Doc2 Update - Final

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The Sustainable RHUL VR Experience


Display and Graphics...............................................................................................................................3
Usability and Interaction..........................................................................................................................4
Cognitive and Emotional Factors.............................................................................................................4
Further VR-Specific Considerations.........................................................................................................5
Test 1.......................................................................................................................................................5
Test 2.......................................................................................................................................................6
Next Steps....................................................................................................................................................7
Organization and Layout:.........................................................................................................................7
Interaction Design:..................................................................................................................................7
Visual Enhancements...............................................................................................................................7
Further Testing:........................................................................................................................................7
Collaborative Design Workshops:............................................................................................................8
Future Features Exploration:...................................................................................................................8

The Sustainable RHUL VR Experience prototype was conceived to create an immersive virtual reality
environment to showcase and promote sustainability initiatives at Royal Holloway, University of London
(RHUL). The overarching objective was to provide users with a novel and engaging platform that not only
informed but also inspired a deeper understanding and appreciation for sustainable practices within the

Our prototype envisions a three-dimensional representation of the RHUL campus, accessible through
virtual reality. The primary functionality revolves around allowing users to explore various buildings and
facilities, each labeled with their respective names and featuring detailed information on sustainability
metrics. The prototype also integrates interactive elements, such as the ability to edit existing building
information, add new features, and filter buildings based on different criteria. This interactive and user-
centric approach aims to enhance engagement and education regarding sustainability efforts at RHUL
(Edward A. Fox, Deborah Hix, Lucy T. Nowell, Dennis J. Brueni, William C. Wake, Lenwood S. Heath,
Durgesh Rao, 1993).

The virtual environment offers an elevated view of the campus map, allowing users to navigate
seamlessly through different areas. The prototype includes a search bar for users to find specific
buildings, a filtering system for categorizing buildings based on sustainability criteria, and an editing
feature for users to modify or add information related to each building. The incorporation of
distinguishable colors for actions, minimalist design in filtering options, and iterative prototyping
emphasizes our commitment to creating a user-friendly, visually appealing, and functional virtual reality

In summary, the Sustainable RHUL VR Experience prototype serves as a comprehensive and interactive
platform, offering users an innovative way to explore, interact, and learn about the sustainability
initiatives implemented at RHUL.

Display and Graphics
Display and graphics play a pivotal role in the success of a 3D prototype, especially in virtual reality (VR)
experiences. Drawing from the lectures on visual design principles, we prioritized clarity, consistency,
and aesthetics to enhance user engagement. High-quality textures and detailed 3D models were crucial
in conveying a realistic representation of RHUL's campus (Davood Shojaei 1,2,*ORCID,Hamed Olfat
1,2ORCID,Abbas Rajabifard 1 andMark Briffa 2, 2018).

The incorporation of distinguishable colors for actions, such as the blue "Edit" and red "Delete" buttons,
aligns with principles of visual hierarchy discussed in the lectures. These colors not only serve functional
purposes but also evoke user attention, reducing the risk of errors. For example, the red color warns
users about the irreversible nature of the "Delete" action, preventing accidental clicks.

Distinguishable Colors in action buttons.

Usability and Interaction

Usability and interaction design were at the forefront of our considerations to ensure a seamless and
intuitive user experience. Following principles outlined in Nielsen's usability heuristics, we aimed for
simplicity, consistency, and feedback in interactions. The iterative prototyping process, supported by user
testing, allowed us to refine the interface based on user feedback.

The search bar's functionality, allowing users to find specific buildings easily, adheres to the principle of
the match between the system and the real world. Users can enter building names, and the dropdown
box presents matching options, facilitating a user-friendly search experience.

Search bar Functionality

Cognitive and Emotional Factors

Understanding cognitive and emotional factors is essential for designing an immersive and memorable
VR experience. The incorporation of an elevated view of the 3D campus map aligns with cognitive
principles by providing users with a clear mental model of the spatial layout. This aids in navigation and
contributes to a more intuitive user experience.

Moreover, the emotional aspect is addressed through visual aesthetics and the overall atmosphere of
the virtual environment. The detailed representation of sustainable features, such as green spaces and
eco-friendly architecture, aims to evoke a positive emotional response, fostering a sense of connection
to the sustainability initiatives at RHUL (Guido Corradi, Erick G. Chuquichambi, Juan Ramón Barrada, Ana
Clemente, 2019).

View of the 3D Campus map

Further VR-Specific Considerations

In the context of VR, specific considerations were made to enhance the sense of immersion and prevent
discomfort. Implementing a smooth transition when zooming into buildings and providing a comfortable
field of view adheres to VR-specific principles. This minimizes the risk of motion sickness and ensures a
pleasant user experience.

Additionally, the VR experience allows users to add new features to buildings using a toolbar with icons
representing real-world items. This interaction aligns with the VR design principle of leveraging the
unique capabilities of the medium, providing users with a hands-on and immersive way to contribute to
the virtual environment.

Smooth transition when zooming into buildings and the VR toolbar.

In summary, the Sustainable RHUL VR Experience prototype incorporates interaction design aspects that
prioritize visual clarity, usability, cognitive considerations, and VR-specific principles. These
considerations, supported by examples from the developed prototype, contribute to an engaging and
user-friendly virtual reality experience.

Test 1

Assess the impact of different color schemes on user engagement and interaction.


This A/B test aims to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative color schemes for action buttons,
specifically focusing on the "Edit" and "Delete" buttons. The current prototype employs blue for "Edit"
and red for "Delete." Test variant A will introduce a green color for the "Edit" button, while variant B will
keep the original color scheme.


1. Recruit a sample of real testers representing the target user demographic.

2. Divide the participants into two groups: Group A and Group B.
3. Group A interacts with the prototype featuring the new green "Edit" button, while Group B uses
the prototype with the original color scheme.
4. Collect data on user interactions, including the number of clicks on "Edit" and "Delete," time
spent on each action, and any errors encountered.
5. Analyze the data using a statistical approach, employing hypothesis testing to determine if the
color scheme variation has a significant impact on user engagement.

Expected Outcome:

If the alternative color scheme in variant A proves more effective in terms of user engagement and
reduced errors, it could inform a potential update to the color scheme in the final prototype.

color scheme variation in action buttons

Test 2

Evaluate the impact of different navigation interfaces on user satisfaction and ease of exploration.


This A/B test focuses on the navigation interface, comparing two variants: Variant A features a traditional
menu-based navigation system, while Variant B introduces a gesture-based navigation system. The goal
is to identify which interface enhances user satisfaction and ease of exploration.


1. Recruit a sample of real testers, ensuring a diverse representation of potential users.

2. Assign participants randomly to either Group A or Group B.
3. Group A interacts with the prototype using the traditional menu-based navigation, while Group
B uses the prototype with gesture-based navigation.
4. Measure user satisfaction through post-interaction surveys and collect quantitative data on task
completion times and successful navigation attempts.
5. Apply statistical analysis, utilizing t-tests or ANOVA to compare the effectiveness of the two
navigation interfaces.

Expected Outcome:

If the gesture-based navigation in Variant B proves to enhance user satisfaction and expedite exploration,
it could influence the final decision on the navigation interface for the Sustainable RHUL VR Experience

By conducting these A/B tests with real testers, we aim to gather valuable insights into user preferences,
behaviors, and overall satisfaction, ultimately informing further refinements and improvements to the
Sustainable RHUL VR Experience prototype. Statistical analyses will be crucial in providing meaningful
conclusions from the collected data.

Next Steps
To enhance the Sustainable RHUL VR Experience prototype, the next steps involve iterative
improvements in organization, layout, and interaction design. Leveraging the prototyping cycle from
Lecture 1 (slide 22), here are the key areas for refinement:

Lecture1 Slide 22 – Design Process

Organization and Layout:

- User Feedback Analysis:
Collect and analyze user feedback from testing sessions to identify specific pain points and areas of
confusion. Pay attention to users' preferences in terms of layout and information hierarchy.
- Card Sorting Exercise:

Conduct a card sorting exercise to understand how users intuitively categorize and prioritize
information. Use the insights gained to optimize the organization of building details, sustainability
metrics, and navigation elements.

Interaction Design:
- Iterative Prototyping:
Implement iterative prototyping to refine interaction design elements based on user feedback.
Address any issues identified during testing, such as improving the clarity of action buttons,
refining the editing process, and ensuring consistency across interactions.
- User Persona Refinement:
Revisit user personas to ensure that the design aligns closely with the needs and expectations of
the target audience. Tailor interaction design elements to cater to different user preferences and
levels of familiarity with VR environments.

Visual Enhancements
- Enhanced Visual Cues:
Introduce additional visual cues to guide users through the VR experience. Consider incorporating
subtle animations or highlighting features that users can interact with, enhancing the overall visual
appeal and intuitiveness.

- Visual Hierarchy Evaluation:

Evaluate the visual hierarchy to ensure that critical information, such as sustainability metrics,
stands out prominently. Adjust font sizes, colors, or placement based on the principles of visual
design discussed in the lectures.

Further Testing:
- Accessibility Testing:
Conduct accessibility testing to ensure that the VR experience is inclusive and usable for individuals
with diverse abilities. Evaluate features such as voice commands, alternative navigation methods,
and text-to-speech functionalities.
- Cross-Device Compatibility:
Extend testing to different VR devices and platforms to ensure compatibility and a consistent user
experience. Address any disparities in performance or interactions across various devices.

Collaborative Design Workshops:

- Stakeholder Workshops:
Facilitate collaborative design workshops involving key stakeholders, including sustainability
experts, potential users, and VR experts. Gather diverse perspectives to inform design decisions,
ensuring that the prototype aligns with both sustainability goals and user expectations.

Future Features Exploration:

- Augmented Reality (AR) Integration:

Explore the possibility of integrating augmented reality features to allow users to overlay
sustainability metrics onto the physical campus. This could enhance the prototype's real-world
relevance and provide an innovative user experience.
- Dynamic Data Integration:
Investigate the feasibility of integrating dynamic sustainability data, allowing the prototype to
reflect real-time changes in RHUL's environmental metrics. This feature would contribute to the
ongoing relevance and accuracy of the information presented.

In conclusion, the next steps involve a holistic approach to refinement, incorporating user feedback,
iterative prototyping, and collaborative design practices. By aligning with the prototyping cycle and
considering ongoing advancements in VR technology, the Sustainable RHUL VR Experience prototype can
evolve into a more user-friendly, visually appealing, and impactful tool for promoting sustainability
awareness on campus.

The prototyping process for the Sustainable RHUL VR Experience has been a valuable journey, marked by
collaborative efforts and continuous learning. The teamwork within the group was a key strength, with
effective task division allowing each member to contribute their expertise. Clear communication
channels were established from the outset, fostering a positive and productive working environment.

One notable aspect was the iterative nature of the prototyping cycle, where feedback from team
members and user testing played a crucial role. Regular team meetings and feedback sessions enabled
quick identification and resolution of design challenges. Additionally, the division of tasks allowed team
members to focus on specific aspects, ensuring depth and quality in each area.

Despite the overall success, we encountered some challenges in balancing individual contributions with
the need for a cohesive design. Streamlining the integration of diverse ideas and ensuring consistency
across the prototype required meticulous attention. However, these challenges also provided
opportunities for constructive dialogue and creative problem-solving within the team.

As for the module, the topics that explored user-centered design, iterative prototyping, and the
principles of visual design were particularly enjoyable. The emphasis on practical application through the
development of a real-world prototype enriched the learning experience. In future iterations of the
module, an increased focus on emerging technologies and their impact on user experience could be
beneficial, expanding the scope to include cutting-edge concepts in the field of interaction design.

Overall, the module has provided a comprehensive understanding of interaction design principles,
offering practical insights applicable to real-world projects. The hands-on nature of the prototyping
process has been instrumental in solidifying theoretical knowledge and fostering a collaborative mindset
among team members.

Davood Shojaei 1,2,*ORCID,Hamed Olfat 1,2ORCID,Abbas Rajabifard 1 andMark Briffa 2, 2018. Design
and Development of a 3D Digital Cadastre Visualization Prototype, s.l.: MDPI.

Edward A. Fox, Deborah Hix, Lucy T. Nowell, Dennis J. Brueni, William C. Wake, Lenwood S. Heath,
Durgesh Rao, 1993. Users, user interfaces, and objects: Envision, a digital library, s.l.: asis&t.

Guido Corradi, Erick G. Chuquichambi, Juan Ramón Barrada, Ana Clemente, 2019. A new conception of
visual aesthetic sensitivity, s.l.: The british psycological society.


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