>ons.

2. Kokoda: This is a Fijian ceviche made with raw fish marinated in coconut milk, lime juice,
and various spices. It's a refreshing and flavorful dish.

3. Palusami: This is a Fijian dish made with taro leaves cooked in coconut cream, oHen with
onions and other seasonings. It's commonly served as a side dish.

4. Rourou (Dalo Leaves): Rourou is another dish made with taro leaves, usually cooked in
coconut milk and served as a curry or a side dish.

5. Lovo Lamb/Chicken: Similar to the tradi>onal lovo method, lamb or chicken is marinated
and cooked in an underground oven, resul>ng in a smoky and flavorful dish.

6. Fijian Curries: Due to the Indian influence in Fiji, curries are quite popular. They may
feature fish, chicken, goat, or vegetables and are oHen served with rice or ro>.

7. Dhal Soup: A len>l soup with spices, oHen served as a comfor>ng and hearty dish.

8. Fijian Desserts: Look out for tradi>onal desserts like cassava cake, coconut cake, and
various tropical fruit-based sweets.

9. Seafood: Given Fiji's loca>on in the South Pacific, seafood is a significant part of the
cuisine. Fresh fish, crabs, prawns, and lobster are commonly enjoyed.

10. Kava: While not a food item, kava is a tradi>onal Fijian beverage made from the root of
the kava plant. It's known for its relaxing and socializing effects and is oHen consumed during
ceremonies and gatherings.

When visi>ng Fiji, you'll likely find a combina>on of these tradi>onal dishes along with
interna>onal cuisine, especially in urban areas and tourist des>na>ons. The availability of
specific dishes can also vary depending on the region and local preferences.

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