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The table compares three American states, in terms of age, average income per head and population

living under poverty line.

Overall, Utah has more young population than 2 other states while Florida is the country with the
most elderly population out of 3 states. Additionally, although California’s citizens earn more than
others, this is the state with the highest poverty rate.

Regarding age demographics, Utah has 28% of population aged under 18, making it the youngest
population state. Meanwhile, well over 15% of citizens in California and Florida are youngsters.
Turning to the elderly population, Florida has the most inhabitants aged over 60 with 23%, followed
by 13% and 8% for California and Utah in turn.

In terms of income, California dwellers earn total $23,000 each person, $1000 higher than that figure
for Florida. By contrast, Utah is the state with the least income per head with only $17,000. Looking
at population living under poverty line, 16% of population in California belongs to the poor while
Florida has 12% of state’s dweller living under the poverty line. By contrast, Utah is the most
prosperous out of 3 states with the poverty rate being only 9%.

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