Esgo Reflection

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During my trip to the URA centre, I learnt that Singapore is trying to incorporate digital
technology into the resident’s daily life to achieve a high-quality living environment in
Singapore. Digital transformation is the process of adoption and implementation of digital
technology by an organization in order to create new or modify existing products, services
and operations. Digital divide is the gap between demographics and regions that have access
to modern information and communications technology (ICT), and those that don't or have
restricted access. In Singapore, there are many digital transformations happening around us,
one of which is the automated robot to collect trays in food courts, robot machines to make
coffee for us and the automated robot to sweep and mop the floor. Although there are many
digital transformations happening around us, there are many places which lack the usage of
technology. There are many elderlies who are unable to understand and use technologies
that are rolled out now. At the Singapore art gallery, they incorporated technology into their
exhibits by using interactive screens for users to touch and interact with. the digital divide is
a pertinent issue, especially among the elderlies who visit the centre seeking information
and services. Many of them face challenges in navigating the digital tools and platforms
available at the centre. The digital divide becomes apparent as some elderlies struggle to
access and comprehend the wealth of online resources and interactive displays. It is
important for Singapore to undergo this digital transformation as technology allows people
to live more conveniently. As Singapore tries to keep up the worlds’ digital transformation,
Singaporeans have to keep up with the trend so that they are not left out. For example, in
the future, where many jobs will be replaced by robots and machines, people need to keep
up with the digital transformation in order to survive in this digital era. As an engineering
student, I aim to design and develop technological solutions that are inclusive and accessible
to people from all walks of life, including those who may have limited digital literacy or
resources. This involves considering factors such as user-friendly interfaces, multi-language
support, and accommodating different abilities and needs. By incorporating inclusive design
principles, we can ensure that our engineering solutions are accessible to a wider audience.

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