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2020-ME-110 HMT-LAB


EXP#6 to EXP#12

Submitted To: Dr. Zubair Sheikh

Submitted By: Noman Mohammad Iqbal
Reg No. 2020-ME-110

Table of Contents
To calculate a pinned plate's convective heat transfer coefficient in both forced and free convection........... 4
1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 4
2 Apparatus ................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................ 4
4 Theory: .................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Convection: ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Types of Convection: ....................................................................................................... 5
1. Free Convection ...................................................................................................................... 5
2. Forced Convection .................................................................................................................. 5
4.2.1 Free Convection: ....................................................................................................... 5
4.2.2 Forced Convection: ................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Newton’s Law of Cooling: ............................................................................................... 6
4.4 Heat Transfer Through Finned Surface ............................................................................ 6
Procedure: ....................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Observations and Calculation: ................................................................................................ 7
5.1 Collected Data .................................................................................................................. 7
5.1.1 Graph: ....................................................................................................................... 9
6 Results:.................................................................................................................................. 10
6.1 Comparison Between different Plate: ............................................................................ 12
6.1.1 When Fan speed = 0 m/s ......................................................................................... 12
6.1.2 When Fan speed = 0.5 m/s ...................................................................................... 12
6.1.3 When Fan speed = 1.0 m/s ...................................................................................... 12
6.1.4 When Fan speed = 1.3 m/s ...................................................................................... 12
6.2 Comments on Comparison of Plate:............................................................................... 12
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 13
1 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................. 13
2 Introduction: .......................................................................................................................... 13
3 Theory: .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Convection: .................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Advection: ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Types of Convection: ..................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Free Convection: ..................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Newton’s Law of Cooling: ............................................................................................. 15
3.5 Heat Transfer Through Finned Surface .......................................................................... 15

4 Procedure: ............................................................................................................................. 15
5 Observations and Calculation: .............................................................................................. 16
5.1 Calculation of Area ........................................................................................................ 16
5.2 Collected Data ................................................................................................................ 16
5.2.1 Graph: ..................................................................................................................... 18
6 Results:.................................................................................................................................. 19
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 20
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 20
2 Theory ................................................................................................................................... 20
2.1 Heat Exchanger .............................................................................................................. 20
2.2 Working Principle .......................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Classification of Heat Exchangers ................................................................................. 21
2.3.1 Classification on the basis of Flow: ........................................................................ 21
2.3.2 Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger: ............................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Counter Flow Heat Exchanger: ............................................................................... 22
2.3.4 Classification on the basis of Construction:............................................................ 23
2.3.5 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger:............................................................................. 23
2.3.6 Plate Type Heat Exchanger:.................................................................................... 24
2.4 Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger ................................................................................... 24
3 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................. 25
4 Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 25
5 Observations ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.1 Graphs ............................................................................................................................ 26
6 Comments ............................................................................................................................. 28
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 29
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 29
2 Theory ................................................................................................................................... 29
2.1 Heat Exchanger .............................................................................................................. 29
2.2 Working Principle .......................................................................................................... 29
2.3 Classification of Heat Exchangers ................................................................................. 30
2.3.1 Classification on the basis of Flow: ........................................................................ 30
2.3.2 Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger: ............................................................................... 30
2.3.3 Counter Flow Heat Exchanger: ............................................................................... 31
2.3.4 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger: .................................................................................. 31
2.4 Classification on the basis of Construction: ................................................................... 32

2.4.1 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger:............................................................................. 32
2.4.2 Plate Type Heat Exchanger:.................................................................................... 33
3 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................. 34
4 Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 34
5 Observations ......................................................................................................................... 35
5.1 Graphs ............................................................................................................................ 36
6 Calculations........................................................................................................................... 38
7 Comments ............................................................................................................................. 39
Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 40
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 40
2 Theory ................................................................................................................................... 40
2.1 Boiling Point .................................................................................................................. 40
2.2 Types of boiling ............................................................................................................. 40
2.2.1 Natural Convection Boiling .................................................................................... 41
2.2.2 Nucleate Boiling ..................................................................................................... 41
2.3 Stages of Nucleate Boiling ............................................................................................. 41
2.4 Film Boiling ................................................................................................................... 42
2.5 Pool Boiling Curve ......................................................................................................... 43
3 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................. 43
4 Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 44
5 Observations & Calculations ................................................................................................ 44
6 Graphs ................................................................................................................................... 46
7 Comments ............................................................................................................................. 47
1 Objective ............................................................................................................................... 48
2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 48
3 Theory ................................................................................................................................... 48
Radiation: .................................................................................................................................. 48
Blackbody: ................................................................................................................................ 49
4 Procedure: ............................................................................................................................. 49
5 Observations and Calculation: .............................................................................................. 50
6 Conclusion and comments .................................................................................................... 50

Lab Report:06
To calculate a pinned plate's convective heat transfer
coefficient in both forced and free convection

1 Objectives
1. The relationship between power input and surface temperature in forced and free convection
will be illustrated in this lab session.
2. to determine a pinned plate's convective heat transfer coefficient.

2 Apparatus
 Free and Forced Heat Convection Unit
 Wattmeter
 Finned Plate
 Thermocouple

Figure 1. apparatus

3 Introduction:
We will investigate heat convection along a metal plate's surface in this experiment. We will use
a device to heat the metal plate in order to create heat flux for this purpose. Heat is transferred to
the surrounding air at room temperature as it passes over the metal's surface. We'll adjust the heat

flow and measure the metal surface's temperature. In addition, a fan will be used to alter air
velocity, and the impact on the metal plate's temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient
will be monitored. The link between surface temperature and heat transport may then be
determined using these numbers. This experiment's main objective was to investigate the
fundamentals of heat and mass transport. Conduction, convection, and radiation are our three
modes. We will show how heat transfer (power input) and surface temperature are related to forced
convection. A macroscopic property called convection causes molecules to move in bulk. There
are two other types of convection: forced convection and free convection. In this experiment,
forced and free convection are of interest. A thermocouple will be used to measure the pinned
plate's surface temperature at different power inputs and to calculate the convective heat transfer

4 Theory:
4.1 Convection:
“Heat transfer which occurs when a large amount of molecule of a fluid gains energy from a hot
body or transfers energy to a cold body is known as convection.”
𝒒 = 𝒉𝒄 𝑨(𝑻𝒘 − 𝑻∞ )

Convection currents use the mass motion of a fluid, such water, air, or molten rock, to transfer
heat from one place to another. The transmission of heat between two substances that are in
direct touch is known as conduction; this is not the same as convection. The expansion and
decrease in density of a heated fluid give birth to convection currents. A heated fluid that is less
dense rises away from the heat source. It replaces itself by drawing colder fluid down as it rises.
More cool fluid is drawn down, raised, and heated by this fluid in turn. This cycle produces a
circular circulation that doesn't stop until the fluid's heat is dispersed evenly. For example, a
heated radiator warms the air directly surrounding it. As it ascends towards the ceiling, colder air
is brought in.
4.2 Types of Convection:
1. Free Convection
2. Forced Convection
4.2.1 Free Convection:
Free, or natural, convection is the term used to describe fluid motion that is produced by buoyant
forces brought on by variations in the fluid's density. Without an internal source, a fluid's
molecules split and scatter when it comes into contact with a heated surface, making the fluid
less dense. The fluid is shifted as a result, and the colder fluid sinks and gets denser.
Consequently, heat is transferred from the hotter volume to the cooler volume of that fluid.
Examples include the movement of water in a pot that has been heated from below and the
upward movement of air brought on by a fire or other hot item.

4.2.2 Forced Convection:
A convection current that is intentionally produced by pumping, turning, or using fans to move a
fluid across a surface is referred to as forced convection. In many real-world scenarios, like aheat
losses at solar central receivers or cooling of photovoltaic panels (mixed convection), natural and
forced convection occur simultaneously.
4.3 Newton’s Law of Cooling:
According to Newton's rule of cooling, "a body's rate of heat loss is directly proportional to the
temperature differential between the body and its surroundings, as long as the temperature
differential is small and the radiating surface's characteristics fails to alter."
⇒ 𝑸 = 𝒉𝒄 𝑨( 𝑻𝒘 − 𝑻𝒂 ) … … … (1)
Where Eq. 1 is known as Newton’s law of cooling :
ℎ𝑐 =Convection heat transfer coefficient
𝐴 =Area for convection
𝑇𝑤 =Surface temperature
𝑇𝑎 =Ambient temperature

4.4 Heat Transfer Through Finned Surface

Raising the convective heat transfer coefficient h or increasing the surface area As are the two
methods to enhance the rate of heat transfer when the temperatures Ts and T are dictated by
design considerations, as is usually the case. Increasing h can require installing a new pump or
fan or replacing an old one with a bigger one, but it's not always possible to implement this plan.
Moreover, it might not be adequate. An other option is to increase the surface area by joining the
surface-extended fins made of aluminum or another highly conductive material.

Following are the steps follwed to perform this experiment:

1. First of all start by making sure the main switch is turned off.!
2. Then begin by placing a special plate into the duct. This plate has pins in it.
3. Turn on the power supply. At this point, we are observing at how the heat moves around
naturally but the fan stays off.
4. Wait for about five minutes. This gives the plate enough time to get properly heated up and
reach a steady temperature.
5. Now, we are going to use a tool called a thermocouple to measure the temperature and placing
the wire of the thermocouple into a hole in the plate to get an accurate reading.
6. Repeating the whole process, but this time changing how much power we're using.
7. Here comes the part where we bring in forced convection. We'll turn on a fan that's going to
move the air around the plate. We'll start with a gentle breeze at 0.5 meters per second and then
try faster speeds at 1 meter per second and 1.3 meters per second.
8. While the fan is blowing air at these different speeds, we'll keep an eye on how the
temperature on the plate changes. It's like seeing how the wind affects the heat.
9. Writing all the temperature values we get from each setting. This helps us see the differences
between natural heat flow and when blowing air around.

5 Observations and Calculation:
Formula for Convective heat transfer coefficient is given as,
𝒉𝒄 =
𝑨(𝑻𝒔 − 𝑻∞)
𝑇𝑠 = 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑒

𝑇∞ = 𝑇𝑎 = 𝐴𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒

ℎ𝑐 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝑇∞ = 28℃
Area Calculations for Pinned Plate,

𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑛 = 12.5𝑚𝑚

𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑛 = 65𝑚𝑚

𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑛 = 2𝜋𝑟𝐿 = 2552𝑚𝑚2

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 = (110 × 100) + (17 × 2552)

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 54384𝑚𝑚2

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 0.054384𝑚2

5.1 Collected Data

𝑇∞ = 28℃
𝑙 = 110 𝑚𝑚
𝑤 = 100 𝑚𝑚
for 5 watts
Air speed Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer
0 30 27 3 151.5152
0.5 29 27 2 227.2727
1 28 27 1 454.5455
1.3 28 27 1 454.5455
Area of the 0.011

for 10 watts
Air speed Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer coeff
0 31 27 4 227.2727
0.5 30 27 3 303.0303
1 29 27 2 454.5455
1.3 28 27 1 909.0909
Area of the 0.011

Table 1. Data collected from the apparatus.

for 15 watts
Air speed Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer coeff
0 32 27 5 272.7273
0.5 30 27 3 454.5455
1 29 27 2 681.8182
1.3 28 27 1 1363.636
Area of the 0.011

for 20 watts
Air speed Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer coeff
0 35 27 8 227.2727
0.5 33 27 6 303.0303
1 31 27 4 454.5455
1.3 29 27 2 909.0909

Area of the 0.011


5.1.1 Graph:
MATLAB is used for graphs.

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 5 watts

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 10 watts

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 15 watts

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 20 watts

6 Results:
Newton’s Law of cooling states that the heat transfer rate is directly linked to the temperature
difference between the object and its surroundings. This transfer rate is also contingent upon the
convective heat transfer coefficient, which is influenced by the object's surface area in contact
with the surroundings. Mathematically, the above equation expressed. This equation essentially
outlines how the rate of heat exchange is proportional to the temperature disparity and the

coefficient of heat transfer, which is dependent on the nature of the surface and the fluid
surrounding it.
We determined the value of the convective heat transfer coefficient for pinned plate at varied
velocities in this experiment. We measured the temperature of the plate and the ambient
temperature before calculating the convective heat transfer coefficient based on the temperature
difference and plate cross-sectional area. Density difference is a key cause of free convection.
The part of the fluid that is in contact with heat source has relatively high temperature, and due
to high temperature, its density increases, hence, it tends to rise up and denser fluid settles down
and resulting in free convection.
According to Newton’s Law of cooling, the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to
temperature difference and convective heat transfer coefficient at constant cross-sectional area.
The equation is

. Plot b/w Convective Coefficient and Temperature Difference.

The table and Figure 7 show that when temperature rises, the value of the convective heat
transfer coefficient falls. Temperature decreases as the value of convective heat transfer
coefficients increases.
Area, temperature differential, and h conv are inversely correlated. Convective heat transfer
coefficient falls as a result. Surface area has increased in the case of a finned plate. Heat transfer
will now be sluggish as a wide area must be covered in order to transmit heat.
The relationship between the temperature differential and the amount of heat given is direct. We
can draw the conclusion that the direct linear trend is mostly followed.

6.1 Comparison Between different Plate:
When Fan speed = 0 m/s

When Fan speed = 0.5 m/s

When Fan speed = 1.0 m/s

When Fan speed = 1.3 m/s

6.2 Comments on Comparison of Plate:

These graphs demonstrate how the temperature differential rises with increasing heat input.The
air's temperature rises in proportion to the hot source's temperature because of the increased
contact duration. The table and graphs demonstrate how a higher fan speed causes the plate's
surface temperature to drop, which in turn causes the temperature inequality to decrease.There is
less contact between air molecules as a result of the air moving more quickly, which reduces the
chance that the largest number of air molecules will absorb heat from the source. The increased
passing cycles of forced convection cause the source temperature to drop quickly.

Lab Report:07
To compare the convective heat transfer of the finned
plate with free and forced convection with the pinned
• To contrast the pinned plate's convective heat transfer with that of the finned plate using both
forced and free convection.

1 Apparatus
 Free and Forced Heat Convection Unit
 Wattmeter
 Finned Plate
 Thermocouple

Figure 2. apparatus

2 Introduction:
The primary goal of this experiment was to provide a practical understanding of the principles
governing mass and heat movement. Within this context, we explored three primary modes of
heat transfer: radiation, convection, and conduction. Specifically, our focus was on showcasing
the relationship between surface temperature and the power input in cases of forced convection.
The movement of molecules in bulk, known as convection, was a key concept highlighted during
the experiment. Within the realm of convection, we delved into two distinct categories: forced

convection, where external forces drive the fluid movement, and free convection, which occurs
naturally due to density differences caused by temperature variations.
Our experiment aimed to investigate both forced and free convection phenomena. To measure
surface temperature variations under different power inputs, we utilized a thermocouple attached
to a finned plate. The data collected from these measurements allowed us to calculate the
convective heat transfer coefficient, offering insights into the efficiency of heat transfer under
varying conditions.

3 Theory:
3.1 Convection:
Convection stands as a vital mechanism facilitating the transfer of heat within fluids, showcasing
a dynamic flow transporting thermal energy from one place to another. It's often regarded as a
distinct method of heat transfer, yet it has two essential processes conduction (the diffusion of
heat) and advection (heat movement via fluid motion). Particularly prevalent in gases and liquids,
convection emerges as the mode for heat transfer.
This phenomenon operates through convection currents, harnessing the bulk movement of a fluid
like air, water, or molten rock to convey heat across distances. Unlike conduction, which involves
direct heat transfer between substances in contact, convection relies on the fluid's mass motion.
Convection currents take shape as a heated fluid expands, causing a reduction in density.
Consequently, the less-dense, warmer fluid ascends, creating a movement away from the heat
source. This continual circulation generates an effective means of transporting heat throughout the
fluid medium.

3.2 Advection:
Advection signifies the collective movement of a fluid, propelling substances or quantities along
with it, retaining the inherent properties of those substances during transport. Typically, the
substance predominantly carried through advection is a fluid itself. This process of transporting
qualities is particularly evident in preserving properties like energy within the transported
substance.To illustrate advection, consider the scenario of contaminants or sediment being
conveyed downstream in a river via the bulk flow of water. This movement showcases the
essence of advection, wherein the properties of the contaminants or sediment are upheld while
being carried along by the flowing water. This phenomenon is fundamental in understanding
how substances and their defining characteristics are transported through fluid motion,
encompassing a variety of scenarios beyond just contaminants in a river, extending to the
transfer of heat and other qualities in various natural and engineered systems.
3.3 Types of Convection:
 Free Convection
 Forced Convection
3.3.1 Free Convection:
Free or natural convection arises when changes in fluid density triggered by buoyancy forces
induce fluid motion. In scenarios where a fluid encounters a heated surface without an internal
force, the molecules within the fluid disperse, leading to a reduction in fluid density.
Consequently, the less dense fluid rises, creating displacement, while the cooler fluid, denser due
to lower temperatures, descends. This process facilitates the transfer of heat from the hotter

region to the cooler parts of the fluid.Examples abound to illustrate this phenomenon: from the
upward movement of air around a fire or a heated object to the circulating currents within a pot
of water being heated from beneath. These instances epitomize free convection, showcasing how
temperature-induced density changes in fluids spur the natural movement of fluid masses,
enabling the redistribution of heat within the system.Forced Convection:
The word forced convection refers to a convection current that is created intentionally by moving
a fluid over the surface with fans, churning, or pumps. Natural and forced convection occur
concurrently in many real-world situations, including as heat losses at solar central receivers or
cooling of photovoltaic panels (mixed convection).

3.4 Newton’s Law of Cooling:

According to Newton's Law of Cooling, the rate at which a body loses heat is directly related to
the difference in temperature between the body and its environment, provided that the radiating
surface properties are constant and the temperature differential is minimal. According to this
theory, heat loss from an item or body follows a linear relationship with the temperature
difference between the body and its surroundings as long as the temperature difference is kept
modest and stable surface conditions are maintained.
𝑸 = 𝒉𝒄 𝑨( 𝑻𝒘 − 𝑻𝒂 ) − − − − − −(1)
ℎ𝑐 =Convection heat transfer coefficient
𝐴 =Area for convection
𝑇𝑤 =Surface temperature
𝑇𝑎 =Ambient temperature

Eq. 1 is known as Newton’s law of cooling.

3.5 Heat Transfer Through Finned Surface

There are two ways to improve the rate of heat transfer when the temperatures Ts and T are
constant because of design considerations: either increase the surface area As or the convection
heat transfer coefficient h. Increasing h can require installing a new pump or fan or replacing an
old one with a bigger one, but it's not always possible to do so. Moreover, it might not be enough.
An approach would be to add fins—extended surfaces composed of highly conductive materials
like aluminum—to the surface to enhance the surface area. In practical applications, finned
surfaces are frequently employed to improve heat transfer and can multiply the rate of heat
transmission from a surface by many times.One of the most important aspects of heat sink design
is the fin spacing, S. Due to the higher resistance of the additional fins, closely spaced fins have a
poorer heat transfer coefficient even if they provide more surface area for heat transmission. A
heat sink with widely spaced fins has a lower surface area but a higher heat transfer coefficient.
Consequently, there is a perfect distance apart that optimizes the heat sink's natural convection..

4 Procedure:
1. Ensure the main switch is in the off position before commencing.
2. Introduce the finned plate into the duct as part of the experimental setup.
3. Activate the power supply. Initially, in the observation of free convection, keep the fan
switched off.

4. Apply power to the system and allow for a five-minute delay, ensuring the finned plate attains
suitable heating and reaches a steady state condition.
5. Use the thermocouple to accurately measure the temperature, inserting the wire appropriately
into the designated hole.
6. Repeat temperature measurements across various power inputs using the same procedure.
7. Activate the forced convection fan, adjusting its speed sequentially to 0.5 m/s, 1 m/s, and 1.3
m/s. Record surface temperatures at these varied fan speeds and power inputs.
8. Maintain a comprehensive list of the recorded values for further analysis and documentation.

5 Observations and Calculation:

5.1 Calculation of Area
Area of Fin = Af
Area of Base Plate = Abp
Area of 1 fin = 100 × 65 = 6500 𝑚𝑚2
Area of 18 fins = 117000 𝑚𝑚2
There are also 12 circular holes in fin, so
𝐴𝑓 = 117000 − 12(𝜋(5)2 ) = 116058 𝑚𝑚2
(5 + 2)
Area of 1 edge = × 65 = 227.5 𝑚𝑚2
Area of 18 edge = 𝐴𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 = 18(227.5) = 4095 𝑚𝑚2
For the base plate just subtract the fins base area,
𝐴𝑏𝑝 = (110 − 45) × (100) = 6500 𝑚𝑚2
𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐴𝑓 + 𝐴𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 + 𝐴𝑏𝑝
𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 116058 + 4095 + 6500 = 126653 𝑚𝑚2
𝑨𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟐𝟕 𝒎𝟐
5.2 Collected Data
𝑇∞ = 30℃
𝑙 = 110 𝑚𝑚
𝑤 = 100 𝑚𝑚

Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer

32 27 5 90.90909091
30 27 3 151.5151515
29 27 2 227.2727273
29 27 2 227.2727273


Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer
33 27 6 151.5151515
31 27 4 227.2727273
29 27 2 454.5454545
29 27 2 454.5454545

Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer

34 27 7 194.8051948
32 27 5 272.7272727
31 27 4 340.9090909
29 27 2 681.8181818

Temperature Ambient del T Convective heat transfer

36 27 9 202.020202
33 27 6 303.030303
31 27 4 454.5454545
30 27 3 606.0606061

Power Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Base

Supplied Plate
5 64.9351 151.5152 227.2727
10 101.0101 181.8182 303.0303
15 113.6364 170.4545 272.7273
Air Speed 0 0.5 1

Power Supplied
5 90.90909091 151.515 227.273 227.2727
10 151.5151515 227.273 454.545 454.5455
15 194.8051948 272.727 340.909 681.8182
20 202.020202 303.03 454.545 606.0606
Air Speed 0 0.5 1 1.3

Power Supplied
5 151.5151515 227.273 454.545 454.5455
10 227.2727273 303.03 454.545 909.0909
15 272.7272727 454.545 681.818 1363.636
20 227.2727273 303.03 454.545 909.0909
Air Speed 0 0.5 1 1.3

5.2.1 Graph:
MATLAB is used for graphs.

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 5 watts

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 10 watts

Convective heat transfer at different velocities at 15 watts

6 Results:
In this experiment, we calculated the convective heat transfer coefficient for a finned plate at
different velocities. Prior to computing the convective heat transfer coefficient based on the
temperature differential and plate cross-sectional area, we measured the temperature of the plate
and the surrounding air. One of the main causes of free convection is density difference. Because
the fluid component in touch with the heat source is at a relatively high temperature, its density
rises and it rises while the denser fluid settles, allowing free convection to occur.
Newton's Law of cooling states that the rate of heat transmission is exactly proportional to the
temperature differential and convective heat transfer coefficient at constant cross-sectional area.
The convective heat transfer coefficient decreases in value with increasing temperature, as the
table and figure demonstrate. The value of convective heat transfer coefficients rises with
decreasing temperature.Due to the fact that hconv, area, and temperature differential have an
inverse relationship. The convective heat transfer coefficient decreases as a result. The finned
plate's surface area has grown. Heat transfer will now be slow as it requires covering a large region.

Lab Report: 8
To perform energy Balance and calculate the overall
efficiency of the concentric tube heat exchanger operate
under parallel flow condition
 Understand the operation and concept of a concentric tube heat exchanger, as well as the heat
transfer mechanism.
 To do an energy balance and calculate the overall efficiency of a concentric tube heat exchanger
in parallel flow conditions.

1 Introduction
The primary objective of this experiment is to establish a correlation between the power input and
the resultant surface temperature in both forced and free convection scenarios. Convection heat
transfer, characterized by the exchange of heat energy between a solid surface and a surrounding
fluid, occurs when a temperature gradient exists between them. This transfer mechanism becomes
particularly significant in scenarios where there is significant fluid movement enveloping the solid
surface.In the context of convection heat transfer, it's crucial to acknowledge that substantial fluid
motion around the solid surface cannot be overlooked. Specifically, in free convection, fluid
movement arises due to variations in fluid densities triggered by temperature fluctuations.
This experiment seeks to empirically demonstrate and quantify the relationship between the power
input, the resulting surface temperature, and the distinct modes of convection, shedding light on
the intricate dynamics of heat transfer between solids and surrounding fluids under forced and
natural convection scenarios.

2 Theory
2.1 Heat Exchanger
A heat exchanger serves as an insulated, continuous-flow mechanism facilitating the exchange of
heat between two fluids experiencing a temperature contrast, all without any exchange of heat with
the external environment. This device operates to transfer heat from one fluid to another, enabling
efficient thermal exchange between the two streams.Within the realm of heat exchangers, various
types exist, each designed for specific purposes. These include the condenser, economizer,
superheater, cooling tower, and air preheater. Each type serves a distinct function within systems
aiming to manage thermal energy, allowing for the optimization of heat transfer processes across
different fluid mediums.
2.2 Working Principle
Heat exchangers stand as crucial devices facilitating the seamless transfer of heat between distinct
mediums, which can manifest as gases, liquids, or even a combination of both. This transfer occurs
while maintaining separation between the mediums, either by employing a solid partition or
allowing direct contact.

Fundamentally rooted in the principles of the second law of thermodynamics, the operation of a
heat exchanger is governed by the natural flow of heat from regions of higher temperature to those
at lower temperatures. Leveraging this fundamental law, heat exchangers capitalize on temperature
disparities to enable the efficient transfer of thermal energy between two mediums.
In the context of a shell and tube heat exchanger, the design comprises tubes enclosed within a
shell structure. The medium requiring cooling, be it water, steam, ethanol, or polypropylene glycol,
courses through these tubes. Simultaneously, the medium meant for heating or cooling envelops
these tubes within the shell construction. This strategic arrangement ensures effective heat
exchange between the two mediums without direct mixing.
The functionality of a heat exchanger pivots on maintaining thermal separation while allowing for
the transfer of heat energy. The complex design aim to optimize this process by maximizing the
contact area between the mediums while avoiding their direct commingling. By adhering to these
principles, heat exchangers play a pivotal role in diverse applications, from industrial settings to
everyday household appliances, contributing significantly to energy efficiency and effective
thermal management across various systems.
2.3 Classification of Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers are typically classified according to flow arrangement and type of construction.

2.3.1 Classification on the basis of Flow:

1. Parallel flow heat exchanger
2. Counter flow heat exchanger
3. Cross flow heat exchanger
2.3.2 Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger:
A parallel flow heat exchanger is a thermal device designed to facilitate the transfer of heat
between two fluid streams that flow in the same direction within the exchanger. In this
configuration, both fluids enter the exchanger at the same end and travel parallel to each other
along the same path. This arrangement allows for direct contact between the fluids across the
entire length of the exchanger, promoting efficient heat exchange. As the fluids move alongside
each other in the same direction, the temperature difference between the two diminishes along
the length of the exchanger. While parallel flow heat exchangers are relatively simpler in design,
they might not achieve the same level of thermal efficiency as counter-flow arrangements due to
a reduced temperature gradient across the exchanger. Nonetheless, they find applications in
various industries, including automotive cooling systems, refrigeration, and certain HVAC
applications, where specific heat transfer requirements can be met effectively through this

design.In parallel flow, both the hot and cold fluids enter the H.E at the same end, move in the
same direction and leave at the same end.

2.3.3 Counter Flow Heat Exchanger:

In contrast to parallel or cross-flow arrangements, a counter-flow heat exchanger is a specialized
system designed for optimal thermal efficiency. In this setup, two fluid streams move in opposite
directions, flowing adjacent to each other but in opposing directions within the exchanger. This
configuration allows for maximum heat transfer efficiency as it maximizes the temperature
difference between the fluids along the entire exchanger length. As the fluids travel in opposite
directions, the heat transfers from the hotter fluid to the cooler fluid progressively, resulting in a
more uniform temperature distribution within the exchanger. Counter-flow heat exchangers are
renowned for their superior efficiency compared to other designs, enabling enhanced heat transfer
rates and minimizing the required surface area for effective thermal exchange. These systems are
commonly employed in various applications, including HVAC systems, chemical processing, and
power generation, where precise temperature control and efficient heat transfer are crucial
factors.In counter flow, the hot and cold fluids enter the H.E at opposite ends, flow in opposite
directions and leave at opposite ends.

Cross Flow Heat Exchanger:

A cross-flow heat exchanger is a specialized thermal device designed to facilitate the efficient
transfer of heat between two fluid streams that move perpendicular to each other. In this
configuration, one fluid passes across the flow path of the other, creating a crosswise movement
that allows for effective heat exchange. Typically, this type of heat exchanger consists of channels
or tubes through which the two fluids flow, with one fluid traveling along the length of the tubes

while the other passes perpendicular to the tube's axis. The configuration enables a controlled
transfer of thermal energy between the fluids, optimizing heat exchange efficiency due to the
increased surface area for interaction between the fluids. Cross-flow heat exchangers find
applications across various industries, including HVAC systems, refrigeration, and industrial
processes, where precise thermal control and efficient energy utilization are paramount.In this type
of heat exchanger, both the fluids flow in perpendicular direction with respect to each other.
Example: - Automobile radiator

2.3.4 Classification on the basis of Construction:

2.3.5 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger:
Heat exchangers serve as mechanisms enabling the transfer of heat between different mediums,
which could comprise gases, liquids, or a blend of both. These mediums, whether gases or liquids,
are kept separate to prevent mixing, achieved either through a solid barrier or direct contact.
Operating on the fundamental principle of the second law of thermodynamics, heat exchangers
facilitate the natural flow of heat from areas of higher temperature to lower ones. This fundamental
principle drives heat transfer, where heat naturally moves from a warmer body to a cooler one. In
a shell and tube heat exchanger, the cooling medium—such as water, steam, ethanol, or
polypropylene glycol—flows through tubes housed within the shell structure. The goal is to cool
the surrounding area of these tubes within the shell structure by the medium itself. This design
ensures efficient heat transfer between the mediums while maintaining separation.

2.3.6 Plate Type Heat Exchanger:
A plate type heat exchanger is a specialized device designed for efficient heat transfer between
two fluid streams. It comprises a series of thin plates arranged in parallel within a frame or casing.
These plates create a network of channels through which the fluids flow alternately in close
proximity but without direct contact. This arrangement maximizes the surface area available for
heat exchange, enhancing thermal efficiency. The fluids pass through the channels formed between
the plates, allowing for effective heat transfer due to the turbulent flow and increased contact area.
Plate type heat exchangers are valued for their compact size, high heat transfer rates, and
adaptability for various applications across industries such as HVAC systems, chemical
processing, refrigeration, and food processing, where efficient heat exchange within a limited
space is crucial.

2.4 Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger

The effectiveness of a heat exchanger, symbolized as ε, represents a pivotal metric defining its
efficiency. It quantifies the actual heat transfer achieved between the hot and cold fluids relative
to the maximum potential heat transfer feasible between these mediums. This ratio encapsulates
the operational efficiency of the exchanger, providing insights into how effectively it manages to
exchange thermal energy. A higher effectiveness value indicates that the exchanger is approaching
its theoretical maximum capability in transferring heat between the fluids. Engineers often use this
measure to evaluate and optimize heat exchanger designs, aiming to achieve higher effectiveness
values to ensure optimal thermal performance and energy utilization within various industrial and
engineering applications.

3 Apparatus
 Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Apparatus

4 Procedure
1. Turn on the device and wait for the tank temperature to stabilise for a few minutes.
2. Next, read the device's manual and configure it for parallel flow by adjusting the taps that came
with it.
3. Set the flow rate of the water.
4. To begin, switch on both the hot and cold water faucets. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the water
flow to stabilise.
5. Finally, take readings from the thermometer at various specified points.
6. Measure temperatures, perform energy balancing, and compute total efficiency at various flow
rates for hot and cold water.

5 Observations
q(W T1(℃) T2(℃) T3(℃) T4(℃) T1-T T2-T T3-T T4-T
(Free (℃) (℃) (℃) (℃)
(0 ms-1) (.5m/s) (1 ms- (1.3 ms-1) (0 ms- (0.5 ms-1) (1 ms- (1.3 ms-1)
1) 1) 1)

30 39 36 33 31 11 8 5 3
35 48 47 44 43 20 19 16 15
40 55 53 50 49 27 25 22 21
45 62 61 57 56 34 33 29 28

5.1 Graphs
When Flow Rate of Hot Fluid = 1.5 L/min & Cold Fluid=1 L/min

When Flow Rate of Hot Fluid = 1.5 L/min & Cold Fluid=1.5 L/min

When Flow rate of Hot Fluid =1.5 L/min & Cold Fluid =2 L/min

Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 1 L/min

Efficiency is given by the formula:

𝜼𝑻𝑯 =
𝑸𝒂̇ = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 ∆𝑻 = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟒 − 𝑻𝟑 ) = 𝝆𝑽̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟒 − 𝑻𝟑 )
𝑸̇𝒆 = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 ∆𝑻 = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟏 − 𝑻𝟐 ) = 𝝆𝑽̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟏 − 𝑻𝟐 )

𝑄𝑎̇ = (994.73)(1.6667 × 10−5 )(4.178)(38 − 26) = 0.8312𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (988.05)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.181)(56 − 48) = 0.8262𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 0.8312
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 1.00 = 100%
𝑄𝑒̇ 0.8262
Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 1.5 L/min

𝑄𝑎̇ = (995.67)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.178)(35 − 25) = 1.04𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (989.17)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.18)(53 − 45) = 0.8269𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 1.04
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 1.26 = 126%
𝑄𝑒̇ 0.8269
Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 2 L/min

𝑄𝑎̇ = (995.67)(3.333 × 10−5 )(4.178)(34 − 25) = 1.2478𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (988.05)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.181)(56 − 48) = 0.8262𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 1.2478
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 1.51 = 151%
𝑄𝑒̇ 0.8262

The graphical representations illustrate temperature profiles across varied flow rates in parallel
flow conditions, showcasing a traditional trend. In this scenario, as hot water moves through the
system, its temperature gradually decreases over time, while the temperature of the cold water
steadily rises. This conventional pattern arises due to both hot and cold water flowing in the same
direction concurrently within the parallel flow setup. As both faucets are opened simultaneously,
heat transfers from the hot water to the cold water throughout their shared passage.
Throughout the experiment, the flow rate of the hot fluid remains constant at 1.5 L/min, while the
flow rate of the cold fluid undergoes changes. Notably, at the maximum flow rate of the cold fluid
(2 L/min), the heat exchanger demonstrates its highest efficiency among the tested values

Lab Report :9
To demonstrate the working principal of the concentric
tube heat exchanger operating under counter flow
condition and determine the performance of flow
 Understand the operation and concept of a concentric tube heat exchanger, as well as the heat
transfer mechanism.
 To do an energy balance and calculate the overall efficiency of a concentric tube heat exchanger
in counter flow conditions.

1 Introduction
The primary aim of this experiment centers on exploring the intricate connection between power
input and surface temperature, examining both forced and free convection scenarios. Convection
heat transfer stands at the heart of this investigation, describe the transfer of heat energy between
a solid surface and the adjacent fluid when temperature disparities exist. An essential focal point
is the significant role of fluid motion surrounding the solid, underscoring the critical nature of
convection heat transfer in these conditions. Notably, in free convection, fluid movement arises
from changes in fluid densities triggered by temperature fluctuations, highlighting the relationship
between temperature variations and the dynamics of convective heat transfer mechanisms. This
experiment seeks to unravel the nuanced interplay between power input, surface temperature, and
the distinct modes of convection, shedding light on the intricate dynamics governing heat transfer
between solids and surrounding fluids under forced and natural convection circumstances.

2 Theory
2.1 Heat Exchanger
A heat exchanger serves as an insulated, continuous-flow mechanism facilitating the exchange of
heat between two fluids experiencing a temperature contrast, all without any exchange of heat with
the external environment. This device operates to transfer heat from one fluid to another, enabling
efficient thermal exchange between the two streams.Within the realm of heat exchangers, various
types exist, each designed for specific purposes. These include the condenser, economizer,
superheater, cooling tower, and air preheater. Each type serves a distinct function within systems
aiming to manage thermal energy, allowing for the optimization of heat transfer processes across
different fluid mediums.
2.2 Working Principle
Heat exchangers stand as crucial devices facilitating the seamless transfer of heat between distinct
mediums, which can manifest as gases, liquids, or even a combination of both. This transfer occurs
while maintaining separation between the mediums, either by employing a solid partition or
allowing direct contact.

Fundamentally rooted in the principles of the second law of thermodynamics, the operation of a
heat exchanger is governed by the natural flow of heat from regions of higher temperature to those
at lower temperatures. Leveraging this fundamental law, heat exchangers capitalize on temperature
disparities to enable the efficient transfer of thermal energy between two mediums.
In the context of a shell and tube heat exchanger, the design comprises tubes enclosed within a
shell structure. The medium requiring cooling, be it water, steam, ethanol, or polypropylene glycol,
courses through these tubes. Simultaneously, the medium meant for heating or cooling envelops
these tubes within the shell construction. This strategic arrangement ensures effective heat
exchange between the two mediums without direct mixing.
The functionality of a heat exchanger pivots on maintaining thermal separation while allowing for
the transfer of heat energy. The complex design aim to optimize this process by maximizing the
contact area between the mediums while avoiding their direct commingling. By adhering to these
principles, heat exchangers play a pivotal role in diverse applications, from industrial settings to
everyday household appliances, contributing significantly to energy efficiency and effective
thermal management across various systems.
2.3 Classification of Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers are typically classified according to flow arrangement and type of construction.

2.3.1 Classification on the basis of Flow:

4. Parallel flow heat exchanger
5. Counter flow heat exchanger
6. Cross flow heat exchanger
2.3.2 Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger:
A parallel flow heat exchanger is a thermal device designed to facilitate the transfer of heat
between two fluid streams that flow in the same direction within the exchanger. In this
configuration, both fluids enter the exchanger at the same end and travel parallel to each other
along the same path. This arrangement allows for direct contact between the fluids across the
entire length of the exchanger, promoting efficient heat exchange. As the fluids move alongside
each other in the same direction, the temperature difference between the two diminishes along
the length of the exchanger. While parallel flow heat exchangers are relatively simpler in design,
they might not achieve the same level of thermal efficiency as counter-flow arrangements due to
a reduced temperature gradient across the exchanger. Nonetheless, they find applications in
various industries, including automotive cooling systems, refrigeration, and certain HVAC
applications, where specific heat transfer requirements can be met effectively through this

design.In parallel flow, both the hot and cold fluids enter the H.E at the same end, move in the
same direction and leave at the same end.

2.3.3 Counter Flow Heat Exchanger:

In contrast to parallel or cross-flow arrangements, a counter-flow heat exchanger is a specialized
system designed for optimal thermal efficiency. In this setup, two fluid streams move in opposite
directions, flowing adjacent to each other but in opposing directions within the exchanger. This
configuration allows for maximum heat transfer efficiency as it maximizes the temperature
difference between the fluids along the entire exchanger length. As the fluids travel in opposite
directions, the heat transfers from the hotter fluid to the cooler fluid progressively, resulting in a
more uniform temperature distribution within the exchanger. Counter-flow heat exchangers are
renowned for their superior efficiency compared to other designs, enabling enhanced heat transfer
rates and minimizing the required surface area for effective thermal exchange. These systems are
commonly employed in various applications, including HVAC systems, chemical processing, and
power generation, where precise temperature control and efficient heat transfer are crucial
factors.In counter flow, the hot and cold fluids enter the H.E at opposite ends, flow in opposite
directions and leave at opposite ends.

2.3.4 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger:

A cross-flow heat exchanger is a specialized thermal device designed to facilitate the efficient
transfer of heat between two fluid streams that move perpendicular to each other. In this
configuration, one fluid passes across the flow path of the other, creating a crosswise movement
that allows for effective heat exchange. Typically, this type of heat exchanger consists of channels
or tubes through which the two fluids flow, with one fluid traveling along the length of the tubes

while the other passes perpendicular to the tube's axis. The configuration enables a controlled
transfer of thermal energy between the fluids, optimizing heat exchange efficiency due to the
increased surface area for interaction between the fluids. Cross-flow heat exchangers find
applications across various industries, including HVAC systems, refrigeration, and industrial
processes, where precise thermal control and efficient energy utilization are paramount.In this type
of heat exchanger, both the fluids flow in perpendicular direction with respect to each other.
Example: - Automobile radiator

2.4 Classification on the basis of Construction:

2.4.1 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger:
Heat exchangers serve as mechanisms enabling the transfer of heat between different mediums,
which could comprise gases, liquids, or a blend of both. These mediums, whether gases or liquids,
are kept separate to prevent mixing, achieved either through a solid barrier or direct contact.
Operating on the fundamental principle of the second law of thermodynamics, heat exchangers
facilitate the natural flow of heat from areas of higher temperature to lower ones. This fundamental
principle drives heat transfer, where heat naturally moves from a warmer body to a cooler one. In
a shell and tube heat exchanger, the cooling medium—such as water, steam, ethanol, or
polypropylene glycol—flows through tubes housed within the shell structure. The goal is to cool
the surrounding area of these tubes within the shell structure by the medium itself. This design
ensures efficient heat transfer between the mediums while maintaining separation.

2.4.2 Plate Type Heat Exchanger:
A plate type heat exchanger is a specialized device designed for efficient heat transfer between
two fluid streams. It comprises a series of thin plates arranged in parallel within a frame or casing.
These plates create a network of channels through which the fluids flow alternately in close
proximity but without direct contact. This arrangement maximizes the surface area available for
heat exchange, enhancing thermal efficiency. The fluids pass through the channels formed between
the plates, allowing for effective heat transfer due to the turbulent flow and increased contact area.
Plate type heat exchangers are valued for their compact size, high heat transfer rates, and
adaptability for various applications across industries such as HVAC systems, chemical
processing, refrigeration, and food processing, where efficient heat exchange within a limited
space is crucial.

Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger

The effectiveness of a heat exchanger, symbolized as ε, represents a pivotal metric defining its
efficiency. It quantifies the actual heat transfer achieved between the hot and cold fluids relative
to the maximum potential heat transfer feasible between these mediums. This ratio encapsulates
the operational efficiency of the exchanger, providing insights into how effectively it manages to
exchange thermal energy. A higher effectiveness value indicates that the exchanger is approaching
its theoretical maximum capability in transferring heat between the fluids. Engineers often use this
measure to evaluate and optimize heat exchanger designs, aiming to achieve higher effectiveness
values to ensure optimal thermal performance and energy utilization within various industrial and
engineering applications.


3 Apparatus
 Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Apparatus

4 Procedure
1. Turn on the device and wait for the tank temperature to stabilise for a few minutes.
2. Next, read the device's manual and configure it for counter flow by changing the taps that came
with it.
3. Set the flow rate of the water.
4. To begin, switch on both the hot and cold water faucets. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the water
flow to stabilise.
5. Finally, take readings from the thermometer at various specified points.
6. Measure temperatures, perform energy balancing, and compute total efficiency at various flow
rates for cold water.

5 Observations
Mean Density Specific Mean Temperature (Cold Density Specific
Temperature Heat Fluid) Heat
(Hot Fluid)

T5(℃) kg/m 3
KJ/kg. K T6(℃) kg/m3
KJ/kg. K

45 990.22 4.18 30 995.67 4.178

45 990.22 4.18 30 995.67 4.178
45 990.22 4.18 30 995.67 4.178
46 989.8 4.18 31 995.41 4.178

Sr. Flow rate of Hot Flow rate of Cold

No. water water T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
(m3/s) (m3/s) ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃

1 2.5×10-5 1.6667×10-5 47 43 26 35 45 30
2 2.5×10-5 2.5×10-5 50 44 27 35 45 30
3 2.5×10-5 3.333 10-5 51 44 28 34.5 45 30
4 2.5×10-5 5.0 10-5 53 44 29 34.5 46 31

5.1 Graphs
When Flow Rate of Hot Fluid = 1.5 L/min & Cold Fluid=1 L/min

When Flow Rate of Hot Fluid = 1.5 L/min & Cold Fluid=1.5 L/min

When Flow rate of Hot Fluid =1.5 L/min & Cold Fluid =2 L/min

When Flow Rate of Hot Fluid = 1.5 L/min and Cold Fluid =2.5 L/min

6 Calculations
Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 1 L/min

Efficiency is given by the formula:

𝜼𝑻𝑯 =
𝑸𝒂̇ = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 ∆𝑻 = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟒 − 𝑻𝟑 ) = 𝝆𝑽̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟑 − 𝑻𝟒 )
𝑸̇𝒆 = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 ∆𝑻 = 𝒎̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟏 − 𝑻𝟐 ) = 𝝆𝑽̇𝒄𝒑 (𝑻𝟏 − 𝑻𝟐 )

𝑄𝑎̇ = (997.05)(1.6667 × 10−5 )(4.18)(28 − 24) = 0.2779𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (993.72)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.178)(40 − 37) = 0.3114𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 0.2779
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 0.8924 = 89.24%
𝑄𝑒̇ 0.3114
Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 1.5 L/min

𝑄𝑎̇ = (997.05)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.18)(29 − 24) = 0.5210𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (992.25)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.179)(45 − 39) = 0.6220𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 0.5210
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 0.8376 = 83.76%
𝑄𝑒̇ 0.6220
Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 2 L/min

𝑄𝑎̇ = (996.79)(3.333 × 10−5 )(4.179)(30 − 26) = 0.5554𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (991.86)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.179)(47 − 40) = 0.7254𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 0.5554
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 0.7656 = 76.56%
𝑄𝑒̇ 0.7254
Overall Efficiency when Hot water Flow rate is 1.5 L/min and Cold Water is 2.5 L/min

𝑄𝑎̇ = (996.25)(4.1667 × 10−5 )(4.179)(31 − 27) = 0.6939𝐾𝐽/𝑠

𝑄𝑒̇ = (991.07)(2.5 × 10−5 )(4.179)(49 − 40) = 0.9319𝐾𝐽/𝑠
𝑄𝑎̇ 0.6939
𝜂𝑇𝐻 = = = 0.7446 = 74.46%
𝑄𝑒 0.9319

 The graphs show that the temperature profile at varied flow rates under counterflow
conditions corresponds to the standard temperature profile. The temperature of hot water
decreases over time, while the temperature of cold water increases. When we turn on the
hot water faucet, it flows all the way to the cold-water intake, where we turn it on and the
heat transfer from hot to cold water takes place. The graph essentially shows that hot
water loses some heat while travelling through the pipes to the ultimate temperature
point, and subsequently cold water, when provided, increases in temperature, as shown in
the graph.
 Counter low heat exchangers are generally more efficient than parallel flow heat

Lab Report :11
To determine the heat flux and surface heat transfer
coefficient up to and beyond critical condition at constant
 To determine the heat flux and heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure.

1 Introduction
This experiment aims to explore the intricacies of heat transfer during a phase change within a
fluid. As heat is transferred to the fluid undergoing a phase shift, thermodynamics predicts a
consequential exchange known as latent heat. This phase transition introduces crucial factors:
firstly, a density disparity between the two phases emerges; secondly, the interfaces between the
liquid and vapor phases exhibit surface tension. These variables significantly influence heat
transfer rates and coefficients during phase transitions. The experiment will delve into different
boiling mechanisms: convective, nucleate, and film boiling. To visualize these phenomena, a
boiling heat transfer unit will demonstrate the distinctions within the pool boiling curve,
showcasing the varied types of boiling. The goal encompasses not only observing these boiling
behaviors but also determining heat flux and heat transfer coefficients under constant pressure
conditions. This comprehensive exploration seeks to uncover the nuances and correlations between
heat transfer mechanisms and phase transitions within fluids.

2 Theory
2.1 Boiling Point
The boiling point of a substance refers to the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid
equals the external pressure surrounding the liquid, causing the liquid to transition into its gaseous
phase. At this specific temperature, additional heat supplied to the liquid does not result in a
temperature increase but rather facilitates the phase change from liquid to gas. The boiling point
is a characteristic property unique to each substance and varies based on factors such as pressure
and altitude. It remains a fundamental parameter used in various scientific, industrial, and practical
applications, serving as a reference for determining specific material properties and processes,
such as cooking, chemical reactions, and material purification.
2.2 Types of boiling
 Natural Convection Boiling
 Nucleate Boiling
 Film Boiling

2.2.1 Natural Convection Boiling
Natural convection boiling refers to the process of boiling that occurs due to buoyancy forces
generated by density variations in a fluid resulting from temperature changes. In this scenario, the
heat source induces a temperature gradient within the fluid, causing the region adjacent to the heat
source to become hotter and less dense. As a consequence, the fluid in contact with the heat source
rises due to its reduced density, creating a natural upward flow. This movement drives the
formation of bubbles as the liquid reaches its boiling point, promoting the transfer of heat away
from the source. As the heated fluid rises, cooler and denser fluid descends, creating a continuous
circulation that sustains the boiling process through natural convection currents. Natural
convection boiling is prevalent in various systems, from household cooking to industrial processes,
and understanding its dynamics is crucial in heat transfer and thermal management applications.

Figure 1.Natural Convection Boiling

2.2.2 Nucleate Boiling

Nucleate boiling refers to the phase change process where bubbles form and detach from a
heated surface immersed in a liquid. This type of boiling occurs when localized regions on the
surface, known as nucleation sites, experience high temperatures, causing the liquid adjacent to
these sites to reach its boiling point. At these hot spots, tiny bubbles of vapor form due to the
intense heat, attaching to the surface and subsequently detaching as they grow, releasing vapor
into the surrounding liquid. This continuous formation and detachment of bubbles create a
vigorous boiling process, enhancing heat transfer rates. Nucleate boiling is vital in various
industrial and everyday applications, contributing significantly to efficient cooling processes and
heat exchange systems. Understanding nucleate boiling phenomena aids in optimizing heat
transfer mechanisms and improving the performance of heat exchangers and boiling systems.
2.3 Stages of Nucleate Boiling
Nucleate boiling, a phase change process, progresses through distinct stages crucial to heat
transfer mechanisms. It initiates as localized areas on a heated surface reach the liquid's boiling
point, forming small vapor bubbles at nucleation sites. These bubbles grow in size, detach from
the surface, and ascend through the liquid, releasing vapor as they depart. This cycle continues,

creating a continuous boiling process. Subsequently, the surface readies itself for new nucleation
sites,. and enhancing boiling processes across various industrial and practical applications.

2.4 Film Boiling

Film boiling characterizes a phase of the boiling process where a continuous vapor film fully
covers the heated surface, inhibiting direct contact between the surface and the liquid. This vapor
layer significantly hampers heat transfer due to its poor thermal conductivity, creating an insulating
effect. As a result, the efficient agitation of liquid, observed in earlier boiling stages, diminishes in
its impact on heat transfer. The transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling occurs within a
temperature range of 50 to 150°C, known as the transition boiling phase. Here, conditions fluctuate
between unstable or partial film boiling, marked by fluctuations in the heat flux curve due to
varying temperature excesses. In a steady state of film boiling, as temperature differences increase
significantly, radiant heat flux begins to dominate, leading to an upward trend in the heat flux
curve. This transition denotes a phase where the vapor film remains in a steady state, signifying
the shift into film boiling conditions with altered heat transfer mechanisms.

Figure 3.Film Boiling

2.5 Pool Boiling Curve

Figure 3.Pool Boiling Curve

3 Apparatus
 Boiling Heat Transfer Unit

Figure 4.Boiling Heat

4 Procedure
The following steps can be following for performing this experiment
 We began by setting the heat input value and adjusting the condensed flow rate until the desired
condensed pressure was obtained.
 The vapour pressure, metal and liquid temperatures were then recorded.
 To get the needed pressure, we raised the heat input and modified the flow rate once more.
 Repeat the process from nucleate to film boiling.
 The heat input must be lowered once the film boiling is established.
 The temperature will be taken, and the T excess will be computed. By entering the
corresponding values, heat flux and heat transfer coefficient will be calculated at constant

5 Observations & Calculations

Pressure 20
Heat flow LT MT Flux del T h
input rate
146 2 34 53 76842.11 19 4044.321
205 10.5 33 55 107894.7 22 4904.306
266 7 32 56 140000 24 5833.333
282 7.5 34 58 148421.1 24 6184.211
Area 0.0019

Pressure 40
Heat flow LT MT Flux del T h
input rate
115 1 39 56 60526.32 17 3560.372
155 1 38 57 81578.95 19 4293.629
200 4 40 61.5 105263.2 21.5 4895.961
255 2 38 61 134210.5 23 5835.24





5000 Pressure 20
Pressure 40



15 20 25 30

Area of heating element = 0.0019 m2

Heat flux is given by the formula:
𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑥 = 𝑄′′̇ =
Heat transfer coefficient is given by the formula:
𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑥
𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 = ℎ =

6 Graphs

The graph depicts the correlation between heat flow and Texcess, the temperature differential
between the surface and the liquid. Notably, both plots reveal a direct relationship: as temperature
increases, so does the heat flux. This observation aligns with Newton's law of cooling, which links
heat transfer (Q) to the product of the heat transfer coefficient (h), surface area (A), and
temperature differential (∆T). The equation Q = hA∆T implies that heat flux is proportional to the
temperature difference. As Texcess rises, heat flux also increases, evident in the graphical
representation. The heat transfer coefficient, influenced by both heat flux and temperature
difference, shows a varied impact on heat transfer. The table demonstrates that the heat transfer
coefficient initially decreases in the first few instances due to the dominating influence of
temperature, which inversely affects heat transfer. This showcases the complex interplay between
heat flux, temperature difference, and the resultant heat transfer coefficient, elucidating their
intertwined effects on the overall heat transfer process.

Lab report: 12
Effect of distance on the heat transfer through radiation
1 Objective
Effect of distance on the heat transfer through radiation.

2 Introduction
Heat transfer through radiation is a fundamental mode occurring between objects at varying
temperatures. Its rate hinges on multiple factors including surface area, emissivity, wavelength,
and the separation between the objects. This experiment aimed to dissect the impact of these
variables on radiation-based heat transfer amid a metal rod and a black body radiator placed at
different distances. Employing Planck’s law, we calculated radiation intensity emitted by each
object by considering their temperatures and surface areas. Measurement of the temperature
difference, achieved using a thermometer at various distances, served as the experimental basis.
Our hypothesis revolved around an inverse square law correlation between distance and
temperature difference. In simpler terms, as the distance between the objects increased, we
anticipated a corresponding decrease in the temperature difference. This investigation sought to
unravel the intricate interplay of factors affecting radiation-induced heat transfer, shedding light
on their dynamic relationship across varying distances.

3 Theory
Radiation is one of the type of heat transfer mode.

Radiation: Radiation, as a mode of heat transfer, encompasses the transmission of thermal

energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does
not require a medium for heat transfer to occur; it can traverse through a vacuum. This process
takes place when an object emits electromagnetic waves due to its temperature, transferring heat
energy to another object with a lower temperature, regardless of the medium or space separating
them. The rate at which radiation occurs is influenced by several factors, including the surface
properties, temperature differential between objects, surface area, and the distance between them.
Radiation plays a pivotal role in various contexts, from the warmth of the sun reaching the Earth

to the heat emitted by objects in our everyday surroundings. Understanding radiation and its
principles is fundamental in fields like thermodynamics, astrophysics, engineering, and everyday
heat transfer processes.

Blackbody: A blackbody is an idealized physical object that absorbs all incoming

electromagnetic radiation across all wavelengths without reflecting or transmitting any light.
Furthermore, it emits radiation at the maximum possible intensity for its given temperature and
wavelength, making it an efficient radiator and absorber of thermal energy. In theory, a
blackbody emits radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, following a specific
emission curve based on its temperature, known as Planck's law. While a perfect blackbody
doesn't exist in reality, certain objects, like cavities in solids or gases, closely approximate
blackbody behavior, aiding in understanding fundamental concepts in thermodynamics,
radiation, and quantum mechanics.

4 Procedure:
1 Prepare a metal rod and a black body radiator as the objects to study. Measure their length, surface
area, and emissivity.
2 Fill the black body radiator with boiling water and place it on a stand. Connect a thermometer to
measure its temperature.
3 Place the metal rod at a fixed distance from the black body radiator. Connect another thermometer
to measure its temperature.
4 Wait for some time until the temperatures of both objects reach a steady state. Record the
temperature difference between them.
5 Repeat the previous step for different distances between the objects. Use a ruler to measure the
distance accurately.
6 Plot a graph of temperature difference versus distance. Analyze the data using the inverse square
law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
7 Calculate the intensity of radiation emitted by each object and the view factor between them.
Compare the experimental results with the theoretical predictions.

5 Observations and Calculation:
Distance Value Distance Value(E)x20
5 1850 5 1873
10 1387
15 1102 10 1406
20 791 15 1081
25 680 20 862
555 25 702
30 565
35 489

6 Conclusion and comments

The temperature contrast between the metal rod and the black body radiator shows a decline as the
distance between them increases, conforming to the inverse square law of radiation. This
relationship denotes that the radiation-based heat transfer rate diminishes proportionally to the
square of the distance separating the objects. Experimental data align closely with the Stefan-
Boltzmann law, indicating that the emitted radiation power from an object is directly related to the
fourth power of its absolute temperature. Estimating the Stefan-Boltzmann constant through
statistical methods like the least squares approach aids in validating this correlation.While the
experimental outcomes generally validate theoretical expectations, potential sources of error or
uncertainty—such as measurement inaccuracies, heat dissipation, variations in emissivity, among
others—should be acknowledged. Addressing and minimizing these factors in future experiments
will bolster the reliability and accuracy of the results, fortifying the exploration of radiation-driven
heat transfer dynamics.


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