October 23 Group Output

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Property Law

Group Activity
October 23, 2021
Names: Babasol, Lorenz
Guipetacio, Nina Zyra
Manda, Edwin
Cozido, Ariel
Lavador, Joynilenge

How does the provisions on civil law regarding possession affect the social problem of squatting
and usurpation of lands in the country?

Specific Civil Code provision on Implications on squatting and Necessary amendment on the
possession. usurpation of lands in the country civil code provision, if any
Article 527. Good faith is always Good faith is not always presumed and constitutional presumption to be
presumed, and upon him who alleges would not be responsible for the deemed innocent until the contrary
bad faith on the part of a possessor subsequent loss of house. is proven.
rests the burden of proof.
Article 529. It is presumed that Continuity of possession over the
possession continues to be enjoyed in property which constitutes to non-
the same character in which it was interruption of the same.
acquired, until the contrary is proved.
Non-interruption of possession of
property unjustly lost but legally

Possession during intervening period

Possession of movables with real


Exclusive possession of common

Article 536. In no case may possession without the need of evidence that the
be acquired through force or person acquires the property.
intimidation as long as there is a
possessor who objects thereto. He who
believes that he has an action or a right
to deprive another of the holding of a
thing, must invoke the aid of the
competent court, if the holder should
refuse to deliver the thing

Article 537. Acts merely tolerated, and Non-interruption in the mode of Not necessary to be amended
those executed clandestinely and possession
without the knowledge of the
possessor of a thing, or by violence, do Presumption for the continuity of the
not affect possession. possession over the property.
Article 540. Only the possession Cannot be acquired possession as long
acquired and enjoyed in the concept of as someone object the possession
owner can serve as a title for acquiring thereof.
He may eventually the owner by

Article 541. A possessor in the concept They can stay and continue to possess as They will be given one year from
of owner has in his favor the legal long as no quitting of title be done. the day of usurpation is discovered
presumption that he possesses with a to provide title to the authority or
just title and he cannot be obliged to owner.
show or prove it.
Required to present a title to prove
he acquired the land.

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