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Cover, design, layout: Loki S. Krakower-Riley

Transcribed: Patricia Balentine
Proofing: Sean Cook

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The 2027 Mutation Lecture ........................................................................................ 1

Autism ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Channel 19/49 ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Stage One ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
The Beginning of the Process ................................................................................................................... 3
Root Gates and the Pressure for Mutation ...................................................................................... 3
The Ending of the Motor Wave ................................................................................................................ 5
Gate 60: The Genetic Library ...................................................................................................................... 6
The Transformation of Gate 59 ................................................................................................................. 8
Stage Two................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Gate 6 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Stage Three ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
The Channel of Community ....................................................................................................................... 11
The Social Bargain Is Breaking Down ................................................................................................ 12
An Awakened Solar Plexus........................................................................................................................ 14
Mutation and Food .......................................................................................................................................... 15
A Transformation in Diet ............................................................................................................................. 15
The Mutation and the Collective Circuitry.......................................................................................16
The Final Stage ...................................................................................................................................................17
Ending the Mammalian Relationship ............................................................................................... 18
The Transformation of Gate 49 ...............................................................................................................19
Eliminating the Pressure in Gate 19 ................................................................................................... 20
The Histidine Codon ....................................................................................................................................... 21
The Last Major Biological Evolution .................................................................................................... 22 ii

The 2027 Mutation Lecture

There are many things that I know about this coming mutation, and there are
many things that fascinate me about it. So many of the things have an impact
on the physical life of humanity now in this time of transition. And there is an
accompanying physical transition, a physical mutation, that is accompanying
what we look at as a mechanical mutation within the graphic of Design. There
is no such thing as a mutation taking place within the BodyGraph that isn't
manifested in the form itself and in the vehicle itself.

One of the themes that I'm going to deal with today is the theme of autism. The
theme of autism is important because it's an indication of what happens when
we are going through a mutative cycle. In order for the 55th Gate to mutate, the
55th Gate has a connection to the prostate, and that 55th Gate is in a process of
mutation. That process of mutation is creating a chemistry, an essential
chemistry. I will actually look at that in detail tomorrow when I look at codons
because it's a specific codon called histidine, and histidine is a codon that
involves the 55th Gate and the 49th Gate. It is the mutation that is taking place
here that's not simply bringing about some kind of minor evolutionary
progression to humanity, but it's actually doing something really extraordinary.
That is, it's finally placing us outside of what we have always thought of as

In other words, this is a transition that is taking place that is literally allowing us
to jump out of the framework of our mammalian background. I will show you,
hopefully through the course of this day, how that actually works, and what that
actually looks like. But where we're going to begin is with this whole process of
what that change in the 55th Gate is all about.

The chemical change in the prostate has led to the production of children with
autism. This chemical change in the prostate, which is a byproduct of the
mutation that's taking place in the 55th Gate, is producing—and I'm not talking
about men for example who have prostate problems per se. There are a lot of
men who have the mutation in the prostate taking place in which it does not
become diseased. There are others where the mutation taking place in the 1

prostate is something they are simply not designed to handle and that it begins
to deteriorate into disease. And this is a disease that's very much a part of the
post 1781 process, and one obviously that's become more and more evident.

Channel 19/49
That transformation has led to an
impact to the Channel 19/49. I've
known for many, many years and
have discussed it for many years
that autism clearly for me was
rooted in this Channel. And one of
the things to recognize about it is
that if one takes away the negatives
of the autistic state, and we'll talk
about that, what you really have is a
glimpse of what's coming. And the
fact is that it’s not yet time. The
mutated prostates are producing
phenomena that we are labeling as
autism, and it is autistic because it isn't in its right time. The time is 2027, and
the time is coming. I'll show you how this works, I'll show you how the
progression is going to take place in the mutation.

Stage One
The 55th Gate and the 59th Gate, as you can see [next page] and what's labeled
here at stage one—by the way, there's no dating on these stages. Recognize
that the insights that are provided by Design, particularly these insights that are
there for us to be able to follow our evolutionary process, that things that are
taking place at the evolutionary level are not taking place in somebody's

It's not like this can be easily dated from one point to the next. There will be
overlapping in these stages, and it will take hundreds of years for this process to
even begin to flower as a generalized process. In other words, mutation is
something that comes into the world and slowly it works. And if it's successful
mutation, if it's viable mutation, then it will succeed and it will expand. 2

The Beginning of the

What date I can give you is that
I know, at least I know from
what I was told, that the first
children will be born with the
finished diagram that I will
show you in the afternoon, the
finished children in this
process, the first examples of
these mutative children will
come into the world in 2027.
That's the beginning of the
process. But how long that
whole process takes, we're
talking about hundreds of

It begins with the stage one and the stage one is the relationship between the
55 and the 59. This is the arm in the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix that is going
to be transformed and is going to be transformed through the agency of the 55.
But you can see that in order for it to impact on the 59, its mirror in the wheel,
its opposition, that it has to go through a specific Circuitry, it has to go through
a specific energy field in order to get to that point.

One of the first things to recognize about this mutation that's taking place in
the 55 is that this does not stand alone; nothing does. And that the first thing
that is there to initiate that is the presence of the 39th Gate. In other words, that
mutation is something that is provoked, if you will. It needs to be provoked, it
needs to be jabbed, it needs to have all of that in order to take place. After all,
the 39/55 is a mirror of the 28 and the 38, and you have that mirror to the
struggle. There is always this potential and power of struggle in this emotional
field of the 55 to the 39, but it's a very important agency.

Root Gates and the Pressure for Mutation

After all, one of the things to recognize about all of the Root Gates is that all of
them supply the basics that we need for anything. They provide the true 3

foundation, and the pressure to do it. So here in the beginning of this, you have
this pressure that is there from the 39th Gate. And without that pressure from
the 39th Gate, you do not have the beginning of that mutated process.

The other thing is that as this mutation takes place it’s going to change the way
in which energy flows within the Rave. In other words, ultimately it's going to
change the way Circuitry flows within the Rave. And this is the beginning of the
transformation in the Circuitry.

One of the things to recognize is that two things have to happen at the same
time, and the 55 and the 59 represent those two things. On one side is the 55
that says, “Here is the mutation bringing something that is new.” And the 59
says, “Here is the mutation that is going to end what's old. Ending what's old is
us.” In other words, this is the coming sterility, the coming infertility that is
already at work on the planet. And this transformation in the 55 does precisely 4

the opposite in the 59. In other words, it starts killing humans in order for Raves
to be born. It starts terminating Homo sapiens because Homo sapiens is not
where we're going. Where we're going is to the real Rave.

Remember, we're a transition field. If I am carrying the mutation in my prostate,

and there are all kinds of men who are carrying this mutation, I don't know if I
am carrying that mutation, it does not mean that I can produce one of these
children until after 2027 and hopefully I can still make children after 2027, we'll
see. But if I made one of those children now with the right chemical information,
they would come out autistic. In other words, they would come out deeply and
severely socially handicapped. They would have enormous problems
integrating with other human beings. And of course there's a great joke in that.
That's precisely what the future demands for spirit awareness. And I'll show you
how that works.

There's a role that the Root Center Gates play in their pressure on the emotional
system. What the Root Center is always trying to get the emotional system to
do is stop waving. In other words, the Root Center is always trying to fix the
emotional system and hold the emotional system. That's its ongoing task in
bringing the Solar Plexus ultimately to a point in which the wave is not what it's
about; that is, the motor wave is not what it's about.

Think about the nature of love in the 55th Gate. We talked about yesterday that
the 55th Gate loves loving, that it's its limitation because it doesn't get to love,
and it doesn't get to love because it's fickle. It doesn't get to love because it can't
make up its mind, it's always caught in that wave, and the provocation of the 39
is always trying to get it to bite so that it will hold on and stay with something.

One of the first things to recognize about this first movement here in the first
stage is that the moment the mutation clicks into the 55, it fixes. It then meets
that provocation, which is no longer provocation. And in that, the 55th Gate
eliminates the motor wave, and the motor wave is gone. And what you have
instead is the very, very rudimentary beginnings of awareness; awareness in a
place where there had never been awareness. And all of this is the fixing.

The Ending of the Motor Wave

That's why if you're a 19 and you can get a 49 to stay with you without divorcing
you, you've succeeded in bringing them to a fixed place. It's always about the 5

way in which the Root is always trying to bring the emotional system to a place
in which it is fixed, in which it no longer is caught in that wave. And then in this
moment at the very beginning, the very first thing that has to happen is that
the emotional wave in the 55 stops.

Now, by the way though the 55th Gate may be, in terms of how we see it in
analysis, the moodiest of all Gates, the Gate of the glass that's half full and the
glass that is half empty, it's also important to understand that the emotional
wave in Individuality is less volatile on a day-to-day basis and can be an
emotional wave that goes through long planes. It is this very basic nature in the
55 that opens it up to, through mutation, being much more easily fixed (what
mutation that is there), in the Individuality, in the mutative process.

So here the 55th Gate fixes, and in the moment that it fixes, it ends the motor
wave, and it begins the awareness process. And as you can see, the movement
is down into the Root. Over the years in my basic trainings related to Design I've
always gone back to this Root Center is an extraordinary thing. It is after all the
way in which the whole energy field of what we are as beings is conditioned.
And that this energy going down must go down into the Root because if it
doesn't go through the 3/60, it doesn't bring the mutation to humanity. In other
words, it can be an isolated mutation but not necessarily a mutation that can
then go out and impact on everyone.

It's one of the jokes of evolution. We always assume that it's something new
because it looks like something new by the time that it gets out. But the fact is
that it's very old. It's always been inside of us; it just waits for its moment. All of
these things lying inside of us are waiting for their moment. Everything has a
moment; everything has a catalyzing agent that suddenly brings it to the form.

Gate 60: The Genetic Library

You can see that in the way in which this energy moves because this energy
moves into the 60th Gate first. In other words, the mutation really only begins
when the 60th Gate gets that mutative energy because within the 60th Gate is
all the old genetic information. In other words, that's our genetic library. Our
genetic library is sitting there in the 60th Gate. It's storing all the genetic material.
It has within it the capacity of moving a piece of junk DNA out and suddenly
there's a change in the chemistry. 6

Everything about the 60th Gate is

that it's a storehouse of all the
genetic information we hold, not
necessarily the genetic information
we live out. Therefore, out of the 60th
Gate comes the potential of
bringing the mutation out, bringing
something that has been dormant
and waiting, and suddenly bringing
it out. And it starts there in the 60th

By the time that it gets to the 3rd

Gate is the moment that you have
something that is irreversible. It's
the most important thing to
recognize about mutation in the
3/60. It's a format energy, and it is a format energy that has enormous impact.
So much of Human Design is Individual and this format energy is very profound.
At the moment that the 3/60 carries a mutation, that mutation is in the world.
Whether the mutation is going to operate properly or not is not the point of
that. The point is that once you get to that—that's why it is stage one—point
that the 3/60 is involved in that mutative process, then you have something that
is going to be in the world and you're not going to be able to stop that. In other
words, it's cooking.

It's like Jurgen and I, when we first started in Design—I’m a 60 and he's a 3—
when the 3/60 brings a mutation, the mutation tends to last. In other words,
that's the power of the 3/60 in its capacity to change and to mutate us. So this
is a very important stage, but remember it's always been there inside of us. The
nine centered being was always waiting. It's not like it just popped out of
nowhere. It was always there. In other words, with each of these
transformations, it's not like we didn't start off with that information pool, we
did. What's happening to us is that certain things are clicking in as we move
along and that clicking in is always starting in the 60, and if it gets to the 3, then
the mutation is alive. 7

The Transformation of Gate 59

It brings us to the opposition. In other words, as the 55 is fixed, as the motor wave
is eliminated, as it moves down to the 39, it fixes as the mutation through the
3/60. And the first thing that the mutation impacts on is the 59th Gate. Now it's
not impacting on the Channel. You can see that the Channel is part of the
second stage, so that's something different. The completion of this first stage is
the change only in the 59th Gate. That is our genetic roles in interaction, our
genetic roles sexually. In other words, the first transformation is in the way in
which we live out our sexual role. Now the whole thing about the sexual role is
that the sexual role is going to be sterilized. It always sounds nasty; however, it's
going to be sanitized and defleshed, whatever kind of way you want to look at

But the first thing to recognize is that the transformation is going to be in the
role itself. In other words, that role Gate is going to change. Now in
understanding the nature of profiling and in understanding that profiling is
based on the eight profiling Gates, which include the role Gates, it's very
important to see something. The way we're going to incarnate and the purpose
of our incarnation, all of that is transformed the moment that role Gate is
transformed because the moment that role Gate is transformed, it's already
telling you that the whole Program has gone through a transformation. There's
a change that is taking place in the interpretation of role. And that means that
each and every Gate through genetic continuity is going to be transformed
through that process.

In other words, the moment that human beings wake up with the reality of, for
example, infertility and sterility is the moment they wake up with a real fear. In
other words, it is the fear of extinction come alive. It is the fear of the end of the
gene pool, and nobody likes having their gene pool come to an end. It will also
mean that the way in which we are able to integrate with the other—I'm not
talking about us, I'm talking about those that are born with that and born in
that time with the human beings coming into the world with that kind of
configuration—they're not going to deal with the other in the same way, and
they are not going to seek out intimacy in the same way because that role is the
first thing that's going to change.

Now one of the things that goes along with the 59th Gate, because it has to do
with our reproductive capacity, is recognizing again that this mutation is a 8

changing of the guard. We've been in an evolutionary process where there've

been several “experiments” along the way, if I can use that in quotations,
whether you're going back 400,000 years, and you're looking at Homo erectus
or you're moving along and you see Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons and
whatever, you're talking about an ongoing process, an ongoing evolutionary
process. Well, we're about to have another one. I mean that's what this is about.
And in order to have another one, the value of the future for the old one has to
be taken away. The way in which that's taken away is through the limitation of
humanity to be able to reproduce itself. In other words, that opens up a window
on the other side. One of the great equations in all of this is that there's a form
emerging out of us, if you will, that is not of us. In other words, it's really going to
be different.

Stage Two
When we come to stage two, if you could call stage two anything, you could call
it the death of desire. It's one of the byproducts of stage one, the changing in
the nature of the role. In understanding the way in which the 50th Gate and the
6th Gate operate, both the
50th Gate for the Spleen
and for the various forms of
awareness that we give
names to—taste,
judgmentation, intuition,
instinct—all was rooted
originally in the 50th Gate.
And out of the 50th Gate,
those various forms of
awareness then diversify.

Gate 6
When we're dealing with
the 6th Gate, it's responsible
in that sense for originating
the motor wave. In other
words, it's out of the 6th
Gate that the other three
streams or these three 9

streams diversify that information out of the 6. And despite the fact that we
begin with the flattening out of the wave or the elimination, in that sense, of the
wave by fixing the 55, the potential for the awakening of awareness in the Solar
Plexus Center waits for the second stage.

In other words, it's only when the 6th Gate is transformed that the potential for
the entire Solar Plexus is there. In other words, this movement here is essential.
But recognize something about the oppositions that are involved in all of this.
We've already seen the opposition movement with the 55 and the 59. Here we're
seeing that with the 6 and the 36. In other words, the 36th Gate in many ways is
the archetype of being unaware. That stream of feelings is never going to
experience awareness. It is driven by desire; it's the human experiential way. And
the 36th Gate is the deepest aspect of that because that's the aspect that is ready
to break into experience to penetrate experience.

It is also the most sexual of all Gates. So that the moment that we have this
movement of the 59 to the 6, the mutation then goes into intimacy. It's no
longer about the role anymore, it is about the nature of intimacy itself, the
transformation of intimacy. And in the moment of that transformation of
intimacy, one of the things that happens is that the information stops at the 6
and does not go to the 36, that the 36 gets left out. You'll see that it gets left out
because you'll see the movement then of the 6 in stage three, which is into the
37/40, and in stage four, that movement is to the 49. In other words that the
stream of feelings, the abstract stream isn't going to get any of this mutative

Now going back to grey courses that I've been teaching since the early nineties,
I've talked about how the fact is that when the change does come, and I mean
the ultimate change of really changing forms, this stream isn't going to be there.
In other words, this stream from the 41st Gate going up to the 35th Gate
represents our human experiential way. But the whole thing about the coming
Rave is that this isn't human. I mean not human in our context. And the human
experiential way is not a part of that awakening awareness.

So here in this movement of the 59/6, we have a very, very big step that takes
place because what we have is the eliminating of desire as an aspect of bonding.
In other words, the human way of desire, the human way of bonding, the way
we've been experiencing for the tens of thousands of years that we've been 10

involved in this process, all of that is coming to an end. There is a new kind of
intimacy that is emerging.

Stage Three
That brings us to stage three.
One of the things about the
transformation that takes place
in the 6th Gate is that the 6th Gate
transformation is the most
important one in terms of
spreading the mutation and
spreading the mutation to the
rest of the Solar Plexus system.
Mystically, the 6th Gate is the Gate
of the builder, and it is about
building, it has the capacity
within it to transform what has
been the motor wave. And
remember not completely
because the motor wave is still
going to exist in the abstract
process, it’s going to change slowly, and change in sequence.

That sequence is going to begin with in stage three with the 40/37. In other
words, rather than the 6 going to what is natural for it, which is the 36, which is
its opposition, it cuts that off and its priority is to bring that into the 40/37 into
the Channel of Community, into this social mechanism.

The Channel of Community

The Channel of Community is going to take on a different function. After all, the
Channel of Community basically is a way in which the pair bonding that we have
been designed to operate through, is the way in which that pair bonding or
those pairs come together in mutually protective and supportive groups. In 11

other words, the idea of

community or the idea of Tribe
that's discussed in the context of
the 40/37.

One of the things that’s inherent

to understand about the
transformation is that the
moment that you take away the
wave is the moment that you
don't have to deal with the
bargains. And this is one of the
most important transformations
that is going to take place in the
context of the 40/37. The 40/37 is
a dilemma. And the dilemma is
that this is the only place within
the BodyGraph in which the
business of working out agreements with the other is inherent.

In other words, the Channel of Community is about this fundamental bargain.

We saw yesterday the bargain that brings the potential love of work out of the
40, to bring that work to the others in order to be the provider, in order to be
nourished, in order to be cooked for, all of those various things. These are old
bargains. And we also saw that that bargain was something that was gender
oriented until 1781, as a general theme.

In other words that what we saw in that was that the provider, in that sense, was
conditioned to be the male, it was designed to be the male. The nourisher, in
that sense, was the female. We've seen that that has broken down. We ourselves
in our time cannot talk about those as gender archetypes anymore because the
gender archetype is breaking down. All of that is part of this transition that we're
in, in this mutative movement.

The Social Bargain Is Breaking Down

It also means that the social bargain is breaking down. We see that in the West,
for example, that the standard of the family, which was inviolable up until the
1780s, the standard of the family is going through enormous transition, and the 12

family order is breaking down, the bargain is breaking down. One of the
byproducts of that is, for example, the legalities now that are directly connected
to marriages, prenuptial agreements, all kinds of things that are written down
legally because the basic bargain has deteriorated.

So what we're seeing here in the third stage is that the moment that we get out
of the wave—after all, that's the only reason the bargain is there. I hope you get
that. The only reason that the bargain is there is because there is a wave in the
emotional system. And the bargain is an attempt to fix the wave. The bargain
says, "Okay, here's our deal, this and this for this and this. That's it." It's an attempt
to fix that wave.

Anybody who deals with 40/37s, though, know that because they're in a wave
that the bargain can take on different perspectives, the bargain can look like it's
changed, and it can feel like it's changed. In other words, this is an ongoing
process that we saw with the Root Gates moving up, trying to fix the Emotional
Center, and the 40th Gate moving down, trying to fix the Emotional Center, fix
the bargain. "Here's the deal, whether you're up or down, here's the deal." Now,
of course, as long as there's the motor wave that's practically impossible
because the motor is so powerful.

So one of the most essential things about the future of bonding is the
elimination of the need for a bargain. It's not about, "If I do this, you do that." It's
not about, "If I love you this much, you have to love me that much." It's not about
all the bargains that have been built into our relationship with the other. "You're
a good neighbor, if..." It's all these bargains that are inherent, and the bargain is
going to disappear.

As long as we have an emotional wave, everything connected to the Solar Plexus

Center is always trying to control that wave. It's always trying to fix that wave. It's
always trying to get it to a point that it won't go up and down and away from
some point that can be consistent. So the moment we have this transformation,
that's an incredible thing because that's the moment that the way in which
community meets each other that they can meet each other without having
the distortion of the wave, or the need to follow emotional authority.

This is one of the basic transformations that takes place. Those beings who will
come into the world, and this afternoon and I will show you what they look like, 13

not everyone is going to carry that mutation. And it means that there are still
going to be those that are caught up in the wave, and in being caught up in the
wave have enormous difficulties being able to find a fixed way to relate to each
other. You're going to have a whole new group of beings that don't have that
bargain, that don't operate out of that, and no longer are subject to emotional
authority, which is, as we know, waiting out the wave.

An Awakened Solar
Somebody who has an awakened
Solar Plexus Center does not have
to honor emotional authority
because they're not by our
definition emotional anymore.
One of the things that autistic
children have to deal with is how
alien the emotional system is
because they are part of this
transition moving away from
emoting. After all, the whole
system of emoting is being
transformed in the 55. So it's very
important to see that this movement here, the 40/37, is going to transform the
way in which we can meet because we meet outside of the bargain. It doesn't
have to be a bargain anymore.

I've written about it, I've talked about it, so much of the way in which this
mutation operates, because it's actually working at many levels within us, that
one of the most fundamental or mundane and obvious levels is food. You know
the old joke about you are what you eat, it is about food.

The changing from a seven to a nine centered structure in 1781 was coincidental
with other things taking place at the same time. One of them was the warming
up. In other words, in order for us to go from seven to nine centers, we actually
warmed up in order to create the mutative potential that would open up that
phenomena. That warming up is also something that was going on around us.
A comment Jurgen made yesterday to me was about the fact that so much of 14

this global warming also has to do with the Sun itself. It has to do with the cycle
of the Sun and it's inherent in our Program. We are warming up.

Mutation and Food

One of the things about that is that mutation thrives on diversity, and it thrives
on diverse input. And the diverse input has come through food. Food is a
medium through which this mutation is fueled. Since that transformation, since
the end of the 18th century, not only have we expanded the wellbeing of
humanity, but one of the most important things we've done is that we've
expanded the human diet. I've talked about the fact that the limitation of diet
is a road to extinction. The panda bear that can only eat one kind of leaf are easy
to eliminate. Human beings in the vast diversity of their diet can survive on just
about anything. And that diversity of diet is part of the mutative change.

Look carefully here at what we've been looking at. It starts in the 55th Gate, and
it's provoked out of the 39. The 39/55 is always about food. It's where you find all
kinds of food problems. You find bulimia, anorexia nervosa, all kinds of difficulty
with food. You find moodiness attached to food, depression attached to food, all
kinds of things connected to food in that Channel.

We're going to have a fixing of the wave in the sense that that is going to lose
its emotional quality. But what it will also do is it will go so very, very deeply into
what is an Individual trait. In other words, finding something that works for it
that it likes and then making that a dominant part of its diet. What's the 40/37
if not the stomach and the mouth?

A Transformation in Diet
In other words, this elimination of the bargain isn't just an elimination of the
bargain, it is a transformation that is coincidental to a change in diet. They're not
going to eat the same food we eat. In other words, what is going to be
interesting for them in terms of diet isn't something that's natural for us as diet.

Now, in other words, they're going to have a dietary mix. I can't imagine what
that is going to look like in the sense that I don't know what the mainstay of that
diet is going to be. So much of the way we've been eating has to compensate
for the burning of the emotional system. So much of our eating is connected 15

with wave patterns. The consumption of food that we need, the amount of food
that we need is all connected to the emotional wave in the world.

The moment that you eliminate, at least in most places, that wave, you're going
to change a lot of things. You're going to change the amount of volume that's
necessary for nourishment. In other words, the volume itself is going to change.
But more than that, because of this transformation where food is an essential
key and it ends with the 49th Gate, which is all about how you make sure that
food is available for everyone, that all of this is about a transformation in diet.
One of the first ways we're going to be able to notice these children is that
they're going to have odd food taste. In other words, there's going to be
something very different about the food that they're open to and the food that
they will naturally reject based on their chemistry.

The other thing is that the traditional way in which humans have nourished
their young will change because the needs are going to be very, very different.
There's a real transformation in diet that's going to take place that they are
going to live out, that's going to be part of the continuation of that mutative

The Mutation and the

Collective Circuitry
Over the years, I've talked about
the way in which various Circuits
deal with each other, and I've
always talked about how there is
a natural affinity between
Individual Circuitry and Tribal
Circuitry because the Tribal
genetic pool needs to be
transformed and freshened
occasionally. So the Tribe is always
open to Individual mutation.

However, neither the Tribe nor

the Individual has a clear or comfortable way of dealing with the Collective or in
transforming the Collective. And you can see this mutative phenomena in these 16

graphs in which nothing has to do with the Collective. The Collective is cut out
of this. It starts as an Individual mutative field operating through the archetype
of mutation in the 3/60. And then the first thing it does is the 59/6 and the 37/40.
And of course there you have the heart of the Tribe, there you have the heart of
our deepest social interaction with the other. Those are two specifically social
Channels and social at the Tribal level.

Not only do they have to do with bonding in the 59/6, but also the maintenance
of the bond of the building of the houses, the communities, and everything
that's there in the 40/37. And it also has to do with a basic sexuality. It may be
that the 59/6 is there for us to be sexually reproductive, but part of the bargain
of the 40/37 is providing pleasure for your partner, hopefully with not producing
too many more children. In other words, all of the aspects of sexuality that are
not reproductive are also caught up in the bargain of the 40/37.

The moment you take that away, you're not just transforming intimacy, but
you're eliminating sexuality not only from the bargain but as a criteria for who
you can be deep with. Human beings, given our limitations, were basically
designed to be deep with somebody from the other gender, and that our
deepest relationships operate that way. The deepest bonds that we make,
because of the nature of sexuality and the way that works mechanically, this
whole business of being deep with somebody is a mixing of gender. That's not
the case the moment that you take the sexuality out of the bargain.

It's gone, and all of a sudden you have a different kind of intimacy and a different
kind of social phenomena, a social phenomenon that has nothing to do with
gender because it has nothing to do with desire, sex, or reproduction; nothing.
It only has to do with being socially intimate and being socially intimate and
enjoying the same food, so to speak.

The Final Stage

That brings us to the final stage, and in bringing us to the final stage, there is a
movement here of the 6th Gate to the 49th Gate. In looking at that, you'll notice
not only is there this movement, but you'll also notice in the graphic that the 19th
Gate has been eliminated. That is, the Channel as a whole has been eliminated.
This is one of the most dynamic things that takes place. And I will show you this 17

afternoon what the transformed

Circuitry is going to look like and
how that Circuitry is going to

But one of the keys in the

transformation of that Circuitry
is the breaking of the
connection between the 19th
Gate and the 49th Gate. Now it's
not terminating the 19th Gate, as
you will see, the 19th Gate will
continue to function, but it'll
function differently than it
functions now. That is, for those
who carry the mutation.

Ending the
Mammalian Relationship
But one of the most important things to recognize is that by cutting this
connection between the 49 and the 19, there is a transformation that takes
place that is really spectacular. All mammals have the potential of the 19th Gate.
They have always had a potential through the 19th Gate to connect to humanity
through the 49th Gate because this is part of the ongoing bond that we have
with them genetically. In other words, there is a deep enough connection
between the two of us that there is a place for us to meet. Well, that place where
we can meet is going to disappear because we're really not going to be like
them anymore. In other words, there is a transformation that's taking place that
ends the mammalian relationship that we have.

If you take away the emotional wave, you take away almost all physical violence
from the world; almost all of it, I'm not talking about everything. If you take away
the emotional wave, if you transform the way in which we bond with the other,
all of that is a change. And the animalness that is there, the 49th Gate doesn't
have anything to butcher anymore. It's one of the biggest transformations in
terms of what this species is going to look like. 18

You see, we're killer monkeys. That's what we are. We're sophisticated killer
monkeys and these are not going to be killer monkeys. By the way, that doesn't
mean that they're all going to be nice. It just means that they're not killer
monkeys. There is a transformation that's taking place and that transformation
is taking place in the breaking of the Circuit, in the breaking of the Channel so
that the 49 and the 19 no longer connect to each other.

The Transformation of Gate 49

Now again, this fault line in the 49/19 is causing so many problems. That is, the
autism that I've discussed and all kinds of deep emotional difficulties in people.
The 19th and the 49th Gates can bring out all kinds of emotional problems in life.
So one of the things about that is that the transformation of the 49, when you 19

flatten the 49, when you take away the Tribal wave that's there, what you get is
a fixed principle. No more marriage and divorce, no more acceptance and
rejection, no more wave, simply a fixed principle.

And that fixed principle does not require support in the traditional sense. It's not
there to fulfill the need of the Tribe, which is to feed them. As I said, the diet of
these creatures is something that will be very different. I have no idea what that
will bring, but it will be very different because when the butcher stops being the
butcher; there's something unusual afoot. We already see that. We see that with
the BSE phenomena. We see that with hoof and mouth disease. We see that
with the problems that we have with our wealth in being greedy for the taste of
meat and what happens to us when we raise animals in the way in which we do
and what the impact is going to be. None of that, by the way, is a moral question
for me. All of that is simply about seeing that it's part of the mechanics of the
change that is taking place.

The diet is changing, and the butcher ultimately is going to go away. That is,
they're going to lose that because they're not going to be in competition with
the animal anymore. If you're not in competition with the animal, you don't have
to kill the animal. By the way, which means that they won't necessarily kill
humans the way Cro-Magnons wiped out Neanderthals.

Eliminating the Pressure

in Gate 19
When you're looking at this
illustration in stage four, what you're
looking at is what the core of these
beings are going to be. As you'll see
this afternoon, it forms a Circuit. This
is a new Circuit. I'll get into the
description of that and how it all
works, but I want to make sure that
you really grasp what it means to
have this Channel disconnected. The
19/49 as one of the mystical Channels,
it is the root of our spiritual process. It
is out of the 19th Gate that we are 20

placed under pressure to need God. We are placed under pressure to have
spirituality, to have a shelter, to have the right mate, to have all of those things.
That's the pressure that's there in the 19th Gate.

The moment that you eliminate that pressure, the moment that pressure isn't
flowing into the 49 trying to fix it, find us one God, find us one safe home, find
all of those things, fix those things, the moment that it's not there, you have to
see that these beings are free of that. They are free of the need for territory.
They're not animals; we're animals. We have to have territory. They're not
animals, so they don't need territory. We're animals; we're in awe of the forces.
They're not.

They won't need God. They're not going to be in awe of all of that. That isn't
going to be their number. We’re animals. We carry all the mammalian fears. It
doesn't matter what age you are and you hear some burst in the middle of the
night, and it's all that animal fear coming to the surface. "Oh my God, the gods
are here.” They won't have any of that. They won't have the need to control
territory, and they won't have the need to control territory for the benefit of their
diet, because that's what animals do. They defend their territory in order to
make sure that they have enough to eat, they defend their territory so they can
be assured they have enough to kill.

The Histidine Codon

It's not there. And the basic need for shelter and for physical community is not
there; all of that is gone. And all of that is eliminated in the moment that there
is this final mutation in this fourth stage to the 49. Remember, the 49 and the
55 have almost identical chemistry. This is the histidine codon. This is the codon
that's changing everything because it's not human. It's just not human, at least
not human as we understand it, and it's deeply mutative.

It's this bond between the 49 and the 55 that you get the alpha and the omega
of this movement beginning in the histidine of the 55 and ending in the
histidine of the 49. In other words, making the complete Circuit as it goes
through to establish this Circuitry and finishing with the same mutative
chemistry. It's that completion at this point where you really do have a being
that's very, very different than what we understand. 21

Oh yeah, it's not like they're going to look particularly different from us. There
will be physical differences, there's no question about that. But it's not like
there's going to be any grand difference on the book cover. But the way in
which they operate, and as you'll see, the way in which they commune with the
other, is alien to us. And it's alien to us because we are part of the 19/49. We are
part of it; we can't get out of it.

The animals, the gods, the spirituality, the whole business is our human trip.
That's why me at a mechanical level as a teacher can actually play this game of
bringing it out to this point so you can just see it and you can see it all coming
to a close. And you can see what we are and what our limitation is as mammals.
So in that breaking of that Channel, of redirecting the 19, as you'll see, the 19 will
exist. It's not going to go away, but it's not part of this Circuit, it's not part of this
core of what the future is going to look like.

The Last Major Biological Evolution

Just a final comment before lunch. I want to put this in as clear a perspective as
I can for you. The nine centered Rave that we work with, that we study in
analysis, that we deal with, it's not like it's going to go away. It isn't. And it's not
like the vast majority of human beings are going to live this out, they won't. The
vast majority of human beings are going to continue to live out the Designs that
we have with minor changes, as you will see.

In other words, there will be an impact at some level, but basically there isn't
enough time for the transformation to take place completely. And it'll take
hundreds and hundreds of years before there is enough of these beings,
enough of these specific beings that there is actually some kind of weight, in
that sense, in terms of the way in which the general population is structured.

The point is they're coming. They are going to be here, and they are going to be
different. And whether or not we are going to be able to live with them is
another story. Because the human, as we know it, the nine center transition
Rave that is us, is going to hang around until the end. The Cro-Magnons and the
Neanderthals lived side by side for tens of thousands of years, as far as we know,
some say as much as a hundred thousand years together at the same time, and
we don't have that amount of time at the end. 22

So what we're seeing is something new that is coming. It is a leap towards what
will be our real future when the transformation of this biological form
disappears. But this is the last major biological mutation. And out of that, the
potential of the spirit of the consciousness of humanity will begin to shine. In
other words, out of this transformation that takes place, we're going to be able
to break down barriers that we, within the limitation of our forms, have never
been able to do, to go beyond what it is to be personal.

What I will show you this afternoon is the Design of something that has no self.
It's not like that's in them. It's a part integrated into the whole graph, as you'll
see. But nonetheless, those beings that carry the mutation, this is where they
operate out of as a matrix. There is no self, and we don't know what that's like. 23

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