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Ansible-Master server

1)sudo su===>Change to root
2)Whoami==>To check the User
3)python –version==>To check the python version in master
4)yum install ansible==>To install ansible
sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2 ==>for amazon-linux
5)ansible - -version==>To check the version of ansible
6)useradd ansible
7)passwd ansible
8)visudo==>without a passwd=>ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
9)vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config==>Enable passwordAuthentication
10)service sshd status
11)service sshd restart
12)su – ansible

commands to execute As ansible admin

14)ssh-keygen==>Hit enter for everything
15)cd .ssh==>((id-rsa
16)ssh-copy-id>Establish connection between master and client
(it will generate know_hosts it contains key)
17)cd /etc/ansible/==>
ansible.cfg==>main configuration file
hosts==>Inventory file
18) sudo vim hosts=>copy client ip address

19)ansible all -m ping

20)ansible -m ping==>to ping multiple clients

groups in hosts file


Group of Groups

21)ansible ggroup -m ping

22)ansible all -m ping -i host1==>for customised inventory file
23)ansible all -m shell -a “uptime”===>uptime from client
24)ansible all -m copy -a “src=./hosts dest=/tmp/”==>copy files
25)ansible all -m file a “path=/tmp/xyx.txt state=touch mode=777”
==>To create a file in client with permissions
26)ansible all -m file a “path=/tmp/xyx.txt state=touch ”
==>To create a file in client without permissions
27)ansible all -m file a “path=/tmp/xyx.txt state=absent”
==>To delete the file in client
28)ansible all -m file a “path=/tmp/xyx state=directory”
==>To create a directory in client
29)ansible-doc -l==>for ansible documentation
30)ansible-doc -l | wc -1===>3387 modules in ansible
31)ansible all -m yum -a “name=httpd state=present” -b
=>to install package in ansible client(Ad-hoc)
32) ansible all -m yum -a “update”
ansible all -m shell -a “yum update”
ansible all -m command -a “yum update”

33)ansible all -m fetch -a “path=src=/tmp/xyz.txt dest=/tmp/abc.txt ” -b==>Download file from

client to master
Ansible-Client server
1)python - - version
2)useradd ansible
3)passwd ansible
4)visudo==>without a passwd=>(ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL)
5)vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config==>Enable passwordAuthentication
6)service sshd restart
7)whereis httpd (or) which httpd(location=>/sbin/httpd)

Two ways to interact with client nodes

1)Ad-hoc commands(Single line commands)

2)playbook==>Script for ansible
ansible is a idempotency

“.yaml/.yml===>yet another markup language

structure of playbook
- hosts: all
become: yes
- yum: name=php state=present
- yum: name=java state=present

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