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Individual report (handout)

Due date: 8 January 2024 at 10am

Feedback: 5 February 2024
Weight: 40% of your final mark

Learning outcomes
This project assesses the following topics:
writing a reflective report about a group project;
analysing a design process, its outcome and possible improvements;
establishing links between a practical approach and the underlying theory.

You will need to submit one single PDF on Moodle. There is no specific formatting for the cover page, in particular you won’t have
to indicate the word count. However, marking is anonymous: your document should only be identified by the Candidate

Marking criteria
At the end of this document, you will find the marking criteria. Written feedback will be provided.

All the work you submit should be solely your own work. Coursework submissions are routinely checked for this. Failure to
comply will result in sanctions.

1. Overview
You will write a reflection on the group prototype development, both about the process and its design details. Furthermore, you
will revisit the topics from the lectures and explain how these were addressed in the prototype development. The report will be
assessed on the quality of the reflection, the relevance of the selected topics, and the depth of the treatment. You will also be
assessed on the report’s structure and clarity.

2. Report
Your report on developing your prototype for the Sustainable RHUL VR experience must consist of the following sections,
correctly identified. You will write a maximum of 2500 words, and include diagrams, photos and/or video stills that illustrate your

2.1 Introduction [250 words max]

Give an overall view of the project, detailing what you were trying to achieve and the general scope of the developed prototype.
Include a brief description of that prototype and its functionality.

2.2 Prototype [1000 words max]

Discuss the main interaction design aspects that needed to be taken into account when developing your 3D prototype. Back up
the importance of your considerations with material from the lectures, bibliography, and/or peer reviewed literature. You must
cover all of the following topics, each one in its own subsection, writing at most 250 words per subsection.

1. Display and graphics

2. Usability and Interaction
3. Cognitive and emotional factors
4. Further VR specific considerations

You must provide relevant examples of elements/interactions from the developed prototype, supported by images (photos or
video stills).

2.3 Testing [500 words max]

Suppose that you were to continue working on this project. You would start by conducting some tests. Design two A/B tests for
the prototype and describe, with image support, those tests and how you would conduct them with real testers. Don't forget to
mention the statistical approach. Write at most 250 words per test.
2.4 Next steps [500 words max]
In this section, you should discuss the next steps for this prototype: how would you improve its organisation and layout, what
would you change in terms of interaction design? Use the prototyping cycle from Lecture 1 (slide 22) to reflect on how you could
improve the different aspects. You can also mention what further tests you could conduct.

2.5 Conclusion [250 words max]

Reflect about the prototyping process that you went through with your team and provide ideas for improvements. You can
discuss the teamwork (for example, about the task division), as well as any significant issues that you have encountered.

You should end with some feedback about the module. What topics did you enjoy the most, and which ones would you have
liked to be included?

2.6 References [not included in total word count]

You should list the bibliographic references that you have cited in the document – lecture slides, books, articles, etc. You won’t
have to follow a specific format, as long as the relationship between the citation and the reference is clear.

3. Marking criteria
The document follows the required structure. (5%)
Introduction is clear and provides a good scope of the project. (10%)
The prototype is properly justified, and the module topics are linked to the outcome. (10% per topic = 40%)
Testing is clear and aligned with the project. (10% per test = 20%)
Next steps for the prototype are provided, as well as suggestions for improvement. (10%)
The conclusion is clear and provides insight about teamwork and the module. (10%)
The references are relevant and clearly presented. (5%)

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Group project - final (submission)

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Individual report (submission)


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