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I was I wasn't Was I?
You were You weren't Were you?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We weren't Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
They were They weren't Were they?

Zdania twierdzące zamień na przeczenia i pytania:

I was in London two years ago.

He was tired yesterday.

They were at home last night.

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika 'to be':
1. I ___________ at school yesterday.
2. He ______________ (not) at home last night.
3. Tom _______________ late for school.
4. We _____________ at Anna's house on Saturday.
5. _______ your parents on holiday last summer?
6. They ___________ (not) at the cinema last weekend.
7. It ______________ a good day!
8. _________ your first lesson Polish?
9. __________ he a teacher?
10. Jack and Adam __________ in the same class last year.

Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z prawdą:

1. Were you at school yesterday?
Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
2. Were you at home last night?
3. Were you at the cinema last weekend?
4. Were you in London last summer?
5. Were you on holiday last month?
6. Were you at the party last week?

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