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Brand Management

7 February 2020

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Me, myself and I
▪ Background
Introduction ▪ Professional Experiences
▪ Future Plans

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Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Icebreaker: The Interview
▪ Break the group into two-person teams
(pick a partner that they know the least
▪ Have them interview each other for about
5 minutes.
▪ They need to learn about what each other
Activity 1 likes about their job, past jobs, family life,
hobbies, favorite sport, etc.
▪ After the interviews, reassemble the
group and have each team introduce their
team member to the group.
▪ This exercise helps learn about each

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ The ‘B’ Word
▪Brand. 1. n. Piece of burning or
smouldering wood, torch, (literary); sword
(poetic); iron stamp used red-hot to leave
an indelible mark, mark left by it, stigma,
trade-mark, particular kind of goods (all of
the best bb.). 2. v.t. Stamp (mark, object,
skin), with b., impress indelibly (is branded
on my memory). [The Pocket Oxford
Brands Dictionary of Current English, 1934]
▪ Brand (noun): a trade mark, goods of a
particular make: a mark of identification
made with a hot iron, the iron used for this:
a piece of burning or charred wood, (verb):
to mark with a hot iron, or to label with a
trade mark. [The Oxford American
Dictionary, 1980]

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Google
▪ Apple
▪ Nike

Examples of ▪

Harley Davidson
Good Brands ▪ Aarong

Any other brands that you want to be listed here?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Microsoft
▪ BP
▪ Teletalk
▪ Cats Eye
Examples of
Bad Brands Any other brands that you want to be listed here?

Reference: Handout – BRAND HEAVEN

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
▪ Latin “Advertire” – to turn to
▪ To announce publicly or to give public notice
▪ The dissemination of information concerning an idea,
Advertising service, product or (…) to induce action in accordance
with the intent of the advertiser
▪ Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified
More ▪ WHAT IS PR, then?
▪ Non-paid (!!)

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Creative Brief

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Why
▪ What
▪ Who
▪ What's in it for them?
▪ Where
▪ When
What goes in a ▪ What Not
▪ Single Minded Proposition
Creative Brief? ▪ Tone of Voice
▪ Mandatory Elements
▪ Considerations
▪ Measurements
Reference: Handout – GREY CREATIVE

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
▪ TIME: 15 minutes
▪ Individual Activity
Activity 2 ▪ Using the ad techniques, mentioned in your handout,
match the ad with technique

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Premium
▪ Value for Money
▪ Family Warmth
▪ Problem Solution
▪ Fun
Positioning ▪ Trendy
▪ Role Model
▪ Anti Establishment
▪ Technical Leader
▪ Service Leader

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Design & ▪ Lets look at another presentation!

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Event:
▪ singular experience
▪ occasion led
▪ Activation:
▪ cluster of experiences
▪ campaign led
Event &
Activation BOTH ARE dependent on ‘The

Reference: HANDOUT - Event Management,

Brand Activation

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Creativity Cycle

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Sum Up

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Great brief on a legendary brand
▪ For European re-launch advertising
▪ Technology development of Japanese
▪ Historical anecdotes about the technical quality
and reliability of Harleys.
▪ Price was perhaps seen to be the biggest barrier,
Case Study 1: with many men comparing assumed price levels
of a Harley with that of a family saloon size and
Harley Davidson impracticability of a 30 sec stone motorcycle
around the narrow.
▪ However, it was clear that if you take Harley-
Davidson motorcycle at face value, on purely
product specific criteria, there is no rational
reason for owning one. For this reason the brand is
paramount. As one Harley owner claimed.
▪ ‘On any yardstick of performance, Japanese bikes
outclass Harleys … but they ain’t a Harley’.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Research showed that there is something in every biker,
and most male non-bikers, that makes them want to own

THE HARLEY a Harley.

▪ This was termed the Harley Gene. But for most people it
GENE was “one day…” “today”. The task was to stimulate this
Harley gene.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ We believed that our advertising
should specifically:
▪ Re-awaken the ‘Harley Gene’ in the
target audience across Europe.
▪ Perceptually drag Harley into the
late 1990’s without losing the core
The Role of values that make it such an icon.
Advertising ▪ Force the audience to consider a
Harley ‘today’, not just ‘one day’
(get people into dealerships).
▪ Differentiate Harley from the
imitators with a campaign that only
Harley-Davidson could produce.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ The rational excuse that could re-awaken the
‘Gene’ was required
▪ As far as we could see, there was no such excuse.
▪ (Insight)… featured the life of a late US H.O.G.
(Harley Owners Group) Chairman who died in a
motorcycling accident. The inscription on his
gravestone read:
PROVIDING THE ▪ ‘Whilst he was alive, he lived’
▪ The excuse for overcoming all the rational
RATIONAL barriers was time-the fragility of life. Life is too
short to keep putting off the Harley you have
EXCUSE always promised yourself, to let rational thoughts
get in the way.
▪ As an experiential rather than practical vehicle,
and for a company whose US H.O.G. is ‘Live to
ride’ ride to live’, the idea of making the passing
of time the rational excuse that consumers
needed, was a natural fit.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

If I had my life to live over, I’d try and make more mistakes next time.
I would relax
▪ I would limber up
▪ I would be sillier than I have been this trip
▪ I know of very few things I would take seriously
▪ I would be crazier
▪ I would be less hygienic
▪ I would take more chances
▪ I would take more trips
▪ I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets…..
▪ I would eat more ice cream and less beans
▪ I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones
▪ You see, I am one of those people who live prophylactically and sanely and sensibly, hour after hour,
day after day.
▪ Oh, I have had my moments and, if I had to do it over again, I’d have more of them.
▪ In fact, I’d try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years
ahead each day.
▪ I have been one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a
gargle, a raincoat and a parachute.
▪ If I had to do it over again, I would go places and do things and travel lighter than I have.
▪ If I had my life to live over, I would start bare-footed earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the
▪ I would play hooky more
▪ I wouldn’t make such good grades except by accident
▪ I would ride on more merry-go-rounds
▪ I’d pick more daises.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Every day of your life without a
Harley-Davidson is another day

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Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪A communication problem
WHY within IT industry
▪See a normal scenario

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By
▪ An Active Listener

▪ An Effective Presenter
GOOD ▪ A Quick Thinker
▪ A Win-Win Negotiator

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Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Why to communicate?

▪ What to communicate?

▪ Usefulness of the communication.

▪ Accuracy of the Information to be communicated.


▪ The process of transferring the information you want to communicate into a form that can be
sent and correctly decoded at the other end.

▪ Ability to convey the information.

▪ Eliminate sources of confusion. For e.g. cultural issues, mistaken assumptions, and missing

▪ Knowing your audience

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Verbal Communication Channels
▪ Face-To-Face meetings

▪ Telephones

▪ Video Conferencing
PROCESS OF ▪ Written Communication Channels
▪ Letters
▪ e-Mails

▪ Memos

▪ Reports

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Strengths and Weaknesses
▪ Verbal Communication:

Strength - Role of Body Language

Weakness - Not possible to give long list of directions

COMMUNICATION ▪ Written Communication:

Strength - A proof of a communication

Weakness - Written words do not show a person’s

actual feelings.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


▪ Listen actively
▪ Reading information carefully
▪ Avoid confusion,
▪ Ask questions for better understanding.


COMMUNICATION ▪ The prior knowledge can influence the receiver’s

understanding of the message.

▪ Blockages in the receiver’s mind.

▪ The surrounding disturbances.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


Feedback can be:

COMMUNICATION ▪ Verbal Reactions and Non-Verbal (Written,
Unwritten) Reactions.

▪ Positive feedback and Negative feedback.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Various Cultures (Corporate, International,
Regional, etc)

▪ Language

PROCESS OF ▪ Location or Place (Restaurant, Office, Auditorium,

Room, etc)
▪ Situation

The sender needs to communicate the context to

the receiver for better clarity in the
communication process.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Sequentially assign every individual.
▪ 1 representative pick up on chit from the lot.
▪ Memorize the sentence and return the chit.
▪ Go back and utter the sentence to the 2nd person.
▪ No one else should hear the sentence.
▪ Then the 2nd person should utter it to the 3rd person
and so on.
▪ The last person should announce the sentence to
▪ And 1st person reads the chit.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Only verbal communication can
create chaos while it reaches the last

▪ Every person’s thought process

WHAT DID WE influences the individual
LEARN? understanding.

So be an active listener......

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Few tips:

▪ Understand your own communication style

▪ Be an active listener
▪ Use non-verbal communication

▪ Give feedback – through constructive


Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

1. Understand your own communication style:
▪ High level of self-awareness is required for creating
good & long lasting impression on others.

▪ Understand how others perceive you.

LISTENING ▪ Avoid being CHAMELEON by changing with every
personality you meet.

▪ Make others comfortable by selecting appropriate

behavior that suits your personality while listening.
(Ideally nodding your head).

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

2. Be An Active Listener:

▪ People speak @ 100 to 175 WPM but can listen

intelligently @ 300 WPM. (Reference: Radio Speed)

▪ One part of human mind pays attention, so it is easy to

go into mind drift.

ACTIVE ▪ Listen with a purpose.

▪ Purpose can be to gain information, obtain directions,
understand others, solve problems, share interest, see
how another person feels, show support, etc.

▪ If it is difficult to concentrate then repeat the speakers

words in your mind.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

3. Use Non-verbal Communication:

▪ Smiles

ACTIVE ▪ Gestures
▪ Eye Contact

▪ Posture

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

4. Give Feedback

▪ Remember that what someone says and what we

hear can be amazingly different.

ACTIVE ▪ Repeat back or summarize to ensure that you

LISTENING understand.

▪ Restate what you think you heard and ask, "Have I

understood you correctly?"

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Some major areas of nonverbal behaviors to
explore are:

▪ Eye contact
SIX WAYS OF USING ▪ Facial expressions
▪ Gestures
SKILLS EFFECTIVELY ▪ Posture and body orientation
▪ Proximity
▪ Para-Linguistics
▪ Humor

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Eye is a direct and most expressive part of our

Different ways of eye contact

SIX WAYS OF USING ▪ Direct eye contact: (Shows confidence)
▪ Looking downwards (Listening carefully or
COMMUNICATION ▪ Single raised eyebrow (Doubting)
SKILLS EFFECTIVELY ▪ Both raised eyebrows (Admiring)
▪ Bent eyebrows (Sudden focus)
▪ Tears coming out (Emotional either happy or

………and many more

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


Smile covers the most part of facial expression:

Smiling is a powerful cue that transmits:

▪ Happiness
COMMUNICATION ▪ Friendliness
▪ Warmth

▪ Liking

▪ Affiliation

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


▪ If you fail to gesture while speaking, you

may be perceived as boring, stiff and
NON-VERBAL ▪ A lively and animated teaching style
captures students' attention, makes the
COMMUNICATION material more interesting, facilitates
SKILLS EFFECTIVELY learning and provides a bit of

▪ Head nods, a form of gestures,

communicate positive reinforcement to
students and indicate that you are listening.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


• You communicate numerous messages by the way you

walk, talk, stand and sit.

SIX WAYS OF USING • Standing erect, but not rigid, and leaning slightly forward
communicates to students that you are approachable,
NON-VERBAL receptive and friendly.
SKILLS EFFECTIVELY • Furthermore, interpersonal closeness results when you and
your students face each other.

• Speaking with your back turned or looking at the floor or

ceiling should be avoided; it communicates disinterest to
your class.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Cultural norms dictate a comfortable distance for
interaction with audience.

▪ You should look for signals of discomfort caused by

invading any audience’s space.
SIX WAYS OF USING ▪ Some of these are:
NON-VERBAL ▪ Rocking
COMMUNICATION ▪ Leg swinging
▪ Tapping

▪ To counteract this, move around the classroom to

increase interaction with your audience. Increasing
proximity enables you to make better eye contact
and increases the opportunities for audience to

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

This facet of nonverbal communication includes
vocal elements such as:

- Loudness

- Inflection

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

- We have over 630 muscles in your body.
- Eye muscles are the busiest muscles in the body.
Scientists estimate they may move more than
100,000 times a day.
- We have over 30 muscles in your face to help you
smile or frown. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43
to frown.


- The strongest muscle in our body is our tongue.

- It takes the interaction of 72 different muscles to
produce human speech.

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Can you list down the ways that will make
you a better presenter – seller –

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Divide into 3 groups
▪ Within the groups, divide into two parts – the
client and the agency
▪ The role of the client side is to deliver a brief to
the agency side on a
▪ new product/service
▪ new offer of old product/service
▪ CSR campaign relating to company values
Activity 3 ▪ The role of the agency side is to come up with a
short-term, 360 degree, campaign with
proposition and exection ideas.
▪ Both sides will meet to sell the share and refine
the idea
▪ Present back to me
▪ TIME: 30 minutes to prepare, 30 minutes to present

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Re-Visit the Outline
Let’s see if we missed anything!

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


Intro Session
Understanding brands.

How Brand Management Works

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Creating a Strong Brand
What image are you communicating with your brand?

Is it the image and message you want to create?

How to create your desired brand image?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Look at other brands in the marketplace – what do you
like? What works?

▪ Consider what your current brand communicates to

your customers
Step 1 ▪ Ask your customers what they think – get feedback

RESEARCH ▪ Ask the people who don’t use your services what they

▪ Listen and take notes

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Create a list of words that describe what customers may
want from the services or product you are selling
▪ IT company = efficiency, making the complex simple,
support, clear/up-to-date advice

Step 2 ▪ Brainstorm the words that describe what your

customers get from the service or product you deliver
Define desired ▪ IT company = time & effort-saving, effective, systems that
brand values work, advice & support

▪ Choose 3 or 4 words that describe the values that you

want your brand to represent
▪ IT company = clarity, efficiency, connected

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Write down the words that describe the image you
would like to portray in the marketplace
Step 3 ▪ Simple, clean, uncluttered, minimal
See the visual ▪ Find samples of visual representation of those
impact you want messages, collect, share with design team
▪ Notice the impact of colour
to create
▪ Provide a full brief

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Once sample images have been created, ask for
Step 4 feedback from a selection of customers, members of
your team
Fine-tune with ▪ Have a broad selection for a balanced view
feedback ▪ Note: special cases

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Use brand image on all marketing and communication

Step 5 ▪ Consistency is vital

Create brand ▪ Clear guidelines

▪ Ensure everyone adheres to them – i.e. brand
guidelines compliance

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Clarifying your Offer
Can you describe your offering clearly and the
value it delivers?
Are your consumers/customers clear about how
they should engage with you?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Undertake research – market, customer, competition
▪ Listen to feedback from customers’ repeated queries,
▪ Critically examine your product/service – how can they
provide solutions to these problems?
▪ Think about the different stages of your service – how
CLARITY are they delivered, what resource is required to do so?
To-do List ▪ Consider your prices – how do they compare with your
▪ Test out various product/service packages and pricing
with your customers

▪ Review your offering from time to time. Focus on

continual improvements

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Knowing your USP
What is it that you do or what is it about you that
other, similar brands don’t do?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Make a list about what is special/unique about your
product or service
▪ Read your testimonials – what positive feedback had
got from customers? Highlight words and phrases
▪ Check out you competitors ads. Note down their
USP ▪ Note down what you could offer that is different from
your competition – POSITIONING!
To-do List ▪ Pick out a thing or two about your brand that you could
make specific and measurable – speed at which you
deliver, quality, results. Make sure any quality passes
the SMART test (specific,,measurable, achievable,
relevant, time-bound)
▪ Pre-test

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


Positioning you
What talents and skills make you a great brand
management specialist?

How can you prove your expertise?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


Getting your Key

Messages Right
What value do you offer your customers?

What do they value most about your

service/product brand?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By


The Right Brand

Communication Methods
Which methods are best for your brand?

Which combinations could achieve your brand


Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

How to Write a Simple
Brand Plan
Do you know what your brand wants to achieve?
How are you planning for your brand?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ Business description / Background – who you are and what
you do
▪ Market – a description of what is happening in your
▪ Competition – what they offer, their strengths, and
weaknesses – SWOT
▪ Target areas – your target geographic locations

Simple but ▪ Niches – your target specialist areas / sectors

▪ Objectives – what you want to achieve
effective! ▪ Methods – list of appropriate channels
▪ Budget – how much you commit to each method
▪ Strategy – key ‘how-to’ actions of each method
▪ Resources – resources required to implement the strategy –
internal & external providers

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

Briefing Suppliers
How do you conduct briefings in order to get
delivered the standard you expect?

How do you do so effectively?

Brand Management Masterclass by ISHRAQ DHALY Organized By

▪ What do you want to achieve?
▪ What are your objectives/measurable goals for the project?
▪ What are your timescales and deadlines?
▪ Who is going to manage the project?
▪ Who are you targeting? Who is this aimed at?
▪ What ideas and inputs do you have for the project?

Briefing ▪ What information do you have to provide the suppliers and in what
To-Do List ▪ Who is going to provide the information?
▪ What are the stages of the project?
▪ What is the review process?
▪ What are the terms and conditions of engagement?
▪ What insurances/guarantees of delivery do you have?
▪ What is the process of changing the brief?

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Promoting Success
Can you create case studies to promote success?

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ADD 1 or
2 key

Challenge Idea


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Test & Measure ROI
Do you know which of your methods is most

How do brands test & measure ROI?

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▪ Create a simple system
▪ Diligently collect data and operate system until you
have enough information for meaningful conclusions
▪ Understand the difference between hard & easy
Testing & measurements

Measuring ROI in ▪ Test on small set first

a few simple ▪ Choose right measurement for right method

steps! ▪ Ask people what they heard about you

▪ Review stats
▪ Evaluate results & make decisions

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Thank You!
+880 1717 035257

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