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Some theories of intercultural communication

Tostain Rahima

Assignment: adapting a French advertisement to the Chile market

1) Studying four elements of cultural dimensions, Geert Hofstede (continuum from 0 to 120)

Power distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty

France 68 71 43 86
Chile 63 23 28 86

As we can see, the level of power distance is almost the same in France and in Chile. This first
element of cultural dimensions is based on an evaluation of what the society accept as right or not in
terms of inequality or equality. More precisely in professional’s relationships, with status and
hierarchy. This first element shows us that both country recognize status as faire because of a high
level of power distance. Inequality, for example being paid more because you are the boss, is
accepted and recognize as normal. The consequence for our work (adapting an advertisement) is the
need of a high adaptation of products and advertisements to people who are targeting. Indeed, each
group of the society (boss, senior executives, workers…) have its one symbols, a way of being dress, a
way of consumption and choosing products. So the advertisement have to use its target symbols.

Contrary to the first element, the level of individualism is not the same at all. In France, the level is
situated on the middle of the continuum. But in Chile, we have a low level of individualism, 23. This
element indicate that Chile is a collectivistic society, with people who cares a lot about being a
member of a group. We are in a society which prefer the “We” (groups) instead of the “I” (me and
my immediate family). This element have to be taking into account to promote a product, because
we are in a group society, the product can be shown with different person of a group, because they
all participate to the decision (of paying for this particular product, or not).

The third element demonstrate a feminine Chilean society because of a low level of masculinity.
Members of this society think like this “working in order to live” contrary to masculine society where
people are thinking like this “living in order to work” (generality). Like we said before, Chilean society
give importance of belonging to a group, having strong relationships and links with others. Feminine
values converged also to this, because people are not interested in masculine values first (like the
money, having a partner or even power) but in feminine values like caring about their family, friends,
and quality of life.

The last dimension is concerning uncertainty avoidance and is equal for France and Chile (86). A high
level is shown and related to a strong need for rules and elaborate legal systems in order to structure
life. Because future is uncertain, the society prefer taking no risks and have institutions, rules, to
protect people. For an advertisement, we need to prove that the product have no risks, showing
scientist who approves it can be a good way to persuade consumers for example.
2) Communication context, E.T Hall

In France, we have a low context culture, an explicit context. Meanings are communicated explicitly,
not the surroundings. So we are in a verbal society which prefer numbers, facts, and images, to
understand rapidly the subject, consequences, good or bad effects… at first side.

In Chile, we have a high context culture, an implicit context. There is no need to say much when
communicating because of a high degree of similarity among members of such cultures. People are
sharing the same structure of meaning and are taking into consideration relationships. This is the
reason way, the non-verbal communication is well received.

 Strong relationships and defined status

To adapt our advertisement, we have to take into account the four elements of cultural dimensions,
the implicit context of the Chilean society’s communication, so we have to converge our
communication to attract potential consumers. Our target is the part of the Chilean society who have
a really good quality of life. So the way of being dressed of this people have also to represent the

Contrary to this ad, for the Chile market, it is better to show the product with people who drinks it,
they have to represent the target. Indeed, consumers who are targeting have to recognize
themselves in this advertisement.

We can think of four people, for example two couples, who are sharing a dinner made of local food
with traditional dish. The importance of relationships have to be shown, also the importance of the
culture (tradition, history, and sharing the same values). This four persons seems to be friends and
happy. They are celebrating, maybe a promotion.

We can imagine the four people, smiling and having a toast, with the bottle of whisky in good view.
But we think of putting relationships and the product at the same level. Both are easily seen at first
 Speech code and language

The Spanish language have to be used to translate “Dégustation contemporaine depuis 1827” and
also for the slogan which can be “Taste your friendship”. The sentence “L’abus d’alcool est dangereux
pour la santé, à consommer avec modération” won’t be written because of a supple legislation of
alcohol for Chil advertisements.

To conclude, in Chile we are in a feminine and collectivistic society who cares about family,
friendship, being a member of a group, who have established status and it have to be shown in this
advertisement. Chilean people also cares about their quality of life, sharing the same values and
future. All of this elements are showing in the advertisement.

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