Ref Essay 03

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In this week our discussion mainly revolves around Contact between East and West and amongst the

ideas, I am highlighting ‘the cost of Western Discourse’ in this article. After the dark ages and towards
the Middle Ages, European started exploring the world with the progressing civilization, knowledge and
power in their hand (mainly since Protestant reformation). Like many previously great powers, the
Europeans found the new lands less developed than themselves. And from here the famous stories of
colonization by west began. The West justify their colonial rule in the name of spreading education,
civilizing humans and make them equal human beings with them. Although the claim is true up to some
extent but I think their primary focus was to glom the resources, making them wealthier. We can
understand through the differences from what the teacher behaves to its students and an executioner
do with the people. In my opinion, the behavior of West was closer to that of executioner. If we analyze
the situation that was in India, the motive of East India Company apparently was trade but their true
motive was revealed at the end on gaining whole India with power. From the research, approximately
forty-five trillion dollars were looted by English men from India (Pandey, 2022). Since the starting of
modernization wave, the West had suppressed the East in various forms, with justifying their cruel
practices. If I am to say that discourse of West left more horrible effects on Rest than good so that’s not
false. The colonized nations have lost their glory, wealth, resources and in some area their existence!
Following line of Stuart Hall will forfeit my claim. “ …it is clear their discourse was molded and
influenced by the play of motives and interests across their language”. (Hall, 1996).

Pandey, P., 2022. How Britain Looted $45 Trillion From India. [online] Medium. Available at:
%20Britain%20and%20India.> [Accessed 30 January 2022].

“Stuart Hall, ‘the West and the Rest: Discourse and Power,’ 1996 - Videri.”, 2010, Accessed 2 Aug. 2019.

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