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Barton N. Bishop, DPT1
Jay Greenstein, DC1
Jena L. Etnoyer-Slaski, MEd, ATC1
Heidi Sterling, BSN, RN2
Robert Topp, PhD, RN2

Background: Strengthening and activation of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius while minimizing the contribution of the
tensor fascia latae are important components in the treatment of many lower limb injuries. Previous researchers have evaluated
a myriad of exercises that activate the gluteus maximus (GMax) and gluteus medius (GMed), however, limited research has been
performed describing the role of the addition of elastic resistance to commonly used exercises.

Purpose: The primary purpose of this study was to determine the gluteal-to-tensor fascia latae muscle activation (GTA index) and
compare electromyographic muscle activation of the GMax, GMed, and TFL while performing 13 commonly prescribed exercises
designed to target the GMax and GMed. The secondary purpose of this study was to compare muscle activation of the GMax,
GMed, and TFL while performing a subgroup of three matched exercises with and without elastic resistance.

Study Design: Repeated measures cohort study

Methods: A sample of 11 healthy, physically active male and females, free of low back pain and lower extremity injuries, were
recruited for the study. Surface electromyography was used to quantify the normalized EMG activation of the gluteus maximus,
gluteus medius, and tensor fascia latae while performing 13 exercises. Three of these exercises were performed with and without
elastic resistance. The maximal voluntary isometric contraction was established for each muscle and order in which the exercises
were performed was randomized to minimize the effect of fatigue.

Results: The relative activation of the gluteal muscles were compared to the tensor fascia latae and expressed as the GTA index.
Clams with and without resistance, running man gluteus maximus exercise on the stability trainer, and bridge with resistance,
generated the highest GTA index respectively. Significant differences in activation of the TFL occurred between clams with and
without resistance.

Conclusions: The findings are consistent with those of previous investigators who reported that the clam exercise optimally acti-
vated the gluteal muscles while minimizing tensor fascia latae activation.

Levels of Evidence: Level 2b

Key Words: Elastic resistance, electromyography, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius

Statement of Conflict of Interest: None of the authors have a

Sport and Spine Rehab Clinical Research Foundation, financial interest in Performance Health Inc. or any of the
Rockville, MD, USA products mentioned in this manuscript.
Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, University of San
Statement of Sources of Grant Support: This study was Heidi Sterling, BSN, RN
supported by a grant from Performance Health Incorporated Hahn School of Nursing and Health Sciences
(the Manufacturer of TheraBand™ Resistance Bands) to the University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San
Sport & Spine Rehab Clinical Research Foundation.
Diego CA 92110
Statement of IRB Approval of Study Protocol: This study was
approved by Sport and Spine Rehab Clinical Research (619) 260-4548
Foundation Institutional Review Board E-mail:

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Page 668
DOI: 10.26603/ijspt20180668
INTRODUCTION that activate the GMax and GMed while limiting the
A number of investigators have recently reported recruitment of the TFL. Previous authors have stud-
an association between abnormal hip mechanics ied the effects of exercises that activate the GMax and
and altered hip muscle performance and a variety GMed.15,20-25 Bolgla et al.22 reported that weight bear-
of lower extremity and lower back conditions.1-9 The ing hip abduction exercises demonstrated greater
gluteus medius (GMed) is the major abductor of the activation of the GMed of the weight bearing leg com-
hip and along with the gluteus maximus (GMax) pared with non-weight bearing leg. A recent review
performs most of the external rotation of the hip.10 of commonly prescribed exercises to strengthen
The GMax is the major extensor of the hip and is the GMax, and GMed based on electromyography
also involved in hip abduction.10,11 The GMax inserts (EMG) activation, described the degree to which
on the iliotibial tract, which is commonly referred each exercise activated the gluteal muscles. This
to as the iliotibial band (ITB). Another muscle that article, however, failed to evaluate the activation of
inserts on the ITB is the tensor fascia latae (TFL). the TFL during these exercises.23 Other authors have
This muscle assists the GMed during hip abduction reported increased activation of the gluteal muscles
and is assists in internal hip rotation. It is theorized with the addition of elastic resistance, but again did
that as a primary muscle responsible for a specific not report TFL activation under these conditions.24
joint movement weakens, the synergistic muscle Finally, Cambridge et al.25 reported that placement
becomes the new primary muscle responsible for of the elastic resistance on the knee versus the ankle
the movement.12-14 This theory has been supported and foot demonstrated lower activation of the GMax,
by a number of studies reporting individuals with GMed, and TFL during upright, semi-squat postures
weak GMed and GMax muscles who exhibit signs during side-stepping gait also called “sumo walks”
of increased TFL activation and shortening.15 This and “monster walks.”
increased TFL activation relative to GMed and GMax
In one of the few studies that compared GMax,
activation results in relative internal rotation of the
GMed, and TFL activation during various exercises,
hip and valgus positioning of the knee.1,13,15
Selkowitz et al.,15 reported gluteal muscle activity
The result of this change in mechanics can lead to based on fine wire EMG. They found that GMax
numerous musculoskeletal problems including a and GMed activity was significantly greater than the
variety of painful conditions of the lower back, hip, TFL activity during unilateral and bilateral bridg-
and knee. For instance, a weak GMax and GMed, ing, quadruped hip extension (knee flexed and hip
have long been recognized to be associated with moving into extension), the clam, sidestepping, and
chronic lower back pain.16-18 Weak hip muscles and squatting. These authors also developed a gluteal-to-
excessive internal rotation of the hip have also been TFL muscle activation (GTA) index that combines
strongly associated with patellofemoral pain syn- the activation of the GMax and GMed muscles com-
drome (PFPS).1-3 Similarly, iliotibial band syndrome pared to the TFL for each of 11 exercises. Higher GTA
(ITBS) is a painful debilitating condition charac- index values indicate greater activation of the GMax
terized by excessive internal hip rotation, gluteal and GMed relative to the TFL. The GTA index was
weakness, and reduced extensibility of the ITB.4-6 highest for the clams, followed by the side-step, and
Furthermore, atrophy of the GMax and the GMed unilateral bridge exercises. However, despite these
relative to the TFL has been observed to accompany results, the authors did not compare exercises with
hip osteoarthritis.3,7,8 Finally, weakness of the hip and without elastic resistance, a common modifica-
abductors and external rotators resulting in valgus tion used during treatment of patients to increase
positioning of the knee has been associated with activation of the targeted muscles.
knee osteoarthritis.9,19
It is important to determine if the addition of elastic
Extrapolating on these theorized and observed rela- resistance to common hip exercises results in simi-
tionships between weak GMax, weak GMed, and lar patterns of muscle activation among the GMax,
compensatory activity of the TFL that accompany GMed, and TFL. The primary purpose of this study
these conditions, clinicians have sought exercises was to determine the GTA index and compare muscle

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Page 669
activation of the GMax, GMed, and TFL while per- iliac spine, while the leg was extended, parallel to
forming 13 commonly prescribed exercises designed the muscle fiber direction. The reference electrode
to target the GMax and GMed. The secondary pur- was placed over the right acromioclavicular joint.
pose of this study was to compare muscle activation
of the GMax, GMed, and TFL while performing a Participants rode a stationary bike for five minutes
subgroup of three matched exercises with and with- with no resistance to warm-up prior to beginning
out elastic resistance. testing. Following the warm-up, maximal voluntary
isometric contraction (MVIC) was established for
each muscle group. This was completed by using
the manual muscle test position for the GMax,
A convenience sample of 11 healthy, physically
GMed, and TFL as described by Selkowitz, et al.15
active males and females, free of low back pain
For each muscle group, three repetitions, held for
and lower extremity injuries, were recruited for the
five seconds, were performed. The highest average
study. Exclusionary criteria included no hip, back or
peak value of the three repetitions, from the corre-
lower extremity injuries or surgery within the past
sponding manual muscle test, was recorded as the
year. All data collection was performed in an out-
MVIC of each muscle.
patient physical therapy and chiropractic clinic in a
repeated measures cohort study. Prior to participa- The sequence of exercises was randomized in order
tion in the study, all subjects were given an expla- for each participant to minimize the influence of
nation of the study and provided written informed fatigue. The exercises selected are commonly pre-
consent. This study was approved by an Institutional scribed for treating painful conditions of the back,
Review Board for trial in human subjects. Surface hip and knee, and are consistent with the exercises
EMG was performed using a Noraxon Myosystem studied by previous researchers.15,27 For the exercises
1400A (Noraxon USA, Inc, Scottsdale, AZ) in order that involved elastic resistance, the level of resistance
to quantify the activation of the GMax, GMed, and was standardized so that the green colored Thera-
TFL. This was performed on the dominant leg while Band® Resistance Bands were used with the males
performing five repetitions of 13 exercises, three of and red colored bands were used with the females.
which were also performed with elastic resistance The length of the resistance bands was determined
(TheraBand®, Performance Health, Akron, OH). when the subject had no slack or tension at the start-
Participants wore comfortable, exercise clothing and ing position of the exercise. The examined exercises
all exercises were performed without shoes to pre- included the following 13 exercises, with five repeti-
vent the influence of footwear differences. tions of each exercise: [1] clams without resistance,
[2] clams with resistance, [3] side-lying hip abduc-
The participants’ dominant leg was determined by tion without resistance, [4] prone hip extension with-
asking with which leg they would use to kick a soccer out resistance, [5] quadruped hip extension without
ball. The skin was prepped using an alcohol pad and resistance, [6] quadruped hip extension with resis-
surface electrodes (BIOPAC Systems, Inc. Camino tance, [7] bridge without resistance, [8] bridge with
Goleta, CA.) were placed on the GMax, GMed, and resistance, [9] standing hip abduction with resistance
TFL muscles of the dominant side, based on the rec- on the stance leg, [10] standing hip abduction with
ommendations of Rainoldi et al.26 The GMax elec- resistance on movement leg, [11] standing hip exten-
trode was applied half the distance between the sion with resistance on the stance leg, [12] standing
greater trochanter and the mid sacral vertebra (S3), hip extension with resistance on the movement leg,
at the level of the trochanter, on an oblique angle and [13] running man gluteus maximus exercise on
parallel to the muscle fiber direction. The GMed the stability trainer.
electrode was placed anterior to the GMax over the
proximal 1/3 of the distance between the iliac crest Visual onset and offset of the EMG signal amplitude
and the greater trochanter, parallel to muscle fiber was used to select the middle three of five repeti-
direction. Finally, the TFL electrode was applied tions of each of the 13 trials. The sampling frequency
approximately 2 cm below the anterior superior was 1000 Hz and the EMG signals were smoothed,

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Page 670
rectified, and analyzed using a root-mean-square Table 1. Table 1: Ordering of Exercises by
algorithm of 100 ms to determine the peak activa- Gluteal-to-tensor Fascia Latae
tion for the GMax, GMed, and TFL. The average of Muscle Activation (GTA)** Index.
the three repetitions was used for statistical analysis.
The peak activation for each muscle was divided by
the corresponding MVIC and expressed as a percent
MVIC. This resulted in a percent activation for the
GMax, GMed, and TFL during each of the exercises.
The gluteal-to-TFL muscle activation (GTA) index
was calculated as described by Selkowitz et. al.15 The
GTA index employed the mean normalized EMG
values to create relative activation ratios of both the
GMax and GMed compared to the TFL. The relative
activation ratio for each gluteal muscle was multi-
plied by that muscle’s mean normalized EMG value,
summed, and then divided by two to provide the
GTA index: {[(GMed/TFL) x GMed] + [(GMax/TFL)
x GMax]}/2.15

The GTA index value for each exercise was rank

ordered from greatest (GMax and GMed activation
relative to TFL activation) to smallest. These rank-
ings are ordinal level and do not represent equal
intervals in the GTA index scores relative to the exer-
cises. A high score on the GTA index indicates there
was a high normalized EMG amplitude for both of
the gluteal muscles and they were both higher com- trainer without resistance, and bridge with resis-
pared to the TFL.15 tance generated the highest GTA index respectively.
The exercises that ranked lowest on the GTA index
A series of repeated measure of variance statistics
included quadruped hip extension without resis-
(R-ANOVA) were calculated to determine if there
tance and standing hip extension with resistance on
were differences in the muscle activation of the
the stance and movement leg.
GMax, GMed, and TFL while performing each of the
13 exercises. A significant (p < .05) main effect of Table 2 indicates that clams with (F1,10=30.77, p=
muscle detected by the R-ANOVA, indicated post hoc 0.00) and without (F1,10=35.07, p= 0.00) resistance
comparisons using Tukey’s least significant differ- produced significantly higher activation of the GMax
ences to determine the specific differences between compared to GMed and TFL and higher activation of
the means. Finally, comparisons were made between the GMed than TFL. Performing prone hip extension
the activation of each muscle group with and with- without resistance resulted in higher (F1,10=10.30,
out resistance during the three matched exercises p= 0.00) GMax and GMed compared to TFL. GMed
using paired t-tests. activation while side side-lying hip abduction with-
out resistance was higher (F1,10=8.60, p= 0.02) than
RESULTS either GMax or TFL activation. Similarly, activation
Five males and six females participated (mean age of the GMed was greater (F1,10=5.70, p=. 004) than
27.18+7.33 years and mean BMI 22.92+4.12). Table the GMax during standing hip extension with resis-
1 displays the GTA index and the relative rank of tance on the stance leg but similar to the activation
this index during the 13 exercises studied. The clams of the TFL. The only other exercise that elicited
with resistance, clams without resistance, running differences in activation of the muscle groups was
man gluteus maximus exercise on the stability standing hip abduction with resistance on the stance

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Page 671
Table 2. Comparison of Mean Percent Activation While Engaging in Various
Exercises With and Without Resistance.

leg with the activation of the GMax being lower than resulting in faulty lower extremity kinematics has
the GMed and the TFL (F1,10=45.28, p= 0.00). None been observed in a number of debilitating and pain-
of the remaining six exercises demonstrated signifi- ful conditions of the back, hip, and knee.1-9 There are
cant differences in activating the GMax, GMed or several possible reasons for this including the inabil-
TFL. ity to control the level of the pelvis and poor control
of dynamic valgus at the knee. The results of the
Comparisons in muscle activation of the GMax,
current study determined which exercises maximize
GMed, and TFL while performing a subgroup of
the activation of the GMed and GMax while mini-
three matched exercises with and without elastic
mizing the activation of the TFL. During clams with
resistance indicated that the addition of resistance
and without resistance the activation of the GMax
resulted in higher activation of only the TFL dur-
was highest followed by activation of the GMed and
ing the clams exercise (Tdf=10=2.65, p= 0.02). Activa-
then the TFL. This difference in activation between
tion of the GMax and Gmed were unaffected by the
the three muscles being studied was not exhibited
addition of resistance during the clam exercise. The
during any of the other exercises studied. These
addition of elastic resistance did not affect muscle
findings are consistent with previous authors who
activation during the quadruple hip extension or
reported that clam exercises activated the GMax and
GMed 20,23 while minimizing the activation of the
Muscle weakness or imbalance of hip abductors The ranking of the GTA index in Table 1 was simi-
and rotators, specifically the GMax, and GMed lar to that of Selkowitz et al.15 Both studies ranked

The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Page 672
the three common exercises using the GTA Index observation supports the theoretical relationships
in the same order: the clams yielding the highest that as one muscle weakens, the synergistic muscle
GTA index rank, followed by bridge, and then quad- contributes as the new primary muscle.12-14 Finally,
ruped hip extension. In fact, both studies indicated the results are consistent with the work of previ-
that the GTA index, defined as relative activation of ous investigators15,20-25 who reported that the clams
the GMax and GMed compared to the TFL, when exercise may be a preferred exercise to activate the
performing clams, was approximately twice that of gluteal muscles while minimizing the relative acti-
the GTA index when performing either the bridge vation of the TFL.
or the quadruped hip extension. Only clams, bridge,
The results of the current study indicate that acti-
and quadruped hip extension were exercises com-
vation of the GMax, GMed, and TFL were predomi-
mon to both the study conducted by Selowitz et al.15
nately not changed as a result of adding resistance to
and the current study. Both studies findings indi-
the three exercises studied (clams, bridge, and quad-
cate that GMax and GMed activation were greater
ruped hip extension). One possible explanation for
than TFL activation during the clam exercise. While
this finding is that the level of resistance did not pro-
only Selkowitz et al.15 reported significantly greater
vide a sufficient stimulus to change the percentage
activation of the gluteal muscles over the TFL when
activation of the muscles being studied in the young
performing the bridge and quadruped hip extension,
healthy population being studied. Assuming that
the current study observed a similar, although not
the exercises elongated the TheraBand® Resistance
statistically signficant pattern during the same exer-
Bands to twice their resting length (100 percent),
cises. This indicates a consistent higher activation
the maximum amount of torque generated during
of the GMax and GMed compared to the TFL dur-
the exercise would be 3.7 lbs and 4.6 lbs of force for
ing clams only. The lack of a significant difference
the red band and green band respectively.28 It is pos-
between activation of the muscles during the bridge
sible that a heavier resistance would have generated
and quadruped hip extension compared to Selkow-
a greater activation of these muscles compared to
itz et al.15 may be attribuatble to the smaller sample
the activation observed when performing the exer-
size and a high degree variability of the measures
cises without resistance. Future studies may wish
within the current investigation. These consistent
to examine activation patterns of the GMax, GMed,
findings in activation patterns during these exer-
and the TFL with higher levels of resistance applied
cises provides evidence to the practitioner that the
during the exercises.
clams exercise may provide maximum activation of
the gluteal muscles while minimizing activation of Although enlightening, the results of this study need
the TFL. Since this pattern of muscle activation is to be interpreted cautiously due to a number of limi-
believed to be optimal for conditions related to hip tations that future investigators may wish to address.
muscle weakness, these findings in muscle activa- First, the sample consisted of asmall healthy group
tion patterns and ranking of the GTA index may with a high degree of variability in the outcome mea-
warrant use of the clams exercise in patients with sures. Future studies may wish to examine a larger
conditions involving poor hip biomechanics or hip more homogenous sample of individuals with a simi-
muscle performance. lar degree of chronic back pain. Second, muscle acti-
vation was based upon surface EMG technology that
The results addressing the primary purpose of the may have been affected by muscle activity beyond
study may be associated with a variety of factors. the targeted muscles being studied, e.g. “cross talk,”
First, this study was conducted among healthy which is an inherent limitation of all surface EMG
young adults without back or hip problems. It is pos- studies. Future studies replicating this design may
sible that due to this, six of the thirteen exercises wish to employ fine wire technology when measur-
examined had similar activation of the GMax, GMed, ing muscle EMG activity. Finally, the addition of
and TFL. In addition, previous studies of individu- elastic resistance in this study did not consistently
als with back or hip problems indicated differences result in a greater degree of muscle activation. This
in the activation patterns of these muscles.3,4,18 This unexpected finding may be addressed by future

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The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Page 675

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