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Assoc. Prof. PhD.

Nguyễn Văn Nhận



Lesson ESP 11

Đà Nẵng – 2023


An Electric Vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that uses one or more electric
motors for propulsion. EVs include, but are not limited to, road and rail
vehicles, surface and underwater vessels, electric aircraft and electric
EVs first came into existence in the mid-19th century, when electricity
was among the preferred methods for motor vehicle propulsion, providing a
level of comfort and ease of operation that could not be achieved by the
gasoline cars of the time. Internal combustion engines were the dominant
propulsion method for cars and trucks for about 100 years, but electric power
remained commonplace in other vehicle types, such as trains and smaller
vehicles of all types.
In the 21st century, EVs have seen a resurgence due to technological
developments, and an increased focus on renewable energy and the potential
reduction of transportation's impact on climate change and other
environmental issues.

Electric Tricycle
The first electric vehicle in history
to be displayed to the public in
1881 (Ne = 0.1 HP)

The operational and functional principles in Electric-motor-powered

Vehicle (EV) and Internal-Combustion-Engine-powered Vehicle (ICEV) are
similar, regardless of the type of the engine. The automobile will still have a
frame, a suspension system, a steering system, a brake system, wheels and
tires, and a body. The automobile must be start-able, movable, steerable, and
stoppable, and must enclose and protect the driver and passengers in comfort
and safety. There are, however, some differences between ICEV and EV,
such as the use of a gasoline tank versus batteries, IC engine versus electric
motor, and different transmission requirements.

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyễn Văn Nhận - Dong A - 20



Mechanical transmission Fig.

Electric motor drive 2.1. Primary
EV's Powertrain
Electric energy storage

Fig. 2.2. Modern EV's Powertrains

C- Clutch, D- Differential, FG- Fixed
Gearing, GB- Gearbox, M- Electric motor

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyễn Văn Nhận - Dong A - 20


Previously, the EV was mainly converted from the existing ICEV by

replacing the IC engine and fuel tank with an electric motor and battery pack
while retaining all the other components (Fig. 2.1). Drawbacks such as its
heavy weight, lower flexibility, and performance degradation have caused the
use of this type of EV to fade out.
The modern EV is purposely built, based on original body and frame
designs. This satisfies the structure requirements unique to EVs and make use
of the greater flexibility of electric propulsion.


The fuel and oxidizing agent are continuously and separately supplied
to the two electrodes of the cell, where they undergo a reaction. Electrolyte is
necessary to conduct the ions from one electrode to the other. Fuel is supplied
to the anode, where electrons are released from the fuel under catalyst. The
electrons, under the potential difference between these two electrodes, flow
through the external circuit to the cathode, where combining positive ions and
oxygen, reaction products, or exhaust are produced.
In contrast to a electric battery, the fuel cell generates electric energy
rather than storing it and contributes to do so as long as a fuel supply is
maintained. A fuel cell is a galvanic cell in which the chemical energy of a
fuel is converted directly into electrical energy by means of electrochemical

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyễn Văn Nhận - Dong A - 20



The EV has many advantages over the conventional ICEV, such as
absence of emissions, independence from petroleum, easy driving, low
maintenance, and quiet and smooth operation.
Although the evidence of the positives has become very clear, there are
also some downsides that each individual needs to consider before they
decide to make an electric car their next big investment. These reasons are:
 Steep initial investment and battery replacement problem,
 Short driving range and speed,
 Problems of recharge points and electricity supply,
 Long recharge time.

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyễn Văn Nhận - Dong A - 20




Students are required to complete below-given assignments in writing.
A11.1. What are the primary similarities and differences between EVs and
ICEVs in respect of their operational and functional principles ?
A11.2. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of an EV over an ICEV
A11.3. What is the primary difference between fuel cells and electric batteries ?
A11.4. What are main reasons why EVs would not replace ICEVs in the near
future in Vietnam ?
A11.5. Select Vietnamese technical terms that are considered to be closest in
meaning to the below-given English ones, respectively :
No. English Vietnamese
1) Catalyst
2) Electric Motor
3) Electric Vehicle
4) Electric-Motor-powered Vehicle
5) Electrode
6) Electrolyte
7) Emissions
8) Fuel Cell
9) Internal-Combustion-Engine-
powered Vehicle
10) Oxidizing Agent

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyễn Văn Nhận - Dong A - 20



Choose the single most correct answer.
B11.1. Which of the following are advantages of EVs over ICEVs ?
A. No gasoline required B. Lower amount of pollution
C. Low maintenance D. All of the mentioned
B11.2. All of the following are disadvantages of EVs in comparison with
A. Shorter driving range B. Easy driving
C. Battery replacement D. Longer recharge time
B11.3. Which is the chief reason why EVs would not replace ICEVs in Vietnam
in the near future ?
A. Global warming B. Battery recharge points
C. Climate change D. Convenience to drive
B11.4. What are the reasons that would make ICEVs being still in use in
Vietnam in incoming years ?
A. The initial investment B. Long driving range
C. Shortage of electricity D. All of the mentioned
B11.5. Which is the main difference between EVs and ICEVs as far as the
construction is concerned ?
A. Brakes B. Suspensions
C. D. All of the mentioned

------- The End -------

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyễn Văn Nhận - Dong A - 20

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