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Group 1: (Sofia, Gabriela y Ana)

Ana: Welcome to our enterprise called “flavory”, we are really happy to have you here with
us. Firstly, we are going to show you our TV commercial to introduce our product, I hope
you like it!!
* Show the commercial (1 minute)*

Gabi: That commercial was incredible, it made me want to eat my snacks with that cream.
Secondly, we would like to share with you our elevator pitch.

Sofia: Elevator pitch: Do you think something is missing in your bread, arepa, toast, cookies
or other snacks? If you feel this way, we introduce you to our product, a spreadable cream,
which was created with the intention of giving a different flavor to the snacks that you eat.
This spreadable cream can accompany any snack and at any time of the day. This cream is
composed of small pieces of fruit, such as; strawberry and blackberry, it also contains a slight
touch of white chocolate which makes its flavor different from other spreadable creams found
in the market.
If you still feel that your snack is not quite complete, and it is missing a new flavor, do not
hesitate to consume our spectacular cream of our brand “Flavory “, I am sure that you will
feel complete.

Gabi: That is fantastic! This product had red fruits and white chocolate, and it can be eaten
by different snacks.

Ana: Yes, that is fascinating, but the objectives of our enterprise are really innovators.
First we have our general objectives that are:
- Be the leading company in fruit creams in the snack market, then becoming the
preferred brand in the Colombian market. And offer our customers a good service and
a pleasant experience with our snack product.
As well as, we also have specific objectives that are:
- Being a company that is characterized by using 100% local raw materials. We also
want to maintain profit margins above 40%. And generate digital marketing plans,
becoming the preferred juvenile brand in the national market.

Gabi: On the other hand, the raw materials that we used are white chocolate, strawberry and
blackberries. These products can be easily purchased through a chain market or even in
whatever place.
Ana: The process we did was:
1st step: Place 200 gr of chocolate with the milk cream in a bowl.
2nd step: Put this in the microwave for 1 min.
3rd step: Beat until the mixture is homogeneous and without chocolate pieces.
4th pass: Cover with transparent paper, which has contact with the mixture.
5th pass: Refrigerate for about 25 min
6th pass: Remove from the refrigerator and beat until the desired consistency.

Sofia: Nice! Now I’m going to say our market determination: Our product can be consumed
by all types of public, however, it is suggested that people who suffer from diabetes, allergies
to chocolate or any type of fruit, do not consume it.

Gabi: Moreover, our product focuses on children as young as 5 years old and as old as 48
years old, who are found in the educational institution named Melanie Klein School.

Ana: In this occasion we want to give to our clients or our future client, a sample of our
spectacular cream.
* The product is tested with the cookie.*

Sofia: Now that you already taste our spreadable cream, we want to tell you the reason why
you must invest in our enterprise.

Ana: Fist, we offer to you a new flavor that is not common in the market, second, our
product has a big packaging, that can be share with your friend and family, also you can eat
this cream with many snacks, as well, we want that you can make a snack faster when you
don't have enough time, and finally, we offer to you this cream just for 10,000 pesos.

Gabi: If you want to help us, you can leave your money in this beautiful box, so you will
receive our little cream, remember that the cream belongs to the enterprise named “Flavory”.

Sofia: Thanks for your attention, please don't forget to leave your money on the box if you
want our cream.

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